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May 21, 2009
Notice to creditors
Notice to Creditors
Probate No. 17-09-P-013
In District Court. County of Golden
Valley, Southwest Judicial District:
In the matter of the Estate of
Donald Sparks. deceased:
Notice Is Hereby Given that the
undersigned has been appointed per-
sonal representative of the above
estate. All persons having claims
against the said decreased are
required to present their claims within
three months after the date of the first
publication of this notice or said claims
will be forever barred. Claims must
either be presented to Lloyd C. "Tim"
Sparks, Personal Representative of
the estate, at 137 First Avenue West.
Dickinson. North Dakota, or filed with
the Court.
Dated this 27th day of April, 2009.
Lloyd C. "Tim" Sparks
Personal Representative
Michael J. Maus
Hardy, Maus & Nordsven. P.C.
137 First Avenue West
P.O. Box 570
Dickinson, ND 58602-0570
Telephone No. 483-4500
Attorneys for Personal
(May 7, 14, 21)
Notice to creditors
Notice To Creditors
Probate No. 17-09-P-12
In the District Court of Golden
Valley County, State of North Dakota:
tn the matter of the Estate of
Michael A. Nitschke. deceased:
Notice Is Hereby Given that the
undersigned has been appointed per-
sonal representative of the above-
named estate. All persons having
claims against the deceased are
required to present their claims within
three (3) months after the date of the
first publication or mailing of this notice
or the claims will be forever barred.
Claims must either be presented to
Colleen J. Gasho, personal represen-
tative of the estate, at Mackoff Kellogg
Law Firm. P.O. Box 10. Beach, North
Dakota. 58621. or filed with the court.
Dated this 30th day of April, 2009.
Colleen J. Gasho
Personal Representative
Charles J. Peterson
Attorney Personal Representative
Mackoff Kellogg Law Firm
P.O. Box 10
Beach. North Dakota 58621
ND Bar # 04009
(701) 872-3731
(May 7, 14, 21)
Meeting notice
Notice of Zoning Meeting
The Golden Valley Planning &
Zoning Commission will hold a public
hearing on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at
3:00 p.m. in the Commissioner's
Room at the County Courthouse. The
purpose of the hearing is to review and
make a recommendation on a request
to rezone all of Blocks 9 and 10,
Original Golva from Agricultural to
Stacey Heckaman Zoning Director
(May 14, May 21)
Meeting Notice
Time: 2:00 PM
Date: Thursday, May 14
Place:Commission Room, Billings
off container- 1200.00
;.V. County-police contracts-6087.O0
ohn Deere-rotary c~ter- 7200.00
~sh Matehs-*e' ,,-- 16.30
M3rman Plumbing-repair
sewer/water lines- 7370.00
Midstate Communication
-telephone/internet services- 265.11
Rohan's-suppties- 17.97
S&R Interior-services- 96.25
SBM-supplies- 43.50
Southwest Water -3.404.600
gats of water - 10622.35
Stockwell Cleaning-services- 200.00
Swanston Equip.-supplies- 1248.14
Ver Tech-bailing wire- 259.76
West Plains Imp.- tractor- 9400.00
City Employees-wages
for April- 14161.32
First State Bank of Golva-
withholdings -2656.89
ND PEnS-retirement- 922.08
Deputy Sheriff Swanson reviewed
the monthly Sheriff's Report for April
consisting of 22 calls. 5 written warn-
ings and 1 citation. PWS Beach
reported on water." sewer and street
maintenance. Nunberg reviewed the
financial statement for the month of
April. Benes moved to approve the
financial statement, second by
Walworth. Motion carried unanimous-
Bids for the new fire hall which
were tabled from the previous meeting
were discussed. Benes moved to
approve the lowest responsible bid by
Marman Pluming & Construction, sec-
ond by Walworth. Benes-yes.
Walworth-yes. Larson-yes. Stockwell-
no, Marman-abstained. Motion car-
ried. Mayor Losinski requested
Larson. Benes and Walworth make a
recommendation at the next meeting
on payment options for the fire hall and
suggestions for employee raises.
Marman moved to designate
Golden Valley News as the official
newspaper for the City, second by
Benes. Marman-yes, Benes-yes,
Larson-yes, Stockwell-no. Walworth-
no. Motion carried. An Application for
Raffle submitted by the Beach
Centennial Committee was reviewed.
Walworth moved to approve the raffle,
second by Benes, Motion carried
Stockwel moved to adjourn, sec-
ond by Larson. Motion carried unani-
mously. Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Walter Losinski, Mayor
Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor
(May 21)
Beach School Board
May 7, 2009
12:00 p.m.
Conference Room
Present: Bob Makelky, Maurice
Hardy, Mark Egan, Barry Schafer, Kim
Nunberg, Misty Farnstrom and Larry
President Makelky called the meet-
ing to order at 12:07 p.m.
Makelky called for approval of
agenda and to retire into executive
session. Motion by Egan. second by
Schafer to approve agenda and retire
into executive session in accordance
with NDCC 44-04-19.1 subsection 9 to
discuss collaborative bargaining strat-
egy. Roll call vote carries unanimous-
ly. Board retired into executive ses-
sion at 12:07 p.m.
Makelky called the meeting back to
order at 12:56 p.m. Makelky called for
a motion to adjourn. Motion by
Egan. second by Schafer to adjourn.
Roll cal vote carries unanimously.
Makelky adjourned 12:56 p.m.
Bob Makelky, President
Attest: Misty Farnstrom, Business
(May 21)
Election Notice
Beach School District
Notice of Election
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 9th day of June, 2009. at
County Courthouse. Medora ND
Purpose: Application
Rezone from Agriculture
Commercial 34-140-102 +-10 Acres in
Purpose: Review proposed
zoning laws rewrite
Dated at Medora this 1st day of
May, 2009 by order of the Billings
County Commission. Joan Jurgens
Billings County Auditor/Treasurer
(May 7, 14)
the polling ptac~ of Beach High
to School, city of Be&ch, Gol~len Valley
to County, an election wil be held for the
election of two school board members.
which the election polling place will be
open at 9 o'clock a.m. (MDT) and will
close at 7 o'clock p.m. (MDT) of that
day. Dated at Beach, North Dakota
this 21st day of May, 2009.
Misty Farnstrom. Business
Beach Public School District #3
(May 21 )
Beach City Council
A regular meeting of the Beach City
Council was called to order by Mayor
Losinski at 7:00 pm on May 4. 2009.
Present when the meeting was called
to order was Council Perry Stockwell,
Jeanne Larson. Mark Benes. Wade
Walworth, Tim Marman, PWS Dell
Beach. PW Kent Shaw, City Auditor
Kimberly Nunberg, Deputy Sheriff
Arlen Swanson and Fire Chief Dan
Minutes of the previous month
meetings were read. Benes moved to
approve the minutes, second by
Larson. Motion carried unanimously.
Vouchers were reviewed for payment.
Benes moved to approve the following
vouchers, second by Walworth.
Motion carried unanimously.
Beach Food Center-supplies- 51.75
Beach Park B0ard-share of
state aid- 1455.96
Beach Vet Clinic-impound fee-1 4.25
Black Mountain Software-
CASS Certification- 100.00
BOSS-supplies- 457.29
Dust Tex-su pplies- 30.10
Dakota Farm Equip.-parts- 20.24
Coral Creek Landfill-tipping
fee- 1398.17
Fargo Water Equipment-
supplies- 1390.01
Floyd Braden-health
insurance- 227.40
G&G Garbage Inc-empty rol
Meeting Notice
Billings County Water Resource
Board Friday, May 22, 2009 4:00 P.M.
Billings County Courthouse
Meeting Room
(May 21)
City of Beach
Drinking Water Quality Completed
The 2008 Drinking Water Quality
Report for the City of Beach is com-
pleted. This report will be mailed to all
customers. If you do not recewe a
report or you would like additional
copies please contact the City Auditor
at 872-4103. The city is required by
the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act to
provide this report to all customers by
July 1st. 2009. Please take the time to
read the report and learn about the
water that is being provided to you on
a daily basis.
Kimberly Nunberg
City Auditor
(May 21)
Notice to Residents of Beach
Property owners are responsible
for keeping their property mowed and
noxious weeds controlled.
When property is not mowed or
weeds become a public nuisance the
city will mow and/or spray the property
at a cost of $150.00 per tot.
Kim Nunberg
City Auditor
(May 21,28 June 4,11)
Golden Valley
County Commission
APRIL 7, 2009 9:00 AoM.
Chairman Dave Quate called the
meeting to order. Commissioners
Harley Steffen and John Thompson
were present along with States
Attorney Charles J. Peterson.
Commissioner Thompson made a
motion to approve the March minutes
and Commissioner Steffen seconded
it. Motion carried unanimously.
Deb Walworth and Cory McCaskey
from Prairie West Development and
Pastor Paul Peterson and Fr. David
Richter from Stateline Ministerial Assn.
met with the Board to discuss the
Commercial Rental Lease for Prairie
West and the Learning Center that has
expired. Pastor Paul informed the
group that Stateline Ministerial has put
around $19.000.00 into renovations in
this building. After some discussion
Commissioner Thompson made a
motion to enter into a new contract
between Golden Valley County and
Stateline Ministerial Assn. which will
automatically renew every year,
unless terminated by either party with
a 90 day notice, and Commissioner
Steffen seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
10:00 A.M. was the advertised
time for the opening of bids on the ren-
ovations for the Sheriff's garage.
Sheriff Scott Steele was present for
the bid opening. Only one bid was
received and it was from Mann
Remodelers of Dickinson. The bid
was $25.993.00 for everything that
was on the spec sheet plus they will tin
the east. west and north sides of the
garage. Commissioner Thompson
made a motion to accept the bid from
Mann Remodelers for the entire proj-
ect at $25.993.00 and Commissioner
Steffen seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously. Sheriff Steele
also informed the Board that Deputy
Dan Whitcomb will be leaving the mid-
dle of April and former Deputy Cody
Johnson will be coming back the mid-
dle of April. He has also hired a
deputy by the name of Jonathan Mall.
The Board was presented 2 Limited
Fiber Optic Cable Easements from
Midstate Communications.
Commissioner Steffen made a motion
to approve these easements between
Golden Valley County and Midstate
Communications, which will run along
or across county road right of ways in
Sections 4, 5. 8, 17, 18, 19 & 20 in
Twp. 140-104: Sections 19, 30, 31, 32
& 33 in Twp. 141-103: Sections 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 34 & 36 in Twp. 141-
104: Sections 25, 26, 27 & 36 in Twp.
137-104 and Sections 30. 31,32 & 33
~n Twp. 137-103 and Commissioner
Thompson seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Tax Director Stacey Heckaman met
with the Board to present an applica-
tion for a pipeline permit for Bear Paw
Energy, LLC. Commissioner
Thompson made a motion to approve
this pipeline permit for Bear Paw
Energy, LLC in Sections 19, 20, 28
and 29 in Twp= 144 Range 103 and
Commissioner Steffen seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Emanuel Culman owner of the
Bijou Show House met with the Board
to inform them of a letter to the Editor
he is putting in the newspapers
regarding the future of his show house
and other possibilities he is looking
into for using the show house.
Larry Helvick Superintendent of
the Beach School District, Julie Zook,
Principal of Lone Tree School District,
Gene Weinreis and Linda Stoveland,
members of the Lone Tree School
Board and Road Foreman Pete
Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss
the disbursement of the PILT
(Payment in lieu of Taxes) monies.
The PILT Payment came in at
$1,085.289.08 for 2009. The formula
that had been set up gave the schools
10% of the payment with 7 1/2 % going
to the Beach School District and 2 1/2
% going to the Lone Tree School
District based on Forest Service acres
in these school districts. HeMk stated
that Beach S/D would like to stay at
their 7 1/2 % and Weinreis asked for 5%
due to their tuition payments to
Beach. After much discussion
Commissioner Quale made a motion
to give the Beach S/D 7 1/2 % or
$81,396.69, Lone Tree S/D 3% or
$32,558.68, Sentinel Township 3% or
$32,558.68. each of the 6 unorganized
townships with Forest Service land
$500.00 and the balance of
$935.775.03 to the Road Reserve
fund and Commissioner Steffen sec-
ohded the motion. Motion carried
Rod Landblom from Roosevelt-
Custer Regional Council stopped in to
visit with the Board regarding updating
the County's Zoning Regulations and
Zoning Code.
The Board approved of the Auditor
attending an ILG class on Budgeting
on April 29th and the Legislative Wrap-
up on May 11th in Bismarck.
Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and
Tim Kelly from Kadrmas, Lee &
Jackson, Inc. met with the Board to
discuss road department ~ssues and
road levies. Commissioner Quale
made a motion to advertise for bids for
a new 2009 or newer heavy duty class
8 - 6x4 truck and a new or used hop-
per bottom dump semi trailer, with the
bids to be opened at the May 5th
meeting and Commissioner Steffen
seconded the motion. Motion carried
Chairman Quale declared the
meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
The following vouchers were audit-
ed and approved for the month of April:
59641 Blue Cross
Blue Shield 7034.50
59642-59644 County
Recorder Disb. 300.00
59645-59670 Collections
submitted 93559.28
59671 NDACo 341.32
59672 Cafeteria Plan
Disb. 286.81
59673-59695 Social
Service Disb. 4632.49
Midstate Communications 54.77
59697 Boss Office
Supplies 207.03
59698 SW Business
Machines 201.77
59699 Balco Uniform 22.00
59700 Beach Food Center 5.03
59701 Best Western
Ramkota 55.00
59702 Burnie's 132.81
59703 Computer Software 48.00
59704 Electro
Watchman, Inc 144.00
59705 Farmers Union
Oil 295.90
59706 GV Co. States
Atty. 1612,50
59707 Golden
Valley News 767.63
59708 Stacey Heckaman 83.25
59709 nstitute of LOcal ~
Govn. 115.00
59710 Industrial Towel 45.79 "
59711 ITD 31.79
59712 MARC 104.00
59713 Matthew Bender 63.20
59714 ND Recorder's
Assn. 50~00
59715 Kim Nunberg 54.00
59716 Rising Repair 181.00
59717 Rohan's Hardware 83.57
59716 Safeguard
Business Systems 146,62
59719 Silvernale-Silha
Funeral Home 190.78
59720 St. Joseph's
Hospital 89.00
59721 Scott Steele 9.47
59722 Steve's Service 222.34
59723 SW Multi-Co.
Corr. Center 1380.00
59724 Atlas
Windshield Repair 621.50
59725 B & B
Hot Oil Service
59726 Earthworks, Inc.
59727 Hedahl Parts
Notice Is Hereby Given that the
undersigned have been appointed
Personal Representatives of the
above estate. All persons having
claims against the said deceased are
required to present their claims within
three months after the date of the first
publication'of this notice or said claims
will be forever barred. Claims must
either be presented to Wayne R.
Streitz and David Streitz, Personal
Representatives of the estate, at 137
First Avenue West, Dickinson, North
Dakota, or filed with the Court.
Dated this 6th day of May, 2009
Wayne R. Streitz
David Streitz
Personal Representatives
Hardy, Maus & Nordsven, P.C.
137 First Avenue West
P.O. Box 570
Dickinson, ND 58602-0570
Attorneys for Personal
(May 21, 28, June 4)
In accordance with section 63-
01.1-01, it shall be the duty of every
person (individual, partnership, firm,
corporation, company; society, associ-
ation, the state or any department,
agency or subdivision thereof, or any
other entity} to eradicate or control the
spread of noxious weeds on lands
368.50 owned or controlled by him in the state
5029.67 of North Dakota.
178.56 Control means to prevent the
59728 Kadrmas, Lee
& Jackson, Inc. 14441.02
59729 Knoll's Ready Mix 660.00
59730 Lawson Products 759.64
59731 Michael Todd
& Co. 137.75
59732 Mon-Dak
Oil 5226.28
59733 Napa Auto Parts 123.12
59734 RDO Truck
Repair 111.84
59735 Walz Truck
Repair 3160.44
59736 Wallwork Truck
Center 174.35
59737 ND State
Treasurer 2496.40
59738 NDSU Ext.
Disb. 31.00
59739 Midstate
Communications 1044.94
59740 MDU 2142.78
59741 City of Beach 265.00
59742 Conseco
Insurance Co. 33.96
59743 Reservation
Telephone 40.00
59744 Homeland '07
Grant Disb. 2481.95
59745 Weed Board
Disb. 30.50
59747 NDSU Ext. Disb. 23.60
spread of any noxious weed by seed
or any other propagating part. Such
weeds should be prevented from pro-
ducing seed: propogating parts must
not be transported in any manner.
Penalties are provided for in section
Pursuant to Chapter 63-01.1, sec-
tion 63-01.103 of the North Dakota
Century Code, the following weeds
have been declared noxious: (*follow-
ing the name of each weed is the time
of the normal first flowering date):
Absinth wormwood (Artesimia
absinthium L.) *in August
- Canada Thistle (Circium arvense
9L.) Scop.) *in July
- Diffuse Knapweed (Centaurea dif-
fusa Lam. ) *July to September
- Dalmation Toadflax (Linaria genis-
tifolia ssp. Dalmatica (L.) and
Petitmengin Field bindweed
(Convolvulus arvensis L) also known
as creeping Jenny *in June
- Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia osula
L.) * late May into June
- Musk Thistle (Carduus nutans L)
• in July
- Purple Loosestrife (Lthrum sail-
carla L., Lythrum vigatum L. and all
cultivers) *mid-July to early September
Russian Knapweed (Centaurea
repens L) *in August
59748 GV Ag Dis b. 6202.00 Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea
597..4.9-59753, . ~ PILT Pyn~t. Maculosa Lm.) *early July-August
Disb. ......... 1085289.0g ~ - Ye ow~tarthistle (Centaurea sol-
59754 ~.~Gtv~p_.,0urity ~~,~ stitialis L) *mid-summer
Treasurer 398.34
59755 County Recorder
Disb. 450.00
59756 ED Disb. 200.00
59757 MT Dept.
of Revenue 134.66
59758 County
Recorder Disb. 400.00
59759-59762 Co.
Library Disb. 551.43
59763-59767 BLM
Mineral Pymt. Disb. 41160.82
59768 Golden
Valley CoUnty 5901.92
59769 Golden
Valley County 5901.92
59770 Golden
Valley County 4036.52
59771 GV
County Treasurer 882,00
59772 GV
County Treasurer 3756.62
59773-59774 Golden
Valley County 4654.13
59775 Wage
Withholding Order 602.00
59776 Alltel 752.39
59777 Cenex Fleetcard 1305.07
59778-59786 Cafeteria
Plan Disb. 2196.11
59787 Ashley Krause 151.20
59788 ND State
Bonding 30.00
59789-59791 County
Recorder Disb. 560.00
59792 AFLAC 702.80
59793 Social Service
Disb. 138.30
59794 Ceil Stedman 209.00
10991-11048 GV
County Employees 62920.71
Cecilia Stedman, Auditor
David L Quale, Chairman, county
(May 21)
Election Notice
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 2009,
the annual election of Lone Tree
School District #6 will be held at the
Township Hall, Golva, North Dakota,
for the purpose of electing one (1)
member to the school board for a term
of three years. Also on the ballot will
be the question of whether or not to
publish the school board minutes in
the local newspaper. The polls will be
open at 11:00 AM Mountain Time and
will close at 7:00 PM MT of that same
If you are unable to go to the polls
on election day, applications for
absentee ballots will be available at
Golva School Business Office or by
calling 872-3674.
Leah Zook, Business Manager
Lone Tree School District No. 6
Notice to creditors
Saltcedar (tamarix ramosissima
Ledeb., Tamarix chinesis Lou and
Tamarix parviflora)
The Billings County Weed Board
has also declared Burdock (Arctium-
Minus), Henebane (Hyoscyamus-
Niger), and Hoary Cress (Cardia
draba), also known as perennial
Peppergrass of White Top, as noxious
weeds in Billings County.
Members of the Billings County
Weed Board include:
- President Gordon Gerbig,' 575-
-Martin Haag, 863-6574
- Tom Redmond, 575-4510
- Kevin Fugere, 575-4025
- Anthony Kessel, 575-4715
- Dwight Hecker, 575-4952
- Clint Schneider, 623-4596
Les Simnioniw is the couhty's weed
Control officer, (H) 575-8813; (W) 575-
(May 21)
Pursuant to NDCC Section 57-23-
02 notice is hereby given that the
meeting of the various Boards of
Equalization will be held as follows:
Pursuant to NDCC Section 57-12
the Billings County Board of
Equalization will meet in the
Commissioner's Room at the
Courthouse on June 2, 2009 begin-
ning at 2:00 PM.
Each taxpayer has the right to
appear before the appropriate board of
review or equalization and petition for
correction or equalization of his/her
Dated at Medora, ND this 18th day
of May, 2009.
Joan Jargens
Billings County Auditor
(May 21)
Billings County
School District
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 8, 2009
The regular meeting of the Billings
County School Board was called to
order at 6:40 p.m. Wednesday, April 9,
2008, at the DeMores School, with
members Stacey Kessel, Dean
Rodne, Darren Baranko, and Darnyl
Malkowski, and Principal Soehren
present. Also present were staff mem-
bers Kathy Chemenko, Karl Cadwell,
Jessie Berger, and JordAnne Huffman
Baranko moved, Malkowski sec-
onded, to approve the consent agen-
da, which included the minutes of the
March meeting, the attached check
list, the business manager's financial
report, and the addition of one item to
the agenda. The motion carriedunan-
Probate No. 17-09-015 imously.
Notice to Creditors 10904 Newby's Ace
Hardware 73.50
State of North Dakota, In District 10905 AIItel 75.00
Court County of Golden Valley, 10906 Alternative
Southwest Judicial .District Sanitation 237.00
In the Matter of the Estate of 10907 D&AO'Brien
Margaret Streitz, Deceased.
Bus Route 5,237.34
10908 Belfield School
District 80.00
10909 Blue Cross
Blue Shield 1,037.88
10910 Border States 119.40-
10911 Braun Distributing
I nc [ 117.75
10912 Cass Clay Creamery
Inc 305.65
10913 Cenex 120.61
10914 City of Medora
10915 Connecting Point
10916 Dacotah Paper
Co. 513.54
10917 Dan's
Supermarket 135.09
10918 " Dan's
Supermarket #4 33.20
10919 Darren Baranko 148.78
10920 Dean Foods Inc 104.78
10921 Dickinson Pres~s
10922 Dickinslon Public5'00
Library 6.461.04
10923 Donna Barne~ 2,169.60
10924 Esand 0.00
10925 ESP C~mputers
& Software Inc 61.00
10926 Farmers Union
Oil Co. 4.99
10927 Fisher Scientific 56.04
10928 Franklin Covey 72.37
10929 Gary Meduna 4,138.38
10930 George Stverak 500.00
10931 The Horace Mann
I O932 Kathy
Malkowski 3,182.30
10933 Lisa Oehler196.85
10934 Marj0rie Jensen 706.28
10935 Midstate Telephone
Co. 206.66
10936 NDATL 0.00
10937 NDPERS Group
Health Insurance Plan 4,413.76
10938 Billings County
Pioneer 205.96
10939 Postmaster 1,108.00
10940 Pump Systems,
Inc 9.77
10941 Qwest 594.41
10942 BismarCk Ramkota
Hotel 212.00
10943 RDA Systems
Inc. 2,363.57
10944 Reservation
Telephone Coop 68.58
10945 Rising Star
Education 204.00
10946 Rita Denning 137.70
10947 Roughrider Electric
Coop Inc. 3,921.00
10948 Rudy's Lock &
Key 2.80
10949 Runnings Supply
Inc 155.27
10950 Southwest
Business Machines 234.88
10951 South Heart School
Dist. 8,322.41
10952 Southwestern
Dist. Health Unit 24.00
10953 SW Water
Aut.hority 98.00
10954 Terry M. Brown
Inc. 12,159.72
10955 Tom's Service 138.00
10956 US Foodservice
Inc. 2,719.00
10957 WaI-Mart
Community 623.94
10958 West Dakota
Oil Inc 4,909.54
10959 West River
Student Services 6,449.98
Carrie Wanner presented informa-
tion and showed a video presentation
on food allergies in children.
Principal Soehren reported on pro-
jected preschool enrollments for next
year, storm day make up dates, plans
to be set up on Power School by next
fall, and upcoming events at the
, She reported that, after polling par-
ents, it was decided to have kinder:
garten four days a week for the first
semester next year, then go to five
days for the second serpester.
Permission was given for an out of
district student to ride a bus to pre-
school next year since it would be on
the existing route.
Recognition was given to Angel
Calkens, Ashley Ellison, and Rebecca
Oehler for placing first, second, and
third, respectively, in their division at
State History Day and will now
advance to National History Day.
Recognition was also given to Ruth
Johnson for being named State
History Day Teacher of the Year.
The Board met with bus contractors
Kathy Malkowski and Donna Barnett
to discuss their routes. It was agreed
to continue both routes for the coming
Items to be included in the 2009-10
budget were discussed. It was decid-
ed to budget for a fire alarm system for
the Prairie preschool building, replace-
ment and/or staining of some of the
siding, on the DeMores School,
replacement of the hallway carpet in
the DeMores School, heaters for the
Fryburg shop, and resurfacing of the
parking lot at the Prairie preschool.
The business manager reported
the health insurance rates ai'e increas-
ing significantly for thle coming year.
After a brief discussion, it was
agreed to follow the District's policy of
not paying family transportation for
students open enrolling into or out of
the District.
The business manager reported
there had been a request to purchase
one of the mobile home lots at
Fryburg. The Board did not wish to
sell the lot at this time, but would rent
it to the interested person for $100 per
Baranko will be the representative
to Belfield=s April meeting.
Baranko reported he had checked
on the possibility of the County improv-
ing a road which would make it possi-
ble for the Fischer family from out of
District to meet the bus to Prairie at a
closer point, but it is not workable.
Principal Soehren will notify the
Fischers of this.
The Board authorized the vice
president to sign contracts in the
absence of the Board president.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20
Stacey Kessel, Vice President
Darlene Mitchell, Business