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May 16, 2019     Golden Valley News
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May 16, 2019
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May 16, 2019 Golden Valley News 5"; Page 3 Dworshak, Sease named DSU outstanding graduates, File DICKINSON - Allisha Dwrr- shak and Thomas Sease were named Dickinson State University's 2019 Outstanding Graduates at the Out- standing Graduate awards ceremony held Friday, May 10, in the Student Center Ballroom. The Outstanding Graduate Award is the highest honor bestowed on two graduating seniors by the uni- versity. Dworshak and Sease were nominated along with 18 other stu- dents by faculty in their academic departments for exceptional per- formance in their fields of study. Allisha Dworshak, daughter of Timothy and Lisa Dworsha,is graduating from Dickinson State University with a double major in accounting and business and a minor in leadership. After graduat- ing from Dickinson State, Dw0r- shak will be attending the University of North Dakota - School of Law and plans to one day open her own firm. Thomas Sease, son of Ted and Allisha Dworshak Thomas Sease Shelly Sease of Bismarck, is gradu- continue his research on substance ating with a bachelor of science in abuse. His goal is to graduate with a psychology and aminor in exercise doctorate in clinical psychology. science. Sease will be attending the Eventually, he would like to work at University ofLouisianaatLafayette a small university where he can this fall where he will be taking continue to research, practice, and classes in the departments of psy- mentor the next generation of be- chology and biology with plans to havioral scientists. Grazing too early can decrease forage production In an effort to get them out of factors, the exact timing of grazing 'Despite what seemed like a late muddy lots, many producers turned readiness can vary across a state and spring, grazing readiness seems to livestock out on grass earlier than from pasture to pasture, be on track, Meehan says. Accord, normal this spring. While this deci- To address this Variability and ing to last week's monitoring data, sion likely enhanced herd health, it help landowners identify grazing domesticated pastures in much of can have long-term impacts on readiness in their areas, Meehan is the state are ready to be grazed. grasslands if supplemental feed is working with Extension agents Co01-season native grasses, which not provided, says Miranda Mee- across the state to monitor grazing dominate rangelands in much of han, North Dakota State University readiness this spring. North Dakota, are on track to reach Extension livestock environmental "Grazing readiness for most do- grazing readiness in early June. stewardship specialist, mesticated pasture is at the three- "It is important to monitor graz- "Grazing forage too early in the leaf stage, whereas grazing ing readiness of your pastures prior spring can be costly in terms of total readiness for most native range to turnout," she says. "Because of forage production during the entire grasses is the 3 1/2-leaf stage," she the ecological and economic im- grazing season," Meehan says. says. pacts of grazing native rangeland "Grazing before grass plants reach In North Dakota, most cool-sea- prior to grazing readiness, the the grazing readiness phase causes son native range grasses typically rangeland may take years to recover as much as a 60% reduction in reach grazing readiness in mid-to if livestock are allowed to overgraze herbage production, which can re- late May, which is the recom- for many years in a row." duce stocking rate and animal per- mended time to begin grazing native For more information on deter- formance." range. Domesticated grass pastures, mining grazing readiness, contact The timing of grazing readiness such as crested wheatgrass and your county Extension office, visit depends on a number of factors, in- smooth brome, reach grazing readi- cluding the species of grass, avail- ness two to four weeks earlier than sources/gearing-up-for-grazing or able moisture, weather and past native range, permitting grazing in search for "NDSU gearing up for management. As a result of these late April to early May. grazing." ,your clai Before launching' into our main top!c this week, I want to demon- strate that if you hang around long enough you can see history repeat it- sdlf, case in point: federal revenue sl aring. Back in 1967, U.S. Treasury pet- pie were shocked to discover that the nation had more moneythan it could spend. So they started talking about giving some of this surplus to the states and called it revenue sharing. Well, the National Governors' Conference was not about to pass up free federal money so it quickly or- ganized an l 1-member committee headed by Governor George Romney Of Michigan. Yes, the dad. Representing Governor Bill Guy on the committee, I headed for the first session at the O'Hare Airport in Chicago where we hammered out a preliminary draft and agreed to meet again in a month. When we reconvened, we were besieged by every vice president of the National Association of Counties who argued persuasively to include counties in revenue sh iring. So, to keep them in the boat, we promised them a share. At the next monthly meeting, we were assailed by the National League of Cities who claimed to be the back- bone of American society. Besides, if we didn't take them aboard, they would oppose the plan and kill it. So the cities were included. Needless to report, the townships heard of the scheme and demanded a li m for reparations today share. By this time, every'conceiv- able government was standing at the treasury door waiting for the payout. But, as President Lyndon Johnson said, it is better to have them in the tent peeing out than to have them outside of the tent peeing in. So we took them all in. (When you are around long enough, you can even quote Lyndon Johnson. In Lyndon's Johnson's day, you didn't say pee, either.) Now this governors process took about a year, 1968 to be exact. By that time the Viet Nam war had gob- bled up the surplus so there was no revenue to share. But the gears of government were moving and could not be stopped. So Congress bor- rowed the money to fund a 6-year revenue-sharing plan when there was no revenue. There is now muttering in Con- gress about giving reparati.ons to the victims of slavery. Pay reparations to all African-Americans, sort of like backpay. You can bet that if the idea moves to implementation, we will see a repeat of the revenue-sharing fi- asco. Every Native American tribe in America will be filing for a share and they probably have as good a claim as the African-Americans. And if they are not included in the distribu- tion, they will scuttle the program. Of course, when the Mexicans whose land was stolen after the Mex- ican War hear about this, everybody south of the border will put in a bill. These will be followed by the Japan- ese-Americans who were robbed of property in World War II. By the time we tally up all of the damage we have done, many will just look at the price tag, tear up their deeds and head back to Europe. Lessor Items The Legislature held the bill for a new ethics program until the last day and during the noon hour it was stolen To control illegal immigration, the United States is building a wall while the Mexicans are digging tunnels and never the twain shall meet. We finally have a presidential candidate everyone can support. You haven't heard of her because the Democratic field is so full of other unknown candidates Marianne Williamson announced twice before she got noticed. She is for love and peace. Who can oppose that? The people who build bridges re- port that 10.8 percent of North Dakota's bridges are "functionally deficient ." So you can be assured that 90 times out of 100 you will make it across the next bridge. The president of the Board of Higher Education is wondering how many chairs should be set up for the next meeting. DICKINSON - A public input terstate 94 business loop corridor N.D. Highway 22 and Sims St. meeting will be held from 6-8 p.m. on from State Avenue to 10th Avenue Those unable to attend the meet- May 20, at Dickinson City Commis- East, 1-94 East Business Loop (Vii- ing can send written statements or sion chambers, 99 2nd Street East. lard St.) - State Avenue to 10th Ave comments by June 5, to Kyle COmer, The meeting will utilize an open E. project manager, Civil Science Inc house format with a formal presenta- Decorative LED light poles may 235 Sims Street, Dickinson, ND tion beginning at 6:15 p.m. also include electrical outlets and 58601, 701-774-8200 ext. 139, or e- The purpose of the meeting is the brackets for flag poles or other deco- mail discussion of replacing and enhanc- rative features. The project also in- with"Public Input Meeting" in the e- ing of existing lighting along the In- cludes review of the traffic signals at mail subject heading. Measles is not a harmless childhood disease To the editor: that vaccines provide far out- Pockets of our country are ex- weighs any potential risks. periencing a significant uptick in If you're a-parent, talk to your the number of measles cases,child's doctor to make sure your Measles is not a harmless child- child is up to date on all of his or hood illness. It is actually a highly her scheduled vaccinations. This is contagious, dangerous disease that especially important if you have an can even be deadly. But measles is infant, because vaccinating your also easily preventable with a vac- baby on the recommended immu- cine. nization schedule provides protec- There's a lot of misinformation tion against 14 serious childhood swirling around, so let me provide illnesses. the facts: vaccines save lives. For measles, the Centers for Vaccines protect our children Disease Control and Prevention from debilitating and deadly dis- recommends that children get two ease, and they promote the overall doses of the MMR vaccine, start- health of our communities. Vac- ing with the first dose at 12 to 15 cines are safe and highly effective, months of age, and the second dose Large studies undertaken over the at 4 through 6 years of age. years have confirmed their safety If you're an adult, check with again and again, your doctor about whether you're Vaccines do not cause autismup to date on your vaccines, too. and do not contain toxic chemi- We all want our children to cals. Any serious side effects from grow up in a world that is free mvaccines are exceedingly rare, from preventable diseases. The and the protection from disease single most important thing each ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT, AMEND AND REPEAL ADMINISTRATIVE RULES relating to the Adoption of the 2018 North Dakota Plumbing Code Based on the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code North Dakota State Plumbing Board will hold a public hearing to address proposed changes to the ND. Admin. Code. Bank of North Dakota 1200 Memorial Highway Leadership Hall Room 201 Bismarck, ND Tues June 25, 2019 1:00 p.m. A copy of the proposed rules may be ob tained by writing.the North Dakota State Plumbing Board, 1110 College Drive Suite 210, Bismarck, ND 58501 or calling 701-328- 9977 Ext. 3. Also, written comments may be submitted to the address above until July 5, 2019. If you plan to attend the public hearing and will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please contact the North Dakota State Plumbing Board at the above telephone number or address at leas1 10 days prior to the public hearing. Dated this 6th day of May, 2019. Kimberley Tomanek, Business Managel of us can do to achieve that goal is to get fully vaccinated - for our- selves, our families, and our com- munities. You can find out more about the measles vaccine and other vac- cines at Elsa Ramirez Executive Officer Office of the Region 8 Director U.S. Department of Health & Human Services ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMEND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES relating to N.D.A.C. Chapters 75-03-14, 75- 03-15, and 75-03-16 Family Foster Home For Children, Ratesetting For Providers Of Services To Foster Children - Group Homes And Residential Child Care Facilities, And Licensing Of Group Homes And Residential Child Care Facilities And The Creation of ND.A.C. Chapters 75-03- 40 and 75-03-41- Licensing Of Qualified Residential Treatment Program Providers And Supervised Independent Living. North Dakota Department of Human Services will hold a public hearing to address proposed changes to the N.D. Admin. Code. Room AV 212 Second Floor Judicial Wing State Capitol Bismarck Tues June 11, 2019 . 9:00 a.m. Copies of the proposed rules are available for review at county social services offices and at human service centers. Copies of the proposed rules and the regulatory analysis relating to these rules may be requested by telephoning (701) 328-2311. Written or oral data, views, or arguments may be entered at the hearing or sent to: Rules Administrator, North Dakota Department of Human Services, State Capitol - Judicial Wing, 600 E. Boulevard Ave Dept. 325, Bismarck, ND 58505-0250. Written data, views, or arguments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 2019. ATTENTION PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If you plan to attend the hearing and will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please contact the Department of Human Services at the above telephone number or address at least two weeks prior to the hearing. Dated this 9th day of May, 2019. ,Renter's refund application deadline May 31 ,BISMARCK- Tax Commissioner viduals to get their applications in - 20 percent of annual rent ex- Ryan Rauschenberger reminds North soon." ceeds 4 percent of net income Dakota residents that they may qual- Residents may qualify for a re- This program was designed to re- ify for property tax relief, even if fund of up to $400 under the renter's fund a portion of the property tax they rent their primary residence, refund program. Money paid for lot paid as part of the resident's annual Qualifying individuals may be eligi- rent by mobile home owners may rent. Residents may apply once per ble for a partial refund of their rent. also qualify for the renter's refund, year for this program. "Senior citizens and disabled in- This program is a part of the Home- Residents may find an application diViduals may qualify for a refund on stead Tax Credit program and eligi- and instructions on the Office of a portion of the rent they paid for bility requirements are as follows: State Tax COmmissioner's website: housing in 2018," Rauschenberger - 65 years of age or older; or per- For more in- said. "With the renter's refund dead: manently and totally disabled formation, residents may call (701) line application quickly approaching, "- Income is less than $42,000 per 328-3127 or 877-328-7088 (option we want to remindqualifying indi- year 6). just m In a new, easy to search, easy to read format. To find public notices from newspapers across North Dakota, just browseto Brought to you by North Dakota's newspapers and 701-223-6397