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May 19, 1932 Golden Valley News | |
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May 19, 1932 |
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19, 1932 THE BEACH. N• D.. ADVANCE pA(~~
J _ L,
(R:glna Hoverson)
Week all the rooms of the I~O~J%E "~'bl%EHW FO~j A !f ~ -I~OI. NOW ~OU GO OH~ Tl~ LY
~ool held their picnics Tues- I'laS pI R~Gt-IX OI,k TO $$DI,' t IJ01d' '-
' hi lROt-to 0 POKE~, AND /YGEE! I'D LOVE
; gh school had a sneak IWI~.•blEED- O_NE M. 0RE .~ T0,~.~:~Rk~ATj [ W~.Y UP IdtGId, .td0N~"~! ~ ~k~T UP FO~ b~E, ,AMSRtG N|:
I Ix' L "rAKE LOT'60' ] t O' l A"
;r.Zng Thet° Buckley'Ssame davranchthe ri°n I~>_~" (:O~e or, t // 5UT iLL ~AVE "~0 ~ TIITtE TO GET / DO AND, ITLL BE I ~01b[G TO ~Aq~, l~ 10b (
.ro?m went to Bakei-'s canPon" #Ovr~R-1DON7 Clda ? /r I OOPE 0U'r SOME I~'~-~ x~ "rtA~tOUG~ ~jtT~ / I
e~aay the tntermomo,~ .;.^~" L~3'~.- NV~'q~K, O~ t~)~E(R ~E $~N@ ~ffl
ed .... -" ............ I -----7 \ olv
• [~u me Ooodsaw place and ~ ~ ~IFE: O~ W~NO O(.L0~K ~/~'~% ME "tO 0..OIV
Wt%l't ' lt, t'k
, ,me grammar room went to .... ~ ~)U~'T
ey s ranch. All report a won-
time. 0b~ ~'OD~
and Mrs. Bert Hudson, Mar .... • ',
e and Dolores were in Glen-
or the week end, visiting rel-
and friends.
.. Chester (>as and son return-
~turday after spending the
risiting fn Wibaux and Beach.
and Mrs. Charlie Nelson andI
' were Olendive shoppers on
Parker Greiner visited at the |~ ~: ~ I/, ///Ill
Vincelette home from Wed-
until Saturday. t lu ~V31I I I I u)J I ~ I I ~ di ,~I
Horace Spar'ks and Mis~ I/i II II
~h Scott of Baker and Mrs. [ t !~/,u
noverson drove to Richey on ]/~ ~~
to attended the Rebek~h
meeting, returning Friday.-----__
s""°rt 'ine trit -C tlme Hover,on Mi s Scot d, trict went ARLYLE T -O--P-N-OTCH E RS ] tderaom danger Is associated with,hem f~' & ~' ]L~' ]L~ r%
byK .T gases Many deaths have resulted -
delegate from the Baker the inhalation of noxious exhaust[ ~,~l.~'IJ~a,~a,~l~"lir'.U
.................... orol I
.~l~ nad charge of the meet-
r~~~ ~l~f¢~o~(~1/~ ~-,~--~#1~ ~,~~" " ~ , AH orders for advertising undsr th,s head must be aecompa.,...,
~vlrs. Sparks being distric~ se- REPORT The substitution of the automo- Cash. The rates are .two cenLs a word with a minimum char$le ot ~1t
ry. There were over sixty Re- , bH- tot- walkinc~ even for short di ~ celts bet insertion No such advertisements honed or malle in
is attending. A very interest- Tre,~surer's report of Gol;'a Sun- t ,- - ~ , s- . - P d will ~
-~! ~ ' " ~ ~- ;: I pubhshed without prepayment unless the art has an stabli
. ['~lices. OIten lnean.3 =-•c rc~uctlon account with this of~-^ P Y • ~@
L,^~a~°n,meetingvery W-- in~" -,~ructlve. was of Richer . held ' Mrs. w~s which elected Jessa- was " Flowers Fruit lows, ~hine 1931-32: for society ....... sick f°'• ..... past . ....... year ~s $ 35 '>9 =3 fol- 41 I [ I ~'~¢ .t/~ c~ °~~"E'^°/"91~-r ~7 ,~o / ~E?U 1-AT~0N" SF, A~F-~T P/Ah/~[~ o J 60.QN~'@ V- ~OAV~'~ [~o A "I'H6 IL~-COI~I:) 5EJ~VICEP 19~°(C.~ Ot~ -'~ ~ icM ful physical degree, exertion exertion This is. avoidance as to Chestey an unhealth- of points phys- I [ ---- - She: ................ (A{ter muci~ ~ ~urn!ng ................ ............. and ~~ FOR 8ALE
,,,=a~ Ior the coming year, Mrs. Gifts to Office~'~' ". J::::::::: "6:00 ~'~SALL l; t/~. - /~'~_ ( "~¢% ! out, ~oo common among those who primping) 'Do they show? ....... - ............. - .......... _-_ ....
man °f Miles City vice presi" Red Cross Re!iel ........... 19,03 rJvl~A•~ + ~~ I lead sedantary lives. These are the I Husband: "What, your ankles?" FALCONER SEED CORN per
secretar' and Mrs. Sparks was,. re-ele~t- International Dues ......... 6.00 [ vecy people who should seek ex- She: 'No, silly, I don't mind my SALE--S1.50 per bushel. Summers ~--- --
• ~_ y for the fourteenth Telephone and telegrams .• 5.85 \¢" I ercise instead of avoiding it. I ankles. I mean my ears, of course?" Cream Station• ~1-~.i"~
• *ae meeting place for next
'was not definitely decided tip- Expense o~ Officers ....... 1347 Attention is also called to the[ -/ Ir
Poor Relief .............. :. 12:45 H0~NS~y LED W4e health.risks ass~iated with tour-[ Black: "What do you mean bySEED CORN F.OR SALE--80 bll- .....
tmer Wang and Ai Hexer-^" Picnic Supplies ............. 16.10 NATIONAL lug. Tne public ~ourist camps may 'Witching hour'S" sneis wnl~e lun~ corn, $1,50 bU~.~1--~
:dt~Ba~e~ .TUesday evening~o Paint for Sunvhine room at [~6t)E I~ I~AWf~IG Vl ~ebecome centers for the spread of White• 'Don't'you know~ That'sshell. It is good. J. R.Boyer~
Hospital .................. 5.00 ~OLLO~I~C~ w~a~ ~ disease through impure water sup- the hour when the wife greets you ~,
Legion ceding of the Ameri- Remembrances ............. 31.64 ~AI~ ~v~l~aO~ lies And there av rift he 1~'~ ~rtfh 'Which ^'--- : ......... :~",,DJ.a.t~o .t~.ttJLvA.r'A"A ~.LI~ ~lrJ~
P • .. m ..... t __ ~..~- ............. ~ury l~ ~ ~nlS ~lme rT
er faclh OES FOR SALE First elaa~ A.
r= and Mrs. A. A, Vincelette Miscellaneous .............. 1.53 20 .............. ~7"O P ties for the disposal of _ .t ~o. -- ~_A't.~"~
21_ ........... ~97" sewerage garbage and waste. " .... ~ ....... ~t.--'*~
mKer'-~" ~' asL" guestsH" MOStof spentMr, andSUndaVMrs Total .•~. .................... $~ 22. ........... ~, ...... NOTICE OF MO]IITGAGE FORE- ~,,...... ~ .... ~A_
t;o-operauon Keqmred CLOSL'~tE SALE £XZ~'WI'~L-A.I~Z'6 RIBBONS FOR
,• Morris. • Balane_ on checking account "~ L'~r Typhoid fever is given as an ex- (Installment~ Ouly) Sale---AtAdvance office. ~Prl~~
~e Lutheran Aid met with a kp,.-il 30 was around $36.69.--Orie .... -.-'--17----:424 ample of a disease that may be .... 5 cents. /~1~1~.
.,~,~, ....... .~ ~....~ ___~__, . ..~ wnereas ueIault has occurred in . ,u ~ ~-~"--...~"
attendance at the J K Tatle McManigal, Treasurer. • ......... ~ ~.,.~ ~nc z~ju~ur~S~, J.~the payment of mterest and plln
e Thursday ' ' Y ~- ao us ~,.w weeks Ior l;nlscipal of the obligation secured ,by ..... " ~ -~/
a f~e lu- :• Mrs. Tatley serv-] Secretary Report -- Edna Ham ........ .~, ~o~ o ...... " " " " ~:~ROUND FEED FOR SAL~
._ . ncn wnlch all enjoyed,nr:~d, president, 1932. Twenty-t-so disease to develop after one be- the. mortgage hereinafter described; ~om grln~ng. I~an~, gravitl
nex~ meeting will be held at -~ular husiuess meetings held• One .... . ..... . ann. whereas the holder of said kindling wood for sale. E.
~nrlst Sherva home with Mrs.~icnic given and one dinner to raise 40~N5~ l~e ci~mee~n~Ce~e~ Thls ma.zv 1~ posmortgage does elect to foreclose on Logan ~ll~tt
hostess. ~-nds. Clothing supplied for two ~mo~ ~o become Iniec~ed at the past due and unpaid principal " ~"
home and carry typhoid to several and interest of the said obligation ,,
Shepherd family snen~ ! families. Donations ~o young lady -r~E~UZmINGY~,~ other places °n!Y'. .... '
With ....... ~tZ • NOUCe is nereoy given that that
,.• Mrs. S. E. Shepherd at t mjured m auto acc:den~• Paint for Iq~2 ....... ~9 To make the automobile lesscertain mortgage executed and de- M][~CEL~][~S
~Vllsses B q,m~bln~ h 1 1Ozb. dan rou nvered b J sse
.... uckley. Stoeve and t .... osuital roomat Beach ........ ge s to life and health is not ( "., Y e. M. Still and Eva~r~---------~--=~----- -~----~-=:=-~-
were. Baker .~.,v.~"~ ..... un I -~-"2d awilin~s~ for ,wind,,,o. ~¢-~,-~i,v,,. - a simnle~, v,~ro, blem. ,t, *.-,~-*-,~'m"~"~=o ,~..°" g3"agbti~l'ors," ~onUS°andthe Manaand wifeer otm°rt-• ~U --. Gem:tug ~l-yeal*.~l]
Yevemng. led clothing for a family who v..'~, ~ understanding on the part of the Bank of North n ....... T~e .stalhon colt. One whlW
"~'we_~V~S. Dave McCann~of]burned out and with outside fund- ~,~.~ individual motorist that these evils dated the 30th day of X~rll:~.~'.,~'~n~i _ _ tOOt. Alber~ ~ass,
c,c ~uncla ue helped furnish • . • i ~Hea [or record iu the office of the I'4 Dak
, , . Y g sis of-Mrs / a house to hve in ~ ~'_,.!~.~ exist. And .n order to lessen them i,~ a'iste ~e r,,,a ........... " " "~
= g umber~i~joyedi year we always remem~e: ~~~ ~t reqmres h~ co-operatmn wxthqohlen Valley, State of North "Da- STRAYED--Re ifer
- _Program and ~mon °t ].ur Mother Office at New York ~JlV~" the local and public health author- tal~~ Miss Fatt-~Doctor, I've g~
d Mrs. Christ Sherva and l Tne Junior 4-H gxrls club of Car- ! church droner at St Ph~Alp Sun-' ~-chouboe and daughters !~y ~,i~tue of ~ Judgment and Decree, day of June 1932 to satisfy the day l fifteen pounds in the last montlt,
L~unn ~ , • o • : . ni Forec,osure renaereu anu g~ven=o~ sale Th' 'n "s ' • IJOel)or YOU 8nou
In ha 1 1 ~ ~rs Ev o e p e ~ es described in ld worry, Wlf~t
. _ g m were met w th Juamta Ballard on ~'; ;__ '. a Pencle f Beach and by the District Court' of the S xth suc'h ~(aol'[c'a~r~p,/-.~ff~," w,n ,.= ........ ~.-.~-h +~.+ .... +. ~ ~: -
msclay at the J M Buci~-. Wednesday afternoon "Live Wires '" ~v~r. and Mrs. Charley Nelson were Miss Helen Dunstan of Golva wereJhdlciat District in and for thesold tn .~f~ 7h'~" ;~" ~J,~'"~'~=] ~:uaw* wuz~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ~ ,#
' " ' ~ ~ six o'clock dLuno~ ~ues ~ ~eek e cou,t) of Golden Valley and State ' cr~b -~ -~f''-~ ................. "
"~ . was t.e name chosen Ior the c ub - ~ '- -" ~ .tsa~ the J " • nd guests of Mr and Mrs -- -, " ..... , : • ~ -• -I ' ed as ollows to-wit
~c' l-I " - • " " ] ~tta . . ~ " • • o£ Nor~n l)aK )la ano enterea anu ,~OU[I eas ' t r ~'
,,.= ~a:~es fam,ly, Richard The holders were inspected and, :: home Sunda~. : Lloyd Grifflth. docketed in the office of the Clerk[ Se~tio,'TS~Q~ar~e,w(~Ei;~)On°~f 1 Mrs. Benson: "My husband
~',- .~smay and Catherine~udged and a lesson o~iven on mzk- '~ ~r. aria Mrs. James O'Connor Mr. Gibbons who has been taking of said Court in aud for said Coun- I ~,,,~a,:~a wff,.,,. "~,,~ H~ %,;¥(, I no idea what I ~o through ~h~ 1N~
~alcer wer ¢, " ° , ~ ~ - o ' wer~ .e=ts at the a rllllch tio i t) and ~tate on the 18th da~" of o" ............ "'~ ...... "" ....... ' '~ ~"" "'--'~ **~
1- - e ~uests Sun-in~ hand to,ve~.The ~irls decided I ~ - g" ~ Rueben Amnrud, needed vaca h n Tacoma ~'-ril A D "t~'3~ in an act'l-n w~4er- [ f Rang~ One Hund~'ed Five snores.' "
e 1~ O Es ~on:~ ar Cotton%~o0 Washm xrlve back P u e (10o) %% est s~tua'¢eu in the ,,
~_ • • may home. i CO pick up the nsils around ~.he i "_ , :~ ':. " " d Sunday. where, . " _ gton a" ' d ' . at Car-] in C. ~. Neumann: :~. E. Fischer',[ Co~nt~ of (~old'en ~:allev~ ~tate Mrs. Brown: Mine never
~uges and Mr ]~,,o~-~,o nf ! church as their community w~rk.I a o~.g cunl~er was serve~ ~nd the ~y±e Monaay ~o resume nis au~iesEm 1 Benck, Thos Renan and VVm J of North Dakota "' ~ his small chan~e either"
were guests -VCedn~.'~'~ Games were plaved and daint .... o-~ couple were guests 0f~-~i bridal' at the N. P depot We are pleased .~.~• Genr~mer, Trustees of^ a certain [ There will be due on the past due ....
_...' --~ **ume. Tne' .............. ~'~*"~ .......... ~ ...... "i ~-~ , ~.. . ~ ~ • " j ~ene[l[ O£ cer[alll neposl[ors oz the I the day of sale the suln of
UIIlCe seekers ,~e ~,~.~ ling will be w~th Grace Hammond i r.ric lnwlng .wfls severely burned~ .... First State Bank of Lewiston, Min-[ Hundred Twentv-ei~h{ .tnd 35-100 - - 19
. Ma 24~h ~ F~,day whfl~/burmn~ thistle~ and l ~.~ ~,~r~-_ ~v f~ ,~ ~te. ota, were the .Plaintiffs and [ Dollars ($428 3a) together with the ~,~,~...~.,.~ ...........
12 i 3 ~ " ' • ~ ' - I ~az~~,.-~.~v .,,~ v~ ~u~ Corn J). curtls ann FaUl t;urlis were statutor cosls of foreclosure The
• + 1Pits. D. Thwin~ s~nt, Beaver Valley Home Demonstra- ~as. tak~ to Beach for medicali ,~. ~A~I~ITI~ltTT~&TTI~! ] the Defendants wherein it was ad- [ portion Yof satd describeA mort,~a~e IJI~][I.~I~I~[[]iUA[ [~_]UB]~ |
~ ~ne ~ =1 [re~t, C v.~,, ~*~=~=*o*a~*~o ludged and decreed that Plaintiffs "~ ~ ~ ||~U|LUU| |1
_, AShburner hom~, ton club met at the home of Mrs . ~,~12 . i J " • .. ' . ' . .~ ( hereby foreclosed upon and the sale U ~1. ~n[~'Q- |
~e and Ali~ "~----'-"" ":'~Ern~st ~o~,~ W~dno~rl~v Mrs' l-~ille Erick~on teacherof the~ - ~ ]£ecover the_ sum of Fltty-eign~[to be made hereunder i~ hereby
le D . ~- ~nwntg vis- ~ ..................... ~" ....... .~en~'~ 3s school it~ o" ' " liundred One and 95-100 ($5,801.95)[ specifically declared to t)e subject iI'
• Williams home. , Jess Reed and Mrs. Russell Often, Pl., , 1 1 ~er.South. Valley., A few years agn when Congress Dollars. , and decreeing, that said to and infertor to the residue of the - - = -
-------_ _ t assisting her as ho~esses. Mrs O~w] her pUplls a plcmc Frldayr raised the pay of its members from clam? is a valid/trst _mortgage li0n amount secured by said mortgage. KEOHANt~ .~ lvlrl~,~.l~
-- ~ 1 on [ne real e ate [nel-t~tn (lescrlDel~ D t t i~;" I "~'~'~'~
F,~ ,.__ car Peterson read[ an in~eresJ~g ] Miss Erickson will have one and a [ $7 500 to $10 000 (which is little ] and that sai~l°reat estate be ~o"~ t~ [- a ed a.' ]~"n area, North. Dako- -- "- -" ~ |
v=, rl~E SICK I paper on "PropertyiLaws," an-d~Irs~. Ihalf weeks, extra of school on ac-i enough when' one considers thatI satisfy the sa~e with lnt estlto tnla ,in qay~:tl~VtTb~)~:2.TT' ATTOR,.,%rE~s AT LAW |
------- Chas. Abrams gavel a fine t~k "On} coun~ oI g~vlng the state exar~lna- more than half the member's time] thereon.and the costs of sale, or so [ As Manager 'of " The Bank of |
......,~,,+ ..... ] Tn~,,r~n~ " ~r,~t,~i~. ~h~/-.~ti~[ tions l is taken up running errands for[mucn tnereo_~_ as_ the proceeas o~[ North :Dakota~ as Agent for Treas- Beach, North Dakota
• ~ ~ur 20S i ............... s ~ " • I ~u~:h sale auplic~t)l~ th~r~tu will urer of ne t
nts give ......... - P ~al pur- t a shower was givenT'm" h~oro~l~r~. [ MrsMr. Hen.. ry K, seym was reported i constituents and pulling wires tO]satlsfy, and by virtue era Writ of |as Trusteet for~ta etheO~State~orthofDakotaNorth ~I~^,~o ,~ |
Mrs A~;~,~V-~--~re a~ Roger Sanford wi~ r~eiw_d many t on the sleK as~ ~ne past week and i get 'era pobs), Senator Borah made I Special Execution. to n~e i.ssll~d out | Dakota. Assignee .or Mortgagee. ~ ....... |
..... uun, ~en- I daint,, ann usefu~g~t-swl~icl~--was ] Mrs. W Blue came over to the I a ~,rand stand pla yand refused to I ~,_~ne_ o~ce ?r _~ne ~lerK o~ sala | G. OL~EIRSON, .. _ -- _ ' |
.____ - " very much apprec~ted. The next I ~mme ~o ass~s~ wl~n me worK. I draw the mcreased pay. -me sen- [ t~ of Golden Valley and State of [ Ban~y of North Dakota o __e DI~. !" 1~. ~1~i1.I~ , :1
meeting will be tl~e second Thurs-| Mrs. Kregness held a picnic at later has been down there a long l ~.orth..Dakota a.nd .under the sea.] [Bismarck N.D.' ..... ~ |
day in June at thehehome of Mr I _Edgehome of Mrs Edge Hill school Sunday at the time and knows that whether or oa~i~a~%a~%Uro~ped.t;;c~knegre~ned~Oc?el~l [ (May 12-19-26-~J.Une 2-9-16) DE~'~[ST
~ Oscar Peterson. ~Mr~. Gas MolinSetClOSe of her term not he takes the pay he is credited ed pursuant to said Judgment and~ ....
~,~ ~ I Bert Cisson and Mrs. Oscar gee]Mrs. Moen, Otto Lindstrom and[ law. The full . P [Y.I ..... ' ....... L' .... Yo^- ]James Hart, Trustee of the Es- ~ N D. |
~..~, ~ ve iI ~re oz r~or~n .~it~o~a on rne ~ra tale of Edwerd J
~ were Baker visitors Tuesday. |daughter. [ is credited '.to t.hem:_and e n.. | da-" of Ma" A D 193~ at the t~our! ...... , Curt'n, Bank- Office hours. 9 1~o ~ = --- |
t-~' " " ~ "I ' 1~ ~ne Know me " u ~ ann tne V ~[are of B T. , ~" ~,
ha la ed their Jerome P z the don t take , Y I' ' " " " ~ 1 "
~,~ :. Carlyle and Alp p Y y el had quite anex- Y , . .... of ten o c~ock iu the forenoon of] ~IPi~av Bankrunt i:-~f~.~;,~' to 5 p. m, Sundays_ b~ -,.~ ]
:i" first game of ball of the season on ~citing time Friday when the four money is in escrow for m.elr oene-, i sa,ld dar, to saqsf.v said_Judgment [ NOTICE IS T~'REB='/~"'~I~'EN L29intment. -" |
M ']i f the Carlyle diamond Sunday af-lhorses he had hitched to a disc ran Int and can oe recovere~l withoutl saan~lTbeati~y virtue of an execution to' vnones: Off. 13, RIll, 11~ t
. " much trouble Bu~ mos~ of them " " " t O 'ectecl anti delivered and now '
~4~L.~..J J ternoon. The score was 6-10 in fa-la~ay, wreckmg the machinery and] ..... : .... J or SO much thereof as the proceeds, In my hands i.~sued out of the .... ~---[
hurtm one horse ~aKe all mat; is comlng ~o mere, re of said sale applicable thereto wlil clerk s of Ic ---~
vor of Carlyle. t " ' g . . Jerome was "I : ' f e 'of the Sixth Judleial
• ..~f/ " I , Mrs. Ralph Stark and daughtersl fortunate In escaping injury [ gardiess of what they say for cam-j sa~fY~remises to be sold as afore "t ~strict Court, State of North Da- I}][~ O, ]1~ ~ ]
were visiting at Beach Thursday. ! Mr. Ostby, county agent of Wi- palgn .purposes. ] said pu'~'suant "to said Judgment and' de~t'~'Vall%;a ~rn~n~ ~;u°~;~m~e°~ ~e~: ~ D
-~ /I Helen Delthorp was an over night lbauv county was out in Edge Hill " ] Decree.: and to ..... said Wrttand to this l_dered in said Court Ill favor of ]~T][ST ; |
-" sda 'communit the -ast w ..... ~ I not~ce are descrloea ~n saia Juag 1Fat RonaB J p l~urns and Ellen 1
[ ~"~. I I guest of Margie Nel:son Tnur:' t y. [ ....... y .... p ..... ee~__~o_or- I ~i~i~:'~llmll~_~ll~,~~ [ ment:. Decree, and Writ as ~ollows, Law "WarnGr, "plah~tiffs, and against All Work ~ ~
.~.,~_ " .~~a~ ~ ~ A large numver ot Eage rnu pea- [ ganme ~ cuw.usueugir~anu o0ys ~ltIW ~W#I~S -'~1~ | to-wit: ........ ~ .... I ~ames l-iart, Trustee of the Estate 1~A~I~ 1~71~1~_W~I~ ~'~A~,
" X ~ ~rjl~'~11~- " ~&j.~.~ll~ ~[I The ~outn l-iatt (~ ~) oz ~ec] of Edward J urt~ . ",', --~.~ ,-~
, ple attended fmld day at Wibau, 4-H club. - "v . " . C n, Bankrupt, and .......... ,
on Friday and a number of pupils! Charlotte Delthorp was anoverl [~ ~]r~lm2j~'~[ ~°en ~uWe~red(l~or~n J2ewn~h~p ]of o,f B, J• McKay, Bank- _ ___
• -.~ ~- t ~ rapt, ae~enuan~s, I have levied up- - ~
received prizes and will be announc- I nlght g~est of Jean oMrris Sunday. I ~:~-.-~~_~_~,~ ] North, of .Range One .Hundred ]on the following described real ~ ~ * ~. /
ed next week. Edge Hill school re-1 Nan l~regness, a s~uaen~ Of Dick- " vHee%lUl ' ~o~,.?,M~k:,l~n%2~. ,property of safd ~lefendants, towit: ram,, ~ a N~...
'FILII • Lm ~ ceived the banner in the writing inson normal spent the week end! "~I~~" ~"~,ll,~l~lllb [ Valle-P~ount- North Dakot%e } The .undivided one-lialf inter- ~F&e ~ ~ ]i1_V~kll~ |
• 1 y y, a, est or tlle sa~d defendant in and "
II | N ~ contest. . . . [ with home foks, near Edge Hill. [ ..................... . J together with all the hereditaments [ to the Northea~ o ................
h.. -- ,= v The Badlands scnool ClOSed on Mr. and Mrs. aonn Efta called ,~r m.~a~ ~u,,-,~,=~ ~ra~|and appurtenances thereunto be-[ section T wenty.~tve~%ar~w~" ~tT~ ~ |
HIM gll¢¢V Thursday with a fine picnic whiehlon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsey and] (B-- Dr William J Scholes) ]lo~)~e~ ~l~nltfhY~al~so~APevrt?l~in~. / ship. One Hunfilred fort~ N-orth ~ ~ ~ ]~&e~ ~tm~, |
--v~. Was much enjoyed, christine Jak-] daughter Eva Sunday [ Y ' " [ 1932. , Y P " "[ ~es~rangeo,f theuneFlfthHUndredprincipalSlX ~1n1¢~: ~'Y' ~ 1
portant thim ins was the teacher• t Oscar Anderson vis.ited at the[ The automobile has become a | Sheriff of GoldenCUv aT S Scl ouL t-/ eridtan, containing one hun- .... • ,
teethint~ab~ Mr. ~,~deMn~moCt.oN~ls~n ~ndnMvrSe l Vir~e2~l~neSrUn~,~.~d~ng~ |very Important and beneficial fact-| North Dakota ~ ~'| aarecar~]Xgy toaC~%' ~n°;? ~rvl~SnS.' @ ¢@ 12 ~ ~ @ i
th~ iitU~ Roy O' 1 , .| in modern life. It has done|KEOHANE &' KUHFELD, [ ment surve- th,,-e6~ ' " ~ ~, I~
~l ~Jing o~ Wednesday. I R. Stewart, Lloyd Griffith, Ed. |much to increase the efficiency of [ Attorneys for Plaintiffs, | And that I ~shall'on"Monday the _ ]1'~1~
i~clre~. Mrs. Alfred Scheffer, Miss VernalMartin Mrs. Tom Fulton and Mrs.[the individual By enabling the J~eacncu~rl~r~ ~aKo~a... ...... |13th day.of June, .4-. D. 1932 ~tt the ~ .~N~ ]~ &
• • ' " . ~.,'~u - o--~.~ u-~-~ ~nour of ten O'CLOCK, A. M, of said ~ "
Rer them CI~ and Mrs. Richard Fisher were shop- f Gee..Randash were. he,teStS ~ .~ Jdwellers of. cities .and t.o.wns to fre.. } ~- .. | day, at the front door of t~le Court
t e preparation pects at Baker Weanesaay. brldal snower for Mrs. uuamy ~1-lquen~ly ge~ our m~o ule open, 1~t " ! I H:uns~ Ina the city of Beach, in sald ]~ N. D,
bl~s" and chil-" Mr. and Mrs Oscar Keener were tonl Thursday afternoon. The so- [has even been a means or iJromot- ,[ NOT C~- FOR BIDS II the rlght;Y n titleState'and proceedinterest tOol senthe
~e~tly you can dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. _Art cm affmr was held .at the eschool |ing health. , . . | | above named James Hart Tr...... - -
ms_ to relieve Moline Sunaay. It being Mrs. ~v~o- nouse, the room o~ wmen was pret- | But like mos~ other agencies ~or I The I}oard of County Commis- t of the Estate of Edward J Cu~r~in~
effective~ for line's birthday, tily decorated with ferns and house |good. the automobile is also cap- [ sloners_ of .Golden Val|py County, I Bankrupt. and of the estate of B: ][,~T ]UB DO ~1~0]1~t
.1.ember, Cam- Mr and Mrs. C. Hall Miss Ethel plants A mock wedding was held Fable of d~ng a certain amount of/~.°rth ~aKota, .win receLve bLds on t aL~..c~aY.t J~tnKrupt, In and to .the ~"~
h ' : - bl s-i •.......... i~ee~ orluges, plilng~ e[c. /~3E~ ~:~eacn, ] ~uov~ uescr:oea property, to sausty I~|lhl"~llldlr~
' d.r~gS, /10 Clark and Mrs. Rose Stuart motor- at which time tinlid ann u n ng {narm. A. d.. ~nesley, m an ar~.~cm ~ ~. D, according[ to specifications on ] ~aid)udgment and costs, amountln~ IV~il~ll||~ll~
¢ harmless,ed to Glendive Saturday on a shop- Matild~ became the bride of Hesik- in the American Journal of Public t ilb with the ~ounty Auditor, also 1 q TWO tnousana, eight hundrea
• • • , • on Full Sawed 3x1'~ inch bridge n~nety-s~x uollars and 04 Cents to- "
'retsf~l]~thPl~v~r:ndl~l~oltrieP'drove to Wi io~hec~?2n~thol~lg'thine ~i:~ ~211 ~h~; rHl~e~eb,~:21~:m~te 2a~t~t h~l~; plank In I~ foot lengths In car load gother with all accruing costs of
' , " Y " ] , ] Y' P J lots FOB Beach, N, D. I Sase." and interest on the same from ........
r~you baux Tuesday for a visit at the brides maid, whom the groom had]hazard, o I Bids will be opened at 10:00 A. the 7th day of May 1932 at the rate ]~'~CORA'lr'|I~
na~e. ower~ home and on Thursday they jilted and various others. But all Fat~' and crippling alcidents, no { M. June 1, 1932, Send all bids, ~ el: six per cent per annum, at public '* "~
• " iness ch ffairs have an endi oildoub" -ca- *-e ..... -vii '.z~, sealed', to the County Auditor. [ aucHon to the highest bidder, for v ....... ..~, __
drove to Miles City on a m~s su a _ , ng I].. ; 1), n a ~n lm~ 0z e S ~rlaJ Dated at Beach, North Dakota leash. .~,w ~ ~u~ ~I_~ME~
|trip. course and this was touowed by] melt number increases as tne num- this 25th day of April 1932 'l THEe. B. TORKELSON, WO~
be f " The Board rese-'ve~ ~'--'-"-'-~ ...I Plaiutiffs kttorney
Jack Ballard shipped a car load Mrs. Fulton unwrapping and pass-] r o motor yehicies increases. In r es me nsu~ '
of hogs tO the St. PSml market on i~g around the many beautiful gifts addition to these, the automobile [ reject any or all bids. [ Shsriff of ?,olden ~a
Friday, she received. She ex enaed herlmay the means of eauslng and} ueal)
CHAS. CHoRulnSTIAr EN, } Dated at Beaeh, N.
Uo t AUattor 1932
Mr. mad Mrs, Jeim T fld :were thanks forall he p rettyu efut lft l,preading Then toe;
con-[ (Aprn 2S--Ma, Ld'-t ) [ "