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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 15, 1941     Golden Valley News
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May 15, 1941
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, Opening Game: W MAY 18th, 1941 General Admission 31c, tax lc; Grand Stand 9c, tax lc. Charles Seger of Minot will pitch for Beach. This is a league Arrangements Made For Bad- lands Bible Camp [~he ninth annual Luther Leagu B~lla~ds Bible camp will be held at the Buddy Ranch near Medora June 11~17 and 18-24. The camp will be ln~:: session two weeks this summer, with different students registered for each week of the sessions. Each week o~.s on a Wednesday night and rt~'s through the next Tuesday ev- e(~ g. The annual attendance at this c~p is. from 350 to 500 young people wl~ come from western Dakota and M nt na. 'q~e 'fa~Rlty for the first week are 'I~. ~V. S.,L. Almlie of Miles City, M~t.;;Y:~he;Rev. W. L. Ellick~on of .~the Rev. Karl Stromme of Bux- ~: D.-The faculty for 'the sec- week will be The P,.ev.Ernest ~'b, Manltowoc, Wls.; The Rev. C~iE. Frost, WillistorL N. D.; and ~ary Reidar Daehlin of China. will be conducted each week d~ during the forenoon. Afternoons a~e largely devoted to recreation. Ev- ening services are held at 7:30. fol- M by informal campfire servlces in which campers take part. Sundays feature sunrise services, morning and afternoon worship services which ,~ general public are invited to at- ;~Camp management is as follows: I~V. Oliver Everette, Beach. manag- ~a~T. Lokensgard, Hettinger, as- manager; R. A. Normann, of "4V~t/ord City, treasurer; O W. Lok- ensgard, Arnegard, camp dean Annie M0rland, Scranton, secretary; E. M. Sletten, Taylor, registrar; Kermit Perhus of Marshall, dean of men; Norma Hegge of Minneapolis, dean of women; Mrs. E. M. Sletten, Tay- lor, camp nurse.. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Longstreth of Dickinson were in Beach Monday of this week and while here were guests at the Bud Miller home. Episcopal Guild rumnm~ sale Sat- m-day in the church basement. Paul Horn, who has been located at Brusset, Mont., the past several months, was here for a few days visit this week. He returned yesterday morning. Herman Geyer who had spent several weeks with Mr. Horn helptng with the farming operations at Brusset returned to his home here. Last Friday Miss Alma Snydal left for a few days visit at Valley City. She was accompanied by Mrs. T. M. Leverson who alao visited there, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Schmitz who went on to Jamestown to visit Mrs. Schimtz's parents and Mrs. Kowal- ewski, who went to Moorhead to visit her son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kowalew- redO. The party returned here Mon- day of .this week. LOCALS A miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Anne Ziegler was held Wednes- day evening of last week at the Earl Mr. and Mrs. Spud Adamson spent Miller home, and the bride to be was Mother's Day at the parental Adam-~the recipient of many nice gifts. son home in the Sidney community, Mr. and Mrs. Karolac and son of returning to Beach that same even-[Albany' Cal., stopped a~ the Davidson ing, I home the first of the week. They Miss Ada Bovey leaves today for were enroute home from the ABC various points in Ohio on a vacation bowling conference at St. Paul. trip, planning to begone about two Mrs. O. Ft. Niece wa~ hostess to months, the Social Hour club at her home on Walter Petersilie, now a corporal Tuesday afternoon. FOR SALE---Certified Bliss Triumph FOR RENT--Room in modern home, FOR SA~round potatoes. Now is the time ~o get reasonably priced Phone 54-W. and wheat $1.00 per good seed potatoes. $1.50 per bu. i ground corn and cob Limi':ed supply. Golden Valley Po- FOR SALE--Red Triumph seed po-ID. Logan. Beach. taro Growers, John Fakler. See., ~atoes. Certified seed last year. Beach, N.D. 31-2tp $1.00 per bu. Clyde Polley, Sent- _ inel Butte, N.D. ltc W~;TE-D--0id hens. Park Cife~--Itc WAN----TED-----To-buy sec-ond---h'~-d ~nUs-ic SCRAP FoR---S~-Certi-~ed B: 'on- ue' ag cabinet. Call 101-R. [ I WILL BU¢ C flax at Clayton Worst Seed House, Farview, Montana, and Farmers WANTED---Pasture for 200 ewes andBEACH FOR TEN Elevator, Sidney, Montana. Price lambs. Write or call Earl Schmitz, GINNING TODAY, $2.10 per bu. Bags not included. T. Beach, No. Dak.. Route I. 1-tpPRICE $6.00 at Ft. Lewis. Wn., is visiting home folks a5 present. Ed Thoemke arrived last week for a brief visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Thocmke, before joining Uncle Sam's armed forces. Ed has been employed at Salinas, Cal., the pasL year. There will be a dance sponsored by the ladles Altar society at the Gem theatre in Wibaux next Wednesday evening, May 21. Arthur Summers and friend from Los Angeles called on Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kettner, Sr., Tuesday, while enroute to Grand Forks. CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE AND PROOF OF WILL State of North Dakota, county of Golden Valley, In county Court, Before Hon. A. E. Kastien, Judge . IN ~ MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF "ANNA MARY ~~, DECEASED. Peter H. Schteffer, Petitioner, VS. John Schieffer, Mike H. Schieflfer, Anton H. Schieffer. Mary Schieffer Harberer, George Seman, Anion Se- man, Peter Seman, ~thryn Seman, Mary Schaub, St. John's University of Collegevflle, Minnesota, and the Treasurer of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, Respondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RE- SPONDENTS: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear before the County Court of the County of Golden Valley in said State, at the office of the County Judge of said County, a~ the Court House in the City of Beach in said County and State, on the 5th day of June, A. D'. 1941. at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to show 'cause, if any you have, why the Pe- tition of Peter H. Schieffer asking that Letters Testamentary be issued to the said Peter H Sehieffer, in the above matter, be not granted, and you are notified ttmt the residence of said Decedant, at she time of her death, was in the Township of Beach Civil No. I in Golden Valley County and State of Nor'd~ Dakota. Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. Dated this 8th day of May, A. D. 1941. BY THE COURT, A. E. KASTIEN, Judge of County Court. (SEAL OF COURT) May 15-22 Mrs. Pearl Weinreis was hostess to the Past Matrons club at her home yesterday afternoon. Alvin Teacher. son of Mr. and Mrs. M C. Teacher. was brought in to the local hospital Tuesday morn- ing with his face badly cut. He had been pawed by a horse at the Tea- cher farm. John Tschida of Golva ha s been named on the selective service advis- ory board for this county. Vernon Hathaway of Beach, who is a sophomore in the School of Ap- plied Arts and Sciences at NDAC, was elected commissioner of finance at the college for the 1941-1942 school year at the general student election held May 1. In this office Hathaway will serve on the Student Commission which is the governing body of stud- ent activiites on the campus. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE--Bed-inner spring rot- tress, 3-4 size bed and mattress, 3-plate gas burner, ice box, 2 daven- ports and one rocker, filing ~, cot and mattress, linoleum "rug';~ 9x12. Mrs. A. E. Woodward, Beach, N.D. ~tf FOR SALE--One used corn planter in good condition• One 9 foct field cultvator and one McCor- mlck-Deering 10 ft. drill. All at bargain prices. See themat the Dakota Implement Co,, Beach, No. Dak. FOR SALE C~-IEAP--Very g~od saddle horse. Inquire at News office. 32-~f FOR SALE--My household goods, Electric refrigerator, washing ma+ chine, dining room se:, wool rug; beds, etc.' Mrs. E. H. Maso~ Sentinel Butte, No. Dak. R. Leland. Grawer, Skaar, N. D. 32-2t FOR SALE---Cedar l~OStS, gravel and sand. Also buy buildings to wreck. H. C. Ackerman, Glendive. 30-Tip FOR SALE---Stlegum Barley, 2-row variety, developed by Dickinson Ex- perirnental Station. W, J. Kremers, Golva, N.D. 27-tfc FOR SALE--Quart and ~-quart jars. Standard tops. Come and get 'erg cheap. Cozy Care. 33-2tc FOR SALE---Some household goods. dining room table and chairs, cup- board and other miscellaneous ar- ticles, At Eide house house on the hill. B. J. Johnson. ltc ROLLER SKATING SAT., MAY 17th Two Sessions ADMISSION 15c- 25c :H SOFT BRISTLES, RfllltBOW COLORS. GIRLS---Register now for diamond HIGHEST engagement ring. If you have the HIDES, PELTS winning ticket and your boy friend is with you at the time and place of, ALS AT THE drawing in Beach next Saturday, MayI uv+uVOT 17th, you get the diamond ring. [ Ilt3.1L~l~Zt, That's all there is to it. G. Gilbert-t son, Optical Specialist, Beach, N. D. 1936 Chevorlet Town Sedan This ear has been recondi- tioned and in very good running order. Priced to move at $379. 1937 Chev Coupe This car has been recondi- tioned and repainted. Al- so heater. Price- - $469.00 1934 Half Ton In- ternational Pickup In good condition. A buy at $169.00 1934 Tudor Ford Motor was reconditioned. Heater and radio. Priced to sell $269. 1936 This ear was ed and ed with Pirced 1935 This car has care and has ditimiedand Heater. Priced 1934 Car was ready to go. Priced to Model Sale Pricei The Above Cars Can on easy plan. models to choose fror W. C. SCHU • M RED HflNDL[S IF I DRV flNO( __ i GLENDIVE, .O rANA Come to Beach for the Farmer's eve. dr, o, clean-or. Spring Time Frolie on Saturday I der w line of Suits. $5.00 i trade in allowance oen any old suit or two pairs of pants.. [)VERSTAD 9N !I Our Truck Is It Town Every ThUrs y 9 I... to 2 p... -:: ,':, ~'~ LOOK I For Inf.0rma.. on Phone 126 -r., ..,., . Saturday, May 19th OUR SPECIALS FOR THAT DAY: Fresh Strawberry sundaes PURITY ICE CREAM Ice Cold Home Made Lemonade, lg. glass i DELICIOUS PIE, CAKE AND COOKIES 9~ Have You tried one of our Dagwood Just A Few Left! 6:00x16 TIRES - - Tube for Same Tire - $1.09 $5.85 Sandwiches? A MEAL'IN ITSELF Fresh Potato Salad t : ~', 9%,, ~:.!.: f " " ~t . . ._ ..... • ...... • PROGRAM: Sunday, May 18: "Christ"s Signs For His Are They?" Part 2: "The Two Resurrections." Monday, May 19: "Was Christ Anarchist?" Part 2: "What Was Nailed to the CroSS Tuesday, May 20: "Who Is Anti-Christ ?" Part 2" "What Did Anti-Christ Do?" Wednesday, May 21: "If Christ Should Week, What Day Would He Attend Part 2: "Eight Texts for Keeping Thursday, May 22: "What Is The Mark of Part 2: "Is God Particular ?" Friday, May 23: "Should the Dead Be Part 2: "Wher eAre The Dead?" aturday, May 24 (at noon) : "Where Is WELCOME ! MAq a~ value ON