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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 24, 1934     Golden Valley News
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May 24, 1934
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MAY 24, 1934 THE BEACH, N. D,, ADVANCE GOLVA TROTTERS AUTO ACCIDENT Mrs. Fisk is employed as cook and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoff- Mr. Fisk as sheep herder at Mr. Z were returning home from Hudson's lambing camp on Beaver ( Saturday night, on the high-creek. I ~_ ear the track, they were struck i Etsworth err injured a foot/ Y a ear going 70 miles an hour. Mr. while working on the state road last ! ~ffman saw the car coming and lweek J a)t as near the ditch as he could. The Henr- and Pearl townshinl he car struck their front wheel of / ..... J ....... r l le tru ............. ooaras nela a jOln~ meeung on ~a~- i ~kem over m~ttgel~d?::han~Urmcnglurday' for the purpose of letting out Which was thou~,ht a whi.~ ..... ~a few road jobs. Mrs. Kyle Sperry did not stop. Luckily'Mr. a'n'd helped Mrs. Kidder prepare and serve dinner to them, that day. Hoffman were not seriously in- but their truck was badly Mrs. Joe err is in the sheep rais- up. Mrs. Hoffman said she ing business now. She has fourteen i Was so frightened at the time she bum lambs, which she is raising. not know whether she was in-. H. H. Burchette returned home or not, another case of care- ~on Wednesday from Beach, where driving. The guilty party is not he had gone for medical aid. He is at present. Ed. Fischer took'feeling better, but was a very sick and Mrs. Hoffman home and man for a while. the truck into town for re- Mrs. McBurney is trying her luck tlatr, in the bee raising business. We wish her much success. : Eileen err spent a few days of and Mrs. Frank Davidson of last week at the Omley home. Clay. visited home folks over Sun- I Eddie Omley viisted at the Fred- win Crook home last week. Chas. Doubles and Gee. Johnson Mrs. Crook and children visited at have the JOb of dealing out the the Elsworth err home on Saturday. dope and have been Roy Kidder called at the J. F. Preparing it for distribution. I Crook home on Friday evening. Pests seem to be plentiful. II Mrs. John Greenup entertained The dance given by the indies of ,the WWW last Thursday afternoon. the Altar society Tuesday night was I A good crowd was present, owing to a0t largely attended but al~ report i~he kindness of the owners of the Pleasant time. Ectward Kremerlthree cars present, who were willing ~sisteI. Wilma and and ito carry more than their own fam- Martin ~on SChillo furnished the music flies. Seven members were present Mrs Pru~ .......... and three visitors. The business ~lth, her" sonU~"~eLyman,rt~eey ~ms:~Y~ng_ meeting was .sh°rt'z ~hey• . then all clay guests at th~ w w v)~ h,m~ partook of a Time came Glenna Do-,::- ......... % "'Y:"~' to leave for l~me all tO{) soon. May o'u~°~es*'wasague~,~, ~-~ ,,=~. =,u oi her the WWW ]~ve__._ many more Such de- Pearl )lva Played Baker Pl^--/' -:-^ lightful ~eetings. _ -__=v,~ ,,,= ~lson start - fol h t he home • _ .... Rev. 1~1 n sta ea • t e race- diamond SUL~u~t:¢. ~x . ; Crowd ................ lug of the WWW at John Greenul~s • w~,mszea me aeiea~ oi . --] _ ~__ ~ ..... tatte, t~ .......... last ~naursaay. [ne ~,o~ as iar as ~nc r of '~'l;:C°~ wrag: ~°~tl'i m ! Law}4end h°me,twhen he thought o! rat l ng t ~ tal m ~:'_" ~ . . .~onTe dut~ ~at Be~ach he must attend .t mker°kT A aya ,o so rotu nod l we a. ~e a~ter 1~ gI~at effol't~ ttmt !ae Mrs. J. E. Pariseau were cou [ ~ot be present. !! visitors Saturday. Matt A large crowd ~ attended ctmrch took them down and had a $e~ ~es~at Trotterg~last Sundo~' and tire trouble on the return, lis~¢ ~ed\ to a wogdcrful Sermon John Scheffer and Mrs. El- pre~ :bed\by Roy. N~son. /believe were callers at the John ~ac] sern~n is bette~ th~ the one home near Burkey on bed: c. Tw'~ new men~be~s were tak- Kreitinger-is the lucky fish- O iOmley visited/at his sisters, One catch being a fish that ~'h's Q!son's hom~" last Thursday, 13 pounds. I~ho ~ve.~ no~,~(east of sentinel Agent Russell and John Butte. He L~'fimed home Friday were business visitors in MOnday. .~venmg. Elsworth Orr and family visited Mildred Funk closed a very at Ole Omley's last l~'iday. Els- terra of Friday, worth had the misfortune to get his Carlyle. thei~ Gol- Friday~ until Ha|gh was in town Sunday. foot hurt. But it seems to be im- proving. Hazel Lawhead Clark has been visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lcland were visitors at the Luther I-rodgin home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore were and Seniors enjoyed at church Sunday. Phil, their son, at the BatOn hall l~'r|day, having gone down to get them. of eats Were ~'t;aken and a: Helga Omley is assisting Mrs. Phil repor|ed. S~(imming!and ! Moore with her work this week. p_t ed t eltime qY Y'i Mr Ray Andre, Ole and Eddie anseaB cnaDerone~ ~neiomley had the pleasure of taking ~" ,~_° ] . l a spin in an airplane this week, :~. ~baorerz, Miss Irene]thanks to Rudolph Bertseh. ~, Miller, Miss ~ong! Phil Moore is doing some plowing ~en Dunstan witl~ their for Mr Hodgin Can you beat that -~ ed piayday at/Beach! .; . " -~tled , i for faith in the weather man. I J~ ~ _ - . / . ~ Most of the Nellermoe family at- B:_---?. ,~. ~. tmrl w~e snop- '~ tended church at Shadwell last [ .~aCnSa~.urday./ Sunday. We missed them at Trot-[ ~ry vars~ow we~t to Oilie ters { to spend SunCy with heri ' / Madison w~s a Glendive nlgh~, of Forsythe, 22 Y[ARS AG0 friends in Golva and last. made a good showing strong Dickinson team For a time is seem- Would be the winners game ended in a victory for SCore being 10 to 13. league played Sentinel and won 8 to 4. pitched for Gel- Ditched the last Covert, Mrs. Frank Mrs. L[. E. Curl and Mrs. attended the Sunshine Mrs. Hammond, Wed- Qugoles attended from Snow and children from the measles. Page was a guest of in Beach Mother's In 1912 there was more agita- tion for the fact that Beach should have a band again that year, the old one having been evidently dis- continued, and it was suggested that the Commercial club take the mat- ter up and push it to a conclusion. E. E. Salzanan, Republican candi- date for county auditor, spent the week in Beach visiting old friends and looking after the interests of his candidacy. John C. McNeice became a ben- edict, May 15, 1912. He married Miss Dorothy Mac Palmer, Whose home was at Greenwood, Wisconsin. Fa- ther Wolpers read the wedding serv- ice at the Catholic parsonage. At the meeting of the Commercial club that week, A. E. Kastien, J. J. ia - Bartley, Win. Rosenberg, Otto Stens- Miss Miller's room rud and Pierce Egan were named as ini~ T~ln-sday. / a committee of five to look after the t crS. Edw. Fischer and tdetail work of getting attractions, ! • arlyle callers SundaY]doing advertising, etc., for a July1 sta,~-~ [ 4th celebration, t • ~u on the highway] ~ ~ ~ ~, th.e road is going to be !~ ~ ~ ~ = ~-_/ miles east on the south ~ route to the Gee. Geary home for ~ dinner. of matrimony were Catholic church Sun- Marcella Theisen and The wedding to une 9th. and Miss Leona visitors Sat- Morton was a guest Page Saturday. Miss and Mr. "and to tha Peter- afternoon. were in town not stick around spent last week near Beach. that Dr. Arnson of Geary of Dick- Callers Sunday en- Chas. Howarth moved his house a short distance to a higher loca- tion, which is quite an tmprovemen$ over the other site. Guy Curl help- ed with the moving. L. D. Page returned from Baker Tuesday. Ole Knutson spent Sunday with relatives at Medora, he says they were making big preparations for the Stockmen's rodeo. Miss Ruth Hong was shopping in Beach Saturday. L~ H. and Miss Wilma Kremer were Beach visitors Saturday. The section, crew expect to do a flood job scattering gl~aSshopper dope along the track 23 miles to the Montana line. ADVANCE ADS GET RESULTS Million to Fight Paralysis A happy scene in the White House as President Roosevelt. present~ a hu~ check for $1,003,030.08 to Arthur Carpenter (left), resident trustee f Warm Springs Foundation. The check represents proceeds of 6,000 birt] day balls held in President's honor last January in aid of his pet eharit~ H. P. Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry GARNER :Wassmann and Victor Renstrom. Of i course they a~.~r21-r~Thomp- ...... son sho~l~ the afternoon. ".~ The Randazh school Miss Went-! Mr,~:~d Mrs ....... ~- • . " . . i ~- ~ ~ " . Willis OI near ~oc~y land teacher, eloseu Tuesuay, May i BuffI~'wel-e dinner guests of Mr. Bnd FAGE TII~EJ THE STUDENT CRY A,+ove the silent city of ~e.d~eald i other times recedes. SNIFF, SNII,'~F__WI.IAT Where sleep the brave and true, It seemed that it didn't start un- NOW? Our flag of freedom proudly waves til the boys had stopped taking There's a lingering odor-some. --The red, and wbate, and blue, showers. Some dainty feminine times in the halls, sometimes In the iV~h ! girls who simply cOuldn't endure the/ halls, sometimes around the vielntlW , eearbugleagaincalltheso clear,muffled dm |, odor brought beautiful lilacs or l of some individuals. It never seen~ ~ hile softJV rests a nation's dead|l wisps of perfumed finery which they i very strong unless you get very near With those we love so dear. I] !wafted before their tilted noses, tana_ t hfn it_has about the sallte Who was guilty of such an offense? ! ~g~eeaute t~or as the hydrogen Sill- After some investigation, it was!fide we make in chemistry, labors, No strife or bitter pain is theirs, o~h~e Ss~c~e never notice it., .~t maims Their battle days are o'er, + learned that certain individuals pos- +, rs And now eternal peace prevails sess feet which perspire a great deal : z--ana wna~ is ~ms aroma ~well it might be stale tobaeco.- \Vherc war is l~own no more. washed.and I doubt whether they are ever i smoke' To us who hold the torch of lifo Why can't the advertisers do ; They speak from unknown grave~ something to make some people self ATHLETICS And plead for loyalty and fight conscious of their dirty smelly feet Where freedom's flag still wav~ Mr. MacMaster took Robert l~Ian. • as they do of B. O. and halitosis, nevold and Glen Fakler to DiekLn- Not greed or selfish pride be our, son last Saturday. Glen took aec- \Vhen duty gives the call, YOUI ond place in the 100 yard dash. Ro- But lifting high the flag of truth In recent years it was a tradition bert H. broke the record for the 100 And watching, lest it fail I that because of custom children yards in the preliminaries, shaving God grant that-we may never be + should follow the paths of their fore it from 10.3 seconds to 10.2 seconds. fathers in the means of livelihood. The schools in the whole south- Unworthy of our post, ~f your father was an agricultur- western part of the state were corn- But serve with troth and loyalty i The land we love the most! list, you were also, or if he was a peting and that it was a real meet merchant it was definitely decided is shown by the fact that seven re- -s~,~q~a..D,~ !for you that your future should be cords were broken. that of a merchant, too. But this daughters, Joe Dletz and familytradition has been altered by the ADIEU Mr and Mrs Herman Wa~ma~,lchildren entering an occupation I wish to thank the members of ' " i suited to th and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry . era. We must plan our- the staff for their kind cooperation selves what we wish to become Wassmann and Victor Rermtrom, , and during the past semester and hope act accordingly It isn t what Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson and • ' our that the readers have enjoyed the son and Charley, Otto and Adolph ancestors have done that will place Student Cry.--Donald West. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen us--but is our fittness physically and Alistot and children, Fred Waas- mentally. The reputation and wealth ALL GOOD INDIANS mann and family, of our parents may affect us as to the opportunities we shall receive Of a population of 313 inmates ~t Evelyn Peterson visited home folks but it is our responsibility what shall the state penitentiary, 265 are seek° on Sunday. be made of these opportunities, It ing clemency from the state Pardon Mrs. Vanvig was still in Beach is true that nowadays people rely board. The applications for pardon, last Wednesday with her measles td~ much upon what has been and parole and commutations are be-. patients, after Thomas began to get what shall be done for them. It is lieved the largest number ever pine- better, Gordon came down with the us, ourselves that persons are deal- ed before a pardon board in North measles, so Mrs. Vonvig thought it ing with not our fathers or his lath- Dakota. best to see them through, er. We may inherit wealth, but we At its meeting last week the Par- do not inherit our personalities. We don board granted paroles to 20 Postalro Stamp Laid to Gra~o must cultivate our characters. We prisoners out of 80 cases passed ola, In the little town of Pores, Greece, must develop a sense of responsibil- so if the same ratio is preserved hx documents have come ~ light to in. ity by depending upon oureslves and I the balance of cases some 66 riso - dlcate that Greece, rather tha~ be able to make a success in this [ers will ~ * ..... P Great Britain, produced the first would by bein~ some~,ho~ +~.~ .... ~+,_ -...~. ~urnea loose, moat ~[ ..... ~ ,,+--- -,,,=w-- ~ ~nem, probably to .^~4 ....... postage stamp, more than 102 Years uen~ o~ o~ners. If all your aequain- |creme -, ,A,,,~,um: az ago. l tances were swept aside, all material -'" " 10th with a program and picnic at ~"rs Henrd Wassmann Sun- ' the 'school house. +:5~Mrs H'-~r" Was m clay: 2 . ~r y s ann ann Mrs. There were 17 guests Ior dinner ~g Crossmar~ attended the Alpha ~- the Harry Wasslnann home Sunny deis Aij~t the A. J. Zlebarth l~me including Glen Allstot and family, Thur2~Ia~. / Fred Renstrom and family andfVic-'1 ~rs. ~;corge Oldis and hero.orb- for ReLstrom, 'I]~.ey drove to ~each ~ had ~t couple of boxes of j~is roots in the af.~ernoon to see theI ball at Mr~.Ziebarth's Thur,~l~y, which game. i i they ~e~e delivering.~/ Mr. and Mrs. Sehumacher ~nd Mr.]a~d Mrs. A. M. Peterson were children were business and pleasll,re Beact~ ~sitors Taa4irsday. l visitors in Beach Thursday. +'~ Mrs:~G!en ).t~ot was a Golva via- Dorothy Wosepka visited the Oolva i~Or~trrfl'a'y. school Thursday. Among those who plcnieed at the Among the Beach visitors from river Sunday were Tony Barthel and this vicinity Wednesday were Mr. family, Tom Wosepka and family, and Mrs. Glen Allstot, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Krause and +@ It's l~gh time you e~nged to a heavier, motor oil--as an economy move! Light, oils are subjeerto faster and faster ~onsmnption as the~thrcury conti~fis to rise. Besides, if you h~,e been using ordinary oil the chances lure that there is trouble:gadding sludge in your crankcase right now ........ You know how ~e ugly mess called Sludge fouls the oil fiher and lines--makes piston rings stick and causes costly ~ulUmping of oil--slows down valve action, bringing waste- loss of gasoline power. So get rid of sludge, once and for all, by having your crankcase drained at a Standard Off station--then refill with IsofVis "D", the anti.sludge motor oil. You'll have inn economical, sludge-less summer and a clean, lively, ~. efficient engine. FULLY-ENCLOSED KNEE- ACTION WHEELS 80 HORSEPOWER-- 80 MILES PER HOUR CABLE- CONTROLLED SHOCK-PROOF BODIES BY BRAKES STEERI NG FISHER S ~ Enginee+Th'lgMcts prove IT'S PA T TIM it.E.~r,celnbulld- Ing neariy ten mllllen cars confirms ........ It. And the ~ ef ever $,000,000 Chevrelet J~x owners removes any TO S £ ND .... _ _ shadow 99 doubt about it: The on/y ...... "~" ~ way torte/, real economy ~ a low- LUDGE+ OIL-EATER +++,.,.,.,.,o..o... der+and OVERHEAD val~es. S r ..... ' ON+ H l?+:WAY! /; ..O "x ral nders'+$ll'val f l +upk~Idflartl'Othingl~ea. extr, cost!Mael_.4orthe :~' OVER-f°r U~em. And spt~lbo~ts. And mini Conti~in.+40 Dr~ve With Winter O// rome good..~q~son thalalrplanesuse el the LEAST~s. That's ~f0ver- / Costs Y~fl+ Money Daily+/.' :r~ They gettbe~_OST powergM¢ heSd valves are the ~Jbel~+of leaders --and ¢Immplo+n+S[ CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. C~mlmre Chevrolet': tow delivered prices and easyQ.M.A.C, terms. A General Motors Value ,,o.+,,..... ....... ""+ l W C SCHUL°-Z°-+- "etUS eeoeeat TaX ............ lc oq/ rorat ..................... 2~¢ *¢ STANDARD OIL SERVICE h ~_~ Dlstrlb.~Atlae Agent Beac , No. Dak.