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Concern bout !ownship
road damag ; ealredtow h ,s.
Editor/Reporter After the letter went out, Andrew
Some discussion that included the Smith, with the Beach Civil Town-
condition of a rough township road ship, raised questions about what state
seemed to become smoothed over law allows as far as the role of state's
during the May 7 Golden Valley attorneys and townships. Wenko on
County Commission meeting. April 18 sent out a letter to the 10
The issue involved a Beach Civil townships- in the county that ac-
Township road that was allegedly torn knowledged that there was confusion,
up by a Power Fuels tanker track that and that said the county would read-
was driven to a saltwater disposal dress the matter on May 7.
well. A question came up the previous Wenko on May 7 said there are
month regarding how much the two parts of state law plus attorney
county's state's attorney, Christina general opinions from 1984 and 1985
Wenko, should assist townships with that are factors. The April 2 letter was
such matters, written too hastily, and she apolo-
A letter from the commissioners gized.
went to all the townships on April 2, Wenko said she would be required
and it said that the state's attorney can to provide, without charge, a state's
answer basic questions that directly attorney's opinion to county, district,
involve the county and the townships.
However, the letter said the state's at- Concern
torney will not answer questions that (Continued on Page 12)
Shown is an example of one of the Dollar General stores.
(Courtesy File Photo)
Shown is the renovated Hall of Honorees. In the background is the kiosk that includes the biographies of the honorees. (Cour-
tesy Photo)
MEDORA - In its 25th year honoring individu- - Gary Graham, Pre-1970s Rodeo owner of Northern Broadcasting, will be the fea-
als, ranches, livestock and organizations that have - Darrell Hermanson, Modern-era Rodeo tured guest speaker.
made significant contributions to the development - Bob J. Hansen, Modern-era Rodeo The inductees were named on Saturday, May11,
and promotion of the state's livestock industry, -Walter Piehl Jr Western Arts & Entertainment at the annual NDCHF Season Premiere, and the
ranching, or western lifestyle, the North Dakota - Kaye Nelson, Legacy Award newly renovated Hall of Honorees was also re-
Cowboy Hall of Fame has chosen its 2019 in- Formal recognition for this year's inductees will vealed. In addition to an updated look, the room
ductees, commence Friday, June 14, with a dinner celebra- now has a 55-inch touch screen kiosk in a custom
They are: tion at the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Medora. The cabinet laser-branded with the NDCHF insignia.
- Charles Franklin Martell, Pre- 1940s Ranching induction award ceremony follows at 1 p.m. on Sat- The kiosk contains the photographs and biographies
Category urday, June 15, at Tjaden Terrace in Medora and is of every NDCHF inductee, and allows the ongoing
- Gerald Effertz, Modern-era Ranching open to the public. Taylor Brown, broadcaster and addition of inductees for years to come.
By Richard Volesky While Belfield's retail history has
Editor/Reporter included stores that offered all of the
BELFIELD - Something that has above, the city has been without a By Jane Cook
been absent from Belfield's business full-fledged grocery story store sinceReporter
landscape for many years may be de- Cap's Jack & Jill on Main Street Friday, May 10, the students at
veloping, went out of business more than a Beach High School decided to have
A building permit application has decade ago. The proposed site for a "try out" for a Club Fair, inviting
been submitted to the city of Belfield Dollar General is owned by Colby students to participate in clubs
for Dollar General Corporation. The Series 19 L.L.C. of Overland Park, within the school.
application is for a 9,100-square- Kan. The site had been owned by the The Buccaneer Revolution Team,
foot, $750,000 building that would city of Belfield for a time because the which started in 1999, put the fair to-
be built on the vacant commercial previous owner failed to pay the lot's gether so that students might learn of
property just south of the Super- property taxes, and then it was sold some of the activities offered.
pumper gas station east of U.S. to a local contractor who had a com- Leanne Benes, guidance coun-
Highway 85. munications tower located on it, ac- selor, was at a table as students came
Dollar General is headquartered cording to Billings County Pioneer in to direct them to the booths that
in Goodlettsville,Tenn and operates archives, were set up. About 20 clubs are
15,472 stores in 44 states, and has The site is slightly less than 1 available to all high school students
been in business since 1939, accord- acres in size. Dollar General's build- to join, and tables manned by a few
ing to the company's website. The ing would be of pre-engineered of those already in those clubs were
building permit application was to be metal, according to the building per- available. Some clubs' names were
before the Belfield City Council on mit application. Thirty parking also posted on the gym wall.
Tuesday night, May 14, which was spaces would be created. Copeland "Not all kids play in sports,"
after the press deadline. Development & Construction ofsophomore Kennady Myers said.
The company says it saves shop- Chillicothe, Mo would be the build- "So these activities and clubs are of-
pers time and money by offering ing's contractor, fered for those kids."
products that are frequently used and The only Dollar General in North At the booth for peer tutoring,
replenished, such as food, snacks, Dakota apparently is at Steele, while junior Acelyn Bishop said, "In this
health and beauty aids, cleaning sup- the company also has stores in Get- club, students help other students
plies, basic apparel, housewares and tysburg, S.D and Merriffield, Pil-
seasonal items at low prices in con- lager and Motley, Minn. School
venient locations. 2019 GVN/BCP (Continued on Page 12)
ch High
"try out" for Club Fair
Sophomore Kennady Myers, junior Acelyn Bishop, and freshman Jenna Wojahn man the booth
for the Buccaneer Revolution Team, which helped put on this year's Club Fair at Beach High School
on Friday, May 10. (Photo by Jane Cook)
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