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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 26, 1932     Golden Valley News
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May 26, 1932
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r POUR supply showed far more being sold here and at other ~I the county than would be to make a start; but that ~1 Datrons would have to sigrL up tQ detiver their cream to the cream- ~.+for five years, and that tf e~lt" time they were dl~atisfi , arrange a withdrawal. He a premium of several cents over ~m. current market price for stale would ~e paid for the fresh ~; that the paren~ cl~apany Nil Producers .modern cream Ilellleawh~ equtpmen~ at an mex- ~aill~Ve price and liberal terms so ~this premium could easily be ~lled; that the creamery woul ld the expense of paylng oD milk to distant creamerlte~a~ ~ a marked saving; tha was enough butterfat tn evi- ~here to make 250,000 pounds ~t t~aatter annually, which would as- a profitable business, which could undoubtedly be tn- et~Ued by proper work of the man- emphasized that one of the T~me necessities of any cooperi~- t|~ organization was loyalty by ts ~bers, as, if they bootlegged t]~Ir cream elsewhere because of a o~Ipetitive and spasmodic increase In price by the old llne companies, the project would fail; io~alty to home institution through thick and thin being the one great es- ~aUal. T/~ere were 11,600 cans of cream si~ped ,from the county last year, or ~/42,400 pounds, containing about percent of butterfat, the farm- er+ thus paying express on 65 per- cent of material they got no pay for.~ Poultry would also in all pro- bablltty, be' handled by the cream- cry and that meant assurance of a fair price for that product, and maybe ice cream would in time be to the creamery output. The l~ttter was then generally discuss- ed. It was deCided to have the Land O' Lakes representative come here lad lay their t~lan on the table in all its details so that there would be misunderstanding regarding the ~lationship and helpfulness of that ~mpany with the local concern. The interest in the meeting was matlifest .from the fact that after adjournment the farmers formed in g-rOtlIls outside the hotel and talked the m~tter over most favorably for an hour or more before going home. a~ they said. well pleased, and with the remark that if a creamery was l~tlized here it would be because of the interest and intelligent search after facts by the Lions club. The farmers presen~ at the meet- lug were: O M. Clarin Stoner Ekre, J. D. Kukowski. Glenn Hath- aw;ty, A. E. Scheffer, L. C. Ziels- d~f, WE. Ueckert. Bert Brown. H. L. Rilea, Ernest Zielsdorf, Martin Kittelson, Julius Anderson. Frank D~, B. R. Roberts, Frank M. 1~115on. R. R. Kimball. C. J. Haijs- m~n, Geo. E. Hammond. Ernest Nelson, J. C. Butterfield. Roy Mc- ~ey, Ed. Ffllner. D. L. Kukowski T. A. Wosepka. Ed. Feldmann. C. EL Callendar, Louis Raisler, Lloyd L'~llendar, Geo. A. Mogle, C.C. Holl~tel~, H, W. Brown, Joe Peplin- ski, E;~K. Weliner. Chas. Winkle- ~ONGREGATION~L CHURCH Rev. C. G. Ellinger, pastor 10 a. m. Church school. */p, m.~ *I~ie Chrlstian Endeavor will hold & =~h~ow social on Friday, May 27. ~entineI Butte: A Memorial serv- l~e will be held at 8 a. m. Sunday SChool followir~g at lO a. m. All are Welcome. UNITED LUTIIERAN CHURCII P. A. Gisvold. Pastor ~day, May 29th. Beach: Sunday school 10 a. m. • ~trlyle: Morning worship, 11:30 ;t. ~tl. "Ollie: Afternoon worshtp, 2~30 p,m, o ST, PAUL'S LUTHERAN H. J. Trinklein, Pastor Dl~iue services will be held Sun- mor~ing at 10:30 o'clock. The lilY. H. J. Weseloh of Dickinson will in charge of the services. Ser- ~O~ topie: "The New Birth.' METHODIST CHURCH J. Ralph McNeil, Pastor Sunday school, I0:00 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Anthem by choir. C~mbined Epworth League and ~nlng services 7:30 p.m. Special Mid,week Bible study and Pray- ~"~. ][~- ~]~q~" "~'~" THURSDAy, r ' i DESERVES REELEG~rION ~=== =::-: - :-==-.- - ............. - =:--= =- :-=--- through Friday. i with interest the outcome of the SHADOW SOCIAL --'---thought, as a ri[! ~ " ~ LIP ~" ,.~ There will be no school Monday, future teams, moreand we hope theYen_ matte ~ ~ ql~'llJf)'~ d Memorial Day, as it is a legal hell-[ all offer much spirit and A Shadow Social will be held It has been of course, that Charles lrdrkpatrick, ~| A. | I, IL, ~.~L,~L~.,,II, L,~,//~ I day, but ~e*,~ hope all students will[ thusisam than we of the Senior the Congregational church, Frt~ present county commissioner from~ ~ ~,~,~, ~-~,~. ~.~,,~.. -- i take part in the exercises that are] class have• night at 7:30. Tms event will the Second district, would be en- [ I ~r~**,~** ,~.L~ o~,~xx.n.,~ i planned for the day. ] conducted by the Christian Ende dorsed for reelection withoutop-} ~__=-==-==- --_- ...... _---_--_ .... --- t The Senior class day will take[ HUMOR I or society, and the proceed~ will position, but one never can tellI place in the High school auditor-] Dorothea: "Isn't this an ideaI[to purchase a bulletin for what will happen in an election[ "AU REVOIR!" critical (ahem!) period of his life. ium at 9:30 May 31; all people are[ spot for a plenary Iio: "It must be. ] church. Everyone is welc~ ne year. He has opposition, but it] The time has co_me to say "Fare- . Although school has meant somei welcome. Fifty millioninsectscan'tbe a good time is assured. does not' seem well founded, as, SO[well," but, also, we know not what nard work, .it has certainly been t [ far as we have ever heard, there is [ t0 say. How Can we express our- worth it.. Nothing is obtained that [ ii Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lardy are ~al ! "' ' proud parents of a b~b~ ) y Tuesday evening. y men that composed th bas etball and football teams are i "~~R graduating. Many more freshmen, ~ *: ~ are going to fill these places. The junior class has the most repre-I At the Lions club creamery meet- sentative group of athletes for our' ing the other night the committee next year's teams. The boy's have named to handle the initiatory • +the greatest chance of any team creamery project was also instruct- |~~~T~ |~|~ a.spr°duCtcompleteWaS ash°tit ashouldnterestinghave been.her do things. These. in brief, are+;in the conference for a football ed to try arrange a tour to the title again next year. and in bas-i Wliliston creamery and possibly one |~|||r|~|||~ |1~ ~|~ Therefore our farewell cannot but some of the real sentiments of the ketball it will be a race between!other in the northern part of the ~ ~.-~,~ • • ~ • • n• be coupled with a feeling of semi- seniors in regard to high school. ', Beach. Dickinson Central High and I state, to which all interested farm- (Continued from page one) failure--the feeling that we could i Sentinel Butte, for the much covet- era are to be invited ~o take in with have and should have done bet- FEATURE ~ ed banner. All fan's eyes are turn- their cars and friends. The com- first inning on four hits by Jones, ter. Just as a bit of passing ad- "Skool is just about ouc and oh led toward the outcome of next mittee has gone into that matter Madison, T. Thompson and Enderle. vise, future Student Cry writers, boy ain't I ~lad" Th,s ro~d .~ ~t year's e~ents, enthusmst~calIv and suggests that R E $1" F U L S L E E They scored another in the second don't let self-pity or selfish outside.tor writ~m~ ~- a ~m~n a~, ,,~+~, ,~ We of the Senior class have of- June 15 be devoted to the trip, but g.. and two each in the thirdand interests dim your sense of duty. s anks xer .....~.~ ~:.,~ ~'f~red a~ we have ~o make Beachthe date will not be decided until :OETI:III .p .n+o e*v ..... • ........... ++ *+ .... + .... fourth innings. Belfield changed But. dear readers, since we have d~n't wnnt t~ ,h t~ ~tro~+ w+~+.+~+. +High school prominent in the ath- +he commzttee gets tn touch with pitchers in the fourth and Dett- acknowledged our short-coming, - ................................... ah,'avs baw's me out and ~ets croms :let,+ held. We will be watchmg the W,iLston concern. FEVERISH, CI IIL man held the Beach boys at bay and since we are now at the parting * * " ' + ' , because I don't have my ]essm~. T --:_--~ ~=--~~ until the seventh inning, when they of the ways, we hope you will for- kinda like that old Arithmetic but ' e ~ - _ - - ......... -=- z -- got to him for four runs, and add- get the fault~ and remember theI just can't see any sense to that, ~" ......... m --With Costoria s repulot ed two in the eighth. Belfield seer- few good things accomplished. If awful grammar. Teacher says it,II ~ a~qm,.m-mma~.,a TIME • ed one run in each of the third, there was a little value in our work aint' correct to say tl~ev i~ bm r ~ ~ ~ ~L~ ~ ~,.~ _+ _ fourth, seventh and eighth innings, and if you have enjoyed it even a ~ ....... ~t~.~ + ~' think it sounds just as good as: [] I~.~I' ii'~Jl~ ~la~malc,~ ~ ~ out\'~enin his'+'°Ursleep,Childit meanst°Sses heattd• --- --- ,.v,.-+• il ~\ ~ ~ comfortahle. Very often the ire~ hits to ten for Belfield. thor Time points his finger to the sa~d tt was supposed to be. I can'. ~ Let us show you how! ] | is that poisonous'wuste matter is The mtmmary: exit of the second staff of the Stu- never remember whether to say I [] / ~ ~)~L:~i~ •' being carried (fly ~s it should Beach AB 1~H E dent Cry.Farewell!--Elsie Bauld- will or I shall. Anyway I ah~:ays ~ THE FAMOUS 11" [~ ~ ~ Bowels need help mi!d, get le JoneS,Madison,C ss-p ............ ....... 54 21 32 01 ~ haupt, got along befour without all that I~ "~rl.V]~ ,~ ~=w~ ~ ~ --but effective. Just the ki Teed, 3b ............ 5 0 1 2 Should have an ooject same as anv i~ ~.~,~ ~ ~a-.A~J~ ~m • table preparation mad~,~pec dl: T Thompson, If ... 5 4 2 0~ WHAT HIGH SCHOOL HAS stuff. Seems like to me that iti~ J.~J.J..~LL]~J.dPl, l~J.J~.dJ[ll,+/ ..... ~~I~ • toria gives. Castoria is a~m ~ Evans, p ............ 1 0 0 0i MEANT TO ME other noun does. The other da~" ~ "•~. ..... ~ 1~)) \~~J~ __ W children s ailments/it cent in 5 12 11 It is, I think, the most outstand- when teacher wasn't lookin' Johnny '~ M~IIp~ 1/// ~~~1+1~~ ! harsh, harmful ~gs, no n re, Enderle, cf Nelson, rf-2b ......... ....... 5 1 2 0t ing opportunity that has ever and me was shootin' spit-balls at [] '~,px~¢ \~l ~] _ -- . = -~ • Don't let ~ur,,c~ild's rest--~ A Alguire lb ......... 4 2 1 0 knocked at the door of youth. It Marry. She's teacher's pet. She • .~.~ .....~ ~ • own--be i-n~t'~ruptcd. A p[qr ~t Beckley, 2b-as ....... 4 1 1 0 broadens his viewpoint, enriches sure got mad and she said she was • H~|.~ ~.~m~r~h|~ ~ • 5f Castoria will urge stubb, "n his knowledge,and gives him a G. Thompson, rf .... 4 2 1 1 going to tell teacher but she didn't ~ .......7~ ""=~'~# • ~ bowels to act. Then re!axed or .... chance to grow up before entering causeI guessshe kinda.l!kes JohnS ~ The new 1~ price is only ¢18.7J complete, and h includes the ~ ~ and restful sleep! Ge._cme as ~!!~eslodman 2b 4iB I:R 15 i' upon a more or less strenuous busi-~Y"e ~V:liln~ g°+esstr~c~epte~t~eui~ II l~a,t,ful b~l~, the convenient juice ext