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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 26, 1932     Golden Valley News
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May 26, 1932
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"PAGE ! Twenty Years Agol Tom Vallancy closed a deal with opening up in town. Wish history a Wisconsin man, J. B. Bawlow, i would repeat itself. Four and one-half sectlons of landI The Beach ball team-an all north of Beach went to the latterI home product--went down to Dick- at prices ranging from $18 to $22 an I Jason and cleaned the nine there acre, which was cheap in those days i 14 to 6. 20 years ago. I A baby girl was born to Mr. and The Advance 20 years ago was l Mrs. Peter Hartse, down ~arlyle strong for James Buchanan for I way, May 3, 1912. ~overnor..~o were. we with theI Mark Jones and his bride arrived ~:argo .tsouner-News re express our i in town from their honeymoom, wews m. . land Mark couldn't resist a sneech W. W. Tousmy, who for a couplei on the happy occasion. o: years had been business manag-I The way the real estate boosters er of the Advance, received the up- I hoisted tile price of land in this pointment as state printer and bid section is told in an Advance R.~m gee bye. to Beach. We knewI about an Omaha man, a friend of "T0USe" mug before he came to C, Woldron, who lamented because Beach and knew his for an earn-l he had net bought a few sectiorm est, conscientious and as mild aI on his first visit a year or two 1~. mannered man who was true to fore when the same land was of- ' himself and those about him. Tous- i fered him at $5 per acre, but which ley held many positions after lear- ; jumped $17 and at the time of his ing Beach, and we often wonder visit was held at $25. L~ "TO{} He returned home on of Sitting BUll is publiShed for it is sign. . "r .... ~ _ _ ~ _ ,,Chiselin.~,, i nauled ou~ the feed wheat for most aLeaay unflers~ooa tn~ ne p.cttu'es , s ' o" th~ "~ ......... '~ h i " • I ,x e trotters IOIKS las~ w'ee~. Moore and John Honnold t e famous med cme man as a Taleso~ hlslater years on the~Quite a number from here went to to Beach Thursday. mighty warrior. Since there are reservation are many, most of them i Beach on Thursday to sign un~for and Mrs. Howard Van Horn plenty of folks in Dakota and else- ~howing his pro,~ensity for selling it W~'r~ ~rt~/~'~, t~,~¢,'~ +,, • [ ~loved over to tt~e Constant where who think he was anythingi his autograph and l]is pictures andi receiv'e~t~lis ~ee~l'-as ~:e'~al~i'"~,ere 4~~.t I [orn home. else but the fur will probably fly. I for "chiseling" whenever he pea- I chert of feed for stock Wednesday Mat Tescher me- Already there is .a pre~ controv-ls/bly could. Whether these thingsi ~L. Hod~in and J. E. MeAcalf me- 'to Beach to purchase some ersy ~e~ween Vestal and Jonn t). t indicate long association with the ttored to ~Wibaux on "D/esdav Mr Wheat. Neihardt author of the recentI white~ or the half-breed ancestry Hod~i ...... L'._..]--;.. ~: ." ' - * ~ II bll~II Wffllb ~ t~lencuve ~0 1 Brown and Philip Lardy l"Black Elk Speaks.*' !claimed by the Canadian writer. ~vi~t Clarer~e Deb~en at the hr~¢ Canners at Brier's on Tuesday ] By referring to the newspapers ! the papers do not say. At any rate i uital v~- ~--~-~"~,'~' ~ .... .~'~ ' piegler from Forsythe, Yon- of the '70s, before ~nd~tne.ri~he b at:i ~.??~ SntOrV ,~n to the .B~s i critical c di~:" suffering f';'om I~ Who has been wintering 2001 tie of the Little B= " .. -.:~:,, "m . b/ e late Cap~alnm2:~k. Daralvze~~e:*u~ ,'~ }ok last Tuesday. Clifford, ...... ' .... ~ ~r~.ur i~e-ermec celeor~tea every issue. His very name was Plain Dealer as late as '83 had to lbirthdav ~[ast Tuesday. Don't f,~- .orn and Jghn Honnold took ] feared and durinc' the time that he do ~dth Sitting Bull's mastery of ~et ~,:~¢ ~+ **.~ "*: * " ~-=--" ;o town. ~'- " ' "~ ' ul I - ' ,o . .~..-~, ~...~o ...~ ~s ,~eap ~ear [ was sojourning in Canada, it we d ~ certain labor principles, and thi~ vt~unv m,~n wn,,~,~ ~,,~ o have taken only the wold thba:rheI Belk was short of help on a trip; fine "c"a~ct~':-f'or a"n.~:'ofyo'u'. "He:s "" | Thursday with Cecella Tes- was once more across ..~ - + I to the Standing Rock reservation{Just a little shy that's all But next and on :he war path to aepcOPmml~?: ! and appealed to Sitting Bull he Leap Year may be too late, zo don't |' | Phursday the Camels Hump~ many ~11 Dakota self- r. .i saw on the bank to help him un-l wait too long I[~ Will hold their picnic. [Some of the storte~ bavetbe~ep~oli- : load 100 tons of government freight. I The J. R. Andre family called at (** Mat Teacher motored to~ en false but they i I t " 7 . - Sitting Bull called the Indians to- the Gifford home on Sunday. Tuesday afternoon. , ling of the time and help ~1~ sn~igether' said that the Great Father Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Franklin and Decker and family were ~is-of ~t stuff the S~ttmg' ' B~ m3 ~' m'. Wa.shi'ngton had sent a boat load Elmer Orr were Sunday dinne~ -- ~unday at Math Dietz'. woven, of good things for his people to guests at the Retchert home, Attendance at Sunday school last Sunday was 22. The Ralph MoSser family and the P. V. Moore family visited the city of Beach on Thursday. Mrs. J. F, Crook and son visited at the Omley home all day on Underwood was hel A Cellege Man? eat hut not enough white men to on Monday Most interesting was the tale unload them. When the smoke emanating from the New York from the pipes of consideration had Brown was a World correspondent a~ Fort Walsh vanished into infinitude the steam- Northwest territory, that the In- boat .captain meanwhile containing Nistler family from dian was a native of Fort Garry himself as best he could, fifteen supper guests and a graduate of St. John's col- stalwart Indians got busy. Sitting lege there. He was really a breed lBull as foreman sat on the docks Wednesday. ~. was visiting, all theI named Charlie Jacobs, the story: and bossed the job, lifting not a The Richard Kammerer family last week. ! went on, his father one Henry Ja-i finger. When the sun sank in the Arthur Kammerer family and Clell Lardy and two daugh- cobs once employed as interpreter west, so did every Indian find a Trollope family went to Wibaux on ~s LaSota and Mr. and by Father Proulx on Manitoulin is- soft spot on the banks and wait, Sunday to att~d a family reunion. Call and children were land. The correspondent intimated openmouthed. Belk thought it was they being relatives of Clarence on Sunday at Mike that Sitting Bull admitted this to a strike but learned that it was~Debilzen. The Calls also visited ~ him, explaining that he had been simply a case cf "When do we eat?" I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crook and ~on Lardy~s home. ~ educated to speak both French and Food having been produced, the! were Sunday afternoon callers af and Miss Victoria English. impromptu "jesters" finished the the John Gifford home. Win. Gasho the program andi It was generally reporied that he job. Fifteen shining silver dollars called there the same day. ~==_---~-_~. __ .~- evening at the Fisch- had learned to read. write and were distributed among the work ...... -~_~_= They report's good timeI speak French from Father D~Smet, ers, Sitting Bull appearing at the Guy: "If you do not guess who "---~ t the famous missionary, who ~va~ also end of the line with his own palm this is in 3 guesses, I'm going to Mrs. Clyde Myers andI given credit for what was prob- outstretched. After a little thought kiss you!" rdy were callers at Matt ably only a temporary conversion to Belk placed a dollar in it, too, re- Alicia (with eyes covered): "Jack s Thursday nlght, white ways and religion. It was fleeting that it did not take long Oakie. Herbert Hoover. King C and eighth grade pu- said also that the redst~in had ~o learn the white man's ways. George!" amem Hump school are studie~ the camuaigns of Naooleoni In the summer of '81 Sitting Buil eXalTIs ~ • ~ * ' - "" , '. • , threeda~s of thinand used the great Corsicans! zs sa~d to have told officers at Fort "l guess l've gone too far no~v not to ~now what i~ good for my mo~or,. ..._...___ methods in his own warfare. If Yates that he wa sborn near old woeful lack of understandin~ at Hu~h Orchard of Cedar Rapids, Io~va, tells ~. J. Casey. "'~y firs~ -- these things were so, fhe Yanktoni Fort George on Willow Creek below Washington, bofh of the Indi~s' D0etor Gaines - ,~,..~¢a~.., Dakotaian commented, French i the mouth of the Cheyenne and real cause for grievance and of what Willys-Knight went 8.';,000 miles. Tids one ha~ A, one 61,0i)0 t. date " • Is,.+ .... , v.~ ..... ~ could hardly be considered a civil- i was then about twenty-four years the white settlers had to deal with. I s~a an(l Lee unlverslty~ izin- language old. He had nine children, two liv- The two Indian statesmen--for they] .4r~ Interview by .,~.. . . ~Va,, was about to speak ~ A~onth aft'er the Greasy Grass! ing wives and one dead. The ladies were really that---might have been] ..... r ...... tins ]s my second Wdlys- M,: Orchard's 146 000 trouble. at Asheville before the disaster it was still reported in I were known as "Was Seen by the a good tonic for the long winded ~k OHIs"H T ~. ~.,A M ~_J ]~ Knight ear," be said. free miles prove .gain ~,h~ ~otarg convention ef west- ~, Bismarck and Yankton papers that I Nation" and, "The One That Had legislators of the roaring '80s. Who [ Chicago Daily News Reporter"I starte~ - - " • m Carolina, he was intr#- I Sitting Bull had been killed in the I Four Robes, so they evidently be- knows? [ (~ ~o use Iso-Vis in 1so-Via has demonvtre~ted i~ a~ old college mat~ whn ! battle. His body was even recog-ilonged to the upper crust of Indian And so the Sitting Bull myth] .......,~,,,-,.,n ~h ,~,, my first ear because it seemed laboratory tests and in.4 L.4, ...... n the nized by Frank G~rard, amp g ! society. His father was Jumping grew and grew until now one pays I | I ut, n v~**~a~,, ,~,,a~,,,~ ,~ ... , 0W a 1 ...... " - ] Indians for twenty-six years. The ; Bull, his uncles Four Horns and his money and takes his choice. ~ ~ of Commeeee Conventio~ tome that an oil that wouldn't tests o, theI.dia~apoH~ Sp~.~ ~llt I --'"~ spout uoctor I Roe scouts however, insisted that i Hunting His Lodge. , Stanley Vestal got a Guggenheim [ .... thl t~,,,- wm not ~a~e up the [ he was not dead and indeed, heI .~end Them to Cent, ross } fellowship and went to France to[ ...... lVlana~er at t~eaar r, ap,u~," --'-'- .... I,,,~,~'noutwasjustwhataslecve .............. way--Positive Lubrication: . ~,,~ng you anything except ~ was far from it, chuckling in high i ,~,~.~ ........ +^ = ~]~,~ =ull'~- write his tale of the medicine man ] ....... ,. ValVe motor nee~le(L 1 ke t rrotection lap V~s (a ~taadard .... venth son and the { glee behind the sanctuary of th l .............. i~ } chief and his guess may be as good ] ha8 driven two winys-n, nign P • ' - - : ~lld of hls --~r--*~" I .... m.. ~order ongm were ma~ ne was an ~j ~- I as another's . • • which also re- [ ...... ~ ..¢ • on using it because it did just Oil product) wdl not th~n out 0nls~ v- =,,~o. I "~"%" ..... - .....ake the ~ way by birth also that there were ! mains to be seen. [ car- a ,,* 146,000 mdes. • ned voice from the an. I Eastern papers cad no~ ~ i., .ooitt. f,,,n'.~t#ft.a ~.u.a.d that | In front oftheWarMemorial whatI expected of it. My oilfromdih~:on. SeatbeBalland ~tld solemnly. "~n~h rd I Indian wars as seriously as they~ "/¢,,';~'~"~,,~"~,..y"~'~'~, ~.,''" 7"~vt',~ " consumption islowerandthe Bottle Test at Standard O~ ~tke that ........ might have and found many an ............... • "~. .............. guy on in a crap I .... la- on the me ' ably confused m the popular ~ ~ emadaythatwa~nonetoowarm . ,, . . . 1 excuse for iun or oyp y " t .~.^...~., "-~--~__ I dicine man's name. The Chicago; ~"Z5~''~" "- "~.i he pushed the star~er to show engine runs more smoothly, serwce stattons and deale~: Times called him "General Re- ~ e ~:r~ ~ t %i f:r~V:p~PeZ :re , GO~* that the ~aotor was not con- n ~ --Y *zper|me.,. ' cumbent Gentlemen Cow.' .J ..... .s.. ....... :~ .~-- --~-",,,'-,SJ *AR?~_ a " " hit- "'~" w-~u -~ w ................. ~eale¢l~d dlreeted the relmrb ~ ~ ~ ~ mm mong the pro.~ects of I Wrote Captain Frederick W ~.,,~;a.~ ;¢ ÷ho. h~,~ o oh~nee ~a~- war devices lS a "death ] ,t, aker in his 18'/6 life of custer, ,~'~n'"Sran(";.~'~" ~;;" q--;'O&d as Ill Mll enemies at a dls-' Sitting Bull was heavily built, .ha a :=.,,.. ,~.. "h',,"h'a~"~o ~lans of ~ _ er to I,,r~ at hi. q~lometer. E ~ '~J m |r" whereas others inslS~ ~ e o- few who have claime~ !brown.h~.., !, .....=ck de;~l'~g ";;~'h "tlaem."-~he would cor- oiden Valley -'- -- to ...... I ed tha~ nm lOCgS were as coa~ ma r ' d o[arlne ,a,o is ee~..a ~., ou, ,@" " • ward such a r,,~ .,...e I as ~' other Indian's Whittaker ral tl.~em alland trade them to Oal- ,e~sly by stoppingau. I~,'... ,-~,., .,, ~ .... t wl~o brought in lforraa or eJ~teg~ ~or ,vmnamen . Hold o."p.---,,,o,,.o.,o,oo. ,. /,/n., .................. en ot ~ .~o~ ~..,o-~.,~ o,,,, b~, x,,, v. - / ¥1 U or b and shoot the ChLvl~tl~ The price is #5~ a quire. ~ ~ ~ ~ S at ~ ::~ngoff ex- Ion Old muster bo~kon eetrbel~g~ng wOUld decisze Dak~4~ a'~,,ate ~ B~&~ .......... ~o., m c~ t~n o ., "'" "Y .............. ~-- "--'o., A N D A It D O~'~'l L , is Kurt Scbim- I SittL~had captured and , .......... - .... ,,,.,., Uedern --" C~mfort~le _ Berlin. He gtlC: whiel drawl~ one hundred vo ~_n~e~s.a~,a w ........... C odlng S n { ~tttle t hei~ ~*~,~ "O'Tm,,TO,. OP' *TtA$ Tml iome~