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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 16, 1935     Golden Valley News
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May 16, 1935
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THE BEACH REVIEW NTER RANGE SYNOPSIS r Jones. veteran cowman, at- In the little town ot into the death of John Ms- and financial mainstay of Jean. daughter of Campo owner of th~ Bar Hook ranch Where Mason met dearth, to Kentucky's mystification surreptitiously passes to him the bullet which had killed Mason. CHAPTER II ~2---. The inquest was~ over as Kentucky ~ones returned to Kerry's store. He Joined one of the big groups which talked it over on the sidewalk. ~Verdlct come out same as expect- "Oh, sure; 'Accidental discharge of ~own weapon.' The Jury didn't h9Id 0~ more than a minute and a half. ~yl The sheriff wants to see you." ~Vhere Is he?" "He went along about tea minutes qo.~ • "All righL" Xentucky Jones moved off down the ~t In unhurried long stride~ As he ~bed the sheriff's "little frame office ~o~d Hopper was In the act of leav- I~ having Just ejected, with diplo- ~ey, more worried cattlemen than the IRt~ structure could comfortably bold. F~ir Kentucky Jones, however, he re- OIle~ed his door. *'Come in here, Jones." Hopper Jerked a ragged blind downward over the dOor's glass pane and flung himself Into a chair. *'See you got your inquest over." The sheriff puffed out hls cheeks and blew an exhausted blast. "Damnation! ~n you beat this? In the whole Wolf l~nch country, here was Just one man ~t couldn't be done wlthout--one man that as good as held the rimrock cat- in the hollow of his hand--and a and blooeyl He's gone. guns, Kentucky Any other man. a~y other time--" Kentucky Jones waited, studying hlm. There Is a certain type of man who seems fated to pursue public office. ~mehow perversely unfitted for any- thing else. Hopper was such a man. HIS stralght.cllpped gray mustache, his fiat loose-skinned Jowls and full-fleshed eyes somehow unmistakably advertised the public office holder--not Incompe- tent, but definitely limited. "Any other man could have been spared better," he raved. "Even John could have been spared any other time BitgUt with Wolf Bench cattle on the gad edge of bankruptcy, and the l~est beef prices since-- "Does Clive Pierson~be steps into ~son'a shOes, doesn't he?--does he know anything about cattle?" ~'A little, and maybe a little aboul ~ared stiff--ready to stampede. SO~e think already that he'll brant half the outfits on W01f Bench, and the ~k, tO0. If he can save the o~tfits lm~ got his money in. No man knows Where hls brand gets off. Nobody trusts neighbor.'* ~*Maybe It'll adjust," Kentucky of- te~d. The sheriff burst out at him with ~ething very like fury. ~AdJust? It'll adjust like a dogie calf to a wolf ! This throws the whole d--n range out of ~taa~e! And you stand there and tell ~' He paused hopelessly, out of wordS. '~£here you have IL" He lifted and let them fall with a '~his Is a raw edge of tern- is on, I call you Up hers to ask, you a favor~ and in two minutes we re Jumping down eact other's throats.~ "~hat's all right," sald Kentucky. ~*If disorderly condtilct was my field, | expect I might be feeling somewhat Sots-In-the-undershirt myself. "Disorderly t~oaduct ~ tibet," tha |fl~ertff said. ?M~u;" yOu*ll seb plenty howl Half thb ~dge Is sbre ht the other half already. Take the Circl~ ; ~tod~ face to face and Or take---" Bob Elliot's 88 and Campo Bar Hook," Kentucky don't OWD a fi~U~ Of'his r~age. The rest Is leased Indian land. Now El- liot's lease Is out. Them leases have ta be bid for~and everybody knows theft there's more than one big outfit will never let that lease go chea~ Elllo~ depended on Masonite Jet him take the money, for hls bid. Now it's all ove~ the range already that the bank won't-back him. Elliot can't get any quick price for all that landless Stock; he'a thr,~.lgh." "Knd what about Ragland?" 'Ragtsud's"~ Bar Hook could prob- ably stand through the storm. IL it ~a~m't for the misfortune to Elliot. But ltagland's open range is the open range nearest to EIIioL What If El- liot tams and floods his cattle onto the B~r Hook graze?" Jones already knew that the Bar Hook was at least half on public do- 'main. By the cowman(s code Campo ~aa entitled to the use of that range because ~he had developed water upon he had no legal l~old upon r~he ALAN LE MAY by Alert ~ W1NTJ ~rvlc~. ing on extra hands. He's hired on at least six more men Just in the last couple of days, since the death of Mason. You know how It looks to me? Like he's not waiting for the day he'll have to move. Like he's not even go- ing I:o wait the winter out before he starts filtering Into the Bar Hook range." "In that case," said Kentucky, "Bob Elliot is sure a man who enjoys to grab a bear by the tall and go round and round. Campo Ragland will fight like a whangdoodle in defense of its first born." "SiS'e, they'll fight. They'll fight to a standstill l'll have~ full fledged eat. tie war on my hands within a month 1 And what can I do about it? Nothing, by G--di Off in the hills somewhere three or four cowboys meet three or four others, and start trading private opin. lens. Then~wham ! The guns come out, and, one or tw0~ or three go down. No one bears witness, no one lodges a com- plaint~there's Jus~ those good boys dead, and that's all. And two days later there's another killing somewhere else I" "I know," sald Kentucky. "Hell afloat and no blotters." The sheriff grunted. Suddenly a new grievance seemed to occur to him. and the explosiveness came back into his voice again. "I'd glee a hundred dollars to lay my hands on the son of a gun who swiped that bullet out of the inquest. Right out from under my d~n nose, by Cr--d l" "Well," sald Kentucky, "lead's cheap ; it wasn't worth much." Sheriff Hopper savagely pulled off his hat and slammed it on the edge of his desk; it fell unnoticed to the floor. "It'll do 'era no good," he de- clared. "It isn't as if we didn't have the--" He stopped. '"The other bullet?" Kentucky asked. The sheriff seemed to go relaxed and cold, all of an Instant, He studied Kentucky with a questioning eye. "Why did you say that?" he said at last. "Well," Kentucky apologized, "you were Just remarking you had some thing on hand that would take the missing bullet's place." The sheriff's steady stare did not drift from Kentucky's face. "We took a mold," he said at last. "We took a mold of this bullet that's gone." "That was a smart thing to do," said Kentucky. "I expecrJ' said the sheriff. He dropped his eyes, and his hands fidget- ed with the miscellany on his desk. smoky gaze, "that was a very ~ ~range question, Mister, for you to ask. I had a hound dog once, that got In trouble flint way." "Trouble, sheriff?" "By sight running." They looked at each other, two men who had said more than rested upon the surface of their words--one of them unwillingly. Kentucky Jones be- gan rolling a leisurely cigarette; and he grinned, the slow infectious grin that could make a dog follow him. or a woman remember him, or could make a man forget why he had meant to paste him a couple. Sheriff Hopper stirred restively, and dropped his eyes. "I was Just think- lag of something," the sheriff said. "What was that?" "You're a sight runner," said the sheriff again; "but I don't know but what you're a good one. Sometimes there's a uaa for a feller like tbst And that was what I wanted to see you for. That was a good Job of scout~g yOu did for the Cattle asse¢~a- tion laat year; and I--" ~Who. told you I ever did any '~oub lng,' as you call it, for the Cattlemen's association?" "Old Man COffee told me, in the FTyl~tg Pan." "Sometimes Old Man Coffee gets too d--n eloquent," said Kentucky Jones, exasperated. "Well, anyway," said the sheriff, "I was hoping I'd find you kind of at loose ends around here: like as if you might be able to take and do something dif- ferent from what you'd figured to do." "As for Instance?" The sheriff fidgeted. "There's an end hanging loose in this Mason case," he admitted finally. "So? I thought It was all decided that M~son committed suicide b~' mis- take?" Hopper made an annoyed gesture. "The case is closed. John Mason dled of the accidental discharge of his own gun--that's established. But It JUst happens that there's a man has come in with a perjury." He paused. "Yes?" said Kentucky Jones after a moment. "To what effect?" "Well--we questioned him about Mason's death; and later I found out he wasn't where he said he was." "You sure you want to tell me this?" "I'm not telling you anything that ties yon to anything--yet. Now, this feller--maybe he was in sight when Mason got killed. Or maybe in ear- shot. Anyway he lied about where he was---tried to make a foe! of us. by G--d I And I mean to hook him for it." "Hardly seems Important," Kentucky sa!d speculatively, "If there's no ques- tion about how Mason died." " n' " It Is t that, said the sheriff gloom- in your own him, ~that hts herds onto mind taking the time, there's a thing you could do for me that would be an almighty favor." "Come to cases," said Kentucky. • "This man I'm telling you about Is out at the Bar IIook. Now, I realize you're a cattle trader; but oftentimes a feller like you will take a riding Job to fill In with. over the winter, or some- thing--especlally in times like this. Now, if you'll go to Campo Ragland and get a Job. you can find out about this feller for me in a way that I couldn't myself, nor the deputies nei- ther." "You want me to hire on at the Bar Hook and root this feller out for you~ "is that it?" "That's the Idea." Kentucky Jones was looking out the window, down the snowy street. Half a block down. In front of the hotel Jean Raglaud's pony stood. He had seen thin girl but half a dozen times in his life; yet she had singled him out today to aid her in a thing which he did not yet fully under- stand. She had been surrounded by friends, by men she had known all her life; even her own father had been there. Yet. for some obscure reason she had turned to him. Jean Ragland sat her pony with the easy lax grace of young muscles raised In the saddle. Now that she was in her own element again she no longer looked frail and small as she had in the crush of the Inquest, but competent and at home on her horse, as he had known her before. As she passed she looked straight at the window where he stood, and Kentucky believed that she saw him there; but she gave no sign. He turned back to the sheriff. Floyd Hopper smoked morosely in the shadows brought by the closing of the early dusk. "If you want to go out to the Bar Hock for me, I can make it worth your while. What we got to do IS--" "I wouldn't touch It," said Kentucky, "with a ten-foot pole." Floyd Hopper stared at him irritably. "Just because you're gone on Campo Ragland's glrl doesn't have anything to do with this Job. '/'his is for the protection of the Bar Hook people, as much as anything else." "Protection or no protection," Ken- tucky Jones said shortly, "I won't touch It. As far as Campo Ragland's Elliot's Head Snapped Back. girl Is concerned, I'll tell you straight and plain that if Mason hadn't been killed within fifty yards of her door, I wouldn't be here now." "I guessed that." said the sheriff drily. "You guessed it, and now you know it ; and beyond that~to h~l with you i" Floyd Hopper made a disgusted ges- ture. • 'All right. I don't blame you much. It's pretty near too much to ask a man to step square into the mak- ings of a range war that's none of your own. I guess you're smart to stay out of it. all right. I only wish I was---" "Fro not out of it," said Kentucky Jones. The ot~er looked up at him, startled. "I've already talked to Campo Rag- land," said Kentucky. "He's given me a rlding |oh. I'm going out and ride for the Bar Hook until this thing clears Up." The sheriff said with annoyance. "You Just now said you--" "Hopper," said Kentucky Jones, "how long have you known that John Mason was murdered?" It took a moment or two for the sheriff to convince himself that he had correctly heard; but when it had soaked in he came to his feet wlth a lerk. His eyes flared narrowly, but his face was grim ,and tight. "You accusing me of lying at the Inquest?" "Yes," Kentucky Jones said. Floyd Hopper's leathery face turned a deep maroon, and In the shadows his eyes seemed like points of light. "Then," he said, "it's because you know a whole h--I of a lot that I don'L" Kentucky Jones grinned faintly, re. /It his cigarette, and shook his bead. The sheriff's voice was heavy and lar~nt. "Come out with It, Jones! What's your play here?" "I'm going to try to get me the man that killed Mason." They startd at each other. ~Jones," said the sheriff, "let's get this straight with me or which had faded slightly, now deep. S i~ ened again. "You look here, Jones! t ~~ If the time ever comes when it can and the man who murdered him can be turned up--" "Maybe that time," said Kentucky, "is coming quicker than you think." [ J~ "When ll~ does come, I'll make my[ ~: play, and I'll make it stick. In the meantime--think twice, you. before you buck me! You can make plenty trouble if you want ; I've got no doubl of that. But it's you that'll burn if you do l'° "Reassure yourself," Kentucky told ,,, him. "If I can't make a finish play, I'll make no play at all." "I don't know," said the sheriff, "but what you'll go a little farther than thaf if you know what's good for you." "You mean--?" The sheriff's voice was low, but his words had more force than if he bad thundered. "I mean you'll slt out of thls altogether." "I told you what I'm going to do," Kentucky said shortly. He was in a hurry now to be on his way; he want- ed to hit ~e Bar Hook road before the final closing of the dark. The sheriff shouted at him, "You in- fernal-" The door came open, shuddering as It broke clear from the Ice that had formed at the sill. The man who stamped the snow off his boots upon the threshold was stralght-backed and lean-shouldered; hls age was Indetermlnate--he might have been forty, or he mlght have been much more. He had a clean-cut, knife carved face, set wlth blue eyes as clear and penetrating as sharp bits of ice. And he radiated a driving, thrusting energy, so definite as to convey an al- most physical sense of impact. Floyd Hopper said without warmth, "Hello, Elliot"; and Kentucky Jones said, "Howdy, Bob." Kentucky Jones had always been on good terms with Bob Elliot before; but now Elliot looked over the other with a coolly noncommittal eye. "I heard," THE POOR FARMER A farmer was called up before the milk Inspection board and a man in shell-rlmmed glasses asked: "What are you giving your cows now In the way of galactagogues?" "Wall," replied the farmer, "thelr sus- tenance Is wholly of vegetable origin, rich in chlorophyll and opulent in buty- raceous qualities. "H~I, watcher feed yer cows/" asked Shellrim. "Hay an' cawn," replied the farmer. NO WOODSHEDS "When I was a lad I was never naughty llke you." "What was the matter with you, pa? Delicate or somethin'T' Cause for Sorrow "Is your poor husband gone?" asked Bob Elliot said, "you got yourself Job today?" "That's so." "Bar Hook?" ~ ~ "Yes." The boss of the 88 looked Kentucky over again slowly, wlth a certain bleak irony. Then abruptly he turned away, ~breaklng into the painful-sounding cae~innatlons which passed with him for Iaughter. It consisted of a shaking of shoulders and a series of coughing sounds, accompanied by a general pained, cracked-up look, but no ex- pression of enjoyment. While this went on be always turned away from his companions as if the unaccustomed onslaught In truth seized him agalnst his will The paroxysm died away. "And with a face like that," Bob Elliot was able to say at last. "Oh, naturally i Oh, of course I" "I've found it a useful face for fighting a wolf," Kentucky agreed equably. "Still, I don't see--" "Just the brand," Laid Bob Elliot, "that always goes loco over the near- est gimlet-headed girl." There was quiet while a man could count fifteen. "I'm going ~o finish rolling this cigarette," said Kentucky Jones, "and I'm going to roll it right. Then I'm going to see If I still feel the same way about that last remark. And If I do--I'm going to smash your teeth down your throat." "Maybe you are," said Bob Elliot, without emotion. "Floyd, I hear some- body rustled the bullet that killed John Mason." "Uh, huh." said Hopper. "I'm not sure that I saw that done Floyd," sald Elliot. disregarding Ken- tucky now, "but I think mayb@ that I did ; and I think so more and more." Sheriff Floyd Hopper came awake. "Who was it?" *'I don't wan~ to name a name," said Bob Elliot, "unless we can make a test to see If I'm right. If I'm right, the party that took the bullet passed It on to another; and I don't think this second one passed it on. I don't know but what he's Just dumb enough to have It still." "And where is it?" said the sheriff. "I think," Bob Elliot said. "that you'll find the bullet that killed Mason in the clothes of this man here: Kentucky Jones." The three were motionless for a mo- ment. The sheriff stared from one of them to the other. "Look here--" "That settles it," said Kentucky. He smashed Bob Elliot across tbe face with hls open hand. The owner of the 88 staggered against the wall, spun half around with the weight of that open-handed slap. Jones said, "Take care of yourself." Elliot's hand made a whipping snatch at the gun at his right thigh as Ken- tucky struck agaln, this time with his closed left hand. Elliot's l~ead snapped back; he seemed to teeter for a mo- ment, face upward, then buckled at the knees and went to the floor like a dropped saddle blanket. "For G--d's sake get out of here," mid the sheriff. "'Get out of this town| He'll kill you when he comes up." (TO BE CONTINUED) Orlsla of "Yankee Doodle" "The tune of 'Yankee Doodle.'" said S. J. Adair Fltz-Gerald in his "Stories of Famous Songs," "has been traced as far back as Oliver Cromwell's time, when. in words similar to our own, it was sung In derision of the great pro- teeter (or usurper, whichever you like). The air was handed down to the Purl. tans. and finally became a New Eog. land Jig. In the natural order of things, it was fitted with al)proprt~e words hv some revolutionary rhymester, and served such an excellent purpose in satirizing the British troops that it was adopted throughout the coloMes as the patriotic song of the ~ of liberty." a the colored minister of an aged wom- an in his flock who had put on heavy mourning. "Oh no, suh, he ain't dead," she answered. "Then why are you wearing black?" "Ca'se my old man, .he's mah sec- ond, you know, keeps naggin' an' both- erln' me so much Ah's gone into mournin' again fob mah lust husband." ---Capper's Weekly. Qualified Sergeant~Which of you have read books of polar exploration? Recruit (book seller in civil life)~ I have read Nansen's "Through Night and Ice." Sergeant~You are Just the man. Go and report for snow shoveling. Handsome Lamp Po.t First Negro---Dat she' is a handsome lamp-post In front ob de post office. ~econd ditto--She' is. You don't run into one like dat ebery day.~Pear- son's Weekly. Home, Swm~t Home Teacher--WllUe, give a definltinn of home Willie---Home IS where Part of th~ family waits until the others ar~ through with the ear. lt's a Habit CaUer--May I speak to Mr. Bamm the boxer, please? Mrs. Bamm--He ain't up y~ He never gets up before the stroke of tea Defined "Mother, I feel so 'cited W "Excited, child? I doubt if you know What excited mewns." *'Why, it's being in a hurry all over.• BLOWN FUSE L Wlfey (during the spat)--I wasn'l anxious to marry you. I refused you six times. Hubhy--Yes, and then my luck gav~ out. Following "You have a large followingS' °'I have," answered Senator Sor- ghum. "But there have been some low growls which make me wonder wharf the crowd will do with me ff it ovet~ takes me." An Idle Fund "That man has a vast fund of lhfor- mation." "Yes," repltad Senator Sorghum ; "but he can't put a dollar mark in front of it and use it for a campaig~ fund." More Next Week Dora had returned from Sunda) school where she had been fttr the first time. "~Vh~t did my little daughter learn this morning?" asked her father. ~That I am a child of Satan," w~ the beaming reply. New Stroke Golfer---HI, caddie, isn't Major Pel~ per out of that bunker yet? How many strokes has he had? Caddie--Seventeen ordinary, sir, and one apopletic.--Lorain (Olflo) Journal TYPE OF DRESS ALWAYS CORRECT l l I Here is a dress with real charac- ter. Its nice simple lines are made interesting by an original jabot, cut in one with the soft shoulders. Gath- ers relieve any tendency toward se- verity while vertical seams, released into pleats below the knees, define the skirt and give an illusion of slen- derness. It's the type of dress you can wear and wear---every place. So, for a smart spring season, select a matelasse crepe--or one with definite surface interest, of which the shops are full--and choose a lovely new color. Gray and grelge are impor- tant now, as are navy blues and shades of brown. Sleeves may be made long. Pattern 2029 is available in sizes 16. 18. 20. 34, 36. 38. 40. 42. 44 and 4~ Size 36 takes 4~ yards 39-inch fab- ric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address, and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address ~rders to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 243 West Sev- enteenth street, New York City. WHAT HE UKED Proud Author--So glad you like my new play. Was It better than you expected? Frank Frlend~No ; shorter.--- Stray Stories. Imalination's Lavish Purse "What would you do If you had a mllllon dollars?" asked one Com- munist. "Don't interrupt my train of thought," said the other. "I am no piker. I wouldn't bother to imagine anything less than a billion." Non-Huggar Her Mother--I'm afraid if you go out boating alone with Mr. Blush- lngton im might get fresh, Fannie Flippe--N~ danger. so bashful he won't even hug the shore.---DetroitNews. A Good Start ~ "Do you play bridge?" "Well, I've got a set of clubs."--" London Answers.