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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 24, 1934     Golden Valley News
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May 24, 1934
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MAY 24 1934 THE BEACH, N. :D~., ADVANCE PAGE FIVE [H RIG[ P ARK ,,.,,ooo 2 - MAMMOTH FLOOR SHOWS - PIOK aR FRIDAY, MAY 25 SINGING and DANCING COMPE- ION FEA- PLAYDAY to the sports the commit- gave a free movie show at the theater which packed the all afternoon with exuher- and their parents. Beach Won out in the general play the entire program, but the had to hustle to beat was a great turn out last teams from all over the l taking part in the field!J. Anglemeyer, first; Cliff Stecker. and great interest and live- i second; F. Popiel, third. i 440 yard dash--high school boys-- c°a~Petition was exhibited. In B. Larson, f~irst; Glen Fakler, sec- ond; John Hanevold, third. Mile run--high school boys -- Wayne Bailey, first; L. Zielinski, second; Albert Gilman, third. Running broad jump---high school boys--Lloyd Theisen, first; Ralph Jones, second; S. Losinski, third. Baseball throw for accuracy--high school girls-- Virginia Young, first; Schools. Following is the I Marian Jones, second; Myrtle John- and the winners: ~ston Dash---Girls aged 8, 91 , third. anor Boisen, first; Betty second; Francis Roesler, Albert Michels, third. P throw for accuracy- arid over--Mary Ethel Oil- Dorothy Whitaker, sec- Smith, third. race--Girls aged 11 and 12 race---Girls 13 and over-- Miehels, fii-st; Marjie Olive Lemire, third. flash---Girls 13 and over-- first; Betty Miller, Huber, third. dash~Boys aged 11 and Boisen, first; Gordon second; Robert Ekre, ond; W. Bailey, third, boyle 220 yard dash--high school ~-- R. Hanevold, first; G. Fakler, sec-I ond; S. Losin_ski third, i 880 yard dash--high School boys-- Don Segler, first; Bud Manning, ~econd; Russell Houck, third. I High jumt>--high school boys- :!:!~!;ii;~i:!~! Vern Wolcott, first; Ralph Jones and Lloyd Theisen, tie for second. : Javelin throw--high school boys--i~?!i:~i~ Wampas Winner LOCAL NEWS Dash--Boys aged 13 and] Niece, first; Young Demp-I Roy Noyes has completed the im- provements to his care. He has cut off the rear portion of the next door barber shop and fitted the space 1~o Joan Blondell went the 1934 with a number of booths, thus add- Wampas trophy in recognition o~ ing very materially to the capacity her meteoric screen rise since her, ~hauer, first; Avis Hov- of his "Cozy" eat shop. selection as a baby star by th~ Jun eErickson, third. ! Wampas organization three years ago. Here Is the happy film star dash---Boys aged 8, 9 and Mrs. John Keohane spent the i with the coveted "trophy, l%terson, first; Edward[week end at the home of a friend. second; James Heaton 'Mrs McEntee of New England, i The third annual tournament of N. Dak. i the Missouri Slope Checker assoc- Under the heading, "Don't Take!iati°n will be held in Dickinson on Tire Troubles Along With You on :v:e~-norial Day. Beach is going to Your Trip," W. C. Schulz, on page six of this issue calls attention to the many virtues of the Goodyear tires. There will be found in this advertisement many items of inter- est to the riding public. And on page three the same auto dealer has send down a team that will mop the earth with the othe~r feI~. / Ti=~ Enna Jcttic~mmer shoe is the acme of s~yl~¢~nd comfort. At Greengards std~, Beach. 3-1t aged 8, 9 and t an ad carrying the many virtures of 9, and 10- Mildred i the 1934 Chevrolet car, this being A Girl Scout 'meeting was held ; Nancy Nyman, see-also full of interest to drivers, yesterday at the Legion hall to ln- ~)isen, third. ~ hm struct the girls in the selling of the • Girls 50 yard dash-- Jack IAndt has "greened" up " American Legion poppies, Saturday. Simmons, first; Mar- 1 paint shop with a new coat of paint Two weeks ago the Girl Scout meet- ;ecor~ ; Lottie Walker, [ of that emerald hue. ing was led by Miss Lucile Morris who gave the girls instructions in Girls 100 yard dash--Ii The city school election in ]Beach first aid measures. Some of the first; LUlian Wo- Ermina Oermain, girls potato race-- first; Rose Jakins, Boisen, third. jump--Girls 13 and first; Annabell district will be held Tuesday, June 5th. As yet no nominating papers have been filed and no candidates have appeared in the field. The term of Albert Thompson soon comes to an end and there seems no disposition on the part of anybody to do other than insist that he be first; Ernest Neff Johnson, third. aged 11 and Niece, first; Mar- second; Helen Blair, girls are now ready for first aid tests, which will be in the very near future as Miss Morris will be away after June 1st. "Joe" Vlasoff spent Tuesday at Bismarck. Quite a number of farmers and some town folks attended the stock- rowers meeting at Medora Tues- day and all report a very fine time and a good rodeo in the way of en- tertainment. Every fourth married woman in Copenhagen, Denmark, is self sup- porting, according to government figures. That ought to make life Higley, third. I reelected. jump--Boys 13 Dempsey, first; A1- In renewing his subscription to second; ~J0e Niece, I this great journal of erdightenment, Ins it were, our former townsman G. aged 8, 9 andtJ. Oppegard, knowing how a bit of t flattery gets under the hide of old cusses like weuns, says: "I assure you I appreciate your paper, and think it does credit to you and the community. I enjoy your editorials and naturally I agree with every- easy for the men folks. thing you my, as 'great minds run "Bill" Ueekert is campaigning to- in the same channel'." He sends re- day over in Slope and Bowman counties. gards likewise to all old friendS. There will be no services at St. Matthews Episcopal church this coming Sunday as was originally scheduled, owing to the fact that Roy. McNamara was unable to come. It is not known just when the next service will be but there will be a notice in this paper in plenty of time for the next services. Social Hour will meet June 29th at the home of Mrs. Al. Gilman. The Woman's club will close its club year next Saturday afternoon y In 15 years ~living in Beach the Advanc~ e~r has purchased two articles af ~t~y importance out- side the city.i~Thls is, perhaps, a record. Ed. Summers spent Friday and Saturday at Rhame, where he hap- pened to meet up with some old side partners with whom he used to wrestle and box when the winters of ; many years had not yet pa~ed over his head. 3ump---~irls aged Schauer, first; Second; Margaret Oal- Jump--boys aged 8, Kennedy, first; second; Kenneth Sill, aged 8, Blair, first; second; Betty Bur- Jump--boys aged Lyons, first; Her- Bud Boisen, third. for distance--boys Kreitinger, second; at 2"30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. , ~-~.~ ~ ~,~o-¢ ~,o: ,~o~i-ned -t aged 11 and 12 John Keohane, where a picnic will n ~ ~,~,[,,~[::o o~,Jnin,-,~ w'~en No ....... ns if' ieoron ~u,~ u, s x~rst; Herlin be held on the ~eonane )aw , I ..... I- +-~ -,~ the Northern Pac- Douglas, third. I the weather is good..,The regular ]~i:'~R~'c"ra~he~ into a car on a distance---GIrlslmeeting of the Woman s club wasI ..... ~, ~.h,r~ kfllin~ one r~erson ry Helen Niece lheld at the high school last Monaay ....... ~ .... ~.' .7° .._¢ . , second; Loma/evening, it being just a short busi-I T:rdedm~wUeremgin~=d?:te~y" ru~h% % fo ~ness meeting with no program. It a r accuracy--boys I was held at the t~!gh school in order I Bm~i::lka'tt:nht~re they were g~ven er Smith, first; that the members would be able to l ' ; ROdney Shoen, ~ attend the concert and exhibit being ......... ~ who has been 13 a " held there that night. / [sob'fltlUweit~n;niaumo:ia, was taken to • s'. na over-- ~," ...... I the Dickinon hospital last week '~, Albert Mtch- Visit the G~'eengar~ store ~exore .... immediatel'" overated • h s Our I wnere sne was y MaJerus, third, buying your ~umn~r s oe. - .......... ntis comnlicatin~ an 13 et upou ~,,,v#~,,,,,, ,- , ¢ and e the finest y ~e~ ~ .... over-- Enna Jettick ~n ~ t: ...... already serious chest condition. She -,~u~e, second; receivea. .znese~0es are no~eu ,u~ ...... Ion- as well as can be _style and the p~l~e'is good for any ~Sx g~'t~g "~e ~n~ny friends of the aged 11 and 12 pocketbook 3 It P~ sincerel s thize .- • " " c~ fa~y y y~pa second. distanee--hlgh first; second; EVe~ Mrs. Minnie Smith took a Short trip to Mandan this week, leaving Wednesday and returning tomor- row. Mrs. Sue Smith accompanied her. A. M. Kuhfeld has been invited by the Golva High school to make tile commencement address, and Rev. Ellinger has been asked to preach the baccalaureate sermon Sunday. Herman Funk, Ed. Sailer and Geo Meyer, all of Hebron, stopped en- route home from Miles City called on the Dewey Rhyners and the John Kukowsl~ last Wednesday. with them in the illness of their youngest little girl and all hope she will soon be well on the road to re- covery. Come in and lOok over our splen- did selection of Enna Jettick shoes !for summer wear. They are leaders in style and grace any foot. Green- gards store. 3-1t The dance at Evergreen last Fri- day was well patronized, every one seeming to have the best kind of time. The Jack Mills band w~ good, also the floor. Supper was served for those who wanted it. school first; Mar- ; ~una Rae boys---Ro. S. Losinski, SChool RalphboYS -- Jones tie for see- aehOOl boya-- ~ Pakler, aec- We had the threat of several good [ HONOR MISS WAGONHALS storms during the week but very] " __ ' atlittleleastrainin thmhas seemed to develop,,] The Beach order of P EO were vicinity. l hostesses Friday at the home of Manager Halbkat of the Red Owl'I Mrs. A. A. Abel, at a shower in hon- or of Miss Mildred Wagonhals. Mrs. store is celebrating a twelfth birth- Robert Milloy and Mrs. A. M. Kuh- day this week over at the store, and feld were the committee in Charge invites everybody Friday and Sat- of the entertainment. The table urday to "come up and see him was beautifully decorated in pink, sometime," as Mac West says. On centered with tulips in matching page eight you will see what a nice shades. Dainty refreshments were layout at reasonable prices he has served late in the afternoon. Miss prepared for the birthday celebration, Wagonhals was presented by the which, by the way, is the store's club with a lovely electric combina- birthday and not his. tion grill, which is capable of cook- announces,, the ing most anything from toast to ba- Mrs. Stanley Smith con and eggs, and which delighted opening of her beauty shop in its her very much. new location, beneath the postoffice. Owing to the delay in getting the The regular business meeting was apartments finished she was not able held the early part of the afternoon to reopen for business last Saturday, but assures her friends and patrons An outstanding social event of th~ that she is now in position to serve past week was the bridge dinner giv- them. Her advertisement will be en by the Misses Marian and Marie found on page eight of this paper• Keohane at their home, on Satur- day evening last in honor of Miss MR. AND MRS. LLOYD CALL- Mildred Wagonhals, and at which LENDER HONORED the formal announcement of her l approaching June marriage was (By Special Correspondent)Ilmade" Bridal appointments pre- Forty-five friends from differentd°minated the smartly arranged parts of the country, met at the tables which seated the guests for Lloyd Callender home last Sunday the serving of the seven o'clock din- evening to help them celebrate their her. Auction bridge was the diver- !twenty-fifth anniversary of their siGn of the evening. Awards were wedded life. The Nellermoe boys received by Miss Zimmerman, sis- brought their stringed instruments ter of Mrs. Steve Knezevich who is i h u z J~ vimtmg her from Chmago and Mrs .nd w t Lo is Callende', "., andI ".' . " , • Pez~cle Mms Wagonhals was pro Mrs. Lloyd Callender taking turns " • 'sented w~th a lovely guest prize 'at the piano, and the rest 2oiningi ' " • in song the house rang ,wi~l: music I and merriment, i . ~ SEEKS SUPERINTENDENCY When the delicious lug, whichl the ladies prepared, wa~ ready to In this week's Advance l~oyd A. serve, Mr. and Mrs. Callender were Wilson announces his candidacy for c~ndLlcLed ~.o the seats of honor in county superintenden~ of schools the middle of the living room floor, Mr. Wilson is a 8vaduate of the and presented with a silver framed Dickinsot~ Teachers college and for casserole, six silver teaspoons and the past two years has been teach- a purse of silver. Mr. E. B. Stair of ing at the Chandler school in this Wibaux made a few well chosen re- county. Heis a good, clean young marks, expressing our pleasure in fellow, and has many friends whom being able to meet thereon such a he hopes will support his candidacy. ......... : .......... =::= accumulated there during the win~. ~]fi~]~Tq[~]-]kT]b-n][. ]i~lTr~qp]~ [ter. This certainly is a worthy piec~ ~.~ .~.~.~.~u~ a.~v,j~,~=~, Iof work and the appearance of the .................. - ' cemete~T is greatly improved. --~-f---- .... - .... I Marie Kramer has been assistin[g "me Junior oase ~an ~eam was ~with the work a~" the Tu ,~ .... n~.,,, defeated 13-2 by the Oolva team, t .- - _:e:s:n ..~...~ at Golva Wednesday. Sunday Golva1 Mr. anct Mrs: Joe Kam oI ~t. came to' Sentinel Butte and the Phillip were v~iting relatives a~ Sentinel Butte team Was again de- ISentinel Butte Sunday. feated b'y a score of A~:4,z~-, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Loule Hovland left ..... x" __ _ _. I Wednesday for Rothsay Minn up-. virginia ~urns ~omse ann ~lea- . . ' "' . _'LW .... on rece~wng a message that Louie's nor ~.emere ~gPlme l~ess a~¢t ~r~tu- m ...... ' , . . ~..~~ other was very low She passedt nne 7.msn enJoyea a pm ~m supper ..... "_ . . away snortty azter their arrival. at North Bu~'te Tuesday. ':" Louie has the sincere sympathy oE Kenneth Wosepka spen in town visiting relatives Pat McDonald returnd from Great Falls, where~ a few days with his fan McDonald remained at C The county grader has the week i TuesddY he visited dly. J.J. teat Falls. ,een work- hag on the streets here for the past week. The streets certainly have been improved and it is a pleasure to drive on them. Fl'ank and Norbert Bares and Laura Moyer were visitors at the Mike Theisen home Sunday. Janet Englund plans to leave for St. Paul next Sunday, where abe will spend the summer with rela- tives. Mrs. Lyle Martin is enjoyin~ a visit with her grandmother, who ar- rived here Thursday from Cro~by, Minn., for a several weeks stay. Verda Smith was a Sunday even- ing caller at the Mike Zinsli home. Mike Theisen has charge of the mixing of the grasshopper poigon here at Sentinel Butte. The bans of matrimony were an- nounced Sunday for Marcella Thei- sen of Sentinel Butte and Frank Bares of Golva. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Englund and faPnily and L~rs. Giau~n d~o~e t,oI Olendive Sunday where they enjoy-I ed a picnic dinner and had a pleas- [ ant days outing. [ The Sentinel Butte town ~choo! ! pupils participated in the ptayday events at Beach, ~here they won several first and other honors. all his fz'ien~s in the loss of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Galiagher an~ family were Sund~y callers at th~ Win. Gardner home east of town. Richard Grimm departed for" Washington Thursday for an ex- tended visit with relatives. He hacl been recently visiting at the Johr~ Grimm home. The Senior class will hold bac-~ calaureate services at the town hall: Sunday, the 27th. About 400 shelterbelts to demon- strate the value of trees have been. set out this spring on North Dakota. farms. Studies in weed control at the Dickinson substation showed that~ the plowless fallow was one of the' best methods for control of wild oats. The duckfoot cultivator is us- ed instead of the moldboard plow. F........... ---~ t PALACE i BEAUTY happy occasion. Mr. Caliender ans- wered in a few words ~r which supper was served. ~.~;, Mr. and Mrs. CallenderT-~were rled here 25 years ago,~;~nd;~e made their home on the~ome~d, where they still llve. 2~ose p~- ent were Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stair, ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and OUT FOR AUDITOR Mrs. Ross Johnston and Llnfred Ness called at the C. J. Everts home :~;:On another page of this issue Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Smith announces her The base ball team journeyed to candidacy for the office of county Beach Sunday. to play the Beach auditor, She calls attention to the team and were defeated 17-12. fact that her four year's service as The roller skating rink proved to Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. John and Cleli Trollope and families, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nellermoe and family, Mr. and Mrs. John and Roy Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Andre, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Lawhead and sons, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Calender and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. H; Callender, Mr. and Mrs. J. R: Vt~ist and ity with various phases of county of all weeds, papers, etc., which had family, Ray Gasho, Dorothy Doyle work are a valuable asset to her .... and "Shorty" Austin. candidacy. county treasurer makes her faro- be quite a popular place of amuse- iliar with the duties of auditor and ment Sunday afternoon an¢~ even- tthat there is nothing in the latter ing. Many people coming from Car- work which a woman cannot do as lyle, Beach, Alpha and Golva to on- efficiently as a man, and that ff joy this favorite sport. The roller nominated and elected she will give skating will continue here all this good service to the people. Mrs. iweek" Smith is well known over the county Several Catholic men got together and her friends claim her familiar- Monday and cleared the cemetery FOR SHERIFF Signers of wheat reduction con- tracts making any changes in their I beg to announce my candifll~cy wheat acreage not specifically per- for sheriff of Golden Valley~6~nty, mitted in their contracts should reg- subject to the will af th~oters at ister their 1934 acreage with thei~ the June primary and~neral elec- county a~ociation. tlon, if I .am one o/~the two high ' - candidates~at th~rme_r. _I came MARKETS to the cot~nty ~r1910, dividing my time in f~'n~g and business in Wedne~lay Noon town. I be~l~'ve that I am qualified Northern wheat .............. $ .70 for this important office and if elec-, Win*~" wh~t .68 ted will certainly devote all my time 1 .:." ..... :'~-7 ................ Lmrum wnea~ ................. 60 and energy to the faithful perfor-!Flax mance of its duties Your supportI .^ . ....................... 1.58 • R~ ......................... 36 and vote will be grossly appreciat-I Barlev ......... 26 ed. 3-te I o ts ................. JOHN BARKLAND " I Eggs ('i~l" tr~ie') ................. ............... 1119 ----- t Butter .............. " ....... :..20 ADVANCE ADS oK'r RESULTS /Cream ........ sour, 20; sweet, 22c GUARANTEED Phone 126 CLEAN UP AFTER THE DIRT STORM, WITH THESE MONEY SAVING VALUES Our Own Wax, .~~-?---?~ .................. 39. Our Own WaffPaper Cleaner ............... :\ ............ 9c Die A DoG P~nt Cleaner ......................... '~\. ........... 29c Super Klean/Polish, I qt. size .................... ~ .......... 29c Super Klea~ Mop, 85e values . .............. ............ ~ 9c Sponges--/'- ........ / 25c Chamois, ~3 by 33c ALSO Th4Best in town 39e WASH UP- - PAINT UP USE AND VARNISHES ! HIGHEST QUALITY AT MONEY SAVING PRICES A. 0verstad & Son We Save You Money On Your Groceries Strawberries, qts., 19c Salad Dres g, pinfl jar. ..... r o ~ ~.~ C4m+ pound ........ 20c Fresh Eig Bar 2 Tomatjes, NoI2, 2 Lb. Box Crackers ........... 23c V. C, Pork & Beans, only ....... 5c V. C. Tomato Soup ............. 5e Stock Salt, 100 pounds ....... $1.25 50 Lb. Block Salt.. ........... 65e BUY DAKOTA MAID FLOUR F.T. Reynolds Co. We Deliver Free Phone 75