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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 25, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 25, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS DANCE! Beach City Hall All Service Men Free. Thursday, May 25, 1! Tuesday, May 3 Glendive Orchestra. Come and Spend and Enjoyable LOCAL NEWS Items of interest picked up here and there by ou! News reporters. We are always glad to get your news Items. PHONI~ $9 Mrs. Vince Haten of Glendive spent a day in Beach on business. Mrs. Kathteen Howard spent Fri- day in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Popiel of GoR'a were Beach callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mls. Stedman of Trot- ~rs were Beach callers Saturday. A new addition is being added to the Purvis Tire Ship in Beaet~ W. J. Ray of Medora was a buM- hess visitor in Beach Wednesday. Miss t~ctty Larson of Golwt ~pent tile weekend in Beach with relatives. L. B. Reager of the welfare board in Dickinson was a Beach business caller a few days of last week. Miss Eleanor Thoemke has ac- cepted a position at the S & store in Dickinson. Mrs. C. Reed of Sentinel Butte1 Miss Hazel Vinquist, who teaches Chas. O. Cooper arrived in Beach was a Beach caller o4~ Saturday. I the Arvid School near Trotters. and I Friday of last week to spend a The Misses Adelin~e Fischer and lher pupils were callers at the News ishort furlough with friends and Connie Carew were Beach callers office Friday to get a firsthand relatives. He also visited a sister on Saturday. view of the presses and linotypes, in Wibaux on Saturday. Mr. Coo- The Rev. D. J. MacTavish willI Mr. and Mrs. John Marman, Mrs. I per returned to Seattle Monday. go to the Methodist Trinity ChurchtFay Corkrin and Miss Florencel Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kremers and at Butte, Mont. on Sunday. I Barnard of Sidney were Sunday idaughter Mary were Beach callers Mrs. Kenneth Abraham has ac-lvisitors at the Johnny Marman on Monday. Mary returned the cepted a position in the Red Owl home in Beach. latter part of the week from Dick- Store, beginning her work Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wosepka and inson, where she had gone for an The Lloyd Sparks family moved daughters, Sandra and Gale, and Sunday to the former CunninghamlMrs. Mamie Tangen of the Bullion house, l Butte country were Beach callers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oswood were ion Tuesday of this week. Beach callers on Monday of this Miss Margie Schmitz, daughter week. t of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schmitz of M~s. George Wassmann was a, rural Beach, is spending a week Mrs. Deltoid Hammond of Car- lyle was a Beach business caller on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Nyle Douglas were Beach shoppers on Thursday of last ~eek. Agnes Podolski and Edna An- derson were Beach shoppers Thurs- day of last week. ~gt. Harry Speigelberg arrived ~riday from Fort Townsend, Wash. ~o spend a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speigelberg. Mrs. William Zabel left Friday for Bismarck, where she spent a few days on business. A new revolving tray oven was -installed in Gordon's Bakery the first part of the week. Ben Morton left Thursday for Bismarck, where he will spend a few days visiting. Mrs. Earl Palmer and Mrs. Wil- liam Palmer were Dickinson callers on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Marvil Nelson is employed in Doerner's Cafe in the absence ,of Mrs. Ruby Doerner. Mrs. Herbert Scl~nitz has ac- cepted a position at the telephone .office. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lomar and daughter May of Glendive spent Friday in Beach on business. Mrs. Hem'ietta Wallace of Dick- inson spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Della Kukowski. Mrs. Dwight Snow was a Dick- inson caller on Wednesday of this week. Miss Ann Miehels arrived Men- Sentinel Butte caller on Monday o~ this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hangen of Glendive were Beach business call- ers on Monday. Mrs. Earl Palmer left Wednesday for Mitchell, S. D. to spend some time visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmeling are the parents of a baby daughter born Lo them at the Johnstone Me- morial Hospit~d on May 14. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Alderman left Saturday for West Virginia, where they will make their new L home. Pfc. Roy McCaskey arrived Fri-: day from Detroit, Mich. to spend a]Golva High School. Sunday eve- month visiting her parents, Mr. and nmg, May 21. Mrs Charles Michels of Beach. day from Fort Logan, Colo. to spend a 26 day furlough with his brothers and sister, will The Pete Schieffer family move Saturday to their new ranch north of Wibaux, which Mr. Schieffer recently purchased. Mrs. Anna Meyer spent Saturday and Sunday of last week at her home in Beach. She returned,to her work in Dickinson Sunday. Mrs. Gerhardt Muggli and baby daughter, Zeno went to Richard- ton to spend a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Justesen and daughter of IAtchville arrived Sat- urday morning for a visit at the Meyer and Ed Justesen homes. Mrs. Sarah McNiece and daugh- ter Ellen recently moved into the former "Windy" Thompson resi- dence. C. E. Winkleman returned to his home in rural Beach after being a patient in the Johnstone Me- morial Hospital for four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Carson of South Heart were Beach callers on Saturday, receiving medical at- tention. Mrs. Marian Simpson of Glen- dive, and daughter MaryAnn, were Beach business callers on Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hasbrook, Elsie MacDougaU and the Misses Helen and Margaret, Lewis were Dickinson callers on Stmday. Rev. D. J. MacTavish preached the bacalam'eate sermon at the Dale Moore of Glasgow, Mont. is spending a few days with friends in Beach. Dale is the son of Rev. Grant Mome, former pastor of the Methodist Chnrc, h. Mrs. Wiliiam Pahner left Wed- nesday for her home in Miles City, Mont. after spending a few days with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer of Beach. Capt. and Mrs. Joe Niece ar- rived Saturday from Rapid Ci£y, S. D. to spend a week visiting at the home of Cap~ Niece's par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Niece. S-S~t. Joseph Leo Dilly, a for- mer reskient of Beach, of the Army Air Corps, has been reported miss- ing since March ~ His aunt, Miss Katherine Uetz of Beach, re- ceived a card Saturday that l~e is now a war prisoner Ge~. ttalvor Dahl of Wibaux was a Beacl] cal!rr on Satm'day. While in town he also renewed his subscrip- tion to th,- papci'. Mrs, N. G, Hudson returned to her home in Glendive after a ten day visit at the T. E Hudson home in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler were Wed- ~msday supper guests of Mrs. Gee. Wassmann of Beach. Miss. Miranda Harries of Mandan spent Satm'day and Sunday as a guest of Miss Ann Michels of Beach. Mrs. Ellen McNiece and daugh- teL Sara, h Ellen, arrived Wednes- ~y from Arthur, N. D., where they ~ad spent a fe~ months. Gordon Olson of Beach made his first solo flight in an airplane at -the Dickinson airport on Sunday of last week. Miss Lois Wassmann had ?,he misfortune of having her knee broken. She is getting along as well us can be expected. Miss Marvel Eberle spent Thurs- day in Dickinson visiting Verna Huber, who is a patient in the hos- pital there. Mrs. Elsie MacDougall left Wed- nesday for Bemidji, Minn., where she will spend a month or six weeks visiting friends and relatives. Miss Burns, traffic inspector of the Bell Telephone Co., from Bis- marck, is spending a few days in Beach on business. Mrs. Sofus Holthe underwent a minor operation Wednesday mor- ning and is reported as doing as nicely as can be expected. Mrs. George Oech and Mrs. H. W. Blair left Wednesday morning for Bi~mrck, where they will attend the state Methodist conference. Mrs. Irvln Ueckert is spending a period of two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Trollope of Wibaux. MAss June Johnstone arrived on q'uesday evening from Hutchinson, Minn. to spend the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~, A. Johnstone. Mrs. Paul Thomas was pleasantly surprised on Mother's Day, when she received a mixed bouquet of flowers irom her sons, Cpl. Carl Tho~ and Sgt. Flank Thomas. Carl is in the FiJi Islands and Frank is on Bougalnville. examination for the Waves. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLane were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Piesik. Mr. and Mrs. George Zabel were also supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Piesik on Friday. i with her grandmotimr, Mrs. Flor-i Kenneth Summers arrived Thurs- l ence Schmitz of Beach. i day morning from a naval air i Ed Erickson of the U. S. Navy'sta~ion at Seattle, Wash. to spend I spent Sunday in Beach visiting his ia few days with his brother-in-law t brothers, Louie Henry and Gilbert,! and sister, ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy ahd with his sister, Mrs. Ted Halstead. Thompson. Miss Eva Dunder arrived the ' Mrs. J. Q. Lawhe~'~d arrived Men-}latter part of the week from Chi- day morning from Vancouver, I cage, Ill. to visit her sister, Miss Wash. to spend a month with her I Lydia, Dunder of Sentinel Butte. son-m-law and daughter, Mr. and lEva is a graduate of Beach High Mrs. Warren Clark. School and has been taking nur- The Misses Alma and Ado Boveylses' training in Chicago. left Tuesday morning for various First ~lass Ship Repairman Don- parts of Iowa, where they willlald Marinas arrived in Olendive spend several weeks visiting IriendsiThursday to spend a thirty day and relatives, leave with his mother, Mrs. Cath- Sgt. Harold Moe arrived Monday erine Mormon. He spent Sunday from Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif. in Beach with the Johnny Marman to spend a furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Moe, and with his brother, Sgt. Orville Moe. S-Sgt. and Mrs. Ernest err left Sunday for Camp McKatl, N. C. after spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O~T of Beach. Wilbur Kahle of the U. S. Navy stopped over in Beach between family. At a recent gathering, where itI was proposed that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited, some son of a dirty Republican, in a loud, clear voice, said: "I pledge allegiance to the Roosevelt family and to the in- debtedness for which it stands, one family indispensable, with divorces and captaincies for all." trains from Fan-agut, Idaho, while ] Melvin O. Stuart, son oi Mr. and enroute to his home in Belleplane,/Mrs. Charles Stuart, formerly of Minn. He visited the Charles Jandt I Beach and now df Dickinson, ar- family of Beach. I rived Saturday to spend a few Mrs. Wayne Evans, formerly, days' leave with his family. He was Lucy Stark. and her brother-in-luw, la crew member of the USS Wake Dick Evans, arrived Wednesday]Island and has seen duty in the from Boise, Idaho, to stay inde-]Atlantic area. He visited many in- finitely w'ith Lucy's mother, Mrs.~teresting ports in India and Stark, of Beach. t brought home many pieces of lovely Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Trollope of ihandwork and souvenirs to his Wibaux were Beach callers on Men- mother. He left Tuesday for his day of this week. Mr. Trollope has l training base. been a patient in the local hospital/ for some time, but is recoverh~g] ........ very nicely. " ........................ Sgt. Ed Lorenz arrived Thursday evening from Camp Crowder, Miss. to spend a ten day furI0ugh with his wife (Gwen Bartholor~) and parents. Mr. and Mrs. R; Lorenz, of Golva. Mrs. G. O. Hemnes received a dozen lovely potted plants forl Mother's Day from her son Garvie, now in New Guinea. She also re-~ eeived a cablegram from her son tl Rex, who is now in England. Rex1 was recently promoted to the rat- ing of Me. M.M.2c. A DIAMOND is a good investment! BUTTE DRUG RUBBER GLOVES [or Canning Purposes Sizes 7 7½ -- 8 -- 81/~ LIMITED SUPPLY! SLEIGHI"S CITY DRUG BEACH, NORTHDAKOTA A GET-ACQUAINTED SPECIAL For the Balance of This Week and all Next Week I Will Give You the Following Special For Only $1.00 1. Completely lubricate your car 2. Check Transmission and Differential 3. Service Air Cleaner and put in fresh oil up to the proper level DRIVE IN TODAY! 9 SID S STANDAKD SERVICE MAIN STREET IN BEACH Sgt. Orville Moe arrived Friday from Fort Bliss, Texas to spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Moe of Beach. Oiwille has been in Alaska for the past two years. He will leave next Mon- 4ay for his camp. The annual Rainbow dance~ held Friday evening at the Temple in Beach, and was well attended. Supper was to approximately a hundred Music was furnished by the Orchestra. WATCH THIS ? PICNIC PLATES. "--- 3 = 25¢ WAX PAPER .... -17' PINT MUSTARDFLAVOREETwo KINDsBRAND 32-OZ.jAR NECTAR 15, I BEANS,,, 'q~,l~ER" ASbSORTED FLAVORS VAN CAMP'S IN TOMATO ~AUC~ PICKL~ FLAVOREE BRAND 3245Z. CRISP, TASTY DILLS JAR S-- FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FANCY RED-RIPE SLICING TOMATOES ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOR THE HOLIDAY CA~0TS FRESHGREENCALIFORNIAToPS 2 bch. ONIONS 3 lbs. APPLES EKTRA WINESAIPS"ANC" 2 lbs. 21 HEJ ) LETT E 9 hds. THURIN6mi SAUSAGe. ImAUNSCRWEIOER LAR BOLOGNA WIENERS BUTTER SUGAR WITH THAT DELIGHTFUL l~AVOR--l~)n~r SMOKED LIVER ~E POINt FREE MINCED LUNCHEON SAI/~AGB POINT FI~EE BRAND NAME HERR (POINT FREE) BRAND NAME HEl~ 02 mINTS) FINE CRYSTAL ORANULATED USE STAMPS 30, 31 and 48 IN BOOK 4--A,~K FOR CANNING SUGIR APPLICATION FORM LB SPRY I BEETS v~v~LE ~ORTi~Nm~ J OR SHO~ZrmNC,--~DaY (POINT 12-OZ ¢ IJUICE t (3 POINTS) WHOLE KERNEL CORN [ OLD SOUTH GRAPR~ GIANT ( WllUl IlU KlZI Ii BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS | KELLOGG'S BRAND SWEETHEART 3 20' i . TOILET SOAP FOR EVERY QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED