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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 18, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 18, 1944
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q lews Released by Western Newspaner Union. P [ into battle alongside combat t~oops, Signs[coring |sks to take front fine pictures. At Hollandia, and Pfc. Ernest Marjoram wade through swamp " o with the ~uz~4ez us of the west- Of Hitler's quaking experts agreed ision would be to fight o~ an L planes con- born- readied of the con- v wlth an in- west. In central Nazis shortened their in a big bulge in the ~,~nd in Russia, the I wm:e reported massing troops for another MAIL ORDER: U. S. Withdraws Hottest issue of the year. the gov- ernment seizure .o~ Montgomery Ward and company's Chicago plants took another turn with the govern- ment's withdrawal from the com- pany's properties, f~llowing an elec- tion in which a majority of the help voted to be represented by the Cl0's United Mall Order, Warehouse and Retail Employees union. Originally the government had taken over the plant and ejected Ward's Board Chairman Sewell Avery after the company refused to honor a War Labor board directive to extend the ,urdon's maintenance of membership contract until a new one could be negnH~ted. Although the government's with- drawal was based on the contention that a determination of the union's t that the corn- came under the bomb- lille. hotal sales for he record high of and savings of SG0,000,- for consumers. of under which union the contract. PA~FIC: Eyes" tVestu~rd Entrenched in the Hollandia area of New Guinea, U, S. forces turned their eyes to the westward ,reaches of the island, where the Japs re- sea routes to the P~ppines and accounted Indies. the total * In India, British and native forces counterattacked invading Jap troops at both Imphal and Kohima. where the enemy had ~ocketed close on to the strategic AsSam-Bengal railroad now control plants, ) farm supply establishments. products northern Burma. In bitter fighting wild hill country, the Japs the ,going command sent ob~ctive, aeco~g to is extension where the co. hold II. in the south. i exclusive increase in 1943; re- less of origins drew: still oppeai~on from Jap air and ground crews. " Bose dam; I G H T S • . • ~. tt~. u,'ee~', .,w, NEWS Extension Favored With extention of lend-lease for another year assured in congress. President Roosevelt asked for a $7,188,893,000 fund for the period to continue the program, which has cost $30,362,687,362 to date. Although congress put off enact- ment until senate and house could agree on terms for Hmiting the President's power to formulate poll., cies of preliminary or final settle- ment of accounts with recipient na- tlons, only Sen. William Langer (N. D.) registered opposition to the bill in the senate. Said he: "According to the report, we got so-called strategic supplies froln nations that are beneficiaries "of . . . Yet when we ob- 'fain metals and other strategic war ,materials from these same coun- tries, we pay cash on the barrel- head, instead of crediting the lend- lease account , . . " !WAR PRISONERS: Aid Farmers Of the 183,618 prisoners of war the U. S. is holding in 203 camps in 41 states, good use is being made of many in critical labor shortage areas, the War department re- vealed. Between June of 1943 and the end of March, prisoners' work approxi- , mated 19,300,321 man-days. Prisoners have been particularly helpful in relieving the farm labor pinch. In the south, 3,500 prisoners were used for an emergency harvest of sugar cane after a freeze, and they assisted with the cotton, rice and peanuts crops. In the east and midwest, prisoners have helped in picking and canning fruit and other foods. I For awhile, it looked as though New Mexico's gubernatorial race ~ould be a one family affalr~ what with Robert E. Peterson (left) the candidate for theRe- imblican nomination, and his wife, Edna, vying for the Demo- cratic nomination. But Mr. Peter. son's petition of candidacy was rejected. Although" Mrs. Peterson can keep Mr. Peterson in hand in (he kitchen as the picture shows, Mr. Peterson has a mind of his own politically. Said Mrs. Peterson: "I tried to keep him in line, but I failed, He is a ferme~ DemO- crat. I'm sorry he couldn't file, though." " u , , NEUTRALS: Blacklist Threat Applying pressure in its efforts to curb neutrals' trade with the Axis, the U. S. and Britain announced that its black-listing of companies for continuing business relations with the Allies' enamie$ would be extended Into the postwar world. Meanwhile, it was reported, a spe- cial U. S. representative arrived in " ous ball-bearing trade with the Ger. marts. Of 15,000 firms on the U. S. and British blacklist, 10,000 are in South in non- The Allies' carry-over the blacklist Jump on trade. rounds of caliber bullets-enough six times the the world -- were PLANT FRUITS iN WINDBREAK When planting a windbreak, in- clude some of the wild fruits in the shrub row: is the recommendation of John Zaylskie, NDAC Extension service forester. If the windbreak was established years ago, the ad- dition of another shrub row com- posed entirely of such hardy fruit- ing shrubs as American plum, chokecherry, western sand cherry or golden currant can become an impvr£ant asset to the farmstead. Native fruits bear early in life. Many sandcherry plantings have borne fruit the first year, while plums and chokecherries quite often bear fruit the third year after planting. A wild fruit planting of this type makes an excellent source of fruit for jellies, jahas and pies. --.--V~ GARDEN PHHAJSOPH~ A garden authority remarks that people would not have ~o wa~er their garden so often if they would do more work with the hoe. He says that the most important thing of all in raising a garden is ~o keep the earth loose around the pl~anLs, so that the moisture can get to the roots, and no~ be dried out on the surface by the warm sun. That sounds lilve good garden philosophy. You do not usually see good healthy looking plants grow- ing in a soil that looks baked down into a hard surface. Frequent culti- vation also will help keep the pesky weeds from getting a good start. --V-~ The Nazis in Russia probably think it is a great day for them when they only react five miles instead of ten as the day before. V~ The report that many men are marrying their secretarie.c, is not reportdd to deter the s any from taking business jol~ Motorists who take no knan's dust sometimes get considerable if their car overturns and they roll down the bank. I00 Percent American WASHINGTON, D. C.- Sound- photo -- This official U, S. Signal Corps Radiophoto shows a 100 per- cent American winninghis nation's highest award. Lt. Ernest Chin ders, an American Indiap from Tulsa, Oklahoma, is shown here be- ing decorated with the Congres- sional Medal of Honor by Lt. Gen- eral Sacob L. Devers, Commander of American Forces in Mediter- rane'an Theatre. Lt. Childers, sin- Rio-handed wiped out two machine gl~ nests, killed five Nazis and captured one. SALE OF LAND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under authority .of an Order ~ o£ Sale granted by the Honorable James Donaldson, Judge of the County Court of the County of Golden Val- ley, in the State of North Dakota, dated the 8th day of May A. D. 1944, the .unuersigned, the Administrator of .the Estate of Andrew Sonnek, late of the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, De- ceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the Judge of said County Court, the following des- cribed land, to-wit: The Northeast .Quarter ('NE~,i) of Section Twenty-two (22) in Township One Hundred Thirty- seven (137) North, of Range One Hundred Five (105) West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. The sale will be made on or after in 70 ~,ar the 29th day of May A, D. 1944. ? the U. S. . All bids must be in writing, and be left at the office of {an or filed with the ~ Jddge vol~'le ;aid County Cou*~t, or delivered the undersigned personally. other deliveries in- Dated this 8th day of May A. D. light anlt medium 1944. ~-mfllimeter ~ A. F IRONS Administrator of the Es- tzo0kas; ~,000 sub- tate of Andrew Sonnek, • guns; 15,000,000 hand Deceased. KEOHANE and ZI,000;000 rifle gre- for Administrator Dakota. 11, 18, 1944) Vice- NO~ CREDITORS Davis of the War that U;S. IN THE MATT~---~ THE ESTATE{ OF MARY ADELAIDE DAVIS; also known as ADDIE DAVIS, Deceased. , ! the rest NOTICE .is hereby, given by the] undersignea, ~xecutrLx of the ~ast Will and estate of Mary Adelaide Davis, al~o known as Addle Davis, late of the City of ~hmeapoUs in the County of Hennepin and State and for food of Minnesota, deceased, to the credi- tors of, and all persons, having claims against, saia aecedent to exhibit them with the necess&ry rS Within s~x months ~ afte~ st pub{ cation of this notice Exeeut~ x at the Collrt House City of Beach in said Golden lunel. Thursday, May 18, 194¢ County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this l{Rh day of May, 1944. MINNIE SMITH Executrix. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Executrix, Beach, North Da]$ota. First publication on the 11th day of May, 1944. (May 11. 18, 25, 1944) ~V CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County o£ Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hen. James Donaldson. Judge IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HALVOR HALVORSON, DE- CEASED. Clarence Overstad. as Ad- ministrator with the Will Annexed, Petitioner, vs. I Norwegian Lutheran Church l of America, Syverin Halvor- son, Alvin Halvorson, Hel- mer Halv6rson. Tonetta Halvorson Maanum, Carl Halvorson. Hihna Halvorson Thompson. Kathinka Hal- vorson Neumann Oliver Halvorson. Marvin Halvor- son. Nels Walter Forde, Ger- hard O, Forde and Inn M. Still, Special Guardian for Nels V~alter Forde and Gerhard O. Forde, Minors, and all other persons inter- ested in the Estate of Hal- vor Halvorson, Deceased. RespondentS. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS : " Frenchweed is more widely dis- trlbuted in North Dakota than any other milk-taint4v4 weed. The fla-~ vor and odor in the milk do not. always disappear until 7 to 8 hours after the weeds are eaten. CITATION HEARING PETITION ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF HEIRSHIP TO REAJ~ PROPERT~ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA.~)~ss County of Golden Valley ) IN COUNTY CO~T Before Honorable James Donaldson, Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATe" OF GEORGE B. MeDOWELL, DECEASED. Louise G. McDowell. ) Petitioner. ) vs. ) Carlos LeRoy McDowell and ) all other persons unknown ) claiming any estate or in- ) terest in or lien or encum- ) brance upon the property } described in the petition ) or against the estate of the ) said deceased, ) Respondents. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. TO THE ABOVE NAMED RE- SPONDENTS: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Louise G. MeDowelL of Davenport, Iowa, has filed in th~ County Court of Golden Valley County and State of North Dakota. her duly verified petition praying for a decree ascertaining and es-- tablishing the right of suece~slo~ to the real estate within Valley County, North Dakc,ta, i which George B. McDowell, late Davenport. Iowa, died seized, which You are hereby notified that the said real estate is described as petition of Clarence Overstad. as follows: Administrator with the Will An- Southeast Quarter (SE~,~) of '~ nexed of the Last Will and Estate Section Four (4) in Township' of Halvor Hatvorson. late of the One Hundred Forty-four (144) Town of Noram" the County o.f North, el Range One Hundred " Pope and State of Minnesota. De- Five {105) West. of the Fifth ceased, has been filed in this Court Principal Meridian in Golden Val- herein, petitioning that he be author- ley County, North Dakota, " f ized, empowered and directed to sell and that Monday, the 29th day o[ the real estate belonging to said May A. D. 1944 at the hour of decedent's estate described as fol- ten o'clock in the forenoon of that lows, to-wit: day, at the Court Rooms of tht~ North Half (N~,£) of Section" Court, at the Court House in the Fourteen (14) in Township One City of Beach, Golden Valley Coun- 'Hundred Forty-one (141) North, ty, North Dakota has been set bY. of Range One Hundred Four (104) this Court as the time and place West, of the Fifth Principal Mert- of hearing said ~petition at which~ dian in Golden Valley County, time and place any person intereste~ North Dakota, . n~y ~ppear and object to the and that said petition will be heard granting of the said petition. by this Court on Monday, the 5th And you, and each of you, ar~. day of June A. D. 1944 at 10 o'clock hereby cited and required then ann A. M.. at the Court Rooms of this there to be and appear before this Court, in the Court House, in the Court and show cause, if any there City of Beach, County of Golden be, why this petition should not be Valley and State of North Dakota. granted. And you, and each of you, are Let service be made of this Cita'~ hereby cited and required then and tion as required by law. there to be and appear before thist Dated this 5th day of May A. Court "and show cause, if any you,1944. have, why said petition should n0t! BY THE COURT: be granted, and you are hereby t JAMES DONALDSON. notified that the residence of said t Judge of the County Court. decedent at the time of his aeath, I (SEAL) ' was at Nora, Pope County, Minne-I JOHN KEOHANE sofa. Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. Dated thin 15th day of May A. D. I944. BY THE COURT: JAMES DONALDSON Judge of the County Court. (SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Petitioner Beach. North Dakota, (May 18, 25, 1944) ~V ~OTICE TO ALL TAXPAYERS OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the Board of Township Supervisors of all organized townships, the Board ~ of Trustees of all incorporated Vil-1 lages will meet on the second Mon-! day in June, and the City CouncilI or Board of City Commissioners of l each city will meet on the second t Tuesday in June at the office ofl the clerk or auditor for the pur- pose of reviewing and equalizing the assessment of property in each such assessment district. That each taxpayer has the right, on or be- fore July 10th, to make applies- :ion to the Board of County Com- missioners or appear before such Board when acting in the capacity of a board of review or equaliza- tion for a review of the assess- ment made by the assessor and equalized by such local hoard, and has a right to appeal to the Dis- trict Court from the decision of such Board of County Commission- ors and that if he fails to make such application the assessment against his property and the tion thereof for taxing purposes will be final. This notice is given pursuant the. provisions of Section 1. of Chapter 269, Laws of 1941. Dated this llth day ~f May, 1944. MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor, Golden V%lley County, North Dakota. (May 18. 25, 1944) SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY l IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Frank M, Susa and Ger- ) trude M Susa, Plaintiffs. vs. Lawrence Vetseh, Andrew Patterson, Simon Mish. and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or in- terest in. or lien ~br en- cumbrance upon thero- perty described in Pthe Complaint, ! Defendants. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and re- quired to answer the Complaint of the above named Plaintiffs, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the Coun- ~4yo of Golden Valley and State of rth Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto t~pon the subscriber at his office inth,t e City of Beach in said County and State, within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such ser- vice, and in Case of your failure to appear Or answer as above re- quitalS: the Plaintiffs will take judg- ment against you by dezault for the relief demanded in the Com- plaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 13th day of May A. D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE : Attorney for Plaintiffs Office and Postoffice Ad- dress: Beach. North Dakota. • NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: ~ou', and each of you, will please take notice that the above entitled action is brought for the purpose of q~*ieting title in the Plaintiffs and depraving you, and each of you, of any and all interest in and to the following descriBed lands and premises situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. viz: Lots Two" (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11), in Block Four (4); and Lots Three (3), Fo~trl(4), ~'lve (5) and Six (8) in B ock Five (5) all in Gass-Vetsclt Sec- ond Addition to Golva, North Dakota, as the same l~~ platted and the Plat thereof o~4 file and record oinf the Office of the Deeds, of Golden Attorney for Petitioner Beach, North Dakota. (May 11. 18. 1944) NOTICE TO C~DITOBS IN THE MATTER OF ,THE ) ESTATE OF LUTHER HOD- ) iGIN. also known ~es I LUTHER HeDGINg, - ceased. ) Notice is hereby given by the dersigned, Administrator of the rate of Luther Hodgin, also k as Luther Hodg~ns, late of the of Beach, in the County of iValley and State of North Deceased. to the ereclitors all persons having claims said deceased, to exhibit them the necessary vouchers, within months after the first tbAs notice, to said at the office of John the City of Beach, in said ~Valley County, or to the of the County Court of Valley County, at his office in Court House in the Golden Valley County, xou are hereby further that Hon. James Donaldson. of the County Court within for the County of Golden and State of North Dakota. has the 21st day of November A. 1944 at the hour of ten o'clock the forenoon of said day, Court Rooms, in the Court in the City of Beach in County and State, as the time place for hearing and adjusting claims against the estate of said Luther Hodgin, also Luther Hodgins. have been duly and sented as hereinbefore Dated this 10th day May A. 1944. LUTHER F. Administrator of the tare of Luther also knoWn as Hodgins, DeceaseS. First publication on the 11th of May A. D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Administrator Beach. North Dakota. | (May 11, 18. 25, 1944) SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY IN DISTRICT SIXTH JUDICIAL William F. Ortner. ) Plaintiff, vs. All~ persons unknown claim- ) ing any estate or interest in or lien or enoumbrance ), upon the property~ des- ). cribed in the Complaint, > whether as heirs, devisees, ), legatees or personal rep- ) resentatives of Winnie A. Ortner, formerly Winnie A. Brown, Deceased, or under ) any other right, title or ) intel~est" Defendants. THE STATE OF TO THE ABOVE NAMED FENDANTS: You swer the the titled action, which tt~e office of the trict Court ty, North a copy of your answe~ subscriber at his office of Beach, County levi and State of w~thin (30) days after Dated at Beach, North Dakota 29th day o~ April, 1944. Attorney Office and dress: Beach. kern. TO THE NOTICE DANTS: You are action relates eribed real estate ship One of