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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 17, 1951     Golden Valley News
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May 17, 1951
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MAY 17, 1951 / THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE FlUE TWo CENTS ]PER WORD /PER ISSUE No ad accepfed for less fl~an 25c ~r Insertion. A sarvlce charge ot will be made for "blind" ads. 1¢ :: FOR SALE--Campana seed bar. I~ ley, also Dem, pster duck foot. Win. Kiedrowski, Beach. 34-2tp i~ FOR SALE--Vicland seed oats. Edwin Buld,haupt, Beach. ' A -.___ 33-4tp 35-2tc FOR SALE--on hand, sewer pipe and fittings, drain tile, septic tanks. Hanson Lumber Co.. Beach and Golva. 34-tfc ........................... WA~tTED TO BUY~Two milch cows to freshen soon. Miles Barclay, Wibaux. 35-2tp FOR SALE---Triumph seed and table potatoes, $1.00" per hun- dred. O. C. Schmitz, Go'lva; come evenings. Phone 18. 34-2tp FOR SALE--Early Ohio potatoes. Paul Mogle. 34-2tp FOR SALE--5-roor~ home in Beach. Phone, lights, gas, well, good garden. Priced right. Write box 224 o¢ phone 205-R. 35-3~p FOR SALE--12 room furnished apt. house, modc~rn trailer court. Reason for selling: poor healt,h. Art C. Huber, Phone 307, Baker, Mont. 35-2tp We wish to announce that we have taken over the Rawleigh pro- ducts route for Beach and com- munity, and will carry a complete line. Call Phone 219LR or Write Mr. and Mrs. Freedom Jones Box 131, Beach, N. Dak. Mr. and Mrs. Freedom Jones located in the Don Wil- son residence one block south and one block east of Noyes Cabin Camp. SALE • Restaurant Equipment Including large electric plate with ven- tilator and fan, counter, table, stools, dishes of all kinds, and silverware. Will sell reasonable as a unit or separately. Beach, North Dakota i! FOR RENT---modern sleeping room, private bath and private enta'ance.See Don Brengle, Beach. 34-2tc WANTED An elderly lady to do house work, also work part time in Dry Cleaning Plant. Write or call A-1 Cleaners, Glendive, Montana. 34.Ztc ,,, •, ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR, IF NOT PLEASED, your 40c ,back from any druggist. T-4-L is speci- ally made for HI(~H CONCEN- TRATION. Undiluted alcohol base gives great PENETI~'ATION powc~r. Kills IMBEDDIgD germs on contact. NOW at WOODWARD BROS. Beach, N. Dak. 34-4tc FOR SALE--need'potatoes. cer. titled Triumphs; by the sack or carload. Reasonably priced. George Sygulla, Golva. 34.2tp See Ed Susa for your fmel and oil || needs. See us for your credit i| .~ terms. Phone 23, Golva, or 32W, Beach. 33-52tc For Twinkling Toes... If you want your toes to twinkle, there's no better choice than this smart low- riding strap shoe with iis breeze-inviting open air de- tailing. Brown and Red Leccther Since 1907 I I 1948 Streamliner "8" If you are interested in a good used car, we want you to look this one over. Body, paint, upholstering and motor, all in tip-top shape. Actual mileage 23,000 miles--four new Firestone tires, with puncture-proof tubes. Also all accessories. We Several Other Good Quality One 1948 Pontiac, 2-door streamliner "8", hydramatic, practically a's good as above, car. One 1947 Pontiac "6", four-door, with gear shift. One 1946 Ford, tudor, in fine shape. 4 Rallard Bros., props, Phone 25 t COMING--5,000 Baby Chicks. May 24. Select your own at Thomas Cream Sta~cion. 35-1tc FOR SALE---2-year old Hereford bull, purebred, not registered. Sygulla Bros., Golva. 34-2tp FOR SALE--Certified Triumph seed pota.toes, red tag, $2. per 100. O. C. Schmitz, Golva. 34-2tp FOR RENT--Two sleeping ~oonus. Mrs. Della. Wicka, phone 169- M, Beach. 29-tic WANTED--part.time helper for service station. Beach Texaco Service. 31-tfc FOR SALE--1950 Ford sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Call 208-~. 33-3tc FOR SALE--Three bedroom house, full basement, gas heat, all modern, large yard all fenced, two stall garage. New- ly decarated interior. Com- pletely insulated also com- pletely re-wired recently. Ideal location. See or write R. M. Miller, phone PA5LJ, Beach, N. Dak. 34-2tc FOR SALE--Spring fryers. Mrs. Earl Schmitz, Beach. Phone 4F-11. 35-1tc COMING---S,000 Baby Chicks, May 24. Select your own at Thomas Cream Station. 35-1te LOST--Truck tire, between my place and Beach sometime Tuesday. Jim Johnstone. 35-2tp News Want Ads Bring Result~ NOTICE OF BALE OF LAND -.----__.. NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN, That under authority of an Order of Sale granted by the Honorable Guy Lee, Judge of the County Court of the County of Golden Valley, in the State of North Dakota. dated the 15th day of May, A. D., 1951, the undersigned, the Administrator ,of the Estate of William C. Zabel. also known as Win. C. Zabel, of the County of Golden Val- ley and State of North Dakota, de- ceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the Judge of said County Court, the following described land, t0-wit: Lots Three ~3) and Four (4) and the East Half (EV2) of tha Southwast Quarter (SWI/4) and the Southeast Quarter (SEI/4) of Section Nineteen (19 ~, Town- ship One Hundred Forty-one {141) North. of Range One Hundred Five (10S), Golden Valley County, North Dakota, less 61/4 percent oil rand gas royalty and 50% mineral in- terest, subject to an outstand- ing lease for rite year 1951, and with the reesrvalion of the 1651 crop. The sale will be made on or after the 5th day of June, A D., 1951. All bids must be in writing and may be filed with the Judge of said Coun- ty Court, or delivered to the under- signed personally. . ....... Dated at Beach, North nagoya, ~n*s 15th day of May, A': D.. 1951. J. M. KEO~, Administrator of the Estate of William C. Zabel, also known as Win_ C. Zabel, deceased. (May 17 - 24) StrlvDgg~NS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golde*~Val]ey I~ DISTRICT COURT Sixth Judicial District Cora M. Blair, plaintiff, -US- ) Andrew Anderson, Union Mortgage Loan Company, a ) corporation, and all other ) persons unknowu claiming , any estate or interest in, or l lien or encumbrance upon the property described in the Complaint, Defe*ndants. t THE STATE OF I~ORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAM~-~D DEFEN- DANTS: You are hereby summoned and re- quired to answer the Complaint ot the above named Plaintiff, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court, of the Sixth Judi- cial District in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a capy of your answer thereto upon the subsember at his of- fice in the City of Beach. in said County and State, within thirty (30~ days after the service oz this sum- mona upon you, exclui~ve of the day of such service, and ease o~ your failure to appear or answer as above required, the Plaintiff will take judg- ment against you by. default for the re]|ef demanded in tl~e Complaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 15th day of May. A.~ 1951. V¢. L. ~1"* , Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Postoffice Address Beach. North Dakota. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: Yo~. and each of you, will please take notice that the above entitled ae" is brou h¢ for the purpose of tmn g • --I " "' quieting title in the Y amzfff and de- privin~ you. and each of you, fOfol. any and "all interest in and to the lowin~ described lands and premises situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, via: Northeast Quarter (NEll) of ~ecfl~n Thirty-four (~4) in Township One Hundred Thirty-seven (197) North, of Range One Hundred Six (106) West, of the F|fLh Principal l~eridlan in Golden Valley Counl~y, North Dakota, and of determining adverse claims thereto ,and that no personal claim is made agaist you unless you appear and defend in this action. W. L. ECKES, Attorney for Plaintiff, Beach, North Dakota. (May 17 - ~4 - 31~ NOTICE OF BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of Beach School District No. 3 will receive sealed bids for the shingling of the Lincoln School Building. Specifications for the .work may be obtain~__,~'om A. A. Abel, Clerk of the zm~r~©~ All bids slmll be sealed and rosy be left with the Clerk prior to 8:00 P. M. on June 8. at which time bids will be opened. The Board of Eduml,. tion ..r~..err. es t.he,~t_~ reject m*y ] OY all D1Qg. ~ll 'DI~ ~ De z*L'~N~- t partied by a certified check in .llie[ amount o~ 5%of bid.the . [ Dated a~ ~eaeh, N. Dak., this~l~h } day of May. 1961. [ Pres. of the Board I M. J. TOBIAS, ] Attest: ! 1 STOPI! NO FISHING IN NEW DAMS If you have been looking foe- ward to catching fish in one of North Dakota's new impound. meres don't build your hopes too high. In ~e first place these new water ,areas~ have ,been clos- ed to fishing, and in the second place you couldn't catch any legal size fish if they were open. Reasons for closing the areas are obvious. Last summer some stocking was done in these new lakes, especially the water be- hind the Heart Butte Dam, and more will be done this summer. Some 1,500,000 walleye fry were planted in Heart Butte along with approxima,tely 30,000 black bass fingerling. Early this spring rePorts reach- ed the game and fish degartment office in the Capitol City that people were catching some of the walleyes. The fis,h being caugl~t, however, were only six and seven inches long, far un- de,r the minimum legal size. As a general rule fish do not grow as fast in the ,winter as ~they do in the summer. One of the main reasons for closing ~he ~u'eas is to give the pl, anted fish a cilanee to spawn before they are caught. Included in the closed areas are the Heart Butte Dam, Dick- inson Dam, Bald Hill Dam, and the Homme Dam. Beef Ceiling Prices Above Local Rates Some housewives in .this city may have been somewhat dis- appointed this Monday, May 14, when the government's new ceil- ing prices on beef officially went ,into effect, when dollars-and- cents ceiling prices on ,beef were to be posted on meat market eotl~ters th,roughout the nation, WANTED Helpers In grain elevators, good eastern Monta- na points. Call or Write LEO TOBIAS, or contact Occident Elevator Beach, N. Dak. because most Beach merchants were selling beef below the new charted prices. Ed Wolt of the Wolt and Presz- ler meat market and locker pl, a~t informs the News %hat the new ceiling prices are on an average a~bout twelve cents ~ pound above their present prices; they handle only choice grade there, and would be entitled to mark- up everything, if they wished to. Mr. Ehlis, manager of the lo- cal Reynolds food store, says these beef prices are also several cents a Pound lower than the new ceilings. One of his sup- )liers, the Queen City Packing Co., of Dickinson, reduced their prices about five cents per Pound on whole beef, the first of this week, wihh most other lo- cal packing companies probably '.ol lowing suit, Beef products at Wal~t's Super Valu seem ~o follow the trend of the two me,rehants ment4oned above in this item; they could up prices on a large portion of their beet', but to hold prices down as much as conditions war- rant. ODLAND RENAMED TO WELFARE BOARD Lewis Odland, Sr., of Beach has been renamed by Governa¢ Norman Brunsdale ,to ~:he North Dakota public welfare board. The reappointment is for a term of six years, from May 4 of this year to April 7, 1957. Also re- named to the ,board was J. W. Matejcek of Lankin. & SUNDAY Large Ice Cream Sundae with lots of topping ONLY Your Choice of Three Flavors Chocolate - Strawberry - Caramel Bring in .the Family for This Weekend Treat. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arnold, props, Phone 97 Beach, N. Dak. e @ @ @ Automatic Mileage ! seats with Double-Seal King-Size i 3 great drives: Conventional -- Overdrive*-- Fordomatic* Check it feature for ature- May is Natioesl Car eoptio~al at extra cost. Fordomatlc available on V-8 models only, Fquipmenf, occes,;orte$ and t¢im lubi.ct to change wlthoul ooti¢.. "Test Drive" - Beach, North Dakota J