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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 18, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 18, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, May 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE Westerheim Win. Rathbun spent Saturday in Short was a Beach and Sen- Butte visitor Monday. Peter Wirtzfeld is farming for iIver Ness. Jean Johnstone was a Monday visitor at the Win. Wlrtz- home. Jordice Satre spent Saturday, 6th, with her grandparents, and Mrs. Halvor Olson. Web Allen finished farming for Deitz and moved his out- home Wech~esday. Mr. anl Mrs. Mike Cymbulae and were Beach shoppers Sat- tlrday evening . Johnnie and Clarence Berg has farming for Ed Carney this end. Tommy Rathbun spent Friday with Jimmie Cook at Sentin- Butte. Mrs. Taylor Cook and children the week end as their farm Mrs. A. H. Allen, Bennie and A1- spent the week end on the putting in the garden. and Barbara Allen vcere ~utte shoppers Saturday and Mrs. L. HfllmaR and were visiting az the Ev- home Wednesday. Jim/h~e Johnstone has been busy in the old Tom Wirtzfeid Mrs. Ed Carney was a caller at John Berg home Thursday aft- Ted Wright came up from the ranch .to spend Mother's with his mother. wish to correct a last week's Mrs. Grant Rourke's sister did as stated. She had an op- and is doing very nicely. teachers ~of our community spent the week end at their homes, as did our high students. Hazel stecker and Mrs. Rathbun were caners at the ~rirtzfeld home Wednesday Dick Fendleton was lucky to be able to buy a now plow. he went to Beach after it. Kunick spent one helping ot~t with lamb- at the Martin ranch where Wilson is running sheep. Wm. F. Brown made several to Sentinel Butte this week, she was expecting'baby chix and to be on hand to receive Will Rephce Patton. Gen. Alexan- (above) replaces Lt. S. Patton, Jr,, who the qth U. S. Army in according to an announ~- ' the War Depar~- Pdtton has been another army, not been ~is- Gen. Patch holds the Dis- Service Medal and Navy work in the South and corn- S. in Gua- Sever Twedt was a Tuesday visit- or at the Halvor Olson home. Herb Johnstone is herding sheep for Floyd Wilson at the Martin ranch. Charley Purcell arrived in Beach Saturday on the 6 o'clock bus, from Missouri, where he had spent tP:~ winter with relatives. "Welcome home, Charley." Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker visit- ed at the Wendell Youells farm on Tuesday afternoon. • While there Ellis purchased some seed from Wendell. Mr. and Mxs. E. C. Cook, Patty and Jerry spent Mother's Day at the J. E. Cook home. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Cook and family were also visitors there, Mother's Day. ,Don Wright, Ted Wright and Kay, and Lorraine Pendleton at- tended the show in Beach Sunday evening as did Johnnie and Clar- ence Berg and Win. Rathbun. While burning thistles one of the neighbor women found an odd nest, or rather an odd assortment of eggs in a nest, the nest eon~ raining twelve pheasant eggs, two hen eggs and a turkey egg. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker were Beach visitors Saturday evening as were: Mrs. Evans and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kunick and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Youells and Mary Rathbun, Eleanor Johnson joined the ~o- dality of B. V. M. Sunday night. The service at the Beach church was very pretty and impressive.. Quite a few from this community attended the service. Mrs. Gem A. Wright received word that her niece, was a mother of triplets, all girls. Mother and babies doing fine. Mrs. Adahl was formerly Miss Hazel Kruger and was born in Beach, her parents, being Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kruger. This community was well repre- sented at the music concert Fri. day evening at Sentinel Butte, the concert was put on by the SChOOls. ~t showed what progress the pupils ~ad made in music during the :chool term. Mr. and Mrs. Howard ~anHorn ere Sentinel Butte visitors Fri- day, as were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis :;tecker, Web Allen, Mr. and Mrs. :¢alph Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. )co. Wright and Mary Rathbun, Iso Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wirtzfeld. Another nice rain fell .on this ~mmunity Sunday night, now a.tch the grain and grass shoot up. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Youells nd Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker ulebrated Mother's Day by having inner in Beach and taking in the 3how in the afternoom We wonder how many of us -ealize how thick the rats have be- come on some of our farms. One party in the community made a cleaning the other week by tearing out th~ old floor~ of a granary,i After the fun (?) was over, he] counted 184 rats, all sizes from newI born ones to full grown. Pet Henry Allen writes that a battalion at his camp (Camp Fan- nin, Texas) had a little bad luck while out on a night problem the first part of May. A bad storm came up while the boys were out and blew trees over, three boys were killed and 19 hurt. It didn't happen to be Hank's night out. Morris Goldfine, the cattle buy- er, was in the cmnmunity Thursday. A case of "it pays to advertise" was proven, As we all know the Gold- en Valley News comes out Thurs- day morning, Mr. Ooldflne pur- chased the bull that was advertis- ed for sale by Mary p~thbun in last week's issue, less then ~t hours service, so it still pays to advertise. About 60 neighbors and friends gathered at the Rathbun home Sun- day, Mother's Day, for a picnic dinner and also supper. Those from out of the community at- tending were: Dean, Kenneth and PeggY Hannold, Ward and Gwenny Cook and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright, ~11 of Sentinel Butte, and Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Blue and fam- ily of Beach. The community was visited by .the first thunder storm Tuesday night and we had ~ nie~ display of fireworks and this reporter though it was a pretty sighk Be- long we aren't afraid of a storm, we happened to be driving the cows home and in the west and north it was pitch dark except for light- ning and in the southeast the moon was shining ever so bright. When we rode into the barn yard, it look- ed as thOUgh a yard light, was ~xned on, the moon threw such a "GREEN DRAGONS" ON THE PROWL HER bright light against those black clouds. On Thursday night the north end of this territory had a another nice shower. Y,,, cARLYLE NEW{ 1 Jean Hartse, Rel~ortez I Mrs. Chester Stewart gave the 7th and 8th grade exams at her home on Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Ed Martin has been in the Beach hospital for a few days for. treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hammond returned home Saturday night from Minneapolis. Quite a few from Carlyle at- tended the Baccalaureate services in Wlbaux Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Doubles are visiting relatives and friends In Carlyle and vicinity this week en- route to Los Angeles, California. Harold Fulton a~d Jean Hartse were Saturday ,evening guests at the ~Frank Fulton home in Glen- dive. A second class has been started in home nursing in the basement of the church three nights a' week. Miss Frantz is the instructor. ALKA-SELTZER MY DAY OCCASIONAI~Y, I wake up in the morning with a Headache~ It sc~etimes w~rs o~ along thD middle o~ the forenoo~ but I don~t want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkl/ng ALKA-SELTZER. In just a little while I ara feeling a lot better. me and makes me ore an Then it's ALKA-SELTZER to the reseue--a tablet or two and a little rest makes me feel more like fluish~ ing the job. And when I eet "not __wi~. but too welL" ALKA-tS~LT~at relia~te~ the Acid Indigestion that so follow~ Yes, 2Dka-Seltzer brightens my of my d~zon3fort~ that I ~vay$ keep it handy. Why don't you get a package ALKA-SELTZER at your drug stare tbday? Large Package f~ Small ~e¢. I NG-OFFENSIVE After the meeting a gift Formerly people used to vote f~ was presented to Miss Frantz from the full dinnerpall, Now they the class and a gift to Mrs. O~n- want the full refrigerator. non for the use of her home for --.V-- [he meetings. A lovely lunch was Orators might be reminded tYta~ served by the ladies in honor of their words are nor n~cessarily ant Miss Frantz. t wiser because they holler louder. I The WorM's News Seen Through I THE CHRISTIAN ¢ IENCE MONITOR ! An l~ernational Daily Newspaper b Truthful--~on~t'uc6ve--Unblaaed~Free from ~mmti~al. ~l~a--Bclitodah~ "Are Timely and Instructive and It~ D~ mre~. Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Maim the Monitor an Ideal New~paper fe~ the Home. -~ .................................................. ...j,..~..... The Christian Sden~ Publishing Society C~, Norway Street, ,Boston, Matutchu~ett$ Price ~12.00 Yearly, o~ #I.00 a Month. • tturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ~2.60 a Y~r. Introductory Offer, 6 I~ues 2~ Cen~. N~ ............... ~ A4dr~, __. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUBST I II I I I elect Melvin and Cliff Hartse came home from Circle, Montana to stay over for graduation exercise~ In. Wibaux. The Beaver Valley Home Demon- stration met at the home of Mrs. E. N. Sanford Thursday afternoon. A nice crowd attended and a love- ly lunch was served. The last meeting on the Home Nurslng classes was held Wednes- day afternoon~ at the Gannon A BRIGHT NEW FACE FOR '44 Paint Up the Outside and Inside of Your Home! . It will conserve y~)ur home and build up your family's morale. Get started on a big Spring paint-up campaign. GOLVA TRADING CO. BERT COVERT; Mgr. GOLVA, N. D. Usher L. Burdick United States SENATOR He has worked and voted for: The interests of agricul- ture, lignite development, ir- rigation, labor and small business. Supports the war. effort 100%. Favors adequate legislation for just and lasting peace. (Pol. Adv.) I I help wanted: cook ,waitress chamberm.aid hotel powers fargo, n. dak. mll j i '- i ~ ......... THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... m l ,'Guess we're pretty lucky in our town, Judge. that we don't have the youth problem you read about in o~er places." "Don't know as you can call it lucky. Harold'.,. we saw it coming with the war md we did mmething about it before ithit u~. We gave our "teen age : are not provided toy them. Young people always want to be with others of their own age.., want their own ! Town after town has found out that these ~ple wants are met, the is well on its way to being l~d." "Guess I didn't Bighted