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May 24, 1934 |
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Robert Russell, Preston Neff,
Jerry Keohane, Helen .Ro.
bertson, Evelyn Thompson,
Ralph Balers Fine Artists.
Net= hool ex bi ,last
Monday Kfternoon and evenh~, one
of the most noticeable things was
the work done by the boys and girls
in the public speaking classes.
Among the many fine sets built by
them was a large stage set built by
Robert Russell m~d Preston Neff,
which was a thing of beauty. The
~(Ccntlnued from page one)
iSl~reby proposed by the legal vot-
e~ o5 the City of Beach, a municipal
a~'po~tion of the County of Oolden
Valley and IP, Jtte of North D~kot~:
+~Be It Resolved That the City of
lm,.~.h, a m~Acipal corporation of j .
County of Golden Valley and J Af the)school exhibits, held last
8tats of North Dakota, do issue ' ~';
~-'" o ................ ]Monday ~fternoon and evening, one
mmxm z mare Ul~y oI M~ Ior ~llet . ; ......
of the construction and I o! u~e most nouceame tmnge was
zNth~mmee of a plant and equip- [ the work done by the boys and girls
delivery and furnkhing of elec-
t~ heat, Hght and power, either dl-
tale ;heat, light nd power, either di-
rectly or indirectly, to or for the
and for the PUrChase and ac-
q~isJtion of a site upon which to
erect and locate said proposed plant.
That the maximum amount of
bonds proposed to be issued under
andby Virtue of this Initial Resolu-
tion be and hereby is declared to
be Twenty-eight Thousand and 00-
150 (S28,G00,00) Dollar&
That the maximum interest rate
said bonds shall bear, in the event
that the same are issued, shall be
six percent (6 Percent) Per annum.
That the said bonds shall be in
That the years of maturities of
such bonds, if the same are issued,
shall be 1955, 19S6, 1937, 1938, 1940,
M, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947,
1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953 and
That the said bonds be issued for
the purpose of the construction.
acquisition and maintenance Of a
or equipment for the produc-
~ ~, delivery or fur-
.of ~eleetrtc heat, light or
Dower, eithe~ directly or indirectly,
to ~r ~r the public and to purchase
~ldto upon which to construct and
said plant.
TI~ ~he assessed valuation of all
the ~ property in the City of
Beach, Is S412~94.00.
in.the total amount of bond
ess of the said City of
Beach is Nil Dollars.
That the amount of outstanding
indebtedness of the said City of
Beach issued for a purpose similar
to that proposed in this Initial Reset
lution is Nil Dollars.
The voters proposing this Initial
~luti~ feel that the rates in the
GI~y of Beach for electric light and
power are exorbitant and out of all
when the cost of production
-~g the commodity is considered. It
is our intention in submitting this
resolution and petition to bring the
matter before the council in such
manner that a vote on the issuance
Of be~ds may be had at the time of
the Primary Election on June 27th,
1~4, If neither of the other two
plal~ which wears herein proposing
mm be placed into effect. The first
plan which we wish to suggest to
the Council and petition it to have
placed into operation is that an ap-
plication be made to the United
States goverr~ment to have the sum
of ~SD00.00 allotted to the City of
Be&eh out of the Public Works Ad-
~tion Fund~ for the purpose
of erecting the plant and distribu-
tkm system. The bonds issued un-
der this pian would be revenue
issued ~ag~inst the revenue of
the pla~t and would not constitu~
& general obligation of the City of
Beach. These bonds would be put-
bY the PWA and thirty per-
cent of this amount would be do-
,~e w~h
of Beach
same to be the
of the City, in
the amount o~ $28,000.00, said bonds
to he Wed for the purpose of paying
for the establishment of a dlstribu-
tim system in the/City of Beach,
a~d that a contract be entered into
With Kane l~vate concern for thd~
ea~ctlma of the plant itself, and that
a ~ on the plant be given
to the private concern erecting said
l~m~, and that such morts~t~e be
off out of the proceeds of rev-
cffime o~ such plant.
An investigs~on has been made of
~he rates charged and the profits
made In the operation of municipal
power and light plants, and we feel
th~ such a plant could be operated
at Beach with a considerable saving
in rates to the ~mers of the commod-
ity and at a fair profit to the mun-
l¢tpality as is shown by the exper-
the City has had in
of the water depart-
ment that at the most within
plant could be
revenue derived
It is our intention that
an allotment of
Administration funds
cannot be as herein explain-
ed, t~t/~he City Council Issue said
in the amount provided for
in ~ Initial l~esolution and that
the fun~ so raised be used for the
purlmse of the construction, acqu~-
t~ and maintenance of suc~ plant
and equipment and for the purchase
~g~r~ ~ which to construct
and maintain such plant under the
plan hereinbefore submitted.
shoot~ are tasty as greens
and ) au~ welcome ad-
early s~u~.
of off or
set was completely made by hand
and complete in every detail. There
was a fine inlaid floor, handmade
furniture, rugs, lamps, in fact every-
thing that goes on a fine set, even
to indirect lighting and footlights,
all in proportion, There was also
velvet stage drop. Another beauty,
showing labor and care and talent
was the set built by Jerry Kcohane.
Still another was a lovely set car-
tied out in black and cream, buil~
by Ralph Belers. Another was a
lovely catholic altar, the stage com-
plete having been built by Evelyn