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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 23, 2019     Golden Valley News
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May 23, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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« gamma wu'w'v— «raw—v «; an ,,.,_5; M .. , , 3...”? pm”... ,5 r u pay-mac mum,“ E E; s "trams? .«v :- : ’newtmw'tt :Wnfi’mfia‘w am» we a v 1‘ 7W .vw' WTWE‘ Page 8 How -to evaluate health information In a high-tech world "I can‘t understand what you are saying," the female voice said. I was listening to music as I drove in unfamiliar territory. I thought a radio announcer was commenting to a guest. “1 can't understand what you are saying," the voice said again. “I'm not saying anything," I replied automatically, slightly star- tled. Was my phone talking to me? My phone has a voice—activated system. I reached over and noted it was turned off and in my purse. My heart beat a little faster. I was— n't sure where I was, and some lady was talking to me from an unknown location in my vehicle. On the third time I heard the voice, I figured out my portable GPS system was getting signals from the radio. I knew my new GPS unit could. tell me where to turn or to "turn around when possible" when I failed to follow directions. However, I was- n't expecting it to have a conversa- tion with me. On that day, my GPS directed me down a gravel road when paved roads were nearby. I didn’t always trust it, but I needed the advice. When I turned off the radio, the GPS stopped making comments and just told me where to turn. Sometimes, I miss paper maps, including the process of folding them back together. We are surrounded by technology of all kinds. With my phone and portable GPS navigation unit, I prob- ably had more technology in my ve- hicle than astronauts had on the original voyage to the moon. Technology plays a key role in moving information around society, and most of us get our information in several ways. Where are you reading this column? Some of you might be reading an email, others might read it in the newspaper, while others might find it on a website or shared through social media. , , Many people use textmessaging to communicate with friends and family, and they might use email at work and social media such as Face- book, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat to communicate with family and friends. About two out of three people get news on social media, but people are skeptical of what they read, accord— ing to the Pew Research Center. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are the most commonly used social media sites. However, according to the 2018 Jullo Garden-Robinson Food 3. Nutrition Specialist Pew report, 57% expect the news on social media to be mainly inaccurate. We put up with some false infor— mation because we like convenience. Even though some information com— ing at us is wrong or misleading, we like the quick access. With so much information avail- able, we need some tools to help us decide its accuracy. California State University at Chico provided an easy—to—remember acronym. Their tool is called the "CRAAP Test," and you can pronounce it how- ever you'd like. Remember this tool as you decide what information you can and cannot trust. 1) "Currency" refers to the timeli- ness of the information. When was it created or posted? Has it been re- vised or updated? 2) "Relevance" is the importance of the information. Who is the audi- ence? Is it written at the right level? Have you looked for other sources of information? 3) "Authority" means the source of the information. Who is the au- thor? What are the author's creden- tials? Is the author qualified to write on the topic? Is a publisher or edito- rial board listed? Is the information posted on a website with .com in its web address? The last three letters at the end of a website URL can give us a clue to accuracy. Usually .com refers to a commercial site, which might be trying to sell you some- thing. A .gov site is a government site, while a .edu site usually indi— cates an educational site, often a uni- versity. 4) "Accuracy" refers to the truth- fulness of the content. Was the infor— mation reviewed or refereed, or is it a personal opinion? Is it written well in terms of grammar or spelling? 5) "Purpose" means the reason the information exists. Is it trying to sell . you something, entertain you, teach you or persuade you? Is the informa- tion objective? As you interact with information from a variety of sources look for re- liability and trustworthiness, espe- cially if you are seeking information that could affect your health. . Check out the resources and links on our Nourish website at to learn more about nutrition, physi- cal activity and health from credible, research-based information. Manor News By Mary Barthel May 9 — Thursday morning started out with 9 a.m. Mass in the Chapel. Those attending gathered in the activity room for brunch with Fr. David. Deb led the residents in exer- cises at 10:30 am, In the afternoOn Deb and the ladies celebrated with a Mother's Day Tea. The ladies were treated to cherry pie with their tea. We sure do love our ladies! Louie Schlautmann celebrated his birthday. Louie helps with the vacuuming throughout our facility, and keeps our carpets looking great. Julianna Thoemke visited Christene Finne- mand and Katy Zinsli. May 10 Friday is Hair Day. This Week's hair lady volunteers were Wendy Ekre and Judy Rldenhower. Newspaper reading took place at 2 pm. Kay Wiman visited Darlene Wilson. James and Elaine Kremers visited Dolores Kremers and Chris- tine Finneman. Jo Heckaman visited Judy Curl. Sarah Maus visited Donna Sygulla. " May 11 On Saturday afternoon, Sharon Dietz joins us in the Activity Room and does some reading for us. May 12 — Adoration was held in the Chapel at 8:30 a.m. Word and Chmmunion follows at 9:30. Janet Keohane is our faithful adoration lady and helps out with the Holy Hour and distributes Communion to our shut—ins. We so appreciate all that she does. Tom and Kathy Sttab, Jacki Thomas, and Donna Thomas, and Tod Olivia and Cody Burman all, r joined the Schlautmanns for Mothers Day Dinner at the Manor and to help celebrate Louie's birthday. Gerald and Kathleen Goroski vis— ited Tony Efta. The family of Mari- lyn Carlson gathered in the Activity Room for a potluck Mother's Day meal. Linda Rising joined us for the day. Christine Finneman attended the First Communion Celebration at St Mary's Church in Golva. After the Mass, a potluck dinner was held for this event so she could stay and visit with all her Golva friends. May 13 - Popcorn and a movie takes place at 2 pm. on Monday af— ternoons. This week's feature was "God is not Dead." Popcorn was provided by the Bank of the West, and Katie, our new volunteer, helped us out for the movie setup. May 14 Exercises were held at 10 a.m. [Bingo with the First Lutheran Church was held in the af— ternOOn. They served a.lovely lunch following the games. Devotions with Pastor Ahrendt took place in the Chapel at 7 pm. Wendy Billing vis-' ited Tony Efta. Kay,Wiman visited Darlene Wilson. Alicia Heick visited her sister Katy Zinsli. May 15 Resident Council was held at 10:30 a.m. Linda Tvedt sang for us at 2 pm. Mary and the resi— dents spent the afternoon creating spring door hangers to display on our doors for this new season. mt» agimirségmi-L’G ataxia. Golden Valley News ________ King Crossword L__ Flag Disposal on June 14 The local Legion Post will again be disposing of retired flags by burning them at 5 PM on Flag Day, June 14. The event will be carried out by the Post members in the alley behind the Veterans Memorial. Burning unserviceable flags is the prescribed method to dispose of flags no longer fit to fly. The local Legion Post has provided this dis- posal service to the community on Flag Day for many years. Anyone with unserviceable flags is encouraged to drop them off at the Legion Club drop box at any time throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to attend. Whartis Happening? Listings for high school sporting events, plus public events that are free to any— one and aren'tfund-raisers or aren't family or business invitations, can be published free of charge in this col- umn. 0 33rd annual Dakota Cowboy Poetry Gathering, May 25-26, Medora Com- munity Center Beach High School graduation ceremony, 2 pm, Sunday, May 26, High School Gym 0 Belfield High School graduation ceremony, 2:30 pm, Sunday, May 26, school gym “If you paint your kitchen cabinets, be sure that you label each door and drawer exactly where it goes. It can be really hard to figure it out, and the holes might not line up perfectly. Also, save hardware in baggies to keep it all together.”—R.U. in Montana - To create a fun cake stand, glue a 10-inch terra cotta saucer to the bot- tom of a 4-inch terra cotta flowerpot. Paint and seal the whole thing. When you flip it over, the bottom of the sau- cer becomes the cake plate. So neat! “To clean the outsides of our win— dows, we mixed vinegar and hot water and added a couple drops of dish soap. Then I used a microfiber cloth to scrub the window and its surrounding cas— ing. We rinsed them with the hose and used the squeegee I keep in my car to get the water drops off. They look great! " —— Y.D. in Arkansas Wash your reusable shopping bags from time to time, either in the wash- ing machine on the delicate cycle or hand wash in the sink. Hang to dry. - How much money should you have in an emergency cash fund? Experts say that at a minimum, you should have three months’ worth of necessary expenses (home payment, utilities, food and gas, minimum debt payments, etc.) in an accessible form. This means you can’t count the value of assets or stocks you own, nor any retirement funds. This sounds hard because it is, but it could make the dif— ference between success or failure in an emergency. 0 “I purchase a big pack of bottled water at my discount club. I keep it in the trunk, and it seems there are always opportunities for a bottle. I keep a few in a lunch tote, which actually keeps them cool in the hot car, even without an ice pack.”-—C.L. in Maryland Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip. 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. Put Your Money Where Your House Is! locai independent , strengthen our busnesses are community your best value and our economy 0 warming-awn mm.- Please support your local merchants! , . , are 5w; macaw be r a». is.ther May 23, 2019/ _L O .A (A) DD \j 03 A up) than “IIIII yuan '6 l—lltbet dog side ugh glllglmllll 12 Bay windows Mggs alln all a. 15 President suns-mfiwalamnplw 1; 323mm IIIIIII ll 20 Fishirfig need 39 I I 22 UK. liers 43 44 ” 45 46 sans.EIIyII'EEEE 26 Copious oil. 51 52 mt_ IIIII IIII shun: flllll Elli memento 54 Villain'slook 9 Get snug and 32 Neatens 31 Outstanding cozy 33 Develop 35 Kitchen lure DOWN 10 Not as fast 39 Apiary house 1 4O Tease tal Taiwan's capi- 11 Honey bunch? 34 Disencumber 36 Threatening conclusion 42 Strait—laced 2 Having a han- 13 Hemingway's 37 More likea 43 Commotion die "The of mud pit 44 Olympian's 3 Priestly gar— Kilimanjaro" 38 Accumulate award ment 18 Satchel 41 Sunrises 46 Mound stat 4 It may be a 21 Tureen acces- 44 Encounter 47 infamous proper sub— sory 45 Narnia's middle name ject 23 Tweet Asian, e.g. 49 "Die Hard“ 5 Slip-up 25 7—Down's 48 DIY buy star 6 Cereal quanti— mule 50 Perjurer's pro- 51 Taxed ty 27 Red or Black nouncement 52 Loud sounds 7 Canal of song 29 Copes 53 Fight 8 Havea bug 31 Wrap © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc. “My boy friend wants to marry me as soon as I’ve finished paying your bill.” equipment their children are likely to use to make sure each tool is safe. Make sure tools are in proper work- ‘ ‘ ing order, as broken or poorly work- ing equipment increases the risk of accident or injury. ' Enroll children in farm safety camps. The ASSE recommends that parents contact their local Coopera- tive Extension and Farm Bureau of— x&1:-’;.M.:t..€.rc¥a;®mh’j ‘ nesygswsaanmmr ‘ i f" Safety (Continued from Page 1) fices to enroll children in farm safety camps. Such camps can teach kids safe farming techniques and the proper ways to use age-appropriate tools. 0 Set a positive example. Another way for parents to protect their chil- dren on the farm is to set a positive example. Parents can do so in vari—' ous ways. Using equipment properly, ND PUBLIC NOTICES just got more I Any notice . ’Any time I On any device Trivia 1:681: byafi Rodngue l. HISTORY: Which woman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her work with the poor in Calcutta, India? 2! LITERATURE: What was the last known play Written by Shakespeare? ‘3. LANGUAGE: “Cyborg” is a shortened version of which futuristic phrase? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What men’s haircut was named after a style adopted by college rowing teams? 5. MOVIES: Who wrote the screens play for the original “The Heartbreak Kid” movie? . 6. GEOGRAPHY: Which three countries mainly make up the Scandi— navian Peninsula? 7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the only president to be awarded a Purple Heart? 8. U.S. STATES: Which state has the most active volcanoes? 9. ANATOMY: What is a more com- mon name for enlargement of the thy- roid gland? 10. GAMES: How many letters does each player draw to begin a game of Scrabble? Answers 1. Mother Teresa 2. “The ”[\vo Noble Kinsmen” 3. Cybernetic organism 4. The crew cut 5. Neil Simon 6. Sweden, Norway and Finland 7. John F. Kennedy was wounded in WWII. 8. Alaska 9. Goiter 10. Seven removing tractor keys from i gnitions when tractors are not in use and ex- ercising caution when using haz- ardous materials shows kids the importance of caution when working on farms. Hundreds of thousands of chil- dren perform jobs on farms across the country. Parents who want to teach their kids to farm should al— ‘ srhwflmmwzewstmam QWmWiinfirewwffi-‘vvlt’ at