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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 16, 2019     Golden Valley News
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May 16, 2019
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- ':" 7: -7=+-+-` .~:: May 9, 2019 Golden ail y News Page 11 Hat Tips By Dean Meyer DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: ? oneer lassi S: A minimum charge of $7 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Classified ads for give-away items can be published free of charge. Deadline for all ads: Noon Friday, preceding publi- cation date. Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: FARM GROUND FOR SALE 348.60 acres in Wibaux County, Mon- tana: Owned by ELLEF F. Farstveet Family Trust Located East of Wibaux (Corner of Pon- derosa Dr. and Truck Route Rd.) Commonly known as the old Helm Quar- ter and now EIlef's Tree Farm TOWNSHIP 14 NORTH, RANGE 60 EAST, MP.M. Section 7: W1/2, South of Railroad right- of-way. Section 7: $1/2NE1/4, South of Railroad right-of-way Section 7:E1/4 Contact Bryant Martin at LUCAS & TONN, P.C. at (406) 232-4070 for details. 36 MCLEAN COUNTY IS hiring one or more full-time Equipment Operator II positions. For more information regarding this posi- tion visit ment/ 2019 ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, ad- dresses, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND newspapers, radio/TV stations, specialty publications. Only $25. ND NewspaperAs- sociation, 701-223-6397. F/S: CITY CENTER MOTEL. Devils Lake, ND. 24 units, attached apartment. In busy tourism area. Selling due to health. 701- 662-4918. Serious inquiries only! PRICE REDUCED! Registered Black Angus Yearling & 2-Yr. Old Bulls. Replacement Heifers also avail- able. For sale private treaty, large sire groups, performance and fertility tested. Delivery available. Trangmoe Angus Ranch. Glendive, Montana. (406) 687- 3315 or (406) 989-3315. 34-42 ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. Are you selling or renting? Pifer's Auction and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer 701.371.8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valuation. Garden Club Annual Spring Plant Sale; Fri- day, May 17th 9:00am-7:00pm; Saturday, May 18th, 9:00am-3:00pm*; Blue Bldg GVC Fairgrounds; *Also on Saturday is the GVC Horticultural Expo with vendors & gardening and landscaping tips; Gift Cer- tificates for the plant sale are available for sale at the Library & Extension Office.34- 36 Sentinel Butte Cemetery annual cleanup. 5 pm, Thursday, May 23 or May 24 in case of inclement weather. Meal to follow at Olson's Service. 35-36 EVERY NORTH DAKOTA newspaper. That's where your 25-word classified ad will appear for only $160. Contact this newspaper for details. ANTI~)UES '-FLE'/~"MARKE'E,' '~atUrda~, May 181 ~f 6m ffam; t0r4 pm inside the Grand Cities Mall, 1726 S. Washington St Grand Forks. More information: Plain and Fancy Antique Mall, 701 775-0714. 1 by Linda Thistle ") 1 7 9 1 Solution below 7 4 3 4 4 3 1 7 8 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. Moderate 00 Challenging HOO BOY] 2019 King Features Synd Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 Yousaidit, N ]3akcta! [wa Hello, Shirley and I attended our oldest granddaughter's high school grad- uation this past weekend. I don't feel old enough to have a grand- daughter that will be going off to college next fall. I'm sure many of you have had, or will have, that same feeling. Harding County is always about the kids. I've told you that before. From the local newspaper to the county fair. The kids come first. And that is the way it should be. The graduation ceremony was wonderful. Carrol Comes was the keynote speaker. She was injured in a horse wreck last spring and is in a wheelchair. She made a gym full of people realize what faith, strength, and love can do for a per- son. If there was a dry eye in that gym full of people as they gave Carrel a standing ovation, I didn't see it. But then I was too teared up to see much. Thank you Carrol. But my real highlight of the day was a young cowboy from Wyoming. Bale is his name. I guess he is 3 or 4 years old. Wears a big straw hat. Wears it with pride. Has a big championship bull-riding buckle that was given to him by a relative. Wears that with pride too. But the thing he wears with the most pride is a knife hol- ster and a jackknife on his belt. Did I mention his roots run deep in Harding County? You could tell by looking at him. Harding County is a place where, I would bet during hunting season, most of the pickups in the school parking lot would probably have a rifle behind the seat or in the back window. I would wager that most of the boys probably have a jackknife in their pocket also. I've known Baze's Dad for a lot of years. He is a cowboy and Baze is going to be one too. I, oeal o ut kid Seeing I was eyeing his knife, the young cowboy came over to me to visit. Now remember, this guy is 30 inches tall and 200 pounds lighter than I. As I complimented him on his hat and buckle, he quickly pulled out his knife. It was a nice knife. Must have been an inch and a half long. Carried it in a holster on his belt in case he needed it in a hurry. He's a cowboy. Now I am sitting in a folding chair and I had to stoop down a bit to be at eye level. I pulled out my good Case jackknife. Well, it's not real good. Only a two blader. Well, one and a half. Slate broke one off while digging in the dirt a couple years ago. Said it was an accident. That will happen. I offered to trade knives with Baze. A defiant no. I pulled a dol- lar bill out of my pocket and of- fered a little boot. A more defiant As I began trade negotiations, Baze leaned forward so the brim of his straw hat was hitting right at the top of my nose. Kind of like a drill sergeant I remember from Fort Leonard Wood. The knife wasn't for sale ! You have to admire anyone that will stand up for what they think is right, in spite of the odds looking a bit overwhelming. I think this little cowboy is going to have an excit- ing life ! Oh, yeah, and our granddaugh- ter, Gracy, was the prettiest and smartest girl in the class! Did I mention that? Later, Dean tl g 8 L I.69 I. 896 17 L L 6 I. 9 8 17 9 L IrE 86 L L 6.g L 8 8 6 g L I. 9 6 t7g 8 L g 9 1. 9 8 tl6 L L g g 'Z" "L" "if' '.Y- 8 6 JaMsuv n)loons plaaM M POSITION OPENING. ROLETTE HAVE A NEWS release or other informa- COUNTY STATE'S ATTORNEY. Full-time tion that needs to reach all ND newspa- position with excellent salary and benefits, pers? ND Newspaper Association can Contact Rolette County Auditor at (701) help! One call does it all. 701-223-6397 or 477-5665. you can email sharip@ndna. LAKE REGION CORPORATION Devils Lake has an opening for Program Coordi- nator. BS in Human Service field required. Starting salary $49,420-$54,808. Contact 662-8681 for information. ENGLISH/COMMUNICATIONS/THE- ATER INSTRUCTOR, Lake Region State College - Devils Lake. This position is pri- marily on-campus with the possibility of some online instruction. Minimum of a Master's degree in English, Communica- tions, and/or Theater is required. Must be willing to become faculty qualified (earn 18 graduate credits) in the second content area. Go to for more information. Please support yourlocal merchants Medora Lifeguard Positions Be a Lifeguard at the Medora City Pool! The City of Medora, ND's #1 tourist destination, is hiring Lifeguards for the 2019 Summer Season! Competitive wages offered. Please contact Gary Ridenhower at or call 701-623-4828 for more information and an application. unning For subscribers, your subscription's expiration date is Oennett Hou All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 Old Hishway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 1 -800-784-2106 houstum@[oreteL net www.federa[ John Germolus Wayne Lee Moriso Corlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider Sue Finneman Licensed Real Estate Agent in N.D. (701) 483-6789; (701) 527-8159 cell; or suefinneman HO~ ~Land (O M P A N Y Real Estate Professionals KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet andUpholstery C aning * Strip andWax Floors * Disaster C eanup Residentuzland Commercial Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 www.keyj Rent this space for only a few dollars a week. Call 872-3755 for more details Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C TElectric@midstate. net. Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call Golden Valley Manor, Inc. Wwki Braden, Administrator Flexible Meal Plans Assisted Living Night Security Activities 701-872-4282 or TI-Y 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. A public notice is information infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed in local newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, for more than Licensed in N.D. and MT1-800-523-5436 on your address label 200years. CHa--~e som~tha--~may ~sworthy ~ FEI]D~cIANI~ Guns N Things thatyou'd like t0 share 0r submit to the,ONSTRUCTION Ill ,Ic " Golden Valley News or the Billings County since 1936 701-872'3317 II/305 N Merrill Ave. Pioneer! II/ Glendive, MT Licensed Contractor II/Guns Bought, Sold, We won t know about it unless you tell us, Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Ill and we welcome submitted news items! Design, Building and Supply, Repaired, and Traded It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item and a phone Concrete, Stone & Brick, II/ FFH Licensed Roofing ill Ernie Huether, Pres. number, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with Furnace installation II/ it. New or remodeling II/ 37'7'-3969 Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer: Building your dreams [l/Firearms Gun Safes E0. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 through 4 generations! IIISrnart Wool Ammunition (701)872-3755; Beach, m. 11/ Reloading Equipment J CASE ELECTRIC (701) 690-7145 casey31269 PO Box 892 Beach, ND 58621 Residential, C mlnercial" Agricultural, Industrial, and Oil Field