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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 16, 1935     Golden Valley News
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May 16, 1935
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# THE BEACH REVIEW Published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota H. E. ENDERLE and D. A. WALLACE, Editors and Publishers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance as second class matter September 18, 1931, at the postoffice at Beach, North Dakota, under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates furnished upon request. paper of the City of Beach and of Golden Valley county PLAYDAY HERE TOMORROW L.'_,~Z :E_L - The an, nual Golden Valley County Playday is sched- to be held in Beach tomorrow add hundreds of chil- from every school in, the county, both rural and in various towns, are eagerly looking forward to the Playday has proved to be one of the big days of year for practically every school student in the county, particularly those in the rural schools, of course, and present indications and preparations being made by in charge, an affair bigger and better than ever be- is in store for all. Local school officials, together with .the Lions Club, are working hard to make Playday an even ~igger success this year than it ever has been before, and Lihe cooperation of all is urged and anticipated in putting ~it over." Extra features this year should add to the interest in ~la, yda$- The free movie for • children, in the afternoon is One thing that is immensely enjoyed by all the kids, some ff whom have never seen a moving picture show and pro- ably would not have an, opportunity to do so for some otherwise. The presence of the Sentinel Butte high School band here that day is another feature that is highly COmmendable, it bein~ the only high school band this side Of bickinson. The very fact that a band is present always :~ems to help the general spirit of the day on, such occa- Si0ns, and helps to create a holiday atmosphere. With any good fortune at all in weather, Playday this ear seems destined to be one of the outstanding events 1935 in our county, and the efforts put forth by those | ~ho have worked to make it a success, will have been re- i~arded. REMEMBER POPPY DAY | iHdw long is public memory and how enduring is na- |! iiOnal gratitucle ? This question, will be answered in bright | red poppies worn over the hearts of all who remember [arid are grateful to those who sacrificed their lives in the | llation s defense seventeen years ago. The women' of the American ,Legion Auxliiay will |~istribute the flowers on the streets. They remember. "~o| :~O_me of their own lie in the poppy-studded cemeteries in [ I~Vance. Ever since the war they have been devoting their ies to aid those left dependent, to help those who back disabled, and to carry on in peace for the cause democracy. And on Poppy Day they will give services so that the rest of us may show that we, too, ~ember. The money which goes into the coin, boxes of the i L l~py workers will all be expended in the welfare work ,~:the°" Legion and Auxiliary during the coming year, the . illk of it right here in, our own city. Thus the little poppy :yill give us an opportunity to prove that our money and Iratitude for the sacrifices made for America during the t~ar still enable us to honor those for whom we can do ~o more and aiding those yet within reach of human help. County Times. issioners' Proceedings llll of North Dakota ss" of Golden Valley A. M., May 3rd, 1935. The of County Commlssionera met to adjournment with all present. Margaret Thein appeared be- Board in regard to purchase house, located on part lots and 15, Block 4, original town- Beach, N. Dak., and agreed $500.D0 cash for same and by the Board. appeared in regard printing. Anna Vlasoff appeared be- Board relative,, to Pete Cook. derided to transfer him County house, rather than in- payment to Miss V|asoff for from $7.00 to $15.00 pay- County. Albert Anderson appeared be- Board re|alive to payment bill for Mr. Anderson. agreed to pay tile bill if he to, and he could work ' Doyle appeared before the , in regard to land which he described as belonging to the ¢. The Board cheeked the de- and found s~tme to "he p. Auditor was instructed to laolicy witil the National Lib- asurance Co., on Tailor shop the St. Paul Fire & Marina Co.. on ,~cherle residence, having been sold, and return of unearned prem- Clyde Poly appeared before relattve to relief for Ole of Sentinel Township. Board to allow, not to exceed three and bna~a, at Thee- Wyoming, and not to ex- week and railroad and return and $18.~4. adjourned 12:00 noon. met at 1:00 P. M. with all bids were received as per advertising for grader, Bids on file sa for Ktlzer on No. 43 Contrsct- second hand machine amount of $1000.00 received Sheet & Iron Austin Contractors Special 0Gr~ler, for the amount of W. T. Craven, received J. D. Adams Co., ~levat- No. 42, for the amount of $3365.00 less 2 per rent discount for ,..:ash. By Mr. J J. Niehenke, received from the Tractor & EquiPment Co.. Caterpillar Model No. 42. Sidney, Mont.. for the Rmount of $3305.00. less 2 per cent discount for cash. After due consideration of bids submitted. Conlmissioner %Vosepka made a motion to accept the bid of the Tractor & Equipment Co.. Sid- ney, Mont. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Odland. and all mem- bers voted "Ave." Motion carried. The Board of County Commissioners entered into a contract to place an order for Model No. 42 Elevating Grader for the price of $3365.00 less 2 per cent discount. Check of Tract- or & Equipment Co. held until de- livery of Grader. Chairman of Board and County Auditor signed deed to Auditor's Tract A-12, part of lots 13. 14 and 15, Block 4 original townsite of Beach, N. Dak., to Mrs. Margaret Thein for the amotnt of $500.00. Chairman of Board and County Aud- itor assigned policY of insurance on building to Mrs. Margaret Thein on order of Board. Mrs. Thein paying $6.83, bt:ing unearned premium on policy. It was moved by Commissioner Od- land that the following resolution be adopted. WHEREAS. pursuant to orders of the Board of County Commissioners. all persons interested in the purchase of the old Mat Luntzer tailor shop. owned by Golden Valley County. were instructed to file l~tds for the Pur- chase of the same, and WHEREAS. M. J. Prociv and Joe Proetv filed the highest bid, being in the amount of $186.50 for the same. BE IT RESOLVED That the actlon of the County Auditor in receiving said bids be. and the same hereby Is approved and confirmed, and that the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor be. and hereby are authorized to execute a bill of sale for said building to such bidders named, BE It Further Resolved That said funds derived from said sale be plac- ed in the Court 1-louse Sinking Fund, Motion seconded by Wosepk% and upon being put to a vote. all com- missioners voted "aye" Kffd resolu- tion was declared adbpted. It was moved by WesePllk@ that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS ITPON THE SALE OF THE J. A. lVHler house the sum of $500.00 wa~ received and the taxes thereon at the time the County ac- quired title was $164,80. and WHEREAS After payment of such taxes made there will remain sum of $335.20 as an overplus to the County upon such sale. and WHEREAS IT appears to the Board lhat it is to the best interests of Oolden Valley County to pay bonds chargeable to the Court House Sink- ing Fund to save interest on such bonds. Be it Therefore Resolved That the said sum of $~35.20 be Placed in ths Court I~ouse Sinking Fund for pay- ment of such bonds. Motion sa~onded by Odland, and THE BEACH REVIEW , • |, ~,,, -- THINGS THAT NEVER hnvw:, upon brier put to a. vote all com- nlissioners voted "aye" and resolu- tion declared adopted. The BOal'd lease(l aR of section !)--142--105 to D. I~. Kukowski for one year for the amount of $10.00. Upon applieation of F. J. Haigil permission is greeted l)y tile Board of ('OUllty Conlmissioners tO there his beer l)a.rlor from Lot 2 in Block 12 tO Lot I0 in Block 16 original townsite of Go[va, N. l)ak., and to rise the license issued to ]lilll on Oct. 4th. 1934 at Sl.h.h new lee:Ilion. County Agent Ru,ssell appeared ~,,~- fore the l:~oard relative to County l~oard signing for aid ill (;rass topper rm tirol. ~lovod hy ()dJand. seco ]fed by VY'o- sepka, that the chairman of the I~oard be, and hereby is authorized to mare apl)licalioa for Federal Aid ]I' ( ;r:,sl)o])per CO?HrOI. I'pon I)('~n~ I,tlt to a vote. all ('mnmissioners vot- ed "Yes" and motiou declared car- ried. Board :~tljom'?led :tt 5:30 P. M. to meet nt 9:~)0 A. M. 5T'y 4th, 193~. 8:3fl A. M. May 4th. 1935. Tbo I:~O}ll'd O[" ('U Ill .~ ( ClllnllSSlOllers lnet l)ursuant Io iI dJournnlellt with all nleI~tbers ill.cSellt . Mrs. T'enn y anti Mrs. Ameal Schaefer a.Ppeared hefore the Board to make arrangements for groceries. now -~la.t they have heen removed from Federal relief. Matter taken under advisement Ed C.arney and Christ Stokken ap- I]ea~ed before the Board relative to road petitions in Delhi township. They were allowed to amend peti- tion filed Sept. 1934 by securing new petition. Mrs. E. A. Ernest and Elnor Nord- by appeared in connection with care of indigents at County House and discussed relief persons: Under Fed- er~al regulations tlie Federal govern- l)'~Jl]r ISSUES lie lurtil~*r I'(~{e~" tO ua- employables and County must luruish everything for operation of County House. Commissioners agreed to ad- vance Mrs. Ernest, as County pur- chasing agent, $9.00 per month for food "and supples, for each person iu Counly House. There being three persons in the Coullty home, tile Board authorized fasnanee Of warraut for the amount nf $27.00 for tile month st May, ~'h's. b]rnest to fur- ,'lish itemized statement Of exl,endi- lures and tO ac(-ollut I0 tile Board for any unexpeuded halanco. (?Ollilt Hd}lt)r iIISIIueIo(] tO II()ti- fy T. E. I'lud~on that County will not he resllonsibh; for rent on Mrs ,Tobit Pierzilln's heuse, site having ma rried. rloard allowed lots 22 az~d 23 in Rloc.k 2 Hunter's second addition for gardel~ of County house. Mr. Nordl')y notified the Heard that IIO further iq'c, | (* ~:'i"~ re,h..I ;VI ,laid ha exli.tldi.d lilt(| (-'OUll|y 1voUld have to :l:~k, Ullle ¢!(lnli)lett~ (ulre of the fotlow- ill~ PerHOtl.~;: ll'~,'ill I,~al~,s, i'elcr Cook. .To/ill (~reKorv. l{r,se lI:lltCrnl,gn, ]:~(,r- /D/in ](elttler. St.. A [,. Cunning- ham. Emma. t~,lusil. Rertha Mvrmm ~i" I I 1 . .Xi Illicit (h!O Nil|tel'. \'~fflter lq'llriy, ,JoReDh Iqosik. Mrs Walter ] '(!llnv. I'll | ;t ]{OIIR[!. -%] l". and Mrs. A Ine:ll Seila (~fcl'. ~,]r. nnd Mrs. A. A1 . Siod(hu'd nln] Paul Thoemk,,. ~oard t.ook lad 1 for Of (':ire Of such persons nnder advisctnellt. Gee. M~)g]e appeared before the Board rehltivc to securing work on the grasshoppe.r extermination pro- ffram Made applieatior] for work On the program. Board informed him ttiM he would have the ~ame work tf the PrOgTa~r/ wds tnlken up. R6ard adjourned at 12:30 for noon. Board rceonvened at 1:00 p. M. with all members present. The Board authorized leasing to Andrew Carlson six acres in Glen- ffaven Park for $10.00 for 1935 Ralph Moaser appeared and asked permission to complete work of pois- oning pralrie (lo'~s b] 7'0wnsnlp 143- 103. Board authorized work not to exceed four days. if any work ne- cessary. Mrs. Lurille Tlnl[and :tppear,~d ask- ing for relief, q'he 1~o3r,] fouud that she Is a residcq~ ¢,f N:,trl( cou-.u, alld ordered the Htate's Attorney to write to Stark county about the matter. The Roa.rd oalicd in Doctor Lyons for consultation on county matters. Mrs Penny g~tld Mra. Schaefer aP- Peared again asking for relief. The Board Rave Mrs. Penny an order for $5.00 for two weeks and gave Mrs. Scbaefer anorder for $g.00. ,loire l~ierzna and Bert Palmer aP- peared re/atlve to the County Beer regulations. t.:ommissloner WosePka presented the following resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLUTION WI4EREAS. The Resohltion passed by this board on April 6th. ]935. pro- viding for the regulatiou and li- censing of the sale of beer at retail provides that no beer shall be sold on Sundays. and WHEREAS. Vendors of beer at re- tail have appearsd before this Board nnd asked that some change be made Jn such Provision. and It appearing to the best interests of the County that such ehan~e he made. NOW. THEItEPORE. Be It Re- solved that Section g of such regu- lations be ~anged and amended to read as follows: That No sales of beer shall I~a made on Sunday Prior to the hour of 1:00 p. m. or after the hour of 7:00 1'. M.. uor on el| other days between the hours of 11:00 o'clock P. M. and 7'00 o'clock A. M. nf the. next .~uc- ceeding day and no beer what- ever shall ba consumed or vehl upon 8~id Prom~,sos Guring said prohibited time. t3o It Resolved Further. That all ~eaXts of such regulation in eohfl[~t rewlth be, and the same are, rv- p~led. At the request of Chalrmsar ~lt't(- patrick, Commissioner Odland took the chair. Conlmissioner Kirkl,atrick then second,.~d the motion, and upon being put to a vote, the followir.g vote was had: Woscpka, - Ye~i Od]and. - No Kirkpatriek. - Yes Motion was dectared carried and resolution adopted. The Board authorized the Clerk of Court and Register of Deeds to h~tve a clerk lo assist in his Oilier for teu da ys. 5:00 P. M. Boa~xl adjourucd t, meet May 6th, 1935. 9:00 A. ,M. May 61h, 1935 lhe Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment witit all members present. A. M. Stoddard appeared i,etole the I~oard in regard lo poor relief. The Roard agreed to allow him au order for the amount of $5.00. Commissioner %Vosepka pr6sented the following resolution and moved its adol)tiou: RESOLUTION WHICI*,EA N On May 4th, 1935. BerL I'almer filed an aDI)lieation to sell beer at retail whieh said appli- cation is in due and regular form. and WHEREAS. It appears that said application shoukl be granted and li- cense issued thereon, and that the ~equirement that application be filed five (5) days prior to the meeting of the Board ~t which the same is granted should be waived. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVI~D, That C,o]den Valley County do issue license tn sell beer at re- tail covering the following descirbed premises in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. to-wit: That certain brick building and in the lower floor or basement thereof, located on the North- ~ ast Quarter, (NEPAl of Section iX, (6) iu Towtlship One Hun- dred Thirty-Eight (138 I, North, of Range One l~Iundked Five. (105). West. of the Fifth Prin- Cipal Meridian in Golden Valley County. North Dakota. the said Bert Palmer having paid the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for said license, and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners amd the County Auditor are authorized to issue satd license on behalf of Gold- en Valley C.ounty. Motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Odland and upon being PUt to a vote, all Commissioners voted "ave" -and ttlc motiou was declared adopted Commissioner ~Vosepka presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WI-IJ~REAS. On May 6th. 1935, John Pierzina filed an application to sell beer at retail m (}olden Valley ~ounty which said al)pllcation is in duc and proper form. and WHEREAS, It appears that said application should be granted and ]i- ('ense issued thereon and that the ~tPPlJcation be deemed timely filed and the requirement that same be filed five days before meeting of the Board at which llcense is issued be waived, NOW THERI'~FORE. BE IT I{E- SOLVEb. That G'olden Valley County do issue license to sell beer at retail covering the followinK: The West 290.90 feet of the S W ~ SW I~ of Seetiou 24-140- 106, the said John Pierglna having filed receipt for payment of $50.00 ns re- quired by regulations of this Board, and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the County Auditor be and hereby are authorized to issue license on behalf of said county. Motion was seconded by Odland and upon being U[ to a VOte, all ecru- missioners voted "aye" and motion wqs deeP,red carried and resolution t~dopted. Roard adjourned 12:00 noon. May 6th. 1935. Board reeonvened at 1:00 p. M. with "til members present. George Nutter appeared before the P.oard regarding his old age pension apl)lieation. Upon reconsideration the 12card decided to allow him a pen- sion of $I50.00 her year and entered :tu order accordingly. Rertha Myrmo appeared before the l;oard and made application for old a~'e Pension. It was moved by WO- scpka that she be allowed old age pension of $150.00 Per year and that no notiee of, hearln~ be l~iven. Mo- tion seonn([ed Ly Odland and earried end order duly signed. Aisle Schrom appeared before the Roard relative to securing transport- ation baok to Minnesota. Matter taken under edvisement until Mr. Nordhy could be interviewed. Board proeeede¢t to a consideration Of names to he snbmitt~! for aP- nointment to the County Welfare Board to have charge nf County re- li~f pursuant to ~rovlslons of House Bill No. 362 of I9.~5 Session and submitted ssme to State Welfare Board. Commissioner Odland ~,r,~m,rlte,+ the following resolution and moved it~ adoption : R~SOLUTION W~tERI~AR. IT. B No. 3~ Passed by the 1935 Session of the North Da- kota legislature requires that thls Board shall make the appointment of members of the County Welfare,, l~oard With the ,~dvice and aplaoval st the 8tats Welfare Board and WHEREAS. Thta Board ba~ ~nr,- mitted the names of persons to be appointed to the Count/ Welfare Board to conslet of seven members, to the State ~'elfare Bosrd. and VeH~REA~q, The law provides that the Commt~ioners may provide for the payment of expeeses to th~ membet~ aprmlnted to such 18card. and It .aPl~l~ thst in f~ tO Persons aetlng u~m suvh ]~u'd, ex- Penses for meet/ngs necessary should be ])aid hy Gotden Valley County, NOW, "rl[l~HH,:FOitl~, BE IT RE- SOLVED, That the members of the County %Velfare Hoard shnll receive as exl)en~es for services upon such Hoard the sUln of $1.00 p0r nlcetil!~ attended I,,t" such iTlelllbers, and five eeat:s for each Ini]o actultlly and ne- cessariiy trave]ed to and from au('h n, ceting, payn,e It to be n]ade by th's ('ountv upon ite,nize(I statements ap- proved by the Board. ~lO| iell see(reded by Commissioner W()~cpk;I nnd nl)on being ut a vote ;all ille]nbers voted "aye" and lno- tit)l, %vas (lec]are(] c~rrled and reso- lution adopf~d. "J'he fo]lowlog bills Were audited. approved and ordered paid snhJeet tO personal property taxes due or ~e- ]irttllleIIt : Mrs. I,]. A. I-:rneat, rare O( poor .................... $ 27.,)f T. 2\. (;i]nlHn. dr:tyafft, .... 6.50 A. I']. ]{Hstiell. ,':li]ro:lll fare to and from 1)ieldnsrm .. 2.60 i{;I IISOll i,,llnl)er ;lilt| t{ard- %ell i'e ("o., hlni~;i.r and paint, ...................... 9.12 S('iiFo0(ler }laFdvvaI't% lll.'/t{,i'- iai for court house . ..... 3.70 .~Irs. Ann 1,~rnest. (,are of Cecil (Iross .............. .1.50 Swat,- 1,'im.l~ Oil ('~Iq,., ~'ense for tractor nnd flSr grader . ................... 136.5~ In'. V. ( ]. .Morris. exanlJl)~l- tion of %Vin. (~ordoe and meclillg of ]~()ard ...... I" i~ 1 Ed Kw,~'h. lnl,or tm water systen) at coilntv tltn/~e.. 2. "tP St. .loire's (,rlqlall:,gl,. care of ]lownrd ;Ind ('urtis hlusil .................... :i0 Ill (']la us l:ish,>v,/, rel)airiw, z le~t (y NI]l'f~l ('~¢ alld one fnlle0t .................... 7.0/ Beach ,~dvalHCe. for |)l'illtillg silori~":~ l~ot ioos .......... 5.0G Rlan(~i]e IL Mover, lo right #it' %Vak :tt)d Iff)I'I'OW 1)i|S nil Lots 6 and 7, Block 1R. Ne:tr's let Arl(t, to t~caelh N. Dak., nnd NI,I~4 of see- tion 2|;--140---10~; for IT. S. Highway No. l0 ........ 60.00 T. l~. 1,:ls~ell. Wel(iieK On ('OUIItV l P:tclor . ......... 10.00 Aaron SliOOk. (-~O;11 for cruet house and Couuty house 13,25 Herman I,'. l)ie|z, Mileage g.65 Ti~e |~tobe-(Jnzotte Ptg. Co., 50 blanks form 03143 .... 1.7¢; "Phe Beach Review, Printing 156.9! ~[I'S. Anna Meyer, Meals for tra nsien|.q ............ 20.|;|} • 1. i'. ,~nrcnst)ll, t[eIlairs for tra0tor ................... 33.10 l':rnest l~. ?',relsoa, V¢orl¢ (hi So,~,] l,oa ns .............. .t0.00 1. I':. llel-ln, exlr.,elit~g t*.elh for prmr , ................. 1S.00 }{. (i. Kinmarek. Sheriff foes and mileage ........ 13.00 I'+,:lt'| ["r('dri