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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 18, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 18, 1944
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Thursday, May 18, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Germany. Also some people on- • _ titled to repatriation will be ex- A Weekly Publisned ~:very ...... v*t Thursday by c.nangea between me two countries. The This will ,be the fourth trip on b,?)~ NEWS PUBLISHING CO. which the' Gripsholm has been v~, Fred A Shi-man Editor [used for the exchange of prisoners, ,~I~)~ • ~ ' land various ~rsons entitle tn ; ~"!~ • , P. • . d ~v, N. C. SHIPMAN Bus,hess Manager ~oln~ ~ ~ ~-- • i ,~,~ ,~ • ,~ . ~c~ ~o mmr own country *~\\~l $. D. MacDOUGALL Sup! .......... • ~ m \ "~ • IL wm De a nappy pay Ior our ~,\ Entered as Second Class matter at IFme."n, who had .the experience of ~ the Postoffice at Beach. North Dakota,- Doing connneo in uerman prison' 97:~ October 7 1936 under the Act of t .... '~,~x 'March 3 1897 camps, to see ann lana on our ~.:(~ ...... I shores again. In so far as they:~k% ADVERTISING" RATES [ are sick or recovering from wounds ~ Display Advertising, per inch - $ .35, reaching America will be like a ~ Local Contract, 52 weeks, inch - .30. tonic medicin .... ,-~. -- • ~/ Readers, per line ....... 10 . e I)eivmg on tnen re-l ~ /¢ Card of Thanks, 10 lines - - - 1.00 covers". A grea~ num~er of fami- ./}, Positively no exceptions will be lies who have men held as pris- r~ j made on the above rates oners of war in Germany will be ~f/ SUBSCRIPTION RATES keen to know if their men are (~ To addresses within North Dakota, on this boat It wiJl be joyful news ,3- and Wibaux and Fallon Counlies, if they are thus coming home. in Montana: One Year ........ $2.50 -- V--- Six Months ....... 1.50 "I AM AN AI~IERICAN" DAY To addresses outside of Norlh Dakota: One Year ........ $3.00 Hundreds oi Americ~.n communi- Six Months ........ 2'b0Ities are observing en ,%undav May No subscriptions accepted for less than.six months DISGRACEFUL ABUSE OF POWER Seizure of the Montgomery Ward store in Chicago at the point of a bayonet, was a disgraceful exam- ~ETURN OF WAR PRISOneRS ! ~k~ The steamship Gripsholm has sailed for Spain, for the exchange of sick and wounded pmsoners of war between the United States and pie of the. use of military power, have that privilege should be I~atred of the Nazi regime has thankful for it. and should do nil been engendered by military "seiz- urea" of nations, private property and individuals. The Nazis offered the same general excuse for tt~eir acts---war necessity. It has never before been claimed in this coun- try that a private retail store is a war industry; it has been treat- ed in exactly the opposite manner from the standpoint of priorities for both goods and labor• I One of the reasons given by our t government for forcibly dispossess- hag owners of private proper~y in the present caxe, is that the chair- man of Montgomery Ward refused to comply with orders of the War Labor Board and the President, in a labor controversy, although there Was good reason~f(~r believing that the facts justified his refusal. During the recent disastrous coal strike which most seriously affected war production. John L. Lewis re- fused to comply with decisions of the War Labor Board and the] President. But, instead of throwing[ Lewis bodily out of his office and J occupying his quarters, at the point of a bayonet, his defiance was re- Warded with higher wages. Now, the opposite course is taken with the operator of a non-war business. This time it was a big store, next time a little store may feel the nailed fist. Also, bayoner.s can be turned on labor as well as on busi- ness executives. Nationally and internationally, this latest example of bureaucratic ruthlessness may awaken the peo- Ple to the dangers involved in dele- gating unrestrained authority to officials to make, interpret and en- force rulings having the force of laws. As a people, we can be ~thank- ful that we still have a fre~ Con- tress with the power ~o correct SUch abuses. --V INVASION CONFIDENCE The American servicemen who are to participate in the invasion of the western shores of Europe are reported to be very confident ~the outcome. The folks at home e anxious, but the men at the lront do n(/t seem to have many tlOubts. American experience with athle- tics says that if a team has confi- llence, it is far more likely to win. If the members of a ball team go on the field with the feeling that they are superior to their op- l~nents, that confidence hel~sp them. and gives them a strong and aggressive mariner tha ~ tends to 21. the occasion known as "I a.m an American day." Its purpose is l to honor persons who have newly become citizens, to welcome them in this new relation, and to point out. the blessings and value cf such citizenships. It is a wonderful thing to be a citizen of this country. All who they can to hell) the country which has given them a share in the work of choosing their own rules. Many young people in past years have reached the voting age with little thought of the duties which go with the right to vote. A privi- lege so grea~ carries with it the obligation of doing what one can ~o create good government. ---V-- RETAIL STORE SERVICE • ,e/o Be Ol cl I.~W~k£N C£ 44 AWTH O 9,N £ / A young man lives in the future; MIDSTREAM HORSE CHANGING APPROVED EVEN BY F. D. R. Out of the deep south. Rome, Ga.. comes the following editorial com- ment: ~k~, An old man lives in the past; ~F For Youth. tim~,~ is moving too slowly, ~,~/.. For A.,c, it is moving too fast. ~Ay ~v .... :: : J:cams of the gladness [ /;~, TLCoh! f~a:~,~":* : just before him will bring; ~An , :':~ams of his pleasures Vfhc~ life held the magic of Spring. But Youth and Age are in error! The present alone can convey be moved rapidly." The ~oy and cheer and contentment Farmers interested in a sweep ~.T'~ rake of this kind shoUldcoun~yObtain~xten_in- We seek as we journey life's way.r.",, formation from their Man Agent. or write to Infornmtion Today is the time to be happy! Department. NDAC Extension Ser- No matter how young or how old vice. Fargo. I ' ----V • ~. t S always Today that must bring us' i,~.~?~[jhe b!essmgs our fortunes unfoldb CIIICKS NEED CLEAN RANGE Clean pasture for chicks and i :~. poults, to cut down death losses of the young birds and to reduce feed~I reqm;:emcnts, is receiving extra emphasis in North Dakota thisl year in the wartime food produc- )~-"~ lion program of NDAC Extension Service. "North Dakota poultry raisers." says J. Earl Cook, Extension poul- try agent, "should get their ..chicks outdoors in the sunshine, on clean range, just as soon as possible." According to Mr. Cook. clean range lowers chick and poult death losses because the bird are less exposed to disease and • parasites. I From 10 to 20 percent less feed is,! J. H. Longwell, chief of the ND~C needed also. as young tender grass ]Division of Animal Inudstry. or alfalfa supplies protein, vita- l Provide young pigs with new bed- mins and minerals. . /ding that has not been used for "Clean" ground or "clean" pas- /older animals. Disinfect pens with lure range is described by Cook as [coal tar or creosote dip, according range which has not been used by age of the home town people, for "There wilt be many in this na- ~ three or four weeks to be sure they ~ CLO~ETq ~z ~w tion during the coming months[ do not carry mites or other pare- M~DE MO~"'~" y~- the energy and effort they give to I , IIPRO~F the job of pleasing the public, who will implore you not to swap[sites, or diseases. [ __ They suppor~ home town enter- horses crossing a stream; thereI _U_____V___ [ Weatherstrippjng and putty ap- prises, and when money is spent at will be others who will laughinglY tLiGHT Sl'VEEP RAKE ~plied now to the clothes closet can I tell you that the appeal shouldtls EASY TO OPERATE make a saFe, cor, venient storage home it helps pay the taxes of the lhave been worded, 'Do not swap l town, and to keep labor well em- , -- i place for wool clothes during warm ployed. It enables the home stores toboggans while you are sliding ~ Plans for a "swivel push sweep t weather, advises Mrs. Grace Martin. e PAGE THREE or truck have been prepared by l home management. If e~zery chink: the NDAC Extension ~ervice and ~and opening in the closet is filled, are being supplied to county Ex-/and the door carefully weather- tension agents for distribution to lstripped so that all cracks around farmers, lit are tight, the closet will hold This type of rake is built on the ~in the fumes from moth flakes and same principle as the horse drawn keep out the moths. sweep and. actually, a horse drawn Mrs. Martin recommends keeping sweep can .be remodeled fo~ hitch- a constant supply of moth IIake~ ing to car or tt'uclt l in an open dish on the top sh~ "The principle advantage of the of the closet. About a pound of Swivel push sweep rake is that it flakes is enough for each 100 cublc is easy to hitch and unhitch." says feet in a closet that is very tight. J. Clayton Russell. who is working More flakes must be added as they on agricultural engineering pro- evaporate. Keep the door of the blems for the Extension Service. closet tightly closed, and open "It is built of lighter materials only when putting in or taking" than the tractor sweep and so does out clothes. no,~ require much power to operate. V - While ~i~ does not haul as large a It is safer for men to tell their load as the tractor sweep, it can wives everything, as the latter are fairly sure to find it all out anyway. a PUSHING THE LAWN MOWER three long years, it is time ~o get another car that will start up hill The hum of the lawn mower is] on all four.' now heaxd in the land. Father "As a matter of course, there has and the boys have a steady job for never been any sound basis for the the sumnmr. The well mowed lawn!,Don,t change horses' argument. is a thing of beauty. It seems like Were it sound in its relations to a carpe~ of green velvet around ! politics, it would mean that no pub- the home. It is the frame of tLellic official could ever be replaced." picture which a dwelling gives, and -V something more than that, as the! itself.deep color of grass is a picture by i ItOGLN DIRTyMITESBEDDINGTHRIVE The mowers will find k does not pay to let the. grass grow very long. Old or dirW bedding in pens It takes a tot of pushing to g2~ the housing baby pigs may harbor lawn mower through overgrown Imites or other parasites that are grass. If mowed frequently, the,particuiarly injurious to the young animals. Pigs may develop a mangy KEEPING RECORDS PAYS m i People may have trouble in de- veloping a smooth green lawn. and frO:luently the difficulty is that they do not put enough fertilizer on it. Grass, like any kind of condition, their resistance is lower- ed, and gains may be slower, says ~ ]~AVE you tried Alka-Sdb. ~_ ~] ~t zer for Gas on Stomach, ~(~-~ Sour Stomach, "Morning ~ ~-~1 After" and Cold Distreest # ~ .~f~ If not, whF mat? Pleasant~ ~,/gxk.'~'~\~ prompt in action, effective. ~i~%~ Thirty cents ond Si~W ~Ii/ ~ cents. °" NERVINE SALE ! ! SALI ! ! TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF PAINT AND SAVE HALF A DOLLAR LUXTONE Ihe sew ~lf-~allng, one- c~¢a fat wall pa~t. FLOOR ENAMEL a bright, hard-wearing finish for wood and cement. 8OFT GLOSS mmalOR " SOFT-GLOSS ~ satin finish for walls and woodwork. Gkewing" colors. Three "Minnesota" products.., famous for their quolity...~ famous for the loveliness they will add to your home. daunt their foes. It is a good deal plant, needs food to make it grow. the same in the tragic game of war. If the cut grass ~s raked up, the! The German leaders are reported tsoil is constantly losing some oil to have told their people that the its rictmess when the grass grows, ~ericans and British will pro-and something needs to be put be able to establish beach-.back into the soil ~o grow a new on the shores where they Such a terriffic pounding explosives, will be - delivered our warships and airplanes on1 beachheads before any land-I takes place, tha~ one might ~'lless tile German defenses •close[ the beach will be pretty well~ ~Urned up before our men go l ~ahore. they get ashore, their ar- and tanks and weapons and of every kind will follow from the great fleets of craft that will accompany After they get established, can begin gradually the task POUnding the fortifications far- and out of the reach of "warships. fortifications are strong, will be a tremendous task. in some cases it will be to go around them and the casualties following a attack. Once our men ge~ force with their a great step forward have been taken, bringing vic-] nearer. V [ ple ,are urged to be open[ zL Many are ~more inclinedI open mouthed. [ crop of grass. If the cub gras:3 is not raked, part of its life may go back into the soil again, bu~ even then the lawn probably needs reg- ular fertilizing. When you see a nice green lawn wigl~ grass growing thickly, that lawn has usually been given plenty of plant food. l~OR relief from Functional Ne~. vou~ Disturbances such as Sles~ less noes, Crankiness, Excitability. l~ervous Headache and 1Nervous In- digestion. Tablets 3~# and 75#, Liquid 2~¢ and $1.00. Read dire~ tions and use ~nly as directed. Pain ~ill often rdie~e~ ~'~ Heada~e, M~eular Pains .[1. %~ or Functional Monthly ~."~" ]Palns~25 for 25¢, 125 ~ I and use only ~m ddr~ted. ~ ~# Franchised Ba~: ~.O~t~~ I,~0 lsl~l City, ~. 7". Pepsi.Col a i~ottling Company of Hettinge~ t Buy any One of these three "Minnesota" paints and SAVE 50c ON A QUART by using the coupon below, l Coupon may be applied to ONE can . . . your choice of products offered.., quart or larger size, but not smaller size. j HURRY| THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY SPECIAL! ,..s ¢oo,o.,s wo ,. 50¢ when applied on the purchase of ! quart of LUXTONE Flat Wall Paint, or 1 quart of FLOOR ENAMEL, quick drying, or 1 quart of SOFT-GLOSS (Interior) BE SURE TO fiLL IN THIS BLANK ~ Size_ , __ Good for one can only, ferecl. The coupon may be applied to quart or larger size, BUT NOT T@ SMALI~ SIZE. , Star. DAKOTA IMPLF;MENT CO. FRANK HAIGH, Manager BEACIt, NORTH DAKCTA ~ ~ma w~n It ta exhalmt~L Product and Color Purchased No,.. Addr~ c.y mower runs easily. If father does not do active work through tke day, it gives him needed exercise. The boys should be told also ~hat it is as developing physically as playing baseball or golf. FEEDING THE GRASS "The time worn expression, 'Don't to .directions on the package, chicken% or turkeys, nor fertilized The stores of Golden Valley change horses in the middle of the If the pigs scratch themselves ai with poultry droppings, for at leas~ county "perform a great service in stream,' which has been the refuge great deal, and the hair becomes l two years FORREST, ILL.---Sam and Frank bringing the products of the world of many a politician in seeking re-lrough, so that mites are suspected, i Alfalfa is by ~[ar the best chick Honegger, whose farm is in the heart of the corn belt near here, to our homes, so far as it is pos- election, was neatly and accurately ltreat with used crankcase oil prior poult range. One acre of good find. that keeping farm manage- sible to do this in war;time. The disposed of by Mr. Roosevelt in an lprovide a post wrapped in a bur-lalfalfa is enough for, 700 to 1,000t meng records pays in more than address delivered at St. Paul, Minn./lap bag saturated with oil wi~ere/chic::s. Where alfalfa is not avail-i One way. Lastyear their.flock of alertmanagementSand capable°f thOSepeople,storeSwho areare on April 18, 1932. On that occasion I the pigs may rub on it. ~ able, a pasture made uD (~f suchI 5,000 laying hens, one of the larg- working incessantly to provide the when he was pushing his campaign / Never put newly purchased ani- ~ common grains ~ as oaks or rye, { est in the midwest, produced more best goods at the lowest possible for president, he made this thor- [mals into the herd until they havel planted with rain, is suggested, i than 8.50,~30 quality eggs. Because • oughly sensible observation: been kept in separate pens forI V [ cz their outstanding efforts to ira- prices. They deserve the patron- prove the quality of flock~ on their own and neighbors' farms in LRr- ingston county, the brothers have received the Agriculture Achie,¢e- ment Award consisting of a $100 war bond, achievement pins and a i~ennant and scroll from W. G. lly, head of an oil company. ve is Sam nonegger shown carrying part of a day's collection to pu¢ in complete stocks of goods, down hill.' But it seems to me that rake" for hitching to a car. pickup I NDAC Extension Service agen~ in of ezgs. The home stores have well train- the more truthful, the more ac-! • curate plea to the people of the ed salespeople, who do thmr besti o " - 1 be i ................................................................... their natl n shou d this If the old i~o please the home. folks and ' " " : ' [ ..... tes- and untirin~ efforts are car in spite of frequent emergency l woTthy~of great v~ra~e. 7::~nr hiha:n boTy twbumpl~gdeal°fnog I .