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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 19, 1938     Golden Valley News
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May 19, 1938
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PAGE 6 _ :: _ = , ~ _ ~ CARLYLE Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fulton Mrs. Kenneth Justice, Mrs. Conrad Pratt and Mrs. Claude Lund drove to W1- baux Wednesday to attend a meeting of 4-H clubs. Friends regret to learn that Mrs. John Denton is on the sick list. Rienzi Hammond is employed at the Guy Curl farm. Mrs. John Sehulte and little son left Monday for a visit with her par- ants, Mr. and Mrs. Len Baugtunan of Rockford, Illinois while John is em- ployed on road work near Medora. Mike Tompkins of Valley City ar- rived at Carlyle Wednesday to look after farm interests. Mr. and Mrs. Olsness of Everett, Washington, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang last week. Mrs. Oldsness who is an Aunt of Mrs. Wang is enroute to Norway, her former home and Mr. Olsness will return to a posi- tion in the navy. Mrs. Myers has been very ill the past week with pleurisy. Sarauel Myer went to Baker Friday where he was fitted with glasses. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Stewart of Car- lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe and Miss Delores were dinner guests at the A. E. Scheffer home Sunday. A suprise birthday party was given Mrs. Elmer Wang last Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steen and f~'nily, Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and family, Miss Jennie Steen, Art :Wang, Mr. and Mrs. William Narum, Mr. and Mrs. Olsness. A very pleasent time was reported. A. W. Moline purchased a car of T. J. Fulton the past week. rile GOLDEN x-" 'A,l':3 ",,-., -"THAT-LITTLE B. Link Donald Hammond left Sunday for Winona, Minn., and will drive home a car. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anthony, sons and Clayton Loop attended pluy day at Beach Thursday. On May 5th Mrs. Chas. Nelson and son, Stanley, Mrs. Josephine C0nnor and daughter drove to Sioux l~alls to attend the ~uneral of Mr. C. L. Mug- $e21 who passed away at Ohippewa Fal~, wise. on May 3rd. Mr. Muggoh was a brother of Mrs. Ne ~ and Mrs. ~or. Deepest sympth:, is extended to t~e bar.veal ones in | ~elr sorrow. IIen~ P~lng, George Oearey, and RUdolph l~Jsing are working on the side roads this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cbeorg4 Brothel re- turned on Tuesday form ~andan~ N. D, The home of Mr. Geo ge Segulla in Etouth Valley was q~ trenteed the pact week for diptherla. Friends hope for speedy recoverys m no serlons re~t& The Ollie Juniors and Seniors gave their class play "Keep ¢ !f the Grass" at Carlyle Saturday evev ing. Following the play a dance was sponsored wlth ml~l~ by the Baker orchestra. A good attendance was appreciated. Mrs. Ed Hartse left for Uine. Minn., called there by the death of her brother and sister in law. Mrs. Theo. Roppe a sister from Glendlve 'accompanied her. Mrs Bert Covert was a caller at the ~sheffer home Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Gearey entertained a num- ber of friends at her home Saturday afternoon. Those present were Mes- dames J .Schafer, F. Sclmuboe, Sadie P~e, A. Peterson, B. Covert. J. Larsen, GaG. Hammond. T. Wosepka. A. E. Seheffer, Misses Janette Ferguson, V. ~cheffer and Dorothy Wosepka. Nine games of whist were played, with Mrs. COvert winning ~irst prize, and Mrs. Paterson low and Mrs. Wosepka the traveling prlz~ A~delicious lunch was served. :Mr. and ?¢ir~. ~Af~ed Scheffer, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sbewart and Verna Scaheffer attended the movies In Beach Saturday evemng. The Golw Sunshine society reel, on Wednesday with Mrs. J. Northrup who served a fine dinner to those able to attend. The rain during the previous ~light had made roads almost impass- able for some. Several sick folks were sent remembrances and he next pl'~ce of meeing will be with Mrs. George OIT~e May 26. Golva Homemakers club on Thttrsday with Mrs. Wm. McManigal and Mrs. Bertha Johx~on, A fine dinner was served to a goodly atten- dance of members and visitors, The lesson on "Italian Quilting and Rayon and Cotton Fabrioes," was given by Mrs. J. Bosserman. The next meeting will be on June 9th, at the home ofI Mrs, A. Scheffer. Mrs, Geo. Oldls will[ lye the lesson, "First Aid in the Home.-" tl[R[ AR[ PLAY Potato Race: Janz¢, Beach; 3rd Mary Kremers. 1st 1Vrargle Wentland, Guy; 2nd Dens Clark. I Feldman, Chandler; 3rd Agnes Rising, Running High Jump: i Clark. I 1st Florence Ham, B~ach; 2n~ Kath- Baseball throw for distance: ryn Bellmont. Beach; 3rd Ors Gigstad, llll/ Illllllltllll 1st Dorothy Wandke, Beach; 2nd Sentinel Butte. I/AI I11PlPltfl i Agnes Rising, Clark; 3rd Patricia Boys' Events. High School ] Hartse, Halgh. i00 Yard Dash : __ [Running High Jump: 1st Joe Niece Beach; 2nd Lester i Ist Margie Wentland. Guy; 2nd Dempsey, Sentinel Butte: 3r:l Alb~rt ~0unty Supt. Herman F. Dietz has Dorothy Wandke, Beach; 3rd PAta Ann Ivlichels, Beach. very kindly furnished the News with~Gllman, Beach. the following complete list of winners, Boys' Events. 13 and over Shot Put: in the various Play Day contests held 75 Yard I)esh: I ls', Jev,-ell. Belfield; 2nd B uchman, here last Thursday. Except for aI Ist Bud Lardy, Sentinel Butte; 2rid BelAeld. 3rd Nlstler,]. wind which bothered somewhat dur:ng ! Albert Tossner, Bonnie View; 3rd Don- :~ Pole Vault : the late afternoon, the day was fairly ald Carlson, Beach, l~t Lester Dun~:s~':. Se::~m~l Butt~. good, and some clo~e competition re- Baseball throw for distance: ,2nd Rx Gi:man. Beach; 3rd Kelth suited. Belfteld won the high school 1st Henry Marmon, Beach; 2nd Billy Arnold, B ach. meet, no~ing out Beach by three points, 'Turnbull, Beach; 3rd Norbert .~,¢aus, 1220 Yard Dash: 39 to 36. Sentinel Butte scored 24 Clark. [ 1st Joe Niece, B~ach: 2.:~ Orville points. Running High Jump: ~Dodge, Sentinel =u~te; 3rd Albert Mi- Following is the list of winners: 1st Donald Carlson, Beach; 2rid Earl ichels, Beach. BOYS' EVENTS ]Gilman, Beach; 3rd Bud Noyes, Beach. Running Broad Jump: ,,.~.. ,,~ .... [Running Bro~:l Jump: t l,~t R:x G-qma~:, ~ach: 2rid Thomas, ....... [ Ist Robert Doerner Beach; 2nd Hen-~ B-~.'.eld" ~r~ kr::c.:. ~each. DU ~'~,ra J.J~sn; ' n ' ' ........... ~ry Mormon Beach" 3rd Geo Shoe , 880 Yard D~sh" ls~ Tommy ullman, t~eacn; zna Bus-, " ' " " -- e' Sentinel Butte 1 1st Met~ger, Bel:ield 2=,d 3chaff, Bel- sel Zinsli Sentinel Butte; 3rd I~li ..... " • ~r'o~e you,t: ]:ie~d 3rd Carho= B.ach. Freese Beach 1 t .... - " ' .... w " r "" "an ~ s r~art ~nman, Beach; 2nd Leo Ru-r~ng High Jump: ' ~aset~u ~nro zo ots~ co: ~ Dt"uy, ~e-- acn;- 3r-a 1st Tommy Gil~a~, Beach; 2nd Carl]~._~. Donald Carlson,l i~. ?tiece, B:ach: 2nd D~mp~ey, $cherle, Sentinel Butte; 3rd Miles --*~'Giris' Even" i Sentinel Butte. D~r.ald Marmon, B~ach. Lewis, Sentinel Butte. t m, 13 and ove~ Javelin Throw: Running High Jump: 2nd 50 Yard Dash: # 1st Rodney Sho~n, Sentinel Butte, 1st Tommy Gilman. Beach; 1st Marjorie Blair, Beach; 2nd Gloria 2nd Buckman. Bel:ield; 3rd Bruce Francis Zahel, Beach; 3rd Russell Zins- ] If, Don Tovey and Don Boisen all tied,i Sentinel Bu~e. GIRLS' EVENTS Under 10 years 50 Yard Dash: 1st Maxine Sill. Be:~cl',: 2nd Lucile Schumacker. Golva: 3rd Grace Scl~ief-i ,er, Beach. Pota'o race: ls~ Luciie Schumacker, Golva: 2ndl Joan Nyma~}, Beach; 3rd Doris Zook Cha~ dler. Runrng High Jump: 1st \~axin~. Sill. Beach; 2nd Clar!ceI PI~yD, Bonnie View: 3rd Bcrnadine, Fiaig ~ert~el Butte. X,cys" E,'cn~, 11 and 12 years 50 yard das~l: 1st Keith Pierzina. Beach; 2rid How- ard Schauer. Bonnie View; 3rd Edward Theisen, Sentinel Butte. Baseball throw for distance: 1st Harry Funk, GolV~; Keith Pier- z~na, Beach; Bruce Miller, Beach. Running High Jump: 1st Edmond Kukowski,~Beach; 2nd George Loebe, Beach; 3rd Gerald Hardy Beach. t~unning Broad Jump: 1st Frank Dunder. Bonnie View; 2rid Howard Schauer, Bonnie View; Jimmy Janze, B~ach. Girls' Events. 11 and 12 years I 50 Yard Dash: 1st Nancy Nyman, Beach; 2nd Mar- g~e Wentland, Guy; Pauline Zinsli, Sentinel Butte. L • . . Phillips 66 Motor Oil ram. I~ | IIImt • •. In Imllb I~ l qaal~ Wandke, Beach. 4{0 Yard Dash: 1st O. Dodge, Sentinel Butte, 2nd Boltz. Belfield, 3rd Jack Lyons. Mile l~un : 1st Metzger, Belfield; 2nd Carlson, Beach: 3rd Schaft'. Belfield. Discuss Throw : i 1st Jeweli Belfield; 2nd Buckman, I Belfield; 3rd Wandke, Beach. [ Girls' Events, high school ] 75 Yard Dash: I 1st Marian Schauer, Beach; 2ndl Eva Dunder. Beach; 3rd Ceceli~ Tesch-] or. Sentinel Butte. ] Running Broad Jump: 1st Maude Honnold Sentinel Butte; 2nd Marian Gardner, Sentinel Butte; 3rd Dorothy Wosepka. Sentinel Butte. 100 Yard Dash: 1st Marian Schauer, Beach; 2nd Hel- en Blair, Beach; 3rd Maude Honnold, Sentinel Butte. Baseball throw for accuracy: 1st Marjorie Blair, Beach; 2nd Gert- rude Fisher, Sentined Butte; 3rd Hel- en Dickinson. Beach. Baseball throw for distance: 2nd Dorothy Wosepka, Sentinel Butte; 1st Maude Honnold, Sentinel Butte; 3rd Marian Gardner, Sentinel Butte. Little Chance 0f Devils Lake Level Getting Lower Grand Forks, May 5. After falling nearly 30 feet in the past 50 years, De- vils Lake is expected to maintain lts present depth of about 10 feet believes Dean-Emeritus E. F. Chandler of the University of North Dakota college of engineering. He is of the opinion time there Is little chance of the lake level changing materially unless there is a marked in- crease or decrease in rainfall cr div- ersion from the Missouri river. Dean Chandler has ke2ot ~nnual records of Devils Lake since 1903, and has ob- tained information as to the shoreline as far back as 1867 when the lake coy- ] ered more than 125 squ3re miles. ] Tests of lake water made last fall at the University by Dr. O. T. Zimmer- man, associate professor of chemical engineering, show three times as much solid material in the w~ter as there was when tests were made in 1907. The percentage of sodium sulfate a salt found in larg.e quantities in dried up lake beds in the western part of the state, has increased and now makes up more than half of the solids found in Devils Lake. Potassium, iron, aluminum and calcium salts have decreased, The North Dakot~ lake has a salt content of two and a half per cent as compared with nearly 28 per cent for Utah's Great Salt Lake. Mrs. Carl Otremba is reported sick in the Beach hospital. Her friends are ltopiz~ ~hat she will soon be ~ble to return home. SPRING is here , , . Go plaee~ . . . See thingel ... Step on it end sweep eagerly along the white ribbon of open road. Or ease along in the traf. fie without babying clutch or gesrshlft. At every pace from 6 to 60, Phillips 66 delivers live- ly, smooth, sustained power. It's engineered to do that. And expressly designed to do it with genuine economy. You get a new thrill behind the Wheel of your ear when the tank is filled with Phillips 66. 'W~Iere," you'll say, "is a gas that is d~erent, that sure gives a rush of fast, sweet, flexible power. You'll really enjoy driving with this custom.tailor. ed gatoline. The attendant at any Orange and Black 66 pump will snap into action as you drive in. Ycur motor will snap into setion as you drive out. GILMAN OIL CO. Beach -- Golva GILMAN MADISON SERVICE STATION THURSDAy, MAY 19, 1938 Greyhound Bus Guide Is Received Here The local Greyhound bus depot re- ceived this week the new Kuske Mot~r Coach Guide. This guide was compiled to simplify and thereby speed up the procedure of quoting information and making sales relative to Motor Coach travel, plished bY making it possible to obtain This simplification has been accom- rates rou~es and scliedules in one oper- ation'. The Kuske Motor Coach Guide is the brain work of Ralph Kuske, district passenger agent, whose work covers the state of North Dakota and eastern Montana. Mr, Kuske is quite well known in Beach ard his many friends congratu- late him on his new guide which iS a great improvement over former time schedules. I~li~llml~llr, lnlllll~lll~lll~ll~,,ltlilll$111 ii ilSplll ~115~i1~i151]iml SQUARE BUTTE |~I$~l~i~u~]~$~M~]~l~$~$~ This cominunity was shocked to hear o~ the sad death of Donald Wallace. We all ex~e~d our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved family. :Mr. ~hd Mrs. Howard Paterson and childre~ were Sunday dinner guests at HarmOn Olstads. Liofie Pelissier was a visitor at J, V, Kleit~s Monday. A large crowd attended the chivari on Mr. and lV~s, Dawrence Lamire, Sunday night. A" good time was reported by all. Mrs. Harmon Olstad and Httle dau- ghter, and Oladys Klein were Sunday ] visitors at the Lloyd Yates home. i Alice Olsen and Harvey Wentland 'home. MRS. GUGOLZ MARRIED [ The News is in receipt of an interest- ing clipping from Kalispel, Montana, telling of the wedding of Mrs. Anna Gugoiz, formerly of Beach, to William H. Beall of Winnett, Montana, about a week ago. Mrs. Gugolz resided here for sometime and has a" host of friends who unite in wishing them every good fortune in the years to come. Phone Your New.~ to 39 You so e dSe llme of ldps You can qet ~OU f~n/e ~e expense of Ilr~p.f O • e If you don't have a telephone, atop at the office for inforo matiou about the mrvtce.