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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 21, 2009     Golden Valley News
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May 21, 2009
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 4 , May 21, 2009 smo 158 acre pasture and hayland parcel, 7 City of Minot is seeking applicants for STEEL BUILDINGS 5 to be sold miles south of Sentinel Butte. Off a good mechanics. Salary DOQ, excellent bene- Commercial and Farm Huge SavingsT road close to electricity with Southwest fit package. Journey level maintenance 40x60x14, 50x100x16, 60x175x18, Water pipeline running through the prop- and repair work of vehicles and equip- 80x225x20, 140x240x20 Arena. Limited erty. Call Dee at Little Missouri Real ment. Please contact human resources Colors/Free Delivery! Call (800) 237- Estate 872-6080 or 872-4444. at 701-857-4756 or see website- 9620Ask for Bob. more information. Private EEO. By order of the Minot Civil LOOKING FOR THE most complete list- Service Commission. ing of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! Call {701 ) 223-6397, ND Newspaper Association. Price reduced on this beautifully restored 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with fami- ly room on the third story. Cedar sauna in the basement: all new plumbing, electri- MANAGER WANTED FOR Brand New cal, flooring, wallpaper, windows, steel Restaurant now being built in Napoleon, siding. Gorgeous fenced yard with its ND. Great opportunity in clean, progres- own well; new sidewalks, driveway, large ewe, upbeat community. Email nap- back patio with curved front porch. Avery or call (701) 226- unique home! Call Dee @ Little Missouri 8321. Napoleon Economic Development Real Estate 872-4444 or 872-6080. Foundation. At private treaty - registered black Angus PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT bulls, yearlings, fall yearlings, and 2 year City of Northwood. Full time. Pay based olds. Good selection. Performance and on education/experience. 3 years mini- fertility tested. Will feed until May 1st. mum experience. Contact ND Job Delivery available. Trangmoe Angus Service for application/job description. Ranch - Glendive, MT. Jim Trangmoe: Deadline May 31, 2009. EOE. 406-687-3315, FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT with bene- Cute, 3 bedroom, 2-bath mobile home in fits. Auto parts sales, bulk fuel delivery. good condition with attached entry and Send resume to Gene @ Farmers Union beautiful lot in Golva. Call Dee at Little 0il, 109 Industrial Park, Edgeley, ND Missouri Real Estate, 872-4444 or 872- 58433. 6080. "Stecker Farm." 3.5 sections of land north of Beach. N.D. Contact Becky Schell. 3025 Stillwater Dr. Billings, MT 59102 (406) 656-4964. The Golden Valley News and Billings County Pioneer has an opening for an office assistant. Qualifications include basic office and computer skills. Responsibilities include assisting with operating an office, some bookkeeping duties, taking requests from customers for advertising, and ad sales. Depending upon an applicant's interests or qualifica- tions, responsibilities may include proof- reading, and writing and news gathering. - Position would include t6 to 20 hours per week. Wage DOE Open until filled Call (701) 872-3755 for an .application. or sehd'a resume to GVN/BCP; P.O Box 156; Beacl~ ~ND 58621. Are you interested in a rewarding Career? Wibaux County Nursing Home will be starting a Certified Nurse Assistant training class starting Monday, June 1, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. Classes will run for 2 weeks with Testing available upon completion of the course. If inter- ested, please contact Dixie Erhart, RN or Kristie Nelson, DON, at 406-796-2429 prior to June 1. Thank you for all the prayers, cards and the plant I received while a patient at St. ~Alexius Hospital in Bismarck. - Ken Westrum YOUR 25-WORD classified ad can now appear in every ND newspaper! Only $150! NorthSCAN is the answer. Contact your newspaper for placement. HAVE A NEWS release or other informa- tion that needs to reach all ND newspa- pers? ND Newspaper Association can help! One call does it all. (7011 223-6397. PLUMBERS HOME HEATING & Plumbing in Fargo has openings for jour- neymen plumbers with residential new construction or service experience. Top pay & full benefits. Move bonus avail- able. 701 28th Street S, Fargo, ND 58103. (701) 280-3400. DRIVERS HOME EVERY week! Regional hauls. CDL required. Health insurance/vacation paid. Dispatch Bismarck. Baumgartner & Sons. Call Bill (701) 527-7215. WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS- Experienced Family Owned Oil Production & Exploration Co. We'll Help You Monetize Your Mineral Assets. Send details to P.O. Box 8946, Denver, CO 80201. TANNING BEDS NEW and used. Close out on used beds as low as $1,995. Delivery and set up. Suntana Supply, Fargo, ND. (888) 326-6681. Interstate Cenex in Beach is looking for summer help. Stop in for an application. Place your ad here for only a few per week. for details. Notice to Our Valued Subscribers If your Golden Valley News or Billings County Pioneer subscription expires, or if you are a new subscriber, it may require at least two weeks before your subscrip- tion restarts or starts. This is because the next week's newspapers may have already been printed before the day we receive your payment, and/or all the mail- ing labels for the next issue have already been print- ed. Thank you for reading the News and the Pioneer! Teaching Position Available: Health Careers Teacher needed for 2009-2010 school term, ¾ time contract 185 days. Position is based out of Dickinson, must be able to receive a North Dakota Career and Technology Education credential. Registered nurses would qualify for an initial credential. Applicants must verify at least two years of work experience in a health occupations setting. Closing date, May 27. 2009 or until position is filled. For more information contact Kevin Nelson, Director of the Roughrider Area Career and Technology Center. Phone 701-878-4445. Ext. 133. by LCeld ~Mon. Wed. Fri. Sat. 9-1 p.m. BO~H~=EN;eS" ~Tues.& Thurs. 9-1:30, 2-6 p.m. HA;RCU" O 18 SE 1st St Beach, ND 701-690-6717 Question:Is there an easy way to lock then click Change. On the Maintenance software that is installed secretly on a PC ano unlock my computer when I go to Mode Options screen, click Add orto collect information about an owner. lunch and return, instead of ghutting it Remove Features. and then click Next. If The Trojan describes a class of computer down? a Custom Setup screen appears, select threat, (malware) that appears to perform Answer: Yes. if you work ~n a public the Choose advanced customization box. a good function but in fact performs mall- office and going to lunch ano want to lock and then click Next. n the list of features cious functions and opens a back door your Win-XP computer there is a short- to install, click the expand indicator (+) that allows a hacker to control the corn- cut Simply press the Windows and L next to Office Tools. Click the arrow next puter. Adware is software that automati- keys This locks Windows until you to Equation Editor, and then click Run cally plays, displays, or downloads adver- unlock ~t. To unlock it. press Ctrl + AIt + from My Computer. Click Update an~ tisements to a computer after the soft- Del. If you have a password, you'll need restart Word ware ms installed. Some free software to enter it Question: such as Spybot is available. Other soft- Question:Is there a program called Are there free Virus scan programs and ware will run one free scan but they want Equabon Editor for the windows Word are they good? you to buy the "full package," That is Program? Answer: The answer is "yes/but." On the what I would do. Answer:Yes. if you have your MS Office Web: a Windows PC may get various CD. To Install in MS Win XP. go to Start. infections. There are types of software E-mail your questions to and Control Panel. Click Add or Remove named. Spyware, Trojans and Adware. A Copyright @ Jack Programs in Control Panel. In the virus is a program that can copy itself Cook Currently installed programs box. cJick and infect a computer without the knowl- the listing for MS Office or Word. and edge of the owner. Spyware is computer Soonsored by Beach 872-4444 • Golva 872-3656 • 24 hr. ATM in Beach & Medora Member EDIC Medora 623-5000 lobby GLENDIVE SALES CORPORATION • Lease & Fleet Vehicle Remarketing • Wholesale & Retail • Cars & Trucks GARY BRENGLE 1021 W. BELL ST. GLENDIVE, MT 59330 PHONE: 406- 365-4407 HOME: 406-365-8104 TOLL FREE: 1-800-726-6763 Pheasant Country Woodworks • Cabinets • Countertops • Millwork • Computer Aided Drafting and Designs New Construction/Remodeling Residential/Commercial Complete Staining & Finishing of All Interior Wood Items Calvin L. Walter 12180 35th St. S.W,Dickinson. ND 58601 Res: (701) 483-8584 Cell: (701) 260-1566 E-Mail; Billings County Pioneer Golden Valley News Call us for your printing needs: business cards, envelopes, raffle tickets, invitations, invoices, posters & more! We also have in stock: Blank envelopes, poster board and copy paper. Main office, 22 Central Ave., Beach (701) 872-3755 etanett Houglu Agency *# All Risk Crop ~ Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 1-800-784-2106 P.O. Box 157 ~16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 houglum John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud Sally Abernethy Licensed Real Estate Agent in N.D. and MT. 12 years of experience! (701) 260-5087 or (701) 872- 4674 I"A N Y Real Estate Pro essionals Cliff Maychrzak, Owner Sentinel Butte, ND Shop - 701-872-2060 Cell - 701-206-0067 New Construction Farm/Ranch Commercial Residential NIL No. 2298 ),M.ROV ME. S / Se ic Remodeling • Decks * Carpet Steam I cleaning fOR ALL Or YOUR • Garages • Siding I . Strip anaFwax ti(efloors RrAt rsw r NrrDS: , • Laminate flooring RE , Sr rE = pho/stery Cleaning • Basement Finishing PErSoN,, SEtteE, • Tile & More ! Ken & Virginia Young 97 EAST t lN STR'EET" = [5 year labor warranty I Owners CALl-usB--EAw£?wiNDe there, Licensed & Insured I Glendive, MT leremy Bulger ~ 112 ~hoxSLNW I Call 406-377-3597 PATTI DAVIS BROKER 701-690-7763, r owner ~ ~"Beach, ND I KIM KRULL 701-690-7847 " 701-729-9967 58621 III 305.N Merrill Ave. I " Your local I III Glendive, MT i telephone cornpanyl Ill Guns Bought, Sold, III Repaired, and Traded I Serving the Beach,I III FFH Licensed I Golva, I III Ernie Huether, Pres. I Se,,inel ,,e Meaora I III area, , ,I 3"3"" I I ' III Firearms Gun Safes I For service please call I Illsmaaw°°l Ammunition I lilt Reloading Equipment • ii This space is available for only a few dollars a S "Where you can get all of your farm seed needs." FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872-3317 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling 872-3755 for Andrew Smith Bu yourdr, amSlrilgng re tio t more details Phone (701) 872-3248 Beach, ND 58621 Body Works:. I Skid-Steeri I Massage, LLc 1 and [ I Generat°r I Cassie Szudera, Welder I i ...Se..ce.I 61 S Central Ave, Suite 4 [Call Terry Week [ (Down the hall from New Beginnings) I (701) 872-3346 ri ~ ~l Beach, ND 58621 701-872-3176