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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 23, 2019     Golden Valley News
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May 23, 2019
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.“Wme-ecenou-mxfiu MC 779 00-00-00 31F 7T SMALL ’t‘OWN PAPERS “0005 927 w RAtLROAD AVE seamen, WA 98584—334? The official neuspupcr of Beach and Golden \allr) (hunt). North Dakota. 58621 i ‘3‘. ,2, ., Back on course .‘ After some flooding issues this spring, golfers are back on the Bully Pulpit Golf Course, located near Medora. Thercourse fea- tures 18 of the best holes of golf in North Dakoa. , Ag continues to Though it’s easy to look at the tech industry and think this increas— ingly influential sector is what makes the world go round, something closer to the very core of the Earth may be what’s driving your economy. The agricultural sector plays a strategic role in a nation’s economic development and prosperity. From the earliest days, agriculture has been heralded as playing a crucial role in North American culture. Farmers who grow produce and raise livestock for meats and other products have long exemplified what it means to work hard and take ini- tiatives to be self-sufficient. The symbiotic nature of agricul- ture and the economy is noticeable when examining the ups and downs of each. This is because food pro— duction and the potential of agricul- ture extends beyond the fields and local food stands. These resources impact supply chains and other mar- kets. A strong agriculture base influ- ences other employment sectors like food manufacturing, biotechnology, hospitality, machinery building, and much more, while a weak agriculture Can adversely affect those sectors. . While it can be difficult for resi- dents of developed nations to visual— ize agriculture’s effect, one only needs to turn to impoverished and de- veloping nations to see just how big .an impact agriculture can have on an economy. Agriculture provides food v and raw materials, eventually creat- ing demand for goods produced in non-agricultural sectors. Also, food provides nutrition that can serve as the foundation of a healthy nation. Earning a lfving in agriculture strengthens purchasing power, which fuels other markets. Eventually, farming can pave the way for development, including roads, markets, shipping services, ex— play big role in area, national economy porting, and many other sectors. ; . Agriculture is an important eco- nomic building block. An especially important sector, the agricultural in- dustry, when supported, can con- tribute greatly to sustained economic growth. ‘ éSafety tips for parents of children living on the farm People who live in cities, exurbs or suburbs may not come across farms very frequently. But millions of people, including children, still live on farms. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently noted that more than one mil- lion children under the age of 20 lived, worked or had a regular presence on farms in the United States. Protecting children from injury on farms, espe- cially those who perform work on farms, is of paramount importance. The American Society of Safety Engineers offers the following safety tips to parents of children who will be spending time on farms. 4 Know and obey the laws. Various state and injury or even death. Memorial Day ' We celebrate this important holiday each year the last Monday in May. It’s a day to give thanks, to pay tribute, and to remember those servicement and women who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives to pretect our country. “And I’m proud to be an American where at least know I’m free. And won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. Lee Greenwood federal laws are in place to protect young children from farm-related accidents and injuries. Age re- quirements dictate which jobs children can per— form on a farm, and parents should adhere to those requirements. Asking children to do more than they’re physically capable of can lead to accident, 0 Review equipment operation instructions. Be- fore assigning children a task on the farm, parents should review the equipment operation instruc- tions. Doing so can help parentsreacquaint them- .ASKillQ-Childfen to do more then they’re :physieallyeapaa; of canfllead to accident, injury oreven death. ., ‘ selves with tools and equipment they may not have used in awhile, and that can make it easier for them to teach kids how to use such equipment. In addi- . tion, reviewing equipment instructions niay pro- vide insight to parents unsure if their children are old enough to use certain tools. , 0 Inspect equipment. Before children perform any tasks on the farm, parents should inspect the Safety (Continued on Page 8) .’ l “Pb 121330 s. Beach \ol. 3". \‘o. ‘ , Senior e .17 it! \lrl) 23.101” class donates money to theater By Jane Cook On May 20, "the Beach High School senior class of 2019 pre- sented a check to Nick and Sarah Hegel, owners of the Beach Theater. Through fund-raising events, the class decided to donate some of their resources to help the Hegels in get— ting their business open. “This is a first for our school dis- ' trict, for the senior class in donating money to a local business,” said Principal Wayne Heckaman. ,Sydnee Steele, spokesperson for the senior class, presented the check of $2,000 to the Hegel family, saying to them, “Best of luck with the the— ater.” When asked how the progress was going, Nick Hegel said, “At least 65 percentof the inside is tin— ished, and the equipment for running the movie system has been boirght.” They have yet to‘install it, as the roof of the building is still in need of repair, but the Hegels believe, bar- ring fewer rainy days, they may be able to get it installed by July. A few other repairs are stillneeded, but the roof is the major one. The seniors will now be one of the seat sponsors. There will be a plaque on one of the seats announcing “Donated by the 2019 Senior Class of Beach High School.” Farmers encouraged to plan for high fertilizer prices Farmers in North Dakota may ex- perience a bit of sticker shock this year as fertilizer prices are the high- est in four years, says Bryon Par- ’ man, North Dakota State University Extension agricultural finance spe- cialist. This is in a year that is experi— encing relatively low commodity prices and already razor—thin mar— gins, DTN surveys fertilizer dealers weekly across the U.S., acquiring re- tail prices for diammonium phos- phate (DAP), monammonium phosphate (MAP), potash, urea, an— hydrous ammonia, 10—34—0 (starter), and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) 28/32. As of May 10, DTN reports that the national average price of urea is $418 per ton, DAP and MAP more than $500 per ton and anhy— drous ammonia approaching $600 per ton. This comes at a time when the US. Department of Agriculture is expecting an increase of nearly 1 million acres of corn in North Dakota, which uses more nitrogen fertilizer than most other crops grown in the state, including other small grains and soybeans. The $418 national price tag on urea is the 5 highest it has been since 2015, when the price topped more than $400 per ton. In 2016, urea was around $390 per ton, 2017 prices hovered around $350 per ton and 2018 prices were closer to $365 per ton during the May planting periods. "At $418 per ton, and with 920 pounds of nitrogen in a ton of urea, that implies a price of approximately $0.45 per pound of nitrogen," said Parrnan. "Compared to last years $0.38 cost per pound, and even with a 30 to 40 pound soybean nitrogen credit, this could cost corn growers in high yielding areas as much as $15 per acre compared to a year ago." Parman continues, “In other states with typically larger quantities of corn, planting has begun, albeit behind schedule. The price for urea and anhydrous, in‘.these states, is higher than the national average, for example Nebraska where urea aver- ages $432ap‘er ton and anhydrOus is ' $595 per ton, and Iowa where anhy—_ drous is $622 per ton and urea is $444 per ton." While nitrogen and other fertiliz- ers such as MAP ($690per ton in May 2012) and DAP ($638 per ton May 2012) are nowhere near the 10 year highs seen in 2012, when urea was more than $760 per ton or $0 .83 per pound, those high prices came at 87236516,“, 62315000 * ‘ 872-4444 Member FDIC ATM in Be - irst State Bank Madam. Beach ach Medo s;~fi‘i"., mm ;,. a“. "~15???- 7‘ ... ,4 "While, many crops have. become more efficient with the useof the fertil- izers applied, in- ‘creasing'yields have necessitated higher :raapplicatien . rates over the years, all but eliminating the ’OptiOn "of simply g using a lotless." ” Bryon Parman a time when corn prices were ap- proaching $8 per bushel, soybeans spiked above $15 per bushel and wheat approached $10 per bushel. "However, there is little produc— ers can do to mitigate fertilizer costs in the short run, as above trend yields over the past several years for wheat, corn, and soybeans have helped navigate consecutive years of lower crop prices," Parrnan said. "While many crops have become more efficient with the ‘use of the fertilizers applied, in- creasing yields have necessitated higher application rates over the years, all but eliminating the option of simply using a lot less." The other option producers might use is pre-pricing fertilizers in the late fall and winter months when fertilizer prices typically are lower than they will be during the‘spring planting sea- son months of March ,‘ April and May. While this may result in less flexibil— ity in the months leading up to plant- ing season by farmers who are deciding what crop mix to plant, it can certainly help with planning, budget- ing and mitigating, to some extent, price fluctuations in nutrients. How— ever, prepricing may be less useful for other nutrients such as DAP and potash as those prices experience a smaller seasonal price swing. "Nitrogen fertilizer availability and cost, moving forward, will likely?“ be heavily impacted by weather," Parman concludes. "With most states well behind their five- year average for planting corn, fa- vorable weather may cause prices to spike further, and cause longer waits to get urea as farmers scramble to get their crop in the ground on time. On the other hand, continued plant— ing delays due to wet, cold weather may help hold down prices." ra lobby ‘ U ‘