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May 23, 201 9
American churches in big trou le
The bottom tell out oi church
membership between WW)
2018. spelling serious trouble l'orthe
wella‘neiug ol (‘hristeniloin iu the
decades down the road.
According to a comprehensive
poll taken by the very creditable
(.lallup organi/ation. in Will) 70 per-
cent 0t Americans church
members. This dropped to 50 per—
cent by 20th.
The drop impacted all (‘hristian
religious. Between the periods oli
i998~2000 and 30th 38. church
membership itllltlltg adults dropped
iron) (3‘) percent to 53 percent.
(‘atholics lost I} percent and Protes-
(ants dropped (ipcrcent.
The 1839 age groups lost 33 per-
cent while the oldest group lost 15
percent. Younger people are also
less likely to belong to churches.
'l‘hese l'igures are a warning l'or
church planners. When the younger
group moves up to replace the older
group, they will bring even less rcliv
gion with them. This is no light at
the end ot' this tunnel.
This precipitous drop [or the
church in a Zityear period is incred~
able [or an institution that has been
around in various denominations and
t‘orms for two thousand years. ’l‘lterc
is no doubt that churches are col»
Since institutions tend to reshape
themselves to coulorin to the domi~
hating forces in society" the dramatic
changes in economics. society, cyber
space and social interaction have
been the reshaping (‘hristiau values
and priorities.
A construction project began
on Wedues‘daiu May 33. on luterv
state ()4 starting l0 miles east of
Beach to South Heart in both the
eastbound and westbound lattes.
The all mile project will consist
of a slurry seal on the roadway and
ramps. /\ slurry seal is an applica»
tion of oil mixed with aggregate to
form a thin surl’ace on top ot‘ the
existing“y roadway. A slurry seal is
similar to a chip seal but does not
Lone Tree
Honor Roll
Lone Tree School District Fourth
Quarter llouor Roll:
Grades 4 and 5:
Andrea liossermau. Sawyer Noll.
Wesley Gamble. Slater (htnlxelt
(labriella look
"N.VD.*’ Matters"
By Lloyd Omdahl
'l‘hc church has made an unholy
alliance with the capitalism ol~ the
secular world. acceptinti it lock.
stock and barrel with its value sysw
tent. Opportunities to exploit are
Very attractit'e and belimers on
(.‘hristiaus lite have just merged into
the system Without regard to church
Since there is Very little dill-er
ence between secular economic val—-
ues arid Christian values. there is no
need tor churches to promote a value
system that parallels the Kingdom ol
the World. to quote Martin luther.
In a dill‘crent dimension. our eco»
nomtc st stem has created more dis"
posablc income and prosperity than
any time in history liten the poorest
ol' Americans have more than the
povcrtyestrickcu 'l'hird World where
2.500.000 children are certain to
starve each year.
With cash in the bank. otir mate,»-
rialism wants in hand. WC no longer
need the spiritual
churches. According to the increas
the number ol religious dropouts.
churches just want to talte our
money l‘or larger stalls,
/\s we should expect. religious
giving has declined along with ineiu~
bership. In another poll. (ialiup
found that at percetit donated to re—
ligiou in 2005. 'l‘his dropped to 53
percent by 20l7. This decline is critA
ical when we remember that many
under way on
have the loose roclts.
During construction:
Speeds will be reduced
'l‘ral'lic \\ ill be reduced to
one lane
A width restriction will be
in place »
lilagget‘s will be present to
cotttrol traffic at interchanges
The project is expected to be
completed by early tall.
the NUDU'I‘ reminds motorists
support ot'
Rent this space for only
a few dollars a week.
Call 872-3755
for more details today!
churthcs are just chine by
churches use “tithing” t it) percent oli
incontei as the goal but lee, churches
see tit c percent,
While churches arc taking: .i beat
my. donations to secular chatitablc
organi/ation hat c t’ctnaitletl stead) at
75 percent.
Another possible mplanauon lot
the decline {it ittciubciship is disen
chamnicnt \\llll church leadership.
h'lceau liicnau olitlalhip compiled .3
ranking ot' the honest} and ethics ol’
33 occupations. ("lcres rant. a pitilul
ninth. behind tcachers. doctors. po
lice oll'iccrs and da} care prm iderr-
and sct'crztl others.
The bchat ior ol sonic clcrp} has
tnulermiutxl thc contidencc or the
people. t‘athohcs lost the lareesl
number because the} hate been
dealing \\ th the
i houses-t scandal,
lit\\\t‘\\.‘l. liuunt' Sun
,..att and the
prosperity preachers hioc done iittlc
to imprme the reputation oi l’rotes
taut churches.
we hate out} scratched the stir
l'ace oi‘tliis issue. (‘hureh laypersons
could scour up another down with:
out trying, lloucxer. we need to
keep in mind that all ol' this mega
tix ism is not the Made picture.
(‘hurchcs arc sert'ii‘ip mam \alu
Lti‘lL‘L‘Uttlttttttttt}. scr\’ices shelter tor
the homeless. laith tor the uonbtp
llch‘t‘s. l'ood tor the turner}. tellott
ship tor the lonclt and scores ol'
other controrts that help people on
the edge. lint. in lllc lace ot‘declinr
int: Vigor. churches xx ill hate to
prose their \\ orth to sum ire as insti
interstate 94
to slow down. lolltm ti’atlic control
signage and use caution throughout
the work /oue. lior more lttltlllltll'
tiou about construction projects
and road conditions throughout
North Dakota. call Sll trout an}
type ol~ phone or \‘is‘lt the 'lta‘wl lu
l‘ormation Map on the Nl)l)()'l
Vtebs‘ite at
http:/'/’v\'\t‘\\/tra\el into
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in a new, easy to search, easy to read format.
To find public notices from newspapers
across North Dakota, just browse to
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