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May 17, 2018     Golden Valley News
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May 17, 2018
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Page 8 Golden Valley News May 17, 2018 ANCE COMPANY In the state of Nebraska Total Assets Total Liabilities Common Capital Stock Preferred Capital Stock Aggregate write-ins for Insurance pu " 71730 the year ending December 31,2017 Total Direct Premiums Abstract of Statement conformable to the requirements of the Written For the Year laws of this state regarding the busi- Total Direct Losses Paid Ending December 31, 2017 ness of insurance of the and CONTINENTALAMERICAN INSUR- WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a :duly certifiea copy of its charter with certificate of organi- 667,520,324 zation in compliance withthe require- 514,155,305 ments of insurance law aforesaid, $2,500,000 NOW THEREFORE, I,:Jon Godfread, a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- $300,000 Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the Other than special surplus $353,460 provisions of said laws, dohereby cer- Surplus Notes $50,000,000 tify that the above named company is Gross paid in and fully empowered through its authorized Contributed surplus $82,437,395 agents and representatives, to trans- Aggregate write-ins for act its appropriated business of au- Special surplus funds $19,390 thorized insurance in the state Unassigned funds according to the laws thereof, until the (surplus) $17,754,774 30th day ofApril, A. D, 2018. Less treasury stock, at cost: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have # shares common 0 hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- # shares preferred 0 marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 Surplus as regards (Seal) Policyholders 153,365,019 Jon Godfread Total Liabilities, Capital Commissioner of.Insurance And Surplus 667,520,324 (May 10, 17 and 24) 0 0 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is cially filed by the Company in this of- fice. In Testimony Whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance North Dakota Business Only 14188 for the Year 2017 Abstract of Statement Life & Annuity For the Year Total Direct Premiums Ending December 31, 2017 Written 4,185.00 of the Total Direct Losses Paid 30,000.00 DAKOTA CAPITAL LIFE INSURANCE Accident & Health COMPANY Total Direct Premiums In the state of North Dakota Written 688,398.00 Total Assets 6,300,724 Total Direct Losses Paid 240,580.00 Total Liabilities 4,963,643 Common Capital Stock$500,000 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Preferred Capital Stock 0 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Aggregate write-ins for OF INSURANCE Other than special surplus 0 I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- Surplus Notes $0 surance of the State of North Dakota, Gross paid in and do hereby certify that the foregoing is Contributed surplus $3,200,000 a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- Aggregate write-ins for cially filed by the Company in this of- Special surplus funds 0 rice. Unassigned funds tn Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto (surplus) -$2,362,919 set my hand and affixed the seal of Less treasury stock, at cost: this office at Bismarck, the first day of # shares common 0 May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). # shares preferred 0 Jon Godfread Surplus as regards Commissioner of Insurance Policyholders 1,337,081 Total Liabilities, Capital STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA And Surplus 6,300,724 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE,North Dakota Business Only COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF for the Year 2017 AUTHORITY Life & Annuity WHEREAS, the above corporation Total Direct Premiums duly organized under the laws of its Written 1,189,094.00 state or country of domicile, has filed Total Direct Losses Paid 98,195.00 in this office a sworn statement ex- Accident & Health hibiting its condition and business for Total Direct Premiums the year ending December 31, 2017 Written 32,278.00 conformable to the requirements of the Total Direct Losses Paid 0 laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA and OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the said company has OF INSURANCE filed in this office a duly certified copy I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- of its charter with certificate of organi- surance of the State of North Dakota, zation in compliance with the require- do hereby certify that the foregoing is ments of insurance law aforesaid, a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread,cially filed by the Company in this of- Commissioner of Insurance of the rice. State of North Dakota, pursuant to,the n Testi~qQy, Y~be~.of,Ll~av~e hereunto provisions of said laws, do,hereby:,cer~.?;,~:,set my hand and affixed~t[~e seaLof tify that the above named c0mpany is~ ~--tills office at Bismarck, the fir~ay~.'~. fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- marck this first dtiy of May, A. D. 2018 (Seal) ". Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance *, (May 10, 17 and 24) 82880 Abstract of Statement For the Year , Ending December 3!v2017 of the , CSI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In the state of Nebraska Total Assets 23,790,955 Total Liabilities 6,501,716 Common Capital Stock $3,000,0000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus $5,478,430 Surplus Notes o Gross paid in and Contributed surplus $3,607,403 Aggregate write-ins for Special sut'plus funds 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) $5,203,407 Less treasury stock, at cOSt # shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 17,289,240 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 23,790,956 North Dakota Business Only for the Year 2017 Life & Annuity Total Direct Premiums Written 1,269.34 Total Direct Losses Paid 10,130.33 Accident & Health Total Direct Premiums Written 0 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner rOf In- surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- cially filed by the Company in this of- fice. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). -- Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the taws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31,2017 conformable to the req uirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi. ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this offioe a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation tn corn pliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully emDowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance m the state according to .the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A D. 2018. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand an~ seal at Bis- marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 (Seal) Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance (May 10, 17 and 24) 79065 Abstract of Statement For the Year Ending December 31, 2017 of the DELAWARE LIFE INSURANCE COM- PANY In the state of Delaware Total Assets 37,207,349,589 Total Liabilities 35,743,959,626 Common Capital Stock $6,437,000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes $565,000,000 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus $653,698,314 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus funds 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) $238,254,649 Less treasury stock, at cost: # shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,463,389,963 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 37,207,349,589 North Dakota Business Only for the Year 2017 Life & Annuity Total Direct Premiums Written 1,170,818.00 Total Direct Losses Paid 2,562,341.00 Accident & Health Total Assets 763,141,322 Total Liabilities 704,593,488 Common Capital Stock $0 Preferred Capital Stock $0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus $0 Surplus Notes $0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus $0 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus funds 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) $58,547,834 Less treasury stock, at cost: # shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 58,547,834 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 763,141,322 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER North Dakota Business Only OF INSURANCE for the Year 2017 COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Life & Annuity AUTHORITY Total Direct Premiums WHEREAS, the above corporation Written 2,025,271.00 duly organized under the laws of its Total Direct Losses Paid 1,294,328.00 state or country of domicile, has filed Accident & Elealth. in this office a sworn statement ex- Total Direct Premiums hibiting its condition and business for Written 0 the year ending December 31,2017 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA hess of insurance OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER and OF INSURANCE WHEREAS, the said company has I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- filed in this office a duly certified copy surance of the State of North Dakota, of its charter with certificate o1 organi- do hereby certify that the foregoing is zation in compliance with the require- a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- ments of insurance law aforesaid, cially filed by the Company in-this of- NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, .fice. Commissioner of Insurance of the In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto State of North Dakota, pursuant to the set my hand and affixed the seal of provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- this office at Bismarck, the first day of tify that the above named company is May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). fully empowered through its authorized Jon Godfread agents and representatives, to trans- Commissioner of Insurance act its ~.ppropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA according to the laws thereof, until the OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. OF INSURANCE IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I ~ave COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- AUTHORITY marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 WHEREAS, the above corporation (Seal) duly organized under the laws of its Jon Godfread state or country of domicile, has filed Commissioner of Insurance in this office a sworn statement ex- (May 10, 17 and 24) hibiting its condition and business for 13183 Abstract of Statement For the Year Ending December 31, 2017 of the EAGLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In the state of Iowa Total Assets 810,284,989 Total Liabilities 637,912,940 Common Capital Stock $2,500,000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus $168,543,034 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus funds $0 Unassigned funds the year ending December 31,2017 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company I~as filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said awe, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- ~ t its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance m the state according to the laws thereof, until the (surplus) $1,329,Q15; ~th day of April, A. D,2018. Less tr~OCki.~at~ec~stb,~r~; ~q~ ~,~;r'~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have # shares Preferred ~ :,: ~ . ~ 0 ~. mr~rck.this first day of May. A. D. Surplus as regards ~ .(Seal) Policyholders 172,372,049 Jon Godfread Total Liabilities, Capital Commissioner of Insurance And Surplus 810,284,989 (May 10, 17 and 24) North Dakota Business Only for the Year 2017 Life & Annuity Total Direct Premiums Written 13,000.00 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 Accident & Health Total Direct Premiums Written Total Direct Losses Paid 0 0 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- cially filed by the Company in this of- fice. n Testimony Whereof, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance zation in compliance with the require- surance of the State of North Dakota, ments of insurance law aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing is NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- Commissioner of Insurance of the cially filed by the Company in this of- State of North Dakota, pursuant to the rice. provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto tify that the above named company is set my hand and affixed the seal of fully empowered through its authorized this office at Bismarck, the first day of agents and representatives, to trans- May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). act its appropriated business of au- Jon Godfread thorized insurance in the state Commissioner of Insurance according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have OFFICEOF THE COMMISSIONER hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- OF INSURANCE marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF (Seal) AUTHORITY Jon Godfread WHEREAS, the above corporation Commissioner of Insurance duly organized under the laws of its (May 10, 17 and 24) state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- 63223 hibiting its condition and business for AbstraCt of Statement the year ending December 31, 2017 For the Year conformable to the requirements of the Ending December 31, 2017 laws of this state regarding the busi- of the ness of insurance FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE COM-and PANY WHEREAS, the said company has In the state of Illinois filed in this office a duly certified copy Total Assets 238,216,410 of its charter with certificate of organi- Total Liabilities 223,282,341 zation in compliance with the require- Common Capital Stock $2,500,000 ments of insurance law aforesaid, Preferred Capital Stock 0 NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, Aggregate write-ins for Commissioner of Insurance of the Other than special surplus 0 State of North Dakota, pursuant to the Surplus Notes 0 provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- Gross paid in and tiff] that the above named companyis Contributed surplus$550,000 fully empowered through its authorized Aggregate write-ins for agents and representatives, to trans- Special surplus funds $400,000 act its appropriated business of au- Unassioned funds th,~,;- u : (surplus) $11,484,069according to the laws thereof, until the Less treasury stock, at cost: 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. # shares common 0 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have # shares preferred O hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- Surplus as regards marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 Policyholders 14,934,069 (Seal) Total Liabilities, Capital Jon Godfread And Surplus 238,216,410 Commissioner of Insurance (May 10, 17and 31) North Dakota Business Only for the Year 2017 90328 Life & Annuity Abstract of Statement Total Direct Premiums For the Year Written 891.00 Ending December 31, 2017 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 of the Accident & Health FIRST HEALTH LIFE & HEALTH IN- Total Direct Premiums SURANCE COMPANY Written 4.00 In the state of Texas Total Direct Losses Paid 0 Total Assets 400,740,691 Total Liabilities 172,900,987 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Common Capital Stock $2,500,000 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Preferred Capital Stock 0 OF INSURANCE Aggregate write-ins for I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- Other than special surplus0 surance of the State of North Dakota, Surplus Notes 0 .do hereby certify that the foregoing is Gross paid in and a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- Contributed surplus $323,525,216 cially filed by the Company in this of- Aggregate write-ins for rice. Special surplus funds $15,246,000 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto Unassigned funds set my hand and affixed the seal of (surplus) -$113,431,512 this office at Bismarck, the first day of Less treasury stock, at cost: May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). # shares common 0 Jon Godfread # shares preferred 0 Commissioner of Insuranc.e Surplus as regards Policyholders 227,839,704 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Total Liabilities, Capital OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ~.And Surplus 400,740,691 *, OFINSURANCE~ - .~ : ~ ,~. .:!~breunto set my hand and :seal at Bis-'~ ~,~",::~ COMl:~NW~,(~r=Rtrt~[~lf~O~,gr~ ~h. North It~lk'tl~Business~ Only 2018 AUTHORITY --.for,the Year 2017 WHEREAS, the above corporation Life & Annuity duly organized under the laws of its Total Direct Premiums state or country of domicile, has filed Written 2,082,118.00 in this office a sworn statement ex- Total Direct Losses Paid 1,926,699.00 hibiting its condition and business for Accident & Health the year ending December 31, 2017 Total Direct Premiums Written 0 conformable to the requirements of the Total Direct Losses Paid 0 laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA and OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the said company has OF INSURANCE filed in this office a duly certified copy I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- of its charter with certificate of organi- surance of the State of North Dakota, zation in compliance with the require- do hereby certify that the foregoing is ments of insurance law aforesaid, a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, cially filed by the Company in this of- Commissioner of Insurance of the rice. State of North Dakota, pursuant to the In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- set my hand and affixed the seal of tify that the above named company is this office at Bismarck, the first day of fully empowered through its authorized May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). agents and representatives, to trans- Jon Godfread act its appropriated business of au- Commissioner of Insurance thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have OF INSURANCE hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 AUTHORITY (Seal) WHEREAS, the above corporation Jon Godfread duly organized under the laws of its Commissioner of Insurance state or country of domicile, has filed (May 10, 17 and 24) in this office a sworn statement ex- 62928 Abstract of Statement For the Year Ending December 31, 2017 of the EMC NATIONAL LIFE COMPANY In the state of Iowa Total Assets 954,780,226 Total Liabilities 849,204,155 Common Capital Stock $11,666,700 Preferred Capital Stock $24,000,000 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus$34,830,042 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus funds 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) $35,079,329 Less treasury stock, at cost: # shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 105,576,071 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 954,780,226 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER North Dakota Business Only OF INSURANCE for the Year 2017 71870 COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Life & Annuity Abstract of Statement AUTHORITY Total Direct Premiums For the Year WHEREAS, the above corporation Written 780,892.00 Ending December 31, 2017 duly organized under the laws of its Total Direct Losses Paid 1,037,922.00 of the state or country of domicile, has filed Accident & Health FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INSUR- in this office a sworn statement ex- Total Direct Premiums ANCE COMPANY hibiting its condition and business for Written 4,454.00 In the state of Missouri the year ending December 31,2017 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 Total Assets 949,474,752 conformable to the requirements of the Total Liabilities 745,086,283 laws of this state regarding the busi- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Common Capital Stock $2,500,0000 hess of insurance OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Preferred Capital Stock $3,000,000 and OF INSURANCE Aggregate write-ins for WHEREAS, the said company has I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- Other than special surplus 0 filed in this office a duly certified copy surance of the State of North Dakota, Surplus Notes $0 of its charter with certificate of organi- do hereby certify that the foregoing is Gross paid in and zation in compliance with the require- a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- Contributed surplus$1,656,437 ments of insurance law aforesaid, cially filed by the Company in this of- Aggregate write-ins for NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread,rice. Special surplus funds $500,000 Commissioner of Insurance of the In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto Unassigned funds State of North Dakota, pursuant to the set my hand ann affixed the seal of (surplus) $203,227,216 provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- th~s office at Bismarck, the first day of Less treasury stock, at cost: tify that the above named company is May, A. D. 2018 (Seal). 74,999 shares common 0 fully empowered through its authorized Jon Godfread 187,498 shares preferred 0 agents and representatives, to trans- Commissioner of Insurance Surplus as regards act its appropriated business of au- Policyholders 210,883,653 thorized insurance ~n the state STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Total Liabilities Capital according to the laws thereof, until the OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER And Surplus 955,969,936 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. OF INSURANCE IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF North Dakota Business Only hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- AUTHORITY for the Year 2017 marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 WHEREAS, the above corporation Life & Annuity (Seal) duly organized under the laws of its Total Direct Premiums Jon Godfread state or country of domicile, has filed Written 11,332.00 Commissioner of Insurance in this office a sworn statement ex- Total Direct Losses Paid 18,066.00 (May 10, 17 and24) hibiting its condition and business for Accident & Health the year ending December 31, 2017 Total Direct Premiums 84174 conformable to the requirements of the Written 3,087,867.00 Abstract of Statement ~laws of this state regarding the busi- Total Direct Losses Paid 1,965,863.00 For the Year ness of insurance Ending December 31, 2017 and STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA of the WHEREAS, the said company has OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ELCO MUTUAL LIFE AND ANNUITY filed in this office a duly certified copy OF INSURANCE In the state of Itlinois of its charter with certificate of organi- I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 2017 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2018. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- marck this first day of May, A. D. 2018 (Seal) Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance (May 10, 17 and 24)