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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 16, 1935     Golden Valley News
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May 16, 1935
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'Carlyle; ...... NeWS Hr.~~ ~aai ~r~,. 'B. Narum and son Ia~rry m6k'ed~ to Wlbaux lag Sunday where Bill has a steady job with the rDad gang. ~. !' Mr. and Mrs. L. Moline and child- ren were down from Terry sunday i a~d had dinn~ w~ Lee;~ folks Mr. , a~d Mrs. Gu* Mdl~e.. Mrs. Jack Ballard ,l~ft : Saturday ;~ ~orning for Bismarck to get a new ~plymouth, driving on to Minnesota 't~ visit relatives and friends. ~ A large crowd attended the Wheat Allotment meeting at the Carlyle hall on Saturday evening. The meeting: was conducted by county agent Ostby. iMr. and Mrs. Walter Allen of B~aeh spent Mother's Day at the hbme of Mrs. Allen's folks, Mr• and Mrs. H. Bargfleld. Wilbur Hammond went to Glendive Thursday to see how Dorothy was getting along and reports that there is very little change. The U. B. Ladies Aid Birthday Pexty met at the home of Mrs. Chas. F~lton last Tuesday to help her cel- !e~rate her birthday. All present were ii)dt to work piecing a Crazy Quilt, l~er contests were enjoyed and then i~ch lady made a biography of an- other lady friend. Lastly a very tasty was served, and all departed !w~shing Mrs. Fulton many more haP- ~p~ birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartse and child- ren were dinner guests at the E. 'MI. Oold6n home on Sunday. ~!arlyle and Golva played baseball at the Golva diamond Sunday. (]olva won by a score of 11 to 0• The Lutheran Ladies Aid committee have been busy painting the Aid frays. Stefe ~tryzwski made a trip h) Baker to et a load of oats of the iFarmers Elevator FridaY. Tom Fulton has been on the sick list this last week with throat trouble. 'Mrs. Fulton has been hauling the mail. Arthur Martin attended the high school Prom at Plevna on Saturday evening. Chet Stuart and Pete Hai-tse made a business trip to Golva Saturday. Juanita BaIlard it staying at the home~ of Mrs* Gee. Randash while Mrs. Bllard is East. Mrs• E. M. Golden and Mrs. I,. Hartse called on Mrs. Gee. Randash Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L• Sanderson and Mrs, B. Narum and son were Beach shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Sanderson had quite a~ little dental work done. sunset Sentinel **************************** Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert were visitors at the Clifton Sehaal home Monday evening. Mrs. Tent Kirkpatriek and sons from Golva were guests at the Chas. Smith home Sunday. Bobby I,atteral returned home from the Beaci~ hospital the latetr part of the week Bill -WanH~e substituted as teacher for FlOYd Wilson last week while. Mr, Wilson and his older pupils went to the YCL convention. i Mrs. Fred Stacker was a shopper in Beach Friday. Mr. and Mrs Win. Ueckert at; teuded ~be Junior Prom m Sentinel Butte Friday evening Vid~ Smith was an all night guest of Doris Zook Friday night Mr and Mrs Wm Ueckert were guests lasl Snnday of Mr and Mrs Peter Weinreis of the GolVa vicinity ] Mr and Mrs Mike Neudeck fromI Beach" were visitors at the CharlieI Kramer home Sunday afternoon. I Mr• and Mrs. Win. Want~e enter- tained for friends sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Latterall re- ceived word Friday that them son had been hurt near Glendive at a paint- ing job by' falling from a scaffold. M'r. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and son were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Borreson in Belfield Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Latterall and daughter Fran- cis were visitors in Beach Monday with Mrs. Harry Brewer and children Ralph Stacker was a visitor at th( home of his parents south of Senttne~ Butte on Sunday. Charlie ad Bob Kramer moved theirf farthing equipment to their farm near!' Golva last Sunday. I tlu ! Square Butte Mrs. Bernard Wilson and Mrs, Nick Oe were visitors at Einor OI- stads Thursday. Mrs• J. V. Klein and children were visitors at Ed Olsen's Friday. Billy De Vrics is employed at ],yle Martin's ranch Leo Nistler, Lenny Thill and Fasch- ing were visitors at Einor Olstad's ~_ ............ L ..... !!!i ...... ...................... .......... Stomach Gas One dose of ADLERIKA quick- ~ reneves gas bloating,~ clam OUt BOTH upper and lowe~ bowels, allows you to eat and • l& sleep good. Quick, Butte Drug and Jewelry Co. THE BEACH:REVIEW Week moved their personal property to remove all buildings, structures • :. . and obstrucctlOns kept and maintained .... "~" : ........ ' ~ to a farm in Squaw GaD, where the)" by them of every ktnd and~ nature ~'~, within steer on .i hway OPTICAL SPErJALIST ~ will make their future home. No. 10, and that said persons be • Miss Hazel Vinquist qame up from allowed until APril 20th, 1935, to et . fect such removals; that the City Coming " o,o,.o0 0,0 o0 .0e Engineer be ~an$l ~sreb~" is instructe- i GEt" G~t~RTSON : end ag~ her home. Ray young, of Sid. ::: ed to make" a~ accurate survey ' i said street to" determine the property • line bordering on such street, ney also spent the: ~eekend at the and that the City Attorn- ey is hereby instructed to take any : ~ ~ Vinqttst' home. " fi proper and necessary action to effect ~u ,,oa"rac"-ns M'r. and Mrs• Gee. (~lemelits and such removal as may .be nrcessary "l-- ~I--Alty brok. II~S : , , ............. , in tile name of the City after APril Mr and Mrs. S. Stevens visited the 20th, 19R5. dnplie, ated; ~Frames relmlr~l, • Roll being called, all members vet- Howard Vfenberg family south ol ed "'aye", "nays" none. The resolu- tion was declared dulY adopted bY ]]~t~, ~. D., ~ ~@Or r'artf ~0 vcentl:,ud went t0 Brae'., FridayversonM°Ved thatbY CoOk,permissionSeCondedbe bygrantedHal- Of Overstl~l's H.ware 0--. to attend a wheat ~it;:ei'I~g. .Ralph Stacker for enlarging of build- [ ing 12x16, to he built in aceordamce Uli- [ with the City Ordinance• Roll being called, all members voted "aye. --~ l)on't forget the big dance at Ev-l "nays" none. motion carried. ' --" Moved by Woodhull. seconded FridaYln mlMay 17ot e, green Park lon]orro~,V (Frida.y) CoOk,struetedthatto purchasethe City aAUdit°rRegisterbepn3in- T H 1 N ~ evening• Music by the Minnesotans. ment Book. Roll being ealle.. T, ,.. . • members voted "aye'. 'nays" no .... e nnes ans ' Motion carried. P~OCEEDINGS Mayor Halstead presented the name j COUNCIL of Dr. V. G. Morris for the ()tim., April ~, 1935 of City Health Officer. 1 I~ Moved by Alguire and seconded I, We Deliver or Pay the Po~" ," tv Cmmci! ,net in regular sos- Cook that the appointment of Dr. age on ALL CASH maa '"on-- m~'ayL~j"}I'I sion on Monday, April 1st. 1935 at V.G. Morris as City Health Offi,.v 8:00 1-'. ~i. Members present were: for a period of two }-ears be confirm- • ~ Mayor H. H. Halstead,Aldermen ed. Roll called, the vote was as fo~-t Mail Orders .Sam and his City Fellers Robert Alguire, P. A. Cook, C. OR lows: All members voted "ayv". • Halverson, D. L, Logan, H. ~ "nays" none. Motion carried. Thompson and W. H. Woodhull. Moved by Cook, seconded by At-lfJP'll'qil~,l~,lrllr~,T, The minutes of the regular meet- guire that the meeting be adjourned ing of March 4th were read, and up- Motion carried. on motion by Alguire. seconded by l=I. H. ItALSTEAD Cook. were approved as read. Mayor F.i,./a. Ma."'=-__z4 The fellowing bills were present- Attest: SENTINI=L I=IUT'r~ N. DAK. •. --~ ~. ~~ .~, cd to be considered: Regmter of K.H. ALTON _..d Wen Schuh" Orchestra DeeO recor,,i,,g Easements and .ed City Auditor S ic~tions, $2.55; H.obert Alguire, at- tending t~vo meetings of the Finance --]1 Committee, $4.00; l'. A. Cook, at- COUNCIL ImROCEEOINGS ...... tending two meetings of the Finance Special Meeting, April 15, 1935 I I Committee, $4.00; C. O. Halverson, --[[~ attending two meetings of the Fi- The City Council met m a special namm Committee, Comptling and session on Monday, April 15th, ~t Fridau May__31 wr, ti,,~ :,p ,cpo-ts of Finance Corn- S:00 P. M. Members present: Mayo," •- "--- ,.7,-- ~.- mittee, $7.00; Beach Volunteer Fire Halstead, Aldermen Alguire, Cook, FURNITURE Eli Riceand his Band enDepartment'valley Co.,tlaighlumberFire' for$28'00;Culberts,Gold" Woodhull.Halvers°n' Logan, Thompson and $27S.64; Montana-Dakota Power Co., Moved by Logan, seconded by Y[al- gas and lights for Fire Hall, $8.15; verson, that a permit be granted for Montana-Dakota Power Co., 7-1000 the removal of the Episcopal Church lumen street lamps, $5.95; Montana- from Lot N, 50 ft., In block 7, of "gufSaid! ,.owe, ,o, ttunters First Addition to Lot 10, i,* UPHOLSTERING March, $119.87; Montana-Dakota ~'ow- Block 7, of Hunters Fourth Addition. ~ er Co., lights for pump house, $1.50; Roll being c~lled, the vote was as W. C. Schulz, material and gasoline follows: Alguire, yea; Cook, yes: for pump house, $8•20; K. H. Alton, lIalverson, yes; Logan, yes; Thomp salary for March 15th to April 1st, son, yes; and Woodhul|, yes. ~[otio: , oo .,,. ,.,,, __o. AND REPAI March, $125.00; Standard Oil Co., Moved by Woodhull. seconded fuel oil, $27.36; Beach Review, pub Logan that the City Auditor be in- lishing Council proceedings, $7.9,~: structed to issue a lease on 10 acre> , i Texas Co.. gasoline and grease, $12.- of the Dump Grounds for a period ( • ~7; Jess Hougen, salary to March one year for $15.00, cash in advance, on Sunday. so that it can have all the last 15th, $20.00; Jess Hougen, stamps, papable on or before the 22nd d:< $1.00; J. f; Jcall, Corporation Cock, of April, 1935. J. V. Klein finished seeding wheat minute news in it. $2.00. Roll being called, the vote was as ALL TYPES OF FURNITORE Moved by C.ook, seconded I), follows: Alguire, yes; Cook, yes; Hal- for gunmen's Saturday. An .'~ssembly was held Monday Thoml)son. that the bills be allowe,~ verson, Yes; Logan. yes; Thompson, REPAIRED, REBUILT AND UP" Mrs. Ed Olsen. Marion Oisen, and morning at which reports were given and warrants (lrawn on the several .~es, aaa(1 V,'oodhull, ye,~ Motion car- funds for treir payment. Roll beta- tied. Alice Olsen were visitors at Victor by the home economics, agricultural, called, all members voted "aye". Moved by Cook, seconded by At- HOLSTERED AT VERY alAS" Johnson's Monday. and sporti,ng departments with Miss "rdtys" none, motion carried, guire that a permit be granted Gold- en Valley County for the removal of Mr. Victor A. Johnston. Die. Mgr,, eNABLE RATES Harvey Wentland was a visitor at Hudson, Mr, Reichert and Mrs. To. State Highway Dept.. of Dickinson. the Tailor Building. located in Block J V Klein's on Sunday. bias representing them Harold Whit- N. l)ak,, appearcd before the Council 1, lot 6, Original Townsite, to Block • " " in rc~'ard to repairing State Higb: 10, Lots ll, 12, 13 of Nears Addition Alice Olsen is working for Mr. and aker and Charles Cox gave reports way No. 10. or Block 13, Lot 4, Hunters 2nd AO- WHY SEND IT OUT OF TOWNf Mrs. Ed Olsen. of the judging contests in the agri- Moved by Halverson, seconded b~ dition. Cook that ordinane No. 135 regular Roll being called, the vote was as Lawrence Lemire was a visitor at cultural division, while Charlotte ing traffic on Richards Ave. the same follows: Alguire. Yes; Cook. yes; Hal- Sentinel Butte on Sunday. Cox and Helen Kippley gave them for as State Highway Ne. 10 be nassedftrst reading, verson, yeS:yes, and ~roodhull.L°gan'yeS:yes. MotionTh°mps°n'car- CURTIS Sltt Mrs. Einor Olstad and son Harmon the home economics contest. Miss °'~,~oll~Cb,qng called, aU members rot- ried. were callers at J. V. Klein's on Hndson disp|ayed a modernistic book- ed "ayc". "nays" none. Motion ear- Move(1 by XVoodhull seconded b3" ricd. Alguire meetJng be adjourned. Me- Friday evening, end which had been awarded Beach Moved by Cook, seconded by A! tion carried. Billy De Vries was a business vis- for placing first in Art. This award guire, the following resolution be a(t- H H. HALSTEAD opted : That all property owners Mayor itor at Sentinel Butte on Friday. was due in part to several drawings Mong Richards Street, same being Attest: done by signe Fosjard. Glen Fakler ,~tatc tlighway No. l0 within the T~. H. ALTON ~,~ Wilbur Franzen was a caller at city of ~each, are hereby required City Auditor had a few words to say on running. Ed Olsen's Friday. , ,. ,, Mr. Falkner and hrother were vis- The Golden Valley track meet will itors atEinor Olstad's Sunday. be held Friday, May 17th, unless it Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wilson and rains. In this case school will he family attended Play Day at Medora held. on Friday. Graduation excercises will take J. V. Klein and Billy De Vrie~ ])lace May 28th. All the seniors a~e were Sentincl Butte and Beach vis- looking forward to this eagerly. Class :, itors on Tuesday. Day exercises are being planned for Edwin Lemire spent a couple of the morning, also. da~ys wilh Lawrence Lemire. Thursday evening0 May 16th, the Ervin Ueckert, Velma Babcock, and high school glee clubs and grade Harmon Olstad were dinner guests school will furnish entertainment to' at Lloyd Yates' Sunday. the public with musical selections. Iltl. -- These will consist of songs by the i c ool°'n. grade pupils and the numbers sun~ in Dickinson. Everyone is welcome. At my residence in Beach The students regret to hear that rseericleiseon ned oherhomOSat May 18t We all hope that she will be hack soon 11tl, .~ "" Beach High School was well rep- U4~~q$~+~..v..~**÷-~.:¢.-~:.~:..~ resented in the track mee~ held in Dickinson last Saturday. May, r " Trotters News The paxticipants were E(l (.a lson, Ralph Jones, Glen Fakler, Russell ~.-X--X--X--X-~-X-~-X--~-X--X--X-.-X--X--X--~-X--.~-X--X-~ Houck. Russell Ellinger, and John Vfm. Reichert returned from thesunday and is R ; ......_ At 1 P M Sharp Glen Fakler showed np well for feeling fine. • • Beach in the 100d yard dash and, L.H. Callendar and Mr. and Mrs. broad jump, winning a total of 8 C. tI. Callendar were Wibaux and points which placed Beach second iu Beach callers saturday. the District Conference, with Dickin- Announcements have been received When thefollowingarticles will be sold: s~n in first place. Glen qualified for here of the ffirth of a son to Mr. and the state conference. Mrs, Fay Smith of Glasgow, Mont. The final issue of the Student Cry Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Glad- 3 BEDS, COMPLETE ALL KINDS OF DISHES will be published about May 27th, yce Madison. The staff wants the final issue late Norman Nellermoe and family last 2 DRESSERS ALL KINDS OF CLOTHES ' 2 BOOKCASES ALL KINDS OF BED CLOTHES ] [[ 4 ROCKING CHAIRS LUMBER, TIMBERS, POST8 t ' 6 COMMON CHAIRS 1 PUMP 1 LIBRARY TABLE 1 600-LB. PLATFORM ~CALE I,.,% /.,,,~ I~ I1..II=, 1 ROUND DINING ROOM TABLE 1 TIN FEED BIN ~: Uk.)i / 1 KITCHEN TABLE 50 FRUIT JARS D-'YE 1 KITCHEN CABINET ALL KIND~ OV CANNED GO01~S1 PORK BARRED 2 ALARM CLOCKS YOUR HAIR o,,- ,oo 2HEATING STOVES OUS TO MENTION {: L A I R 0 L TERMS OF SALE CASH--No goods re Dyeing the hair .~unds like a desperate ' measure;..whynotClairolit.,.ihe until settled for modern way of treating hair? Cloirol is a scientific shampoo oil tint that cleanses as it II II ~1 reconditions as it tints. It does not leave the hair sti[fondbrilt'e~sdoordinarydves.~ Ed Summers Clairo~ treatment takes but 90 minutes~. Clairol will be a revelation to you in hair beautification. Make an earl,/appointment. ASK FOR CLAIROL AT YOUR FAVORITE BEAUTY SHOP J.E. Trollope, Auctioneer OR WRIT~ TO CLAIROL JNC., 126 W. 46th ~T., Ng'W YORK CITY