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Outstanding Choral and Solo
Work Done by Both Grade
and High School; Exhibits
The exhibit of the Beach schools
held at the Lincoln school on
the afternoon of Monday, May 21st.
for the grades, and at the high
~ool in the evening o¢ the same
day. This was the work of the stu-
dents in their respective courses. It
was an excellent showing.
At 7:30 p, m. a fine entertainment
~vas given in the felts of a music
]program, in the auditorium, which
mas delightful all the way through,
the various numbers being beautiful-
ly done by the different grades and
~tgh school students, and reflecting
Tnuch credit to Miss Wagonhals for
:her excellent work in coaching,
~flnere was a fine attendance. The
]program was as follows:
Folk dances, First grade.
Bleking dance, Second grade.
Songs and ~dances. Third and
:Fourth grade.~.
Songs, Fifth. Sixth and Seventh
grades. "Old King Cole," was an es-
~pecially fine number in this group.
Songs, May Day dance, Combined
"Drink to Me Only With Thine
,Eyes," "Now Is the Month of May-
2rig," Mlxed choirs.
Vocal solo. "By the Bend of the
:River," Edwards, Katherine Moran.
Vocal solo, "The SkipPer of St.
:Ires," Reese Foster.
Vocal solo. "Pirate Dreams." Pa-
gricia Burris.
"The Spinner." "Comin' Thru the
Rye:' Girls' Glee club.
H]ghlund Fling, solo by Jayne
Vocal solo, "Sweet Miss Mary,"
Vera Helm,
Vocal solo, "When Song Is Sweet,"
:Irene Rhyner.
Girls' trio. "The Cossack Rider,"
"'The Sunny South," "O Sole Mio,"
~'Auld Lang Syne," Mixed chorus.
Accompanist, Ruth L0vell.
Director, Miss Wagenhals.
An OPportunity was given at the
close of this program to visit the
Home Economics and other high
$c]mol exhibits.
Ba]e~mmn Wiley" from 8ehUlz get-
at Beach was a busmess caller
in our vicinity on ThurSday.
Frank Morris was a visitor at
Howard Van Horn's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kirk~t-
rick and children were Sunday VtS-
~tcn at the George Fransen home.
Mrs. Franzen returned home With
them for a few days visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson and
~it~le daughter from Carrington, N.
]D., arrlved on Saturday by auto to
visit at the home of Mrs. Johnson"-s
~tster, Mrs, Johnny Honnold and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallus mo-
~o Beach last Friday.
~. H. Mason was a caller at Elm-
]b@~ ~rm on Sunday.
~ty Brier was shopping in town
• a~ Wednesday.
John and Guy Honnold motored
to town on Saturday.
The Camels Hump school will
am Friday, May 25th. by having
a picnic,
~'2iHord Van Horn motored to
]Dickinson on Thursday on business.
Harold Gilbert from Sentinel
]3utte was out with C.
:Reeds truck,
k~st week.
Phn~p ]
turned school on Monday.
by me-
forest, where
the spent the day ex-
ploring the rocks and trees. Peter
A. Lardy and Herman Dietz furnish-
ed the cars to go in,
Clifford Van Horn and Anton
~Vahlin motored to Dickinson on
Laurence Kirkpatrlck and Ray
Brier were callers at Howard Van
~oYn's on Monday.
Mat Teacher motol~d to town on
Jack Myers returned home on
Wednesday after visiting at Bud and
Page Myers ~or several days.
Guy Honnold was down to Tip
Ali's Well. But--
u •
D~liPite the fact that R. C. "Danny'
vdg, Los Angeles dancer and
Mar~or~e Crawfor~, ayiatri~ kissed
as .shown and told the court they
were married, judge insists tha~
Dowlin~ must standtrial for "kid.
mq~tng-'~ his bride. The then Mi.-'.~l
Crawford had Dowl'ng arreste~
charging he had forced her to go to
Yttma, Ariz., with him and tried tc
make her marry him, The cou'qe
wed after Dowling's arrest but ',he
|ud2'e sa~s the charges stand.
braska, arrived here last week and
is staying at the home of Alfred
and Mrs. Joe Kukowski and
family are enjoying the pleasures of
a new Plymouth sedan which they
have purchased recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wojahn and
baby from Beach were Tuesday eve-
ning visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Ueckert.
Mr. and Mr~ Frank Dykins and
Orandpa Dykins drove to Dickinson
!ast Tuesday to bring back with
them Grandmother Dykins, who has
been a patient at the St. Joseph
hospital for over a week. She has
been receiving treatments for gland
trouble in her neck but is now much
improved and getting along nicely,
Ervin Ueckert went to Sentinel
Butte Tuesday evening and enjoyed
an evening at roller akating,
Many folks ,from this vicinity
went to Beach Wednesday after-
noon and enjoyed the free program
put on by the Thompson Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Lake and family
have. moved their household goods to
the house in Chama, owned by the
Powers Elevator Co,
Floyd Wilson closed a successful
term of school last Friday at the
ZOO~ school.. The pupils and pa-
trons were to have enjoyed a picnic
at the Sentinel Butte, but a number
P. A. Gisvold, ~r
Sunday, May 27th:
~unday school. I0 a. m.
Worship, II a. m.
Worship, 2:30 p. m.
St. John's Church, Beach, N. D.
Ist Sunday, 8:30 p. m.
2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
3rd Sunday, 8:30 p. m."
4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m,
5th Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
St. Michael's, Sentinel Butte, N. D.
1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
2nd Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
3rd Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
5th Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Win. Fred Hake, Pas~r,
Ernest V. May, Minister
Church school. 10 a. m.
Worship, 11 a. m.
~ermon: "A World Plays Soldier
Prayer and Bible study, Wednes-
day, 7:30 1~. m.
"The Friendly Church"
Rev. C. G. Ellinger, Pastor
l0 a. m. Church school.
11 a. m. Memorial Sunday service,
"Some Lessons from Our Dead
6:30 C. E. Society.
Thursday~7:30 p. m. Choir prac-
8 p, m. Mid-week Devotions.
9:45 a. m. Morning worship.
John Barkland of this city an-
nounces himself as a candidate for
sheriff and the announcement will
be found in andther column. John
is one of the old timers o~ the coun-
ty and says he will do a faithful Job
if he ks elected to this office.
of the pupils were laid up With the Nm~h Dakota have agreed not to
measles at ~tingI mrchase any cream which has "oh-
was postponed ~. ] lectionable odors or taints such as
A large ro]p nun-[kerosene, gasoline, onions, garlic,
ity jour~ '~_~ to Beach ~ to[French weed, yeasty, moldy, metal-
celebrate ~ydg ¢ with the chfl~en. [ lic, putrid, stale or any other objec-
Mrs, Jimmy Joh~on |tlonable order or taint."
ml Butte v~ere ~
~. Wm. Uecl~ert Poison bait for grasshopper con-
L ~ ] trol should be scattered when the
to ~ ~rm first damage along the edges of
~st w el ~ere sWall grain f~elds can be seen but
with a treat before the pests have spread far
from their hatching places. The
and largest kills are possible when this
MrS. C. Jandt guest at the
meeting home of Mrs.
Win. Ueckert and
family went to Medora last Sunday
and were guests at the home of l~r.
andMrs. Nels Ness.
Mrs. Ernest Murry was taken to
the Beach hospital last week and
ha~,an operation for abscess and
gland trouble of the neck.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Jandt were vis-
itors at the Leonard Treater home
Sunday afternoon.
Ervin Ueckert and ErVin-Bublltz
had the pleasure o~ capturing eight
coyote cubs. They were dUg out on
Section 12, which is owned by Win.
Ueckert. It was a very tedious job
d~lglng them out as the hole was
quite long and deep, it being be-
tween five and six feet under the
ground at the end. In 1925 Bill had
the experience of digging out 9 cubs
and from the same piece of land.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and
Mr, and Mrs: Win. Ueckert motored
to Metiers Tuesday to be guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Nels
Ness and also to attend the Stock-
men's convention which is held
For beautiful ~ndje61~ffortable
summer shco~ see ~e selections
carried in tl~ f~t~us ERr~ Jettiok
llne at the (~I~gard store, White
and other col~rs. 3-It
Nran :Horn's Thursday evening.
Johnny Honnold attended the The railroads seem to be carry-
ball game near Twin Butte on Sun- ~ about the same number of
day. transients they did before the gov-
A~aton Whlin returned to his home e~mment orgmaized a number of]
at Belfleld, last Wednesday, after headquarters to take care of these
~sy~ng all winter at Albert GallUs people. On one day this week we
m~d taking care of Smith and Hang donated money to these travelers, ]
~n's carrie which were wintered and presume others in town didI
~ere. ~ikewise. And they seem to be go-]
Tip'Van Horn motored to Sentinel l h~g e~t and west just as usual. !
Butte on Sunday. Why?
Butte Sunday evening.
(Edna Wassmann, Reporter)
The Ed. Seherman cildren and
John Knopp girls were callers at
Louis Tungsvik's home Monday af-
Four friends of Margaret Ziebarth
called at their home Tuesday after-
noon and surprised her on her
birthday. Margaret received many
useful gifts. A nice lunch was serv-
ed by her mother, they all then re-
turning ~o their homes wishing her
many more happy birthdays.
Miss EdRh CRrew returned to her
home near Alplia Friday, where she
had been working in Beach the pas~
week for l~rs. A1. Schroeder.
Robert Johnston and daughters,
A. J. Ziebarth and family were din-
ner guests at M. B. Hogoboom's on
The dance at Alpha Friday night
was well attended and a good time
was had by all. ~vill be an-
other dance at Friday night,
May 25th,
Mrs. Tull fr
to visit her and
Mrs. Nick Sunday.
Fritz an~
Saturds afternoon
a, Patsy
around Alpha
Mos~ of luck.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson and
Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fasching
~nd family were dinner guests of
Rober~ Sonnek Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheen and son
George spen~ Sunday with Nick
Oamroth, near Alpha.
Edna Wassmann spent Friday and
Saturday, visiting Miss Dorothy
Whitaker in Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Tungsvik and
family were callers at John Barthel's
Sunday evenmg.
Warren Irons. Harold Barthel.
Floyd a~d Orville Tungsvik took
some cattle ~own to pasture on A1.
Irons homestead for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ne~ Hogoboom came
out from Sentinel Butte last Thurs-
day with a big angel food cake for
Mr. M. B. Hogoboom, it being his
birthday. Bobbie returned with
them to speml a few days with his
father, Mr. Byron Hogoboom. Miss
Something of the serious co~,.s of
weeds may be realized from the
fact that average dockage in wheat Quarve and Miss Dorothy Hogoboom
shipped from North Dakota and in- Came. out ~unday when Bobble re-
spected officially in Minneapolis turned hor~.~.
from 1923 to 1928 was 8 percent. The] Pt~ya " and Connie Carew. were
flaxsced was 15 percent. I overh!ght~uests, at Tony Barthel's
_ . . ~ [Wednl~lay~evening.
l~urmg each of the last six years, [ Ml~x~l Johnson spent Wednes-
cattlemen have produced from one [ da~ 1fight ~with Alene Branch.
to one and one-half million more [ Mrs Gl~d Bury anti Miss Mil-
cattle than they have marketed. |d~d Jol~ton
- i "~lson's sch0Ol Tuesday.
Creamerymen in southeastern Many of the young folks around
Alpha roller skated in Sentinel
State of North Dakota. County of
Golden Valley,
In County Court Before Hen. A.
E. Kastien, Judge.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Oeorge Henry B~oth. Deceased
Mary ; Petitioner,
procedure is followed.
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al.,
berta, which produce 95 percent of
the Canadian wheat crop, haw Pass-
ed legislation providing for a mar-
keting control to be put into effect
for the 1924 crop, if estimates show
that it will exceed the normal minus
15 percent of the three-year average.
Representatives from about 90
percent of the creameries Of the
state attended the four cream im-
provement conference held in Man-
dan, Valley City, Devils Lake and
Minot recently. The creamerymen
will cooperate with the NDAC in a
program to better cream quality.
$1.75 AND $2~00 p~ton paid for
cast iron ~i| ~[~ ~gth. -- Dak.-
Mont. Hide ~¢q~etal Co. of Beach,
N.D. ~ 3-1p.
GIRL WA.'~j~ Golden Valley
Hotel. ~" 3-1t.
are hereby
titioner her in
Court a the L~tst
Testament Gee
late of the Cit
County of
document as the
~aid deceased and for
} her of Letters Testa-
~ereon, and that said pe-
tition and the proofs of said pur-
ported Will will be heard and_~ly
considered by this Court on ~ues-
day, the 12th day of June A.~: 1934
at the hour of ten o'cloo~" in the
forenoon of that day a~the Court
Rooms of this Court, ~ff the Court
House in tbe City of AMeach, County
of Golden Valley an~dtate_ o~ North
Dakota; an~ you,~@h.d each of you,
are hereby ~t[ted~o. be and. appear
before this ~UI~ at said time and
place and sh~ cause. If any you
have, why the prayer of said peti-
tion should not be granted.
And you are hereby notified that
the residence of said decedent at the
time of his death was at the City
of ~ake City, Ill the County of Wa-
basha and State of Minnesota.
Let service be made of this Cita-
tion as required by law.
Dated this 23rd day or May A. D.
By the Court,
Fargo. North Dakota,
Attorneys for Petitioner. ~-
Judge of the County Court.
(MaY 24.31)
The Alpha U. B. Ladies Aid met IMedora Wednesday.
The bali game a~ Alpha Sunday wi~h Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth Thursday/ Mr Arthur White, S.
between ~outh Valley and Alpha re- a~ternoc, u. Thirteen members arts- ! and Andrew Kohldr
suited in a score of 14 to 29 in favor ~ered ~o roll call and twelve visit-t ness trip to Beach
of Alpha. f ors The next meeting will be with ing.
Alice Scherman was visiting her]Mrs. Rose Wassmann June 21st. Margaret Ziebarth
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mr. and Mrs. Alex La~ota and Wassmann visited Miss
Hagen. Monday. I daughter made a business trip to Johnson's school
. xxlb/,
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Corn Flakes .,. 2 ¢i 2 lc
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We cordially inwte you - Take ad e
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