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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 18, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 18, 1944
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made last week. Mr, and L. Watkins are in Rochester going thru the clinic. Mr. and ~.A. Flckertng were callers In ~ ~esday. nurmg at the ~h Miss Jean~ Welsh of Glendive spent the weekend with her par- ent&~ The l~yal Neighbors met last Wednesday evening at the Com- mercial club rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stefonawich and family left last week to make ~eir home in California. Mrs. N. P, Yadon was confined to her bed with rheumatism the past week. The Red Cross held their regu- board meeting at the court house Wednesday evening. The Misses M~rJorie Pierce and " Anrde Fessenmler spent last week end visiting friends in Medora. Mrs. Roland Woodhouse and ba- by came home from the N. P. hos- pital in Glendive Tuesday. M_rs, Pay Scammon and son and Mrs. E. Welllver were in Beach on ~tday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baird and daughter and Loren Watkins were Glendive visitors on Friday. Mrs. LeRoy Pretss and bsby of Glendive spent Wednesday here Visiting with relatives. Mrs. Clara Cowee and Mrs. W. 8chuett served lunch at Rod Cross ~iday Sfi~ernooIL Miss Vir~_nla Bailey went to Glendive laGt Monday and will be the house guest of Mrs. Ray Lowe during her stay there. Mrs. Slg Pederson and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Stainer Pederson and children were Beach visitors Saturday evening. E. Welliver and John Hede tended a farewell dinner at dive Saturday in honor of Red Peterson. Mrs. E. Goo~en's Sunday school class surprised her Monday evening With a cake and a gift in honor of her birthday. The Home Nursing class had their last meeting Monday after- noon at the high school and re- ceived their pins and after class 'the ladies gave a party in honor of Miss Esther Frana • I I ROSE Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWING--- "CORVETTE K-225" starring Randolph Scott with Noah Beery, Jr., Andy Devine and Fuzzy Knight. OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M. SUN. MON. TUES.-- "HERS TO HOLD" starring Deanna Durbin and Joseph Cotton with Charles Winninger. Deanna more entic- tug than ever . . . romancing with Joseph Cotton in a way you'll never forget! Deanna sings "Begin the Beguine~ .... Say a Pray'r for the Boys Over There" and a score of other hit tunes ! OPENING NEXT THURS.-- "CLAUDIA" starring Robert Young and Dorothy McOulre, OWN THEATRE FRIDAY SATURDAY-- Lure ~ Abner in "SO~ THIS IS WASHINGTON" Plus Richard Dix in "THE KANSAN". AlSo Chapter No. 16 of "ADVENTURES OF FLYING CADETS." SUNDAY MONDAY-- Bin mnot in THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Cpl. Mary BaJr Simshauser left Tuesday for Sioux Falls, S. Dak, ¢ visit with her ! a week in Beach Mrs. Annie Mengel is at the home of her daugher, Mrs. Albtn Welsh, to spend the summer. Mrs. Orland Howard arrived last week from Billings to spend sever- al days visiting at the Howard home. The Fasehing family fror~ Sen- tinel Butte and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nlstler and family spent Sunday at the Bert Faschlng home. Don't forget the Poppy dance, May 27th, given by the American Legion Auxiliary for disabled veter- ans. The Catholic Daughters met at the homo of Mrs. D. J. Cullen Thursday evening and held electionI of officers. Miss Ann Fessenmier and Miss Marjorie Pierce entertained sever-I al ladies Tuesday evening at their apartment. Mr and Mrs. Don Welsh arrived in Wibaux from Lavina last week, having finished their school term there. They will spend the summer on the Burton Welsh farm. 1V~s. Ida Kuch and grandson, "Bobby left Saturday by bus furl Chicago where they will spend the summer with Mrs. Kuch's daught- er and family. A d/strict WCTUmeet/ngwasheld at Glendlve Tuesday and the fol- lowing ladles attended: Mrs. Ray Elsenbart, Mrs. E. B. Stair, Mrs. Louise Sletten, Miss Virginia Bail- ey and Mrs. Dave Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Quinlog arrived from Detroit Lakes, Minn., Thursday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Vernon Preston and family and other friends while enroute to California. Mrs. Wallace Scott entertained at a bridge party Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Beaman Sherman. Scores were won by Mrs. Frank Beeler and Mrs. JaR. Grlfflth and a guest prize was presented Mrs. Sherman. Miss Betty Martin of Saco ar- rived last week to visit at the Ho- ward home. Mrs, E. R. McNair. formerly Naoma HoWard, arrived last week from California to visit her brother, Roland, who is home on leave from Texas and her fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hazlewood entertained at dinner at the Suth- erland Cafe Saturday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard and son Roland, Mrs. Or- land Howard, Miss Betty Martin, Mrs. E. R. McNair, Mr. and Mrs. Arley Helvik, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schendle and daughter and son. Mrs. Floyd Keys entertained the American Legion Auxiliary Friday evening and the following officers Iwere electoral for the year: presi- dent, Mrs. Frank Beeler, vice pres- ident, Mrs. Henry Sc~endle, secre- tary and treasurer, Mrs. Floyd Keys; Chaplain, Mrs. Robert An- derson; sgt.-at-arms. Mrs. Norman Hazelwood and Mrs. W. Howard. Plans were made for the Poppy Sale and dance. The hostess serv- ed refreshments at the close of the business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mengel and children of Baker, Mrs. Ellie Baird and Margie, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh, Donald and Russell Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mongol and son spent Mother's Day with the Albin Welsh family and Mrs. Annie Men- gel. The occasion was also the birthday anniversaries of Mesdames Albin and Burton Welsh who re- ceived many pretty gifts. The ta- bles were beautifully decorated with cut flowers. Commenqemer~t e~erclses wdre held on Monday evening with the following program given: Proces- sional, High School Band; Invo- cation, Rev. E. Ooossen; Choral Selection. Girls' Glee Club; Saluta- ory, Roland Quade; Address, Dean Anderson;" Music, High School Band; Valedictory, Mary Jane Lindstrom; Choral Selection. Girls' Glee Club; Presentation of Diplo- ms, ChaR. H. Dahl; Presentation of Awards, Supt. W. Scott; Bene- diction, RoY. E. Goo~en; Reces- Moral, High School Band. On Sunday- the Baccalaureate services were held at the high schoot gYm and the following pro- gram was presented: Processional, High School Band; Invocalon, Roy. McTavish; Hymn, Girls' Glee Club; Scripture Reading, ROy. Goossen; Baud Ensemble, High SChool Band; Message, ROy. ~; Hymn, Girls' Glee Club; Benedlction, ROy. McTavish; Recessional, High School Band. The following are the class of 1944: Evelyn Oemlann, Mary Jane Llndstrom. Agnes Podolski, ~Betty ILunder, Lauretta Nelson, Jeannette Stockwell, Shirley Mor- ris, Jean Hartse, Shirley Blxby, Elaine Anderson. Leona Johnson, Alblna Job, Harriet Hartse. Evelyn Kartse, Ahnee Storkel, Florence Stefonawlch and °Frank Drake, Vic- tor Bruski, Harold Balr, Howard Finkle, Roland Quade, Erling Bak- ken and James Kramer. V CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many kind Benefit Dance held on May replace the cat- fire. It was kindness and never be forgott~U, Mr. and ~. John Glower. ======================= GAR NEWS Fred Wanmann, Cur. Leonard Streitz hauled wheat for Mrs. Laura Strahan Friday. Mrs. John Stull and David were Beach shoppers on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dletz were Glendlve shoppers on Saturday. Homer Madison delivered gas in this community on Friday morning. Clinton Seeley was a caller at the Fred Wassmann home Tuesday even~g. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson were Sentinel Butte callers on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence were visitors at the Walter Wassmann home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jer- ry were callers at the Olaf Orstad home on Monday. Mrs. Laura Strahon znd Mrs. John Howard and children were Beach shoppers Tuesday. Loyde Wassmann was a dinner guest at the John Fakler home on Saturday. Loyde Wassman, Bill Mar~luette, Kenneth Wosepka, and Mrs. Dor- othy Hess were Beach shoppers on Saturday. CpL and Mrs. Hartley BeeIer and daughter, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday at the Waiter Wassmann home. I H Mrs. Olaf Orstad:was a Golva visitor on Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deitz, Mrs. Dor- othy Hess and Kenneth Wosepka attended .the show in Beach Satur- day evening. Mrs. Laura Streitz and Larry, Mrs. Jim Mitchell and Mrs. John Howard and children were callers at the Fred Wassmann home Fri- day. l~L~s. Johnny Johnson returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann on Sun- day after having spent the past four weeks at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. John Fakler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Wassmann and Jerry, Mrs. Johhny Johnson and accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler and Jackie, were among those who attended the show in Beach Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn, Mrs. John- ny Johnson and Mrs. Conrad Fak- i ler were dinner guests at the John Fakler home on Sunday, Mother's [Day. ESTRAY NOTICE Taken up--3 horses, 1 roan mare weight about 1250 lbs., 1 chestnut g~lding, weight 1100 lbs., 1 chestnut mare, weighs about 950 lbs. Ger- hardt Fischer, Golva, N. D. 33-3te o i B IG ROUNDUP HORSE SALE Medora, Thursday, June 1st WORK HORSES -- SADDLERS -- COLTS GENTLE -- BROKE AND UNBROKEN Come Early and Stay Late! COMMITTEE IN CHARGE. CH01CE QUALITY CHICKS Day Old and Started U. S. Approved -- Pullorum Tested H White Rocks ) Barred Rocks ) Buff Orpingtons ) New Hampshire Reds ) White Wyandottes ) White Giants ) White Leghorns ) S. C. Reds ) II $10,00 per hundred prepaid HATCHES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY REN HATCHERY PHONE 338 DICKINSON, N. D. Milton R. IYoung Republican Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Stands for: 1. Maximum and tmited effort toward a speedy victory in war and in the peaee to follow. 2 SubStantial and sensible rehabflit~tion of returned ser- vice men and women. 3. Cost of p~od~ction to farmers and a more simplified farm program. 4 Eliminafl~a of complicated income tax and other red tape hampering farmers and business men. 5 Encouragement to farmers ~and to city folks toward ownership of homes with every government safeguard for keeping them. North Dakota needs a "dirt" farmer in Con~,re~ to assist in better prosecution of farmers' problems. Mlit "Young is an able liberal with twelve years of legislative experience. Endorsed by Republican Convention Thursday, May 18, 1944 JUST A MINUTE. PLEASE/ Ftmt. efficient Service has always been our "middle nmne," hero at TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS. Weql m'mng~ our work to meet your service needs, m IF YOU RATE A NEW TIRE YOU RATE THE BEST| GOOD EAR SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRE Today, as always-- your BEST BUY is = Goodyear. Special Goodyear skills and methods, developed by Goodyear Re- search through 2~ years Of tire leader- ship, make this new Synthetic Tire the BEST TIRE built to- day. When you get your certificate, be sure to see its, STOP IN TODAY-- GET OUR 8-POINT SPRB~ CHECK-UP Inspect tires for cuts, bruises, wear .... Check clear~ sp~]r~-p]ugs.... Check and ad|ust i~ l~lt. ... Check Imnp bulbs.... Check and adjust wip~ blade .... ~ flush, refill radiator and put in nmt pmvaufive .... Check ]mtt~y, add water, clean terminals.. • • Chcmge motor oil--flush. SPECIAL -- $ AN OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION W. C. SCHULZ BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 19th and 20th Will take as many hogs as you may deliver, at the following prices: TOP 190 to 270 lbs. - - ~12.00 to $12.10 MED. HEAVY 270 to 330 lbs. $10.20 to $10.55 HEAVY 330 to 375 lbs. $9.80 to $10.05 • EXTRA HEAVY BUTCHERS .... $9,55 LIGHT BUTCHERS-- 180 to 190 lbs. - ....... $11,00 170 to 180 lbs~ .... ~- $10.0~ 160 to 170 lbs. - ....... $9.60 150 to 160 lbs. - ....... $8~0 140 to 150 lbs. - ....... $8,10 • SOWS all weights - $9.20 to $9.30 STAGS 70 lb. dock ......... $9,80 Bring your hogs in before 4 P. M. on Saturday so as to give me time to get loaded out for the Saturday night train. You'll Always Get a Square Deal With-- JACK BALLARD PHONE 40 - Good Uonal Well~ horse Side Benni :| Owne] ~rt~ tholor ~TRXy] Saddle Infor~ Will l~ berg, In ex~ cently Wallm ~each of 3O Oellenf ~ishe~ Culbe~ llext also ~k ulrich left 1 her w call J( aT AU~ JUne : Pemal, 4~soci~ ~haml ~n.