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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 18, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 18, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, May 18, LOCAL NEWS Items of interest picked up hen and there by ou~r News reporter"a. We are always glad to get yoUr news Items. PHONE 39 Wallis Stevens of Billings spent Tuesday in Beach on business. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toma of Miles Ciy were Beach business callers on Friday and Saturday of last week. Mrs, Anna Harp and family of Wibaux were Beach callers on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlson and Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Sorenson were Glendive callers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abraham were Sunday callers at the Olafi Abraham and Doblar home. Doris Moore of Glasgow, Mon-I tans spent Wednesday of last weekI Editor Fred Shipman is ill atI Miss Verna Huber is a hospitalI Mr. and Mrs. John Golwer and his home this week, suffering from patient in Dickinson. Mary Tosner of Rocky Butte were flu. I Jolm Denton left Monday for lcallers in Beach on Monday. Mrs. E. Holt of Killdeer spent a/Minnesota to spend some time vis-1 Mrs. Kathleen Murphy. of Dick- day with Mrs. E. D. Evans last/fLing with friends and relatives, i inson spent Sunday in Beach with t week. Patricia Turnbuil arrived Satur- i her family, t Mr. and~ Mrs. Rend Grade and day evenit~' from Sheridan, Wy-I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ulman of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hehn of New loming to spend the smnmer with rural Wibaux were Beach callers Leipzig were Sunday callers at the her mother, Mrs. Lucille Turnbull, on Saturday I home of Mr. and Mrs.~E. E. Will. in Beach. Mrs. Mabel Laden and daughter, Cpl. Raymond Wilkins arrived on Sunday from Alaska to spend a furlough with his father, Henry Wilkins of Alpha. Sidney A. Murray and family ar- rived the latter part of the week from Dickinson to open the Stand- ard Service Station on main street. Mr. and Mrs. John Schutz of Terry, Mont., spent Monday in Beach enroute to Fargo where they will make their home. WHEN BUYING PAINT always ask for Chi-Namel, the quality paint. Dakota Implement Co., 34-3tc Hour~ at the I~,each Library for the summer months will be: Tues- days from 6:30 to 8:00 P. M., Sat- urdays from 1:00 to 5:00 P. M.o Mr• and Mrs. William Hollar Florence, of Gtendive were Beach left Saturday for various parts of ivisitors on Thursday. • I the east where they will spend ai Beach visitors on Thursday from few weeks visiting with friends and ~ Trotters were Mr. and Mrs. Sperry relatives. !and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Metcalf. Mrs. M. Witzig and daughter,I James Neudick left Monday for Carrie• of Beach and Mrs. Witzig's!Fargo where lie has accepted em- daughter. Mrs. Frank Healow and:ployment in the Veterans hospital. granddaughter, of Sidney, Montana] Jack Wine of Dickinson was a were callers at the ButterfieldI Beach business caller on Tuesday home on Sunday. }of this week. Mrs. Claude Fuller arrived hereI CHI-NAMEL. The quality Paint Thursday evening to spend a few at regula~ prices. Dakota Imple- days at the Witzig and Butterfield'ment Co., 34-3-t homes. Mrs. Fuller has been vis-! Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wirtzfeld and fling in Bismarck at the home of ~ daughter of Carlyle were Beach her daughter, Mrs. Dean Davis• c~llers on Monday. Frank Kippley, Sl-c (SM*, who The Beach Women's Chlb will is stationed at Norfolk, Va., at-hold its annual meeting, Monday, rived home Friday morning on a May 22nd, at the lmme of Mrs. in Beach with friends. ~ Mrs. J. C. Butterfield and Edna short leave, surprising his parents,[John Keohane. Mrs Frank Netzer spent a few. accomi~mled" Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kippley. He re- Mrs. George Richmond returned ] days last week m Glendlve attend-I SLeeker to Beach Saturday and turned to his station Tuesday. ~.from Glendive the latter part of ing to business matters. + t were supper guests at the SLeeker Mrs. F. Healow and daughter,:, last week. Sire has been receiving Jean Woodward of Wibaux spent home that evening. Mary Margaret, arrived in Beach lmedieal care at the hospital thetx2. the week end in Beach with l Sgt James Odenbaugh left, Tues-i spend Mother's Day withi C.J. Matecjek left Sunday to at- friends. /day night for his camp at Lubbock, l Friday to was a]Texas after s!~ending a furlough zig. On Sunday Mr. Healow join- ployees of J. C. Penney Co., at Sgt. guest of Elmer Hasbrook at a steak i supper on Monday evening. Mrs. Ed Breneese was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe John- ntone. Miss Myrtle Stuart spent a few days In Dickinson with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stuart. Mrs. C. Fuller left Beach Sunday lor Richey, Montana where she will ~pend a few days with her brother ~and his family. James Odenbaugh with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Odenbaugh, St. Mrs. A. J. Cote (Lillian Stark). arrived Friday evening from North Adams, Mass., to make an indefin- ite visit with her mother, Mrs. Nel- lie Stark. Beach callers on Monday from Sentinel Butte were: Mrs. Mary Rathbun and son William, George Wright and John Berg, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kunick. Mrs. Healow's mother, Mrs. A. WiL- ed his family and they all returned visiting with friends and relatives. on Monday morning. Mrs. C. E. Fuller of Hettinger, spent a few days and Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. J. C. But- terfield and family and went to Richey, Montana, Sunday night to visit her brother, Bernard, and his family and with other relatives for a feW days before returning to her home. Illl |l t Guardian of a Harbor... Symbol of a Worldwide Dream AS DAWN approaches, a ship sails slowly into harbor. All is misty, all, except a shining figure rising like the sun itself above the grey. Like a sentry she guards "her" land; like a mother she protects the people who believe in her. On the ship's deck a silent figure gazes on the shining symbol that to him, to the United States and to the world represents a dream of freedom. As the ship slowly slides by, he knows why he is proud to be an American, proud to live in a land where justice and liberty reign, where the dream has actually come true. 1 A. 0VERsTAD & SON Beach, North Dakota tend a group meeting of the era- Miles City. Montana. Mi~ Mary Jane Alguire of Het- ~tinger, spent the week end in Beach with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Alguh'e. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mills left Thursday of last week for their home in Billings after spending a few weeks in Beach on business. Billy Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller of Beach, had the mis- fortune of falling off a cliff at Dickinson and suffered a broken arm and other injuries. F. A. Shipman spent the week end in Towner wih his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Shipman. While there he also visited with friends in Rugby and Leeds. Pfc. John Palmer arrived Thurs- day from Camp HaSh, California, to spend a few days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmer of Thelan. Daniel Loop spent a few days in Beach with his sisters, enroute to Minneapolis, from Seattle, Wash- Ington, where he had visited with his father, Ed Loop. Mrs. Mary Willis and her brother, Chas. Percells, arrived Saturday evening from Blythevale, Miss., where they have spent the winter months. In the electric storm Sunday ev- ening lightning struck and severed the telephone wire outside the Butter field house, burging out the works and blacking the inside wall to some extent. Miss Evelyn Nelson. teacher of Saddle Butte school, gave a Moth- er's Day program, which was enjoy- ed by the pupils and their parents and some guests, on Monday the 15th. Mrs. A. O. Pilot, Mrs. Imogene Adams and Mrs. Jack Farra left Thursday for their home in Port- land, Oregon after spending some time with friends and relatives in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dickinson and daughter, Virginia, who have been visiting at the T. L. Dickinson home for the past two weeks, left Thurs- day morning for Spokane, Wash., where they will make their home. Paul Dickinson is a brother of T. L. Dickinson and Mrs. Dickinson is the former Emily Lee, who was em- ployed in a bank in Beach before her marriage. --'V-~ TROTT S NEWS l ....c., O. K. Omley motored to Trotters on Friday where he spent a few days. The Plainview and the C. S. Di- vide schools were brought to a close on Friday, May 12. They en- joyed a picnic at the J. E. Metcalf grove on Sunday. We are sorry that Mrs. F. C. Johnson had to return to Beach for medical treatment, again on Wed- nesday after returning from the hospital on Monday. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenup mot- ored to Beach on Thursday even- ing when Mrs. Greenup was an invited guest at the Mothers and Daughter banquet at the U. B. church parsonage. They report having had a very pleasant time. A fair sized crowd attended the meeting of the Union Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. Roy Robert- Roy Halstead left the latter part Mr. and "Mrs. Herman Brown of last week for the West coastI Elsie Feldman were Beach where he will spend some timei hess shoppers on Monday of visiting with friends and relatives.]week. Announcing the Re-opening of the STANDARD OIL STATION The Standard Service Station will be open for business starting Wednes- day, May 17. Please drive in and try our service and get acquainted. SIDNEY A. MURRAY PROPRIETOR Although these fine meat products may be only on a "furlough", they are yours to enjoy to the utmost now-- POINT FREE! Serve meat at every meaL 7. j ARMOUR'S STAR OR LB. SWIFT'S PREMIUM POINT FREB SUMMER SAUSAGE HICKORY SMOKED-POINT' FREE MEAT LOAF I FRANKS BAKED---ARM__.OUR'S STAR JUICY "DINNER-SIZE" n POTTED MEAT 10t VELVEETA "-- ARMOUR'~INT FREE CHEESE FOOD--0 POINTS LUNCHEON MEAT ARMOUR'S TRENT n'OZ" 33~ OR K-P--No Points TIN •.. and your other FRESH FRUITS axed VEGETABLES. Too ! S SIZE 220 DOZ. CALIFORNIA'S FINEST--JUICE FILLED CABBAGE 1 lb. 6¢ ONIONS 1 lb. 9¢ GRAPEFRUIT Cal. seedless 7 for 29¢ LEMONS Cal. Sunkist 5 for 17¢ GRAPE-NUTS 2 g27' GRAHAMS NOURISHI NG--ECONOMICAL SUNSHINE'S GRAHAM BEETS PRUNES6-LD. 7-Og. No. 10 CAN DICED OR SHOESTRING--NO POINTS GOLDEN C01 "-°c-"2,o+,- STYLE---POINT FREE [ CANS FLOUR 0X?D01. son• on Friday afternoon. This ,, ~1~" ~r ~ll" was the first meeting of the Aid lV0nY +- clded to have a clean-up day at the Sunnyside cemetery on Mere- S0AP ! ~,~woF I orial day, instead of . program. [~" W~ LJ A picnic dinner will be enjoyed at noon. All who com~ are to bring food for a picnic dinner. After the business meeting, the hostess serv- M ed a delicious lunch. Mrs. J. E. Metcalf kindly offered to entertain the Aid on June 14. ----V-- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH + V.H. Dissen, Pastor Divine Service, 10 A. M. Sunday School, 11 A. M. RED OWL essm.+o MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE WASHES CLOTHES LARGE WHITER 24-OZ. PKG. CAMAY THE SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN + LAVA SOAP 6¢ CAKES IVORY' so,, BLOCK SALT + EVAPORATED QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED ~O"LB. I BLOCK t