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.... Cecelia Resalia Tescher Rutledge
LEBANON. N.H. Cecelia
Rosalia Tescher Rutledge, 89. died
peacefully in her sleep on May 14.
~She was born near Sentinel
Butte. N.D.. on Oct. 7. 1919, the
daughter Of Matthias and Antoinette
(Gass) Tescher.
Mrs. Rutledge was the third of
15 children and grew up on a ranch
in the Badlands of western North
Dakota. She attended a one-room
country school and graduated from
Sentinel Butte High School.
After moving to California, she
worked as a waitress until her mar-
riage to T. Jack Rutledge in 1944.
They moved to Lebanon, N.H., in
1954 to help with the family busi-"
ness. Bridgman's Furniture.
Cecelia worked at home. raising her
family and belonged to several
civic and church organizations.
Later, she worked for 15 years as a
decorator at Bridgman's Furniture.
She spent her retirement years in
Sun City. Arizona.
Survivors inclUde daughter.
Rosalie desGroseilliers and son-in-
law John of Hardwick, Vt.: son.
Steve Rutledge and daughter-in-law
Arleen of Springfield. N.H.: daugh-
ter. Patti Warren and son-in-law
Ken of Lebanon, N.H.. and son.
Dan Rutledge and daughter-in-law
Jayne Place-Rutledge of Lebanon.
N.H. She has nine grandchildren
and 12 great-grandchildren.
She loved her family and
enjoyed gardening, sewing, baking,
reading, playing cards, working
crossword puzzles, roses, a good
joke, and her many fi'iends. She
wrote numerous stories about her
family and growing up in North
Family will receive friends at
the Ricker Funeral Home. School
St.. Lebanon. N.H., from 4-7 p.m.
on Monday, May 25. A Mass of
Christian Burial will be celebrated
at Sacred Heart Church. Lebanon.
N.H.. at 3 p.m. on Tuesday. May 26.
In lieu of flowers, donations can
be made to Home On The Range,
16351 1-94. Sentinel Butte. N.D.
58654-3745. or Our Lady of Grace
Monastery. Monastery, Nova Scotia
BOHIWO. Arrangements are in the
care of desGroseilliers Funeral
Homes Church Street. Hardwick:
Vt. E-mail condolences can be sent
to the family at
Julianna "Julie" Kahl
BUCKMAN. Minn. - Julianna
"'Julie'" Kahl. 75, of Buckman.
Minn., passed away Monday, May
t 1. 2009, at St. Gabriel's Hospital
in_Little Falls. Minn.
:'Mass of Christian burial was
held at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, May
14. at St. Michael's Catholic
Church in Buckman. with the Rev.
Kenneth Brenny officiating.
Interment was in the parish ceme-
Visitation was held from 4-8
p.m. Wednesday. May 13. and one
hour pl4 r to the servive-Thursdav.
May hl] "at S'f. Mfeh dl's
Catholic Church in Buckman.
There was a Rosary led by the
Christian Mothers & St. Michael's
Society at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday,
at the church followed by Parish
Prayers at 7 p.m. and Knights of
Columbus at 8 p.m.
Julianna "Julie" Mary Maus
was born on Dec. 22. 1933 in
Spring Hill. Minn., to Albert J. and
Alma M. (Heinen) Maus. As a
young child, she moved with her
family to the Pierz, Minn.. area.
where she attended country school
in districts 92; 71 and 104.
Following • her schooling, she
worked at Britz's Market.
She was united in marriage to
Raymond John Kahl on June 10.
1957. at St. Joseph's Catholic
Church in Piecz. The couple made
their home on the family farm near
Buckman. where they raised their
nine children. Julianna enjoyed gar-
dening, baking, .canning, quilting,
playing cards, all the activities of
her children and grandchildren and
praying the Rosary. She was a
member of St. Michael's Catholic
Church j.n Buckman, St. Michael's
Christian Women. St. Michael's
Society, St. Theresa Mission Group,
D ,CW and MCCL. Her faith and
involvement in her church was very
important to her. "Grandma on the
Farm" always welcomed company.
She always had cookies on hand.
She still planted her gardens to
share with all her loved ones. And
for every family get-together, she
provided plenty of her wonderful
poppy seed bread.
Left to cherish her "memory are
her husband. Raymond J. Kahl of
Buckman: children. R0nald
(Kathy) Kahl of Bucklnan,
Michael (Marjorie) Kahl of Rice.
Annette (Johnl Schnabet of
Champlin. Barbara (Date) Wick of
St. Joseph, Stephen (Joyce) Kahl
of Buckman. Laureen (Ron) Witt
of Little Falls, Mary Jo
(Christopher) Vickers of
Princeton. Jerome (Michelle) Kahl
of Foley and Martin Kahl of
Perham: siblings, Werner (Mary
Ann) Maus of Richmond. Leander
(JoAnn) Maus-of Pierz. Gilbert
(Joyce) Maus of Pierz and Sister
Margaret Maus. OSB. of
Greenwald and 25 grandchildren.
Julianna was preceded in death
by her parents. Albert and Alma
Maus. father and mother-in-law,
Joseph and Catherine Kahl: broth-
er-in-law. Father Donald Kahl and
sister-in,law. Mary Ann Maus.
Honorary pallbearers were her
neighbors and friends.
Casket bearers were Joshua
Vickers. Travis Kahl. Michael
Schnabel. John Kahl. Joe Kahl.
Mark Kahl. Zach Kahl and
Benjamin Witt.
Marian G. Suchy
' GOLVA Funeral Mass for drawing and painting pictures. She
Marian G. Suchy, 85, of Wibaux, loved to have her nails and hair
Mont.. formed y of Golva. was at 2 done and enjoyed anything red.
p.m., Tuesday, May 19, 2009, at St. Marian looked forward to her shop-
Mary's Catholic Church in Golva. ping day, holidays and family gath-
with the Rev. David Richter cele- erings. She also enjoyed embroi-
brating, dery and helped out with the nurs-
Arosary service washeldat 1:30ing home activities. She, could
p.m.. Tuesday, May 19. at St. always be seen with her "Big Black
Mary's Catholic Church before the Purse." In the later years, she loved
service. Burial was in the St. John's to have visitors, especially babies or
Cemetery south of Mandan. animals. ,
Marian passed away Thursday, Marian is survived by her- two
May 14. at the Wibaux County sisters. Joan Suchy Pavlish: Golva;
Nursing Home. WiBi~i)X. Mont.and Dolores Suchy Sneiddr.~ Fort
Marian Grace Suchy was born Collins. Colo.; nieces and nephews,
Oct. 9. 1923. in Mandan. to James Bunky (Ed) Nistler; Gregg (Sony)
and Clementine (Staudinger) Pavlish; Stephanie Edmundson:
Suchy. She grew up and attended l~ary Beth (Robert) Nistler: Nancy
the Little Heart # 2 Country School Pavlish: Jamie (Ralph) Switzer:
south of Mandan. thru the eighth': Brian Sneider:RogerAdams:Jimmy
grade and later attended Mandan Adams: Becky Turner; Jim and Janet
Oigh School. Marian lived with her Brown: and Danette. Randy, Sam.
mother Ibr many years. She later Toddand Wendy Headrick.
moved to Wibaux to be closea" to her She is preceded in death by her
sister Joan and her family, parents; sisters, Doreen Brown.
Marian had made her home at Claudia Adams and Gloria
the Wlbaux County Nursing Home Headrick.
tor die last 18 years. In her younger Remembrances and condo-
years, she enjoyed horseback riding lences may be shared with the fam-
especially on "Judith." She also ily at
enjoyed singing, playing the guitar,
BISMARCK - The North
Dakota Department of Health on
May 14 confirmed the state's first
case of H 1 N1 novel influenza virus.
also referred to as swine flu.
The young adult female is a res-
ident of Burleigh County. She was
not hospitalized and has been
recovering at home.
A lab specimen was submitted to
the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention by the
Department of Health the previous
week after preliminary tests identi-
fied the patient's illness as a "prob-
able" infection. Additional testing
was needed to determine if the
patient had the new strain of
"Now that we know this virus is
in North Dakota, it's important for
people to take simple steps to pro-
tect themselves and their families,'"
said State Epidemiologist Kirby
Kruger. "This includes staying
home when you are sick and wash-
ing your hands often.'"
The Department of Health offers
these recommendations:
As always, stay home from
work or school if you are sick to
avoid spreading the infection to oth-
Hamm announces
pprovai of rate increase
BISMARCK North Dakota
Insurance Commissioner Adam
Hamm said on May 15 that he has
approved a 7.9-percent rate
increase for Blue Cross Blue
Shield of North Dakota's group
BCBS originally requested a
14.9-percent increase for group
policies last fall. Then. following
the resolution of disputed contract
language in January 2009 concern-
ing payments to health care
providers. BCBS revised its
request to an 11 A-percent
The announcement of an agree-
meni on a 7.9 percent rate increase
comes after negotiations with
The rate increase will be effec-
tive July 1. 2009. and will last
through the end of the year.
Approximately 113.000 North
Dakotans are covered under group
policies through BCBS.
503 38th St. South
Fargo, ND
Wed., June 3, 2009
11:00 a.m.
For a complete list of vehicles
check out our web site at:
or call (701) 328-1434
(Hoffman Auction Service - Lic. #1 )
Playing May 22, May 23 and May 23
Rated "G"
** Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus
Stevenson Funeral
281 E MAIN - BEACH ND 701-872-4362
Pull Carrie Zachmann Black
Tabs $500 Jack
Friday & Saturday
Hours: Mon-Fri. 3pm-lam Sat. lpm-lam
Happy Hour: Mon.-Thurs. 5:30-6:30pm
Lucas Buchholz of the Buccaneers receives the baton from
Danny Skoglund in the 3,200-meter relay during a track and
field meet on Monday, May 11. (Photo by Cindy Makelky)
- Cover your mouth and nose
with a tissue when coughing or
sneezing. It may prevent those
around you from getting sick.
- Avoid close contact with people
who are coughing or otherwise
- Avoid touching your eyes. nose
and mouth. Germs are often spread
when a person touches something
that is contaminated with germs and
then touches his or her eyes. nose or
mouth. Wash your hands frequently.
- Contact your doctor if you are
experiencing cough, fever and
fatigue, possibly along with diar-
rhea and vomiting.
Information about HIN I. includ-
ing case information for North
Dakota. can be found at Case informa-
tion will be updated daily at approx-
imately 10:15 a.m.
...... 1
invites Tou tojb/n them /br a celebraNon o/the "-'late
Pete Hart (r /[/8 on Sundq ; Mqv 24 at 2p.m. al
Medora ConimuniO: Center.
Reception taro/tow at the Schafer Center.
Pete was superintenc/ent at
,Vat'/Parkfrora 1990-1995.
With calving season about over,
it's time to think fencing repair.
Give us a call for all your wood post needs.
3 1/2"X5'6" POINTED 4.35
4" X 8' BLUNT 6.42
5" X 8' BLUNT 9.10
6" X 8 " BLUNT 13.40
8" X 8' BLUNT 23.74
All posts are green treated.
O'Brien Welding
miles west of Belfield
=- 575-4248
Due to the Memorial Day holiday,
the deadline
for ads and any submitted items
for the May 28 issues of the
Golden Valley News and
Billings County Pioneer
is 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 21-
May 21-27
Farmers Union Oil Co.
Interstate Cenex
aor smffi Hot Stuff Pizza
I,iI~ I I II]l~Iil [II
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