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May 25, 1944 |
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I~AGE FOUR ....................
......... =.= .... =-= =-==-" Mrs. Robert Hewitt of Bismarck
l=: i'~ ~ o~ visited here several days last week
- Mma Almat~, C~r, at the home of her niece, Mrs.
John Honnold.
= ~ ;I Miss Mary Lou Armstrong visit-
: : -- : = :: _-= ed at steele several days last week.
While there she attended the high
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nistler and school prom. Q
family were Sunday visitors at the
Bonnie Smith has been staying
Math Dletz home. with her grandparents, Mr. and
l~mna Scherle has taken era-Mrs. Fred Smith, during her moth-
pl0yment at the drUg store during er's illness.
her visit here. Web Allen, Bill Waldal, Pat Mur-
The Fred Smith and Win. Cam-
phy, Paul Scherle and Harrison
pin families 1~lcnic~ in the Bad- Stedman helped Walter Allen
~nds Sunday. brand cattle Sunday.
Mrs. Jennie I)empsey and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dletz, Mr.
Dorothy Lovell were Dickinson
and Mrs. Elmer Rost, and Mr. and
ViSitors Saturday. Mrs. John Sanders attended the
Mr• and Mrs. George Richmond show at Beach Thursday evening.
Of Beach called on friends in Sen- Mrs. MarJorie Ahlberg of Port
tinel Butte Sunday. Peck, Mont. visited at the home
The Harry Mlkelson and Byron of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Hogoboom families enjoyed a picnic Myers, last week.
Supper at South Butte Sunday. Mrs. Alma Rink is recovering
Mrs. Oiga Lardy and daughter
satisfactorily from her recent op-
Marion visited relatives in Glendive eration and will come home somq
over the weekend, time this week.
Mrs. Paul Wagfmr entertained
Mr. a~Kl Mrs. Ed Cook and fam-
Mary Hall and Agnes Hogoboom lly, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moen, Miss
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fasching and Peggy Johnson, and Miss Boots
children of Wlbaux called at the Odland visited at the Armstrong
home Sunday.
Bob HaA1 home Monday evening. Mrs. Kat4aleen Walling and chll-
Mary Hall and Clara Wagner dren arrived here Monday from
were guests of Mrs. Agnes Hogo- Lewlstown, Mont. to visit at the
boom Wednesday afternoon, home of Mrs. Walling's father, Pat
-- -THII
Mrs. Elmer Rost entertained at
dinner Tuesday evening, Mrs: Helen
Hovland, Lorraine Pendleton, Kay
Wright, and Mary Lou and Betty
Mrs. Vic Carlson and Mrs. Nor-
man Haugse called on Mrs. Scherle
Friday evening. Mrs. Scherle has
been confined to her home since
her recent operation,
Mary Lou and Betty Armstrong
enjoyed a visit with Miss Ella
Henry of Rlctunond, Calif., who
visited them for several days last
Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Reuben
Nordln and son left Saturday for
Beulah after visiting for several
days with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nor-
din, They spent the weekend visit-
ing with Mrs. Nordin's parents and
Monday Mr. Nordln left for an
army cam~ in South Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson open-
ed up ma eat shop Monday morning
in the place known as the Fletcher
building, and recently purchased
bY Vic. The Johnsons were busy
cleaning up the place all last week
and now have it spic and span and
ready for serving lunches. Much
luck to them in their new venture.
Baccalaureate services were held
here Sunday evening for the 1944
class of graduates. The following
program was presented: proces-'
sional, Mrs. Byron Hogoboom; In-
vocation, Rev. Roberts; musical
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner were Murphy.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall
l~tida evenin Bonnie Rost entertained several number, girls quartette; vocal solo,
. Y'_ g" . J of her friends on the occasion of Miss Myrtice Oison; sermon, Rev.
Mrs. lnga uarison, Mrs. Gladys] h~ ~+h hwth~ ~annr]Av q'he
1 ................ ° ..... ~" --" Roberts; song, glee club; Bene-
Hanson and Mrs Lloyd Yates ca I-[ ....... lrth-a-"
• t guests were ra'ea~ea ~o o a y diction, Rev. Roberts; recessional,
ed on Mrs. Scherle Sunday. | cake and pop. Mrs. Byron Hogoboom.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rost andI Mr and Mrs Hart-" Mikelson, The Study Club enjoyed their
daughter were dinner guests of] ~ ~A a#.~ Ho-r~, Smith and annual outing Tuesday evening in
mrs. Jenme ~empsey ~unaay.
Mrs, Fred Smith attended gradua- the form of a progressive dinner.
Mrs. Evelyn Waldal and Mrs. tlon exercises at Wibaux on Mon- Cocktails were served at the home
Hazel Dixon were Dickinson shop- day night. ' of Mrs. Paul Wagner and the salad
pets Monday. Dean Anderson of the University course at Mrs. Fred Smiths. From
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner visit- of Missoula and Professor Scott of there the members journeyed to
the residence of Mrs. Harry Mikel-
~l at the Bert Pasching home at the Wibaux high sohool were din- son, where they were served the
Wlbaux Sunday. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry main course, and then to Mrs. John
Mrs. Mabel Hllgendorf and John Mikelson Monday. Sanders, where dessert was served.
Bnmki of Beach called at the Her- Mrs. Harry Smith was taken to The evening was terminated with
man Dietz home Sunday, the Beach hospital Wednesday, a bridge party at the home of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Carlson, Mrs. suffering from a severe infection. E. D. Nelson. Mrs. Harry Smith
Inga Carlson and Mrs. Paul Wls- She returned Sunday feeling much and Mrs. Fred Smith received first
chow called ~t the Lloyd Yates better, but will have to remain and second prizes, respectively.
farm Sunday. quiet for several days. ~__
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petersllle Johnny Kline was dismissed from
drove up from Forsythe, Mont. on the Beach hospital Sunday, where BONNIEvl ,w"m"
Sunday to visit the Petersllle faro- he was treated for injuries re-
fly here, and~ Mrs. Peterailie and celved when a tractor which he was
}ffxs. Ted Rink at the Beach hot- riding tipped over, pinning him Mart M~uI~y, Reporte~
pital, underneath.
i,, , , - Miss Mary Reinho)z was a
per guest and overnight guest at
' ~ the A. F. Doblar home Wednesday.
Harold Abraham was a guest at
the home of his cousin, Roy
Houck, Saturday night.
Mrs. Leo Nielsen and Mrs. Lyte
t#P,. @.=h~sem~e~e. . o@., ~o~. Adams were callers at the Godfrey
Pesha home Thursday morning.
l~r~__~l~__~i Miss Mary Reinholz and the
,gYi, tJBit I,In, ,Ic4~asaJ,~
pupils of her school went to Beach
Friday to attend the play day ac_
Clearance tivitles, but found they had been
postponed, due to the rain. They
all attended the show in the after-
noon. however.
A number of families gathered at
the Joe Pesha. Sr. home Sunday,
for a picnic dinner honoring Mrs.
Jess Houck and Mrs. Joe Pesha. Jr.,
Bargain Merchandise whose birthdays occurred on the
previous day. An enjoyable after-
For the Entire Family! noon was spent and the best wishes
of all went to the honor guests for
IIIllll I I Ill many more happy birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamroth, Mr.
MENS' LADIES' and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha, Mr. and
Town-Clad 2-Piece Mrs. Joe Pesha, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Pesha, Miss Mary Reinholz,
SUITS SUITS Bill and Roy Houck. Vic Stryzwski,
All wool worsted in A bargain you can't Alex, John and Mary M~askey
plaids and stripes afford to pass up were those from this vicinity who
24.00 12.00 attended the wedding dance given
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knopp at
Al~pha last Tuesday night.
Bud McCaskey arrived home Fri-
MENS' GIRLS' day from Port Logan, Denver, Colo.
on a 26-day furlough. He has been
Slipover 2-Piece a patient at Borden General Hos-
SWEATERS SUITS pital at Chickasha: Okla. for the
pas~ year, but was released from
Broken Sizes Plain and colorful plaids there on May 14, Just before being
[4 =~A~ Sizes 7 to 14 years sent to Fort Logan. At the end of
A ~t~U. samhlS furlough,Huston. Texas.he will report to Fort
Several from this vicinity at-
LADIES' tended the party which was given
Mesh Rayon and Cotton LADIES' at the Carlson school Saturday
night. A collection was taken up
HOSE DRESS COATS and presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Sheer - Long wearing A real bargain for John Glower, who had the misfor-
tune to lose all of their cattle
A real value the thrifty Shopper a fire Which destroyed me barn on
80~ 11.00 the C. O. Carlson farm, where they
reside, several weeks ago,. A party
, , was also held at the Reev~"school-
----'- -------- GIRLS '/ ''~ hottse about three week~ ~. at
' ~__~g__ which time a gift of silver was pre-
DRESS COATS .ent to Mr. Mrs.
to carry Softly tailored, sldllf~ly
1 1
.29and .98 ~ut. Sizes 7 to 12 y~ ESt~_Y NOTIC~
about 1250 lbs., 1 chestnut
weight 1100 lbe., 1 chestnut
' ' - ' mare, weighs about 960 Ibs. Ger-
l [ [i [ i[ hardt Fischer, Golva, N. D. ~-3te
LADIES' HOUSE COATS all sizes $1.49 Patronize our advertisers!
LADIES' SPORT SHIRTS values - - ~ , ~,,,
RAG RUGS sizes 24" x 48" .... $~,~
OPERA FOLDING CHAIRS 3 only - ~,{]~ Bobby Pins- Hair Pins
good selection - - - ~ Pins Jack
-- atthe
Mn. Yz~l Reln~..ko, Co~.
Hans Zinda is home on leave.
Mrs. John Hede and children left
this week for a visit in Ohio.
The C. F. Church B~ble school
started Monday.
Mrs. Sophia Smith returned
from Black River Falls Tuesday.
Albion Welsh purchased the O.
Ottisen house Saturday.
Mrs. Ed Knopp and Mrs. W.
Schuett served lunch at Red Cross
Friday afternoon.
Miss Alice O'Conner of Miles
City spent the weekend with her
Miss Catherine Shea came home
Friday from Power, Mont. to visit
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wiley and
son of Wyola are visiting relatives
and friends here.
Mrs. Dan Sutherland closed her
cafe last Saturday and is selling
her equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ross of
Beach were visiting in WibaUx
Mrs, Ray Scanir~on entertained
a few ladies Thursday afternoon in
honor of Miss Esther Frantz.
Roger Schendle will leave Friday
for Norfolk after several weeks fur-
lough with his parents.
James Oriffith left Thursday for
Salt Lake City to begin his train-
ing in the Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bixby enter-
tained Miss Frantz at dinner Fri-
day evening.
Miss Betty Bryce of Miles City
is visiting her parents and friends
during her ten-day vacation.
Miss Jeannette Welsh, who has
been teaching in Glendive, arrived
home Friday to spend the summer.
George Larson and Harold Baird
took their physical examinations at
Butte last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird and
Mrs. Ellie Baird and daughter Mar-
gie were Olendive callers Friday.
Mxs, Donald Welsh was called to
Glendive last week by the illness
of her father, N. Scabad.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ross and
Mrs. Bergman and ~ Shirley
Bixby were in Glendlve Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stockwell and
daughter were dinner guests Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Baker.
Mrs. Robert Anderson was hos-
tess to the Christian Fundamental
Ladies Aid Thursday afternoon at
the clubhouse.
The Cottonwood Club had a pic-
nic dinner at their hall Sunday,
with all the members and their
fa~ies attending.
Mrs. John Woods attended the
graduation of her daughter Dorothy
from the Deaconness school of
nursing in Billings last week,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P-. Trollope, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Turnquist, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Welsh, and Mr. and
Mrs. Burton Welsh were in Beach
Mrs. Louise Larson and daughter
Selma gave a party Tuesday eve-
ning in honor of the lady teachers
at the school, who left for their
various homes last ~eek.
Lawrence Barthel. James Botch,
Joe Polen, Arley Meek, Jr., James
Kiederoskt, Victor Bruski and Oscar
Kreuger took their physical exam-
il~t~ last week at Butte.
~s. ~uy Hall, Jr. left Saturday
for ~Louisville, Ky. to visit her hus-
b~ for several weeks. MrS. Guy
HalI accompanied her as far as
Miss Ann Fessenmaier left for
her home at Eau Claire, Wis. and
Miss Marjorie Pierce for Indiana
Saturday at the close of the school
for summer vacation.
The Monday night home nursing
class met Friday afternoon for their
last class. Refreshments were
served and Miss Frantz was pre-
sented a gift.
Miss Esther Frantz, Red Cross
home nursing teacher, after finish-
ing her class, left Saturday for her
home at Kansas City, Mo. Miss
Del Eustaee, high school teacher,
accompanied her as far as her
home at spearlZsh, S. D.
An 8th grade class of 23 grad-
uated from the Wlbaux Junior
High School Wednesday, May 17th.
the following program was pre-
sented: vocal selections, 8th grade
chorus, directed by Miss Fessen-
maier; class ~ history, L0na Jean
Relnecke; piano selections, Mar-
garet Welliever, Lois Sto~kel; class
poem, Philip Dahl; tap dancing,
Beverly Parker; class prophecy,
Renee Houghton; class will, James
Hoffman; addrea~, honor student,
Leona Manning; eighth grade
chorus, directed by Miss Fesseno
mater; address, honor student,
Warren Sommerfeld: presentation
of diplomas and awards, Wayne
Marcus; class song.
Thursday, May 25, 1944
Chester Gasho called at the J. F.
Crook home on Friday.
O. K. Omley was a Sunday eve-
ning caller at the George Tasker
The Norman Nellermoe family
and the P. V. Moore family attend-
ed church services and Ladies Aid
at Skaar on Sunday.
Bethine Sperry is rejoicing over
the fact that her saddle pony
recently presented her with a pure
white colt.
Due to rainy weather and bad
roads no meeting of Webbs Will-
ing Workers could be held at the
John Oreenup home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bosserman
and children and Mrs. John Bos-
serman of Golva attended church
services at Trotters on Sunday,
O. K. Omley returned to his
home at Sentinel Butte on Wed-
nesday after spe~ding several days
around Trotters and Skaar.
During the past week we've been
blessed with three nice rains. This
all amounted to one and seven
hundredths inches of rain fall,
Walt Grunewald reports.
Milton Brunsvold, Tom and Tim
Madison and O. K. Omley helped
P. V. Moore brand cattle on Tues-
day. Mrs. Brunsvold, Marlene and
Dean were visitors at the Moore
home that day.
A large crowd attended Sunday
school and church services at Trot-
ters on Sunday. Rev. Kenney
preached a wonderful sermon on
"Faith.". There will be Sunday
school and services again on June
4th. Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Washburn
arrived at the George Tasker home
from Portland, Ore. about a week
ago, to make a pleasant visit. Mrs,
Huseth of Fargo was still visiting
at the Tasker home, also. Mr.
Washburn is a brother of Mrs.
Tasker and Mrs. Huseth.
A change has been made in the
ration calendar. Those who have
not applied for their canning sugar
by submitting spare stamp No. 37
to the War Price and Rationing
Board may do so any time after
June 1st.
Between June 1st and July 31st
applicants may obtain up to ten
pounds of canning sugar per per-
son. Beginning August 1st ~nother
application will be required to ob-
tain the addlMonal ten pounds.
Mrs. Fred Shipman left Sunday
for Fargo and other points in
North Dakota, where she will spend
the next two weeks visiting
starring Dorothy McOuire, Ro-
bert Young and Ina Claire. The
picture you've been waiting for
and will remember as long as
you live!
OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M.
• . the four star picture . . .
Mary Martin, Dick Powell, Fran-
chot Tone and Victor Moore..
America's wackiest family in
America's funniest film ! Real
folks in a comedy that will have
you reeling with helpless laugh-
starring Robert Palge, Anne
Gwynne, Noah Beery, Jr.. and
Leo Carillo. Bold men! Bolder
women! Thundering . . . plun-
dering . . . to thrill the world
with their hot-headed, hot=
blooded daring!
'~-~UNG HO"
starring Randolph Scott with
Noah Beery, Jr., Alan Curtin,
and David Bruce.
Bill Elliot and Tex Patten in
Also ton Chaney, Jr. in ~CALI~
ING DR. DEATH". Plus Chap-
ter No. I1 of "ADVENTURES OF
Tom Conway in
Also Don "Red" Barry in "OUT=
May 26th and 27t5
Will take as many hogs as yoLt may deliver, at the:
following prices:
TOP 190 to 270 ibs. - - $12.00 bo $12.10 ~
MED. HEAVY 270 to 330 It~ - $10.Z0 to
HEAVY 330 to 375 lbs. - - $9.80 to
180 to 190 lbs. - - - - SILO0
170 tO 180 lbs. - ....... $1!
160 to 170 ibs. - - - -
150 to 160 lbs. - - - - $8.80-~
140 to 150 lbs. - ....... ~10
PACKING SOWS - - - $9.00
STAGS 70 lb. dock - - - $9~0
Bring your hogs in before 4 P. M. on Saturday so as •
to give me time to get loaded out for the Saturday
night train, to avoid expensive feeding.
You'B Always Get a SquareDe~ With--