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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 25, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 25, 1944
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PAGE SIX - WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Allies Continue Gain in Italy; Farm Help Shows Decrease; Japs Strengthen Hold in China Released by Western New~Paper Union. (ZDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are sxpreseed in these columns, they are these of "Weltern Newspaper Union's news 8m&lyste and not necessarily of this newspaper.) :ONSUMERS' GOODS: Clothing Pinch Unless a sudden change in the war occurs, supplies of men's and boy's fall and winter apparel will eentinue to be tight. So discovered merchants gather- lug in Chicago's Merchandise Mart for the annual clothing show, with their allotments for pajamas, sport and dress suits, sweaters and suits I'aaging from, 50 to 75 per cent of last year. Any increase in production, it was learned, would be entirely de- Talent upon the availability of bar and goods and the extent of lnilitary and demands, Reflecting the swiftly changing con- ditions was the War Production lmard's recent order reserving the |pinning of worsted yarn solely for the government. With a fairly early possible return to civilian production, merchants fought standard items which wotdd immediately come into demand in- |teed of substitutes. Electric Irons Despite delays principally occa- 0ioned by manulacturers' pleas for higher ceiling prices, the War Pro- fluetion board's electric iron pro- Brain came closer to its announced goal of 2,000,000 units for 1944 with authorization so far for an output of Although surplus materials are be- released to manufacturers ~h0se operations will not complicate the tLght labor situation, deliveries irons in volume cannot be ex- Deeted until the fall, it was sald, since many of the requests for ma- terials had m)t been cleared. In asking for higher prices, manu- fac~_rers reportedly pointed out that SPA ceilings were based on iprewar conditions, which have 8inca been eoz~iderably altered by ib~oreased wages and material costs !amountinl to 25 per cent. :CHINA: Ominous Rumblings Wtth Japa~ troops ~mgthen, J~g their hold on eastern China, Gen. erelluimo Chiang IKal, shek ordered an offensive in the southwestern part Of the country in an effort to open up a lmw supply road tram Burma. AS the Chinese po. sition deteriorated With ominous rum. ! hllngs that the couu- ~much longer with. Clfl~ag OUt concrete assist. Kal-shek t ante from the A1. l l~es, Vice President Henry Wallace !prepared to fly to the Far East for Conferences with Chinese leaders. In attacking to the southwest, the Chinese aimed to hook up the Bur, ma road with the Ledo road, which Lieut. Gen. Joseph Sttlwelr s mixed forces were hacking out of the Jungle to extend commu~Aca- ttons from Allied In. dia to China, par. on the country through their eon~ I Wallace trol of all Chinese seaports. With hired hand help showing the biggest drop, farm employment on persons, year ago and 9 under the 1938-'42 aver. the department of agrieul~_re reported. but this condition soon promised to in during the |battened seasc~ many operators were sw/tching their acreage grains to row crops, which require ~more labor. Although all the geographic re- gt0v~ showed declines in farm am. ployment, the largest decrease oc. cuffed in the west south central ' help. Italy--Air force service groups load bombs for delivery to bombes~ on flaming ltalhm front. EUROPE: Smash Ahead As the Nazis' Gustav line shook and crumbled in southern Italy be- fore the charge of U. S., French and British troops, Allied bombers continued their round-the-clock bom- bardment of vital communications in western Europe to complicate the enemy's plans for countering the invasion, Beyond the enemy's tattered Gus. tar line in tmuthern Italy lay his equally heralded Adolf Hitler line, a network of deep set steel machine- gun nests anchored in concrete, and hinged on the towering Arunci mountains on the west. Banging through the Gustav line to the west, U. S. and French forces already were bearing down on the Hitler for- tiflcatiens. As the invasion approached, Ger- man bombers were sent oveT Eng- land in strength, with fleets of 500 attacking seaports and military in- stallations on the southeast coast. As the zero hour neared, Britain was agog with reports that the Ger- mans were preparing to drop para- troopers into the country to wreck vital eommunlcaUons and other strategic installations the moment the invagion fleet shoved off. PACIFIC: Widespread Action Fighting see-sawed in India, with the British regaining ground in the vital Assam-Bengal railroad line area to the north, and the Japs latmching a new drive into the coun- try to the southwest. As the fighting raged in India, U, S. bombers ranged o~er the length of the Pacific, hammering Jap installations in northwestern New Guinea guarding the ap- proaches to the East Indies and Philippines; blasting isolated enemy strongholds on the Marshalls, and hitting ~he Kurile islands at the tip of the Japanese homeland. At the same time, U. S. bombers pounded Jap supply bases on eastern New Guinea and New Britain islands, where an estimated 150,000 enemy tr0o~s have been encircled by U. S. amphibious operations. The Japs launched their newdrive to the southwest in India after British and native troops fought off he an important link in any new supply road to China through northern Burma. ,s STRIKES: 60,000 Idle Oil of their as- are a part of the mtmagmmmt, Because the tmvy's bureau same reasolL the delivery of soft drinks into the Highland Park plant by an AFL driver as the two unions fought each other in organizing chauffeurs for beverage concerns. Other squabbles Mich., and a protest against a War Labor board ruling at Graham- Palge's Detroit plant YANKS ABROAD: rr~ GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS: II (No. 23) ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For £he Year Ending December $1, 1945 Of the Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insur- ance Company, located at New York. in the State of New York. Aggregate amount of admitted assets .................. $93,698,605.81 Afg~ea~%t~ amount of itles (except capital and surplus) ...... 29,649.830.10 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock 3,750,000.00 Surplus over al]JJabi~- ties .......................................... 60,298,775.71 Aggregate income dur- ing the year ........................ 25,890,632.63 Aggregate disbursements during the year ............... 21,735,118.33 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Premiums received dur- ing the year ...................... $ 89,717.29 Losses incurred during the year ............................... 70,753.83 Losses paid during the year ....................................... 46,003.36 ST~ATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance, ) I, Oscar E. Erickson. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement now on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof, I have fiereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May. A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. JF COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY Whereas, The Fidelity - Phenix Fire Insurance Company, a corpora- tion organized under the laws of New York, has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibiting its con- dition and business for the year ended December 31, 1943, conform- able to the requirements vf the laws of this state, regarding the business of Insurance, and Whereas. the said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organization in compliance with the requirements of Insurance laws aforesaid. Now, Therefore. I, Oscar E. Erick- of organization in compliance with the requirements of Insurance laws aforesaid. Now, Therefore, I, Oscar E. Erick- son. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota. pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company is fully empowered through its authorized agents, to transact ~ts appropriate business of Authorized Insurance in this state according ~o the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D, 1945. In Testimony WhereoL I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this first day of May, A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON. Commissioner of Insurance. ---V- (No. 26) ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending December ~1, 1945 Of the Fireman's Insurance Com- pany, located at Newark, in the State of New Jersey. Aggregate a m o u n t o f admitted assets .................. ~42,793,871.15 Aggregate amount of l~abilities {except capital and surplus) ........ 24,910,942.89 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock 9.397,690.00 Surplus over afi--ii'a6iii- t/es .......................................... 8.485,238.26 Aggregate income dur- ing the year ........................ 22,465,540.81 Aggregate disbursements during the year ............... 17,421,878.03 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Premiums received dur- ing the year ........................ $ 45,593.15 Losses incurred d u r i n g the year ................................ 15,880.68 Losses paid during the year ........................................ 16,269.38 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) I. Oscar E. Erickson. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, do her~eby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement now on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my'hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May. A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON. Commissioner of Insurance. son, Commissioner of Insurance of I STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) the State of North Dakota. pur~uant[ Office of Commissioner ) to the provisions of said law~, do| of Insurance. ) hereby certify that the above named ~ COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Company is fully empowered through | AUTHORITY its authorized agents, to transect, its[ Whereas, The Firemen's Insurance approprza~e ousmess oz .~utnor~zea [ Company, a corporation organized Insurance in this state according to lunder the laws of New Jersey, has the laws thereof, until the 30th day[ filed in this office a sworn state- of April, A. D. ,1945. - , ] ment exhibiting its condition and In Testimony whereof, I business for the year ended De- have hereunto set my hand cember 31, 1943, conformable to the (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this requirements of the laws of this first day of May, A. D. state, regarding the business of In- 1944. surance, and OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. V-- No. 24) ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Ym~z Ending December $1, 1545 Of the Fire Association of Phila- delphia, located at Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania. Aggregate amount o~f admitted assets .................. $27,542,140.81 A~gregate amount of. labilities (except capital and surplus) ........ 14,310,373.50 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock ...................... 2,000,000,00 Surplus over all nabill- tt~s ...................... ~ ................... 11,231,767.31 Aggregate i n c o m e dur- Ing the year ........................ 11,619,251.97 Aggregate disbursements during the year~ .,..:. .......... 11,135,380.54 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Premiums received dur- Ing the year ........................$ 25,316.29 Losses Incurred d u r i n g the year ................................ 7,013.17 Losses paid durIng the ear ...................................... S~TE OF NORTI'~ DAKOTA, 5,541.17 ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) I, Oscar E. Erickson. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement now on file in this °ffiC]n~ Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto se~ my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May, A. D. 1944. OSCAR E, ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF " AUTHORITY Whereas, The Fire Association of Philadelphia, a corporation organ- Ized under the laws of Pennsylvania, has filed in this office a sworn state- ment exhibiting its condition and business for the year ended De- eember 31, 1943. conformable to the requirements of the laws of this stale, regarding the business of In- surance, and Whereas, the said Company has filed in thiS office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organization in compnance with the requirements of Insurance laXvs aforesaid. Now, Therefore, I, Oscar E. Erick- son, Commissioner of Insurance o~ ] the State of North Dakota, pursuant[ to the provisions of said laws, do[ hereby certify that the above named] Company is fully empowered through] its atlthorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Authorized 1 Insurance in this state according to l the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 1945. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this first day of May, A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commlssloner of Insurance. (No. 2~) ~BSTRACT OF ~$TATEM~NT For tha Y~ Ending l~:ember $1, V¢'hereas. the said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organization in eompllanee with the requirements of Insurance laws aforesaid. Now, Therefore, I, Oscar E Erick- son. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do[ hereby certify that the above named[ Company is fully empowered ;throughI its authorized agents, to transact its] appropriate business of Authorized [ Insurance in this state according tel the laws thereof, until the 30th day l of April, A. D. 1945. i In Testimony Whereof, I[ have hereunto set my hand| (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this i first day of May, A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON. Commissioner of Insurance. -V (No. 27) ABSTRACT OF STATEI~NT For the Year Ending December 31, 1948 Of the First National Insurance Company of America, located at Se- attle, ih the State of Washington. Aggrel~ate amount of admitted assets ................. $ 2,727,772.42 Aggregate amount of liabilities (except capital and surplus) ........ 1,295,907.18 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock ....... : ............ 1,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabili- ties .......................................... 431,865.24 Afngre~tee income dur- g ye ........................1,232,945.02 Aggregate disbursements during the year ................ 872,184.65 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Premiums received dur- ing the~ year ........................ $ 868.54 Losses Incurred during the year .................................. 189.81 Losses paid during the year STATE OF"'N6R~'"'fiAKSTA, 189.81) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) I, Oscar E. Erlckson, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement nbw on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May, A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Whereas, The First National In- surance Company of America, a cor- poration organized under the laws of Washington, has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition and business for the year ended December 31, 1943, conform- able to the requirements of the laws of this state, regarding the business of Insurance, and Whereas, the said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of. its charter with certificate of organization in compliance with the requirements of Insurance laws aforesaid. Now. Therefore. I, Oscar E. Eriek- Of the Fireman's Fund Immrence son, Commissioner. of Insurance of Company located at San Francisco the State of .North Dakota, pursuant in the ~'tate Of California. " ' to the provisto~s Of sa/d laws, do AgKre~ate a m o u n t o f hereby ce.rtif~ .mat the anove, namefg. ~qnI~ assets .................. $66,245,~3.01 ~°mpanYr'lS z"~nlYeemp°'we~ttlr'°ug'n,UmO ~gea nm. vo r, ran cz l~ e te amount of ~ts a ea , sa A~f; ~ l iti e s (e x e e n t }appropriate bus~ass of Authorized caoitai and ~,,~lust ~ 31 699 a12 36 i Insurance In this state according to Am'o~t~nt ~f fu~pa~d:~ .... [the laws thereof, until the 30th day Capital Stocl~ .................. 5,054 ~.001 of April, A. D_. 1.945. _ . . Surplus over all llabfll- ' l In T esumony wnereo.L ~ Aggregate I n c o m • dur- | (SEAL) - ~. sea f ~ _~marc~, ~ms in~ the year ....................... 83,4~0,674.~ J ~ aay o ~ay, A. D. Aggregate disbursements | (~SCAH E ERICKSON a~e g~O~X..~2$50.67J Commissioner" of Insurance. Premiums received dur- I LossesIng theincurredYear ........................ during$ 209 4~9.621, , ~{No. 28~, the year ............................... 153,771.941 ABSTRACT OF 8TATI~bQ~" Losses paid during the I Fo~ the You Ending December 21, year .............. = ...................... 173,397.69 ] 1945 S~ATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) ] Of The Franklin Fire Insurance Office of Commit~oner ) J Company, located at Philadelphia, in of Insurance. ) Ithe State of Pennsylvania. I, Oscar E. Erickson, Commissioner [ Aggregate a m o u n t o f of Insurance of the State of North[ admitted assets ................ $21,693,667.62 Dakota, do hereby certify that the|Aggregate" amount o f foregoing is a true abstract of the| liabilities {except original statement now on file In | capital and surplus) ........ 10,501,163.89 this office. |Amdunt of fully paid-up In T Capital Stock .................... 3,0~0,000.00 ..... have Surplus over all liabili- {~ALI aria ~ ties .......................................... 8,192,505.73 Office income dur- day ........................ I0,084,855.93 disbursements DYAKear ................ 9.258,238.54 OTA BUSINESS dur- 40.701.16 during 14,~3 paid during IlllS I"TFr [1T ....... Thursday, May 25, 1944 {SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May, A. D, 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTI:I DAKOTA, ) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Whereas, The Franklin Fire In- surance Company, a corporation or- ganized under the laws of Pennsyl- vania, has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition and business for the year ended December 31, 1943. conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state, regarding the business of In- surance, and Whereas. the said Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organization in compliance with the requirements of Insurance laws aforesaid. Now. Therefore. I, Oscar E. Erick- son, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota. pursuant to the provisions of said laws. do hereby certify that the above named Company is fully empowered through its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Authorized Insurance in this state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April A. D. 1945. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this first day of May, A. D. 1944. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. (No. 30) ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending December Sl, 1943 Of The General Insurance Com- pany of America, located at Seattle, in the State of Washington. Aggregate amount of admitted assets ................ $25,561,184.81 Aggregate a m o u n t o f liabilities {except capital and surplus) ........ 15 574,800.71 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock .................... 1,000,0~}.00 Surplus over all liabili- ties .......................................... 8,986,384.10 Aggregate income dur- ing the year ........................ 15,470,118.57 Aggregate disbursements during the year .............. 12,421,448.65 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Premiums received dur- ing the year ........................$ 29.692,85 Losses incurred during the year ................................ 23,354.55 Losses paid during the year STATE "OF'"'NORT'I2I-'~J~0TA16'739"55) Office of Commissioner ) of Insurance. ) I, Oscar E. Erickson, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement now on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first S UMMON, S STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA,• ~s~ COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Frank M. Susa and Ger- ) trude M. Susa, ) vs. Plaintiffs, { Lawrence Vetsch. Andrew ) Patterson. Simon Mish, and ) all other persons unknown ) claiming any estate or in- ) terest m, or lien or en- ) cumbrance upon the pro- ) party described in the ) Complaint, ) Defendants. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and re- quired to answer the Complaint of the above named Plaintiffs. which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the. Sixth Judicial District in the Coun- ty of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a of your answer thereto upon Cthe spy subscriber at his office in the City of Beach in said County and State. within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you~ exclusive of the day of such ser- vice. and in case of your failur~ to appear or answer as above re- quired, the Plaintiffs will take judg- ment against you by default for" the relief demanded in the Com- plaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this, 13th day of May A. D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE " Attorney for Plaintiffs Office and Postoffice Ad- dress: Beach, North Dakota. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEF]~q- DANTS: You, and each of you, will please take notice that the above entitled action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the Plaintiffs and~ depriving ,you, and each of you~ of any a~nd all interest in and to the following described lands and premises situated in the County o~ Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, viz: Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (~), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10). and Eleven (11). in Block Four (4); and Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Five (5) all in Gass-Vetseh Sec- ond Addition to Golva, North Dakota, as the same is platted and the Plat thereof on file anti of record in the Office of the. Register of Deeds of Golden Valley County, North Dakota. and of determinIng adverse thereto, and that no personal c~ s made against you unless you ~P- )ear and defend in this action. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiffs Beach. North Dakota. May 18, 25; June 1, 8, 15, 2g, 1944) NOTICE TO CBEDITOB~ day of May, A, D. 1944, OSCAR E. ERICKSON, IN THE MATTER OF THE ) Commissioner of Insurance. ESTATE OF LUTHER HOD- ) STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) GIN, also known as ) Office of Commissioner )' LUTHER HODGINS0 De- ) of Insurance. ) ceased. ) COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Notice is hereby given by the AUTHORITY deraigned, Administrator of the Whereas, The General Insurance fate of Luther Hodgin, al~ k Company of America, a corporation~ as Luther Hodglns, late of the organized under the laws of Wash- of Beach, in the County of G ington, has filed in this office a Valley and State of North D~ sworn statement exhibiting its con- Deceased, to the creditors of, dition and business for the year all persons having claims ended December 31, 1943, conform- said deceased, to ex~Ibit able to the requirements of the laws the necessary vouchers, within of this state, regarding the business months after the first of Insurance, and this notice, to said WT~ereas, the said Company has at the office of John filed in this office a duly certified the City of Beach, in said copy of its charter with certificate Valley County, or to the of organization in compliance with of the County Court of the requirements of Insurance laws VaIley County, at his office aforesaid. Court House in the oz Now, Therefore, I, Oscar E. Erick- Golden son, Commissioner of Insurance of / the State of North Dakota, pursuant~ You are to the provisions of said laws, do l that Hon. James hereby certify that the above named l°f the Coun~r Court Company is fully empowered through!f°r the County of Golden its authorized agents, to transact its]and State of North Dakota, h appropriate business of Authorized ~the 21st day of November Insurance in this state according to l1944 at the hour of ten o'¢ the forenoon of said day, the laws thereof, until the 30th day Court Rooms, in the Couri of April. A. D. 1945. ~in the City of Beach in In Testimony Whereof, I Icounty and State, as the tim have hereunto set my band lplace for hearing and adJusfl and seal at Bismarck, thiS lclaims against the estate e - (SEAL) fi~ day of /Jay, A. D'[said Luther Hodgin, also known .t~ ()SCAR E. FARICKSON, [Luther Hodgins, Deceased, whicB have been duly and regularly_ prt~ Commissi~tn_er of Insurance-lsented as hereinbefore providecL _ • Dated this lOth day of May A, IA CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR LICEMSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE STATE OF NORTH ~)AKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon. James Donaldson, • Judge IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HALVOR HALVORSON, DE- CEASED. Clarence Overstad,. as Ad- ) ministrator with the Will ) Annexed, ) Petitioner, ) VS. ) Norwegian Lutheran Church ) of America, Syverin Halvor- ) son, Alvin Halvorson, Hel- ) mar Halvorson, Tonetta ) Haivorson Maanum, Carl ) Halvorson, Hilma Halvorson ) Thompson, Kathinka Hal- ) vorson Neumann, Oliver ) Halvorson, Marvin Halvor- ) son, Neis Walter ,Fords, C~r- ). hard O. Forde and Ina M. ) Still, Special Guardian for ) Neis W~lter Forde and 1 Gerhard O. Forde, Minors, and all other persons Inter- ) eared in the Estate of Hal- ) vor Halvorson, Deceased. ) Respondents. ) STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTs: Y~u are hereby notified that the pe non of Clarence Overstad, as AdminiStrator with the Will An- nexed of the Last Will and Estate of Halvor Halvorson, late of the Town of Nora in the County of Pope and State of Minhesote, De- ceased, has been filed in this Court hereIn, petitioning that he be author- ea, empowered and directed to sell the .real estate belonging to said aeceaent's estate described as fol- lows, to-wit: _N0rth Half (N~) of Section ~ourteen (14) in Tow~hip One tiundred Forty-one (141) North, Of Range One ~Hundred Four (104) West of the Fifth Principal Meri- dian in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. b~d that said petition will be heard this Court on Monday, the 5th day of June A. D. 1944 at I0 o'clock A. M., at the Court Rooms of this Court, in the Court House, in the Cjt~. of Beach, County of Golden vauey and State of North Dakota, And you, and each of you, are hereby cited and re~luired then and there to be and ~p~ear before ~ourt and show cause, if any you nave, why said petition should not be granted, and you are hereby notified that the residence of said decedent at the time of his death, was at Nora, Pope County, Minne- sor.~. Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. lo~Dated,~, this 15t h__ day of May A. D. HY THE COURT: JAMES Judge of the (SEAL OF COUNTY JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Petitioner Beach, North Dakota. (May 1~ 25, I94~) V Simple Susie says she'll never 1944. LUTHER F. HODGIN Administrator of the Es- H :. tats of Luther also known as Luther Hod~gms," Deceased. First publicationon the 11th da~ of May A. D: 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Administrator Beach, North Dakota. (May 11, 18, 25, 1944) ~V SUMMON~ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY IN DISTRICT SIXTH JUDICIAL William F. Ortner, Plaintiff. ~ vs. ) All persons unknown claL-n- ) to~g any estate or Interest in lien or encumbrance upon the property des- cribed in the ComplaInt, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees or personal rep- resentatives of Winnle A. Ortner, formerly Wi~ie A. grown, Deceased, or under any other right, title or Interest, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH TO THE ABOVE NAMED FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned c swer the complaint in the a~ titled action, which is on file the office of the Clerk of the trtct Court of Golden and answer office of Beach, County of ley and State of North within thirty (30) days serviee Of this exclusive of the vice, and Dated at Beach, North ~9th day of April 194~: JOHN Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Postoffiee dress: Beach. North kate. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DANTS: You are hereby notified that acuon relates to the ~ ~ng ~rlobed real estate situate in aunty of Golden Valley nd of North Dakota, to-w/t: - Southwest Quarter (ffW¼) og Section Fourteen (14) in Tow~ One Hundred' Thlrty-nla~. North, Range One Ht~n~l~ West, of the ]~tt~ Meridian, is to of WInnie A. ~Y