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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 15, 1941     Golden Valley News
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May 15, 1941
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V BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941 NUMBER 33, - L N r'Xl ;j L1 IA,Ir ar.dy, Bucs Win Annual i X r- gi llSunday Everything-gSet Le Zelgler Play Day Meet; Igg fl | • ..,.-........ ,,..,,.v,, I - For Big Day In ' don Monday Up Recor I = " - "] "" " "" "] Th° °' " ACt corned , t Hang ds Ne],t eeK., s=..: ..: .hen. :.: Beach Saturdayr strong WlHis~h nine m scneautea ........ to meet the Beach team on the lo- morning at nine o'clock a In a meet in which Wibaux, Sen-[ I " " " e Everybody in the surrounding trade Wedding was performed at tlnel Butte, Golva, Belfield, Model Hi[ Over I00,,l°cal performers will par- [maid. to a bunch of college kids is no I cal diamona m a league gain .. terrttoIT will be in Beach on this I I h can Charles Seger of l~tlnot ]ms oeen ; church in Beach, uniting and Beach participated, the Bucs tic[pate in Bubbling Over" the three easy task But she's the lady w o coming Saturda Ma 17 for the act college comedy wl~h choruses, handle them. secured to. pitch for ~.e.h and he~ Farmers Spring ~e ~Vollc' and Prize ; Zelgler and Donald J. were victorious over second place! dances, and musical s~ialties to be ELINOR LOVELL as the long for- e~. wen reeomm.enaea, iDa , which is be s nsored b the the holy bonds of matri-Belfleld 55 1-3 to 231-3. Golva andlpresented by the I~ons club at the ]saken sweetheart, of the old professorI we t ere Sumlay. JBeach merclmnts. h • Y pc Y her W. F• Hake officiated, Sentinel Butte tied for third and 4th Beach city hall next Wednesday and appears on the scene at the wrong Most all the prizes that are be Ces| thezeiglerYOUngofCOupleDickinson,Were theWithperformancesSeVen points wereeaCh" muchAS a betterWh°le J Thursday, May 21-22. All are working Itime and thinks Prof is crazy. ThingsI ~ offered have been put on ~ay ~t4 the bride; Miss Margaret than in 1940. [ .l~rd in an endeavor to make this one [begin to jumble up before its over~lV!n r asC~lln~ ]are really fine pieces of merc~ ~c~uson, cousin of the Outstanding marks of the meet J of the best of its kind ever staged in [ and she has eve_ry one else crazy aV~. ] .... 4:) • J Shoppers are asked to call at as many • ~.~rL and Howard Hardy, Beach "Bubbling Over" also Inc~uaes ma y the groom. Miss Mar-byWereRextheGflman~0 yd. ofdaShBeach;in 10.3theSeCOnds[discus GUY" COX plays the part of the [cherus and dance numbers. First of I Margaret Kre]t- I toaPlaceStlcket as possiblewhich willand signbe Inthelrthe mn4acted as flower girl, at 122 feet by Meduna of Belfleld;[old absent minded professor who~these is 'Wake Up, a snap.p.y num:~ ~'~ lm • ,jing. The more places they visit~he "'~'~ served as train and the pole vault at 11 feet, six and r spends hours dreaming o:[ a girl he bet in gay pajamas. ~zris ~azmg par~ j m erlVlarned [more chances they will have on t~e :occasion the bride wore a a half inches, the highest mark to went with 25 years ago on what was, in this are Florence Horn, Margare~[ ~ prizes date in any meet in the state this he admits, his only date.. I Lewis, Diana M~oore, Marian _Geyer, I [ The managers of the Bijou theaia~ z dress of white organza, year. The vault record was also made DON BRENGLE brings these rein- Shirley Woodhull and Eleanor ~'ars~- I Golva--A very pretty wedding was are putting on a matinee at spee~l le, With a train, and a by Rex Gilman. iniscences to a close when he appears veet.' _ [solemized at the St. Mary's church reduced prices that day. The piol~re -. ~ne carried a boun * ses Miss .,ue. Rex was high point man of the in the third act as the dear old lady Next is the Pep squad group. THese l at Golva Saturday mornin~ at 9 to be shown is "Here Came• T~ . " Frances Zeigler meet with 15 points, gained from 3 [ and what a sweet little lady Don is~ girls dressed as cheer leaders unite to [ o'clock when Father LacR" united Navy" which will also be s~ zr floor length net dress, firsts--t ze 1 0, the 22 ~, and the ~ole DICK ;CHRC ~D ~ as i ~e 1 ero form a pePPY attractive number• They I ...... "'-.. ...................... ~z~'~'~ ...., c,_. ............. ':~ :upper was Clad in a floor vault. I e al ~) ran a~ leadof: ma , on is a rah- 'ah col eg~ be alw ys a a are Ivis Enderle Rita Gilman Lor- chln~c in holy wedlock The ha v The marc band will "~lsm- • 'on dress. Both had cor- " ' ' n { ~ . pp, hing ~ _lso ~[~. a~ peas. The groom and the Bu s w~ ruing re' ~y tea n. jam• Pur~ .wit, t] e ~ bill| to ~ ml 'rith raine Maher, Joyce Clark, l~ary An , couple and attendants marched from pear, it is understood. " were dressed in con- May 17 t ~e Bucs , o to Dick= Ison the impo szble, ~ nd an am•; ng gift Vukellc and •Shirely .Woodnuu.. i" J ~ne Home of the bride to the church Immediately following the ma~zee for gab 1 all• hi ~ hru For sheer ~eauty, nGwee•r, tne m I th ~k tault~ The flower girl for the Nort turn Mi~ ~uri S: ope ,on- : " to the strains of the weddin~ marche big drawing will be held on the ference mee • Beach s the flefez ling LENOR ~ S' ~( KE] a, r tde itaiT drill group is most outstanding. • " • ma • ~ - P , . ......... played by Martin Schillo. The brzde in street at which time the priz~ in~ ~,~, .mor length dress, champi( n. : n 1939 l each ~tosed out sHarp to: gued ~d~ ) E little co~ ege These gain are m ~eau~um mue ana was datntly attired in a floor length will be passed out. " ~ " was dressed in a Be]field and Sentinel Butte• who tied , - • g o whlt~ satin chiffon with to a close in the treasurer comes to the boysfor tu red military costumes They are Ivis own f The affair comes ult• I Enderle Rtta Gilman Lorraine Ma Weddin- for second. 25 to 24, and last year|It[on and receives sugar coated flat- , , " finger tip veil and wore a dlamond evening with a big free old ~[me as ~^,~ ~. a recepLion for ] defeated Assumption Abbey by half a ! texT. She leaves with a~t empty purse her, Helen Blair, Mary Ann Vukelic set cameo lavllier belonging to her dance at the city hall. " ,n ";~: _m the St. John's Ipoint. The Bucs have all of last year's and a glowing heart• She's sure they and Margaret Lewis• ._ grandmother. She was attended by ~ - ' • tr,:',~ newlyweds left cnlwinning team back again this year must be in love with her.0 vera nezm wm accompany ~nese bv maids of honor Miss Marcella IT• • m~r • ~n ,,~.:p ~o the west coast[ Summary: • " "! LEONARD REAGER is a "freshie"nlmlbers_ at the .pian°" . . Fischer" who wore a floor length gown ~ nvlan WenUand, ~'~., and Banff, Canada ]lO0-yard dash- 1st Gilman Beach" 'in love. He is a bashful and awkward .~L~e fifth sixth graues amo of pink silk marquisette, and Miss __ _ - _ - • ,~ . .at. home after June l second Wa~er Beach' 3rd Bush-'!but he makes a .floundering attempt cantribute thezr bit with a song es- Arm Mae Madison in a floor length [I----_1 _! lr | • ,~auerson apartments in I man, Wibaux. Time 10.3 ~econds. t to win the attention of the studious peals]iv designed for them• gown of auua blue silk marquisette,ll~rOl(~ l~W~lea~ is th ..... [ 220 yd. dash: Ist Gilman Beach' 2nd ; Priscilla played by Miss LILLIAI~ Included in the specialty numbers and each carried arm bounuets of sna~ .,~. . w ,_ ~eph p ~ uaugnterz " - of Xlrl' I Meduna, Belfield; 3ra ............... 'U,,o~ ~ WETSCH. But she pays him no heed, will be' a vocal solo by Vera Helm and dragons and hats to "~match The*" ~/d~.~ |n W~h -~ spent ~. ezgier of Dick- ] Wibaux. Time 2~.4 seconds. ! and poor 'Tubby' is rewarded little a~ saxaphone solo by Joyce• Noyes• groom was becomingly attired• in a[ ,, vu au VY ~14~!1* grad,,~.~ of her life~ 440 yd. dash: 1st Sill, Beach; 2nd, ! for his efforts. Probably one of the mos~ outstand- suit of blue while his attendants i ~l ~l~herOm the Dick.I Meduna, Belfield; 3rd Knoplk Mod-! JAYNE MILLER is a carefree col- lug parts of the program will be a Ralph Jacobs and Albert Kreitinger',l On Saturday, May ~3rd Vlvian s~ mass of 193~,[ el High Time 55 4 seconao ' le e kid madly in love, while DORI~ presentation of the children in the brother of the bride, wore suits of] Went]and and Harold Lawhead were T:~cat~,ended the Dlckh~l~0 ~rd dash 1st Sill B'~ach" 2nd I~RE, a more conservative type, child popularity contest held in con-igreen and blue. [united in marriage at Saint J#Jn~ mPlo;~rs~ C'~llege. Thenl W. Sehaff, Belfield; 3'rd Finneman, ibreaks her engagement with the man nection with the show. These littlei Margaret is the eldest child of Mr.[church in Vancouver, Wn. ' and =1--" ~zckinson atJ Golva. Time 2.10 of her choice and keeps him in hot tots will speak, sing and entertain in and Mrs. Tony Kreitnger and has ware attended by Mr• and Mrs. Nor- . In Ja~n~at. tohfe Farmers[ Mile run: ls'~ W. Schaff, Be]field: !water. their own interesting way. .x~ovexy taught the past two years in school lval L~whe~l. The only other, wlt- ach --.- 'Y z 1940 she] 2nd Flnneman Golva; 3rd Schauer MYRTLE MOYER, as college house prizes will be presented the wmnmg jdlstrlct No• 16. I nesses of the ceremonybeing, Mr. loca~u .aCCepted a posi-[ Beach Time 506% mo~izer, is a busy lady Being nurse b~y and girl Thursday night. Best known to his friends as just, and Mrs• J. Q. L~whead, parents of oan~, and has been P " ~ here mo~* - ~[ ole vault: 1st Gilman, Beach; 2nd}._~ • ..... ~ ~ m ' plain A1, the groom is the second soultl~ groom. , oz the UmeJcar~n, Beach; 3rd Brown. Beach; IElde Ilh~p~p h '10ts 10f Mr. and Mrs. Louis Faschng andl Both young people spent most Of n is the son - J height 11 ft. 6 1-2 inches. 1=J ~ ~'~'*-'~-'ffi • ~-' /iv ~u~.,~ has been employed in Dickinson forItheir lives in Golden Valley county Ial. dy of ~3e's oz Mr. and[ High jump: Ist Carlson, Beach; 2nd' .~# . . ..1 I • 1 ~'~ . . Isome time past• Both these young] h~d =e~e graduates of the Beach L the Beach~C.n" He is aI Palmer, Golva; 3rd tie, Bradley, i ]3th Mdestone In Local Lontest people were born and raised at Oolva I lg ool. Six years ago l~trold ~ks of 1933 nigh school[ Beach; Hanson, Belfleld; and Sok-t and received their grade and high]lelt Beach ~r the west and has ~since tte course 'herarU~ee after ~|~-,loW~ Wlbaux. t'Ielght:.$ feet 5 in. '~ -- ]school education in local schools: ]resided in Hawaii and CaltfornLa. n., and thern e_,,went toJBroad jump: 1st Doerner, Beach;] A social gathering of unusual*ira-: A child popularity contest at~gI Following the ceremony a threeJLast September he came to. Va~- zege• After ~ -.:~,,~e~ a[ 2nd :Bushman, Wibaux; ~rd Hanson, I portance was held at the Methodist Beach's "Beaux and Belles of 1955" ]course dinner was served at 12:30 p. J couver, where his parents have b~n lth the s,~,..'~_~vmg been[ Belfield. Distance 18 ft. 6 1-2 in• [church last Thursday evening when is being ~ here in connectionJm• at the home of Mr. and Mrs. [for the past three years, and'~ While h. "]'-" land[ Javelin throw: 1st Berg, Sentinel i members of the church and other ~. with the home talent show ' Bubbling 1 Tony Kreitinger and covers were laid [ since been employed at that place. the i~c~Cepted_ a post[ Bu*~te. 2nd Doerner Beach" 3rd[friends of Mr. and Mrs' C. J EidelOver" to be presented by the Beach[for around 50 close relatives of the ]Miss Wentland has taught in ~e lere the ,,'~ .l~f~ffice andI Carlson, Beach. Distance 129 ft. 4 in. I met with them to help celebrate i Lions club at the city auditorium, [ couple. They left in the afternoon, | public schools In Golden Valley a~ttd tuber of ~e~-.~°ur Years'lDiscuss throw: 1st Meduna, Belfield;!their 45th wedding anniversary. [Wednesday and Thursday, May 21]the bride attired in a navy blue en-[Billings county for the past etffht ~so of the ~each Lions[ 2nd Sill, Beach; 3rd Hess, Sentinell At 7 o'clock a very lovely banquet[and 22. ~semble suit and white hat and mat-[Years. • " youn~ ,-,~ "" club. | Butte. Distance 122 ft. 3 inches. [was served to 100 guests at whtchI The contest pro~ to be full of,ching accessories, mid showers 'of rice, | Mrs. J. Q. Lawhead entertained in l and ~- "~ are excep-[Shot Put" 1st Doerner, Beach; 2nd time two beautifully decorated wed- thrills and excitement with prizes, for their new home at Dickinson with[their honor at dinner Msty llth st the ~:t~erably _known in[ Annear, Belfleld, 3rd Hess Sentinel ding cakes were presented to ~he honors and plenty of fun. Contest-[hearty congratulations from a host [her home in Vancouver. Out of town of frien~ls~-an~i have a| Butte. Distance 40 ft. 4 inches, tho~o]ed couple. ~ants are being sponsored by the of friends. |guests were Mr• and Mrs. O• H. Oal- sincerest who join in[1380 yard relay: 1st Beach, (Oilman, ] After the banquet a nuptial service ] merchants and votes are a penny | [lendar of Rathdrum, Idaho. The ~w- ~ngratulations r Sill) 2rid Wi at which they took the leading part she8 to them " s| Walker, ~chaue, ; , "l lapiece. All are out to be winnersj]r _ ~T* • . Jlyweds will be at home at 214 West | baux; 3rd, Belfleld; Time 1"%3.5. !45 years ago was brought back vividly[and who will capture the honors? i Lester YmmllSL /lath Street, Vancouver. . ~.~ - [ -- to Mr. and Mrs. Eide when Charlotte l Children entered to date and their i l -7 [ ~]~ ~'=~|- |=~ . I Cox as the bride and Mrs. Jes~¢[spo~nsorers are: Ritz Marmon, Rey-J * • * - , ,nnus- /K eeM nreate JS,:bell3s the groom marched 'ap ihv']~ulds" Lynn• Neudeck, ~ers GrOn] E]leen Kukowsld JFFA Boys Wm - = ~ _ l .......... l aisle to the strains of the weddmgtcery;' Alma Geyer, M e s; Joa i .--.. -- . .~ _•-- / SIS Bll~r Pl---^I ._ ~'~ ,* 1 Imarch. Rufus Arnold was the brlde's{Stecker, Penney's; Anne Raisler,[ Wed m CM][ / -; --anti At ~enunei ]father• El]nor Lovell the maid of JMlldreHa Shoppe; Mary Ann Alton,[ ~-~,~ • | £~aa~U~lO ~ I~ I al~lP / I honor; and Charles Cox the bes~ I. G. A. store; Mary Margaret Har-[ | v Aviation club w- | ~..4~4~.A ~.=~.. man. Little Peggy Schell was the]dy, Reynolds; Boots Hansen, Dlckin-[ Word was received here the past | The poultry team composed of John S.Week and a n= ~-'[ ]L)[ILL~ I,~[llUdy flower girl. The bride's maids, attired son Creamery Co.: Judy Jones. Cozylweek of the marriage of Miss Eileen|Holistein Charles ~herman and Plane has been -- --'[ in lovely pastel colored gowns were |Care; EUnor Sehlllo, Beach Beauty lKukowski and Lester Vinquist, the[Billy Stark took first place at the ; d purcna~- , elivered Tuesda .... _'E~..~.o~ ~ .... 1 ...... te]Dozts Mo¢.re, Gloria Janze, Irma|Shop; Darlene Stout, Court House; ceremony taking place Saturday at lstate contests with 47 schools corn- week. Four fellows .... have" services ........................ for the senior class of Sen- Sl~comb and Helen Blair and all car- J. Jo Jo Wallace, Palace Care; Gayle ]Las Vegas, Nevada. Both these ] peting Each boy received a superior Club and StUdents .... ve[ ............................. ]ried arm bouquets to harmonize with,Elaine Reager, City Drug Store; Mer-[young folks are very well known |certificate in r~u,trv .......... ~,~,.,._,.. WX.Lt Oel~uzet .Duz, z,e xz~.Kxt 5CnOO~ wn~ oe txc~u~ ....... "~}lrln , [ r- --,, ....... e,-'--,.,-,.-,, -~-,,~a are interest~,~ ,~ I.=vt ~..a=~, ~.v m ~t. t.h~ ~.hcml ~ne~r gowns• xne ushers were naroxu LeRoy Odenbaugh, Odenbaugh s,here and have a wide circle of [and the school received a suu~.rtnr us ............ °' -'-~ ............ ~ hal B ---'-----" • ~[ ..... m" S]ocomb, Kent Arnold, Robert Sc - ar; Donald FosJord, Red Owl; Nipjfrlends who extend congratulations. Jaward in addition to anexcellent xneazre a~ ~ p. m. •x'ne progra . my II Worth of the Wo.~- [Pr .... ~'~ 1 Mildred B .... h |lock and Earl Miller, Jr. Jayne M -land Tuck Leverson, City Drug Store;I Lester is the son of Mr. and Mrs. |certificate in poultry Judging and ce has consented +~ ~"| Inv'~o%~"~ ~.,, ~r,,~... ~ • I ler sang two numbers and Gwendolyn IPAchard Tobias, Mlldrella Shop; Ken-j John Vinquist of north of Beach and |identification. Ub and Will co,~, ~-I ~ .... ~ o ~ ,~,,o ,~ ~,,~ ]Bartholomew presided at the piano. I neth T h.oml~on_Rexall s to. re; D_uane I has be.en employed in Los Angeles for [ Edward Omley received an excellent ght~__,to .give the firs"~'~-~ nal~"[-"#~'"~l ~emor ~ermon, ..... ~--'~tev"~'''. Moore ...... ~J Then in ....... behalf of all present ReV.r 'l~avm' Miners; wayne ouman, l'en- [several years past. FAleen went to [award in livestock Judging bein~ the • ~nes the .q.l=^.-- ~,..- ,~,,~...~. ~..~~, .... riG. S. Moore ~enaereu me nono ]neys; Terry , Edkins, Bank; Billy i California last fall and has been em-i~e-- • ..... • ........ ~-- ~se members ~, ~ ~,~,~,~, ,,,,~ ~,~,,,, Sehell • " ~' -~ -~u,vmuat on ~ne ~eam, Tiler• veral other st ..... ~'--~| ~-'--- ' J guests with a lovely chair with the l , Rexall store, Johnny Carroll ]ploycd there SZl~e ]were 52 sc~- ............... .. S u.~ttt4s J~jsz~ ' igned Up and as o ~[--~..~- ~-irls Glee club [ est wishes o f~dl, far many mo I • '" • .~m ©.~r~ m me ave- Park Paul Thomas, _o er I. oth are adu tes of the local|stock contest with keener comp l- aches ten it ~n ~.'." [ R~,~o~^,a'l ~u,~,~ B,~.h I haPPY' anniversaries, t ~ruce ~tson, ~oraon's ~azery; #. ! z :gn scnoot. ! tion For the to-- --nkin- ~ L~ ............... Mr and Mrs --'de both res nded' i , | . . ~ pc j Roger Callahan, Gamble's .... ] - | a ~- ........ ~v '''~ .~ ". woys rs of flying ins ...... | .~ 4"--'----~" ~ . ' ': .... .... J~xpressing their" appz:eciation in at Pictures of contestants will' be dis-'El 7 - NT ~'~ |.._~_~ .~,~ ~u.~ne ~nencan et~ ~ucuon is ~ "' ' ' " " .... la - ' ..tves~,oc~ snow In ~ansas CILy • p ot ll: lv I;r.dn it .... J very hearty w y, t ih klng every onelP yed in the City Drug window d,Wm. remers I,ets ......... - , w,u ~e prowaea t ~nd~ .then ~en~ more hours~ II ~" VJLV~.~ ~..,U~,~U, ~*~"~" |1 for. ~.*~e vm-, .. ,._--rt,~. th~,,~, ever IIv°ting will begin in the local stores J . ..... | The-crops team won an exceH~ ~O hiS' , .... • ~ " "had.- . ,,, ' '~ ~ ' immediately , Privates °1 . I T,o . ... I ' . I l ,,l'l ]certincate in :Judging all types Of ,. give half l~urr l" vul J. 1~ J.q~gltl,} : • .... , .... , ~ . I All contestants will be pre~en~d ti~ | ' " stt~,;IOL1~11.,U II~UII/sn~a .... • _ a week in h • "BUbbUn~' CWer" -n~ ~n .nt. o .l I u' grmns, corn, Iorage~ ~ Idle of j~ly ~ and • h ................. ' ' weeds and potatoes This was L~ of ~] ~ e~ t~[ ~v..,....~1 willr __.uat~ [ 5~t Amuversarv ] c~hersomTneu~iv?eS' dan:n?' ?~d s~oc~[ ,Bill Kremer "of Golva and the Ham-]first time that. Beach received ms st~en " " " "~" . ~ ...... ~ " , '~ -1 Y Y ] mervold Bros. of Carlyle attended [high rating on all crop Judging. '~e ~atar~ted ~ts~s01?lng. ~:J~our seYdors at the end ofthe ~1~ooI',[. *., Iq~l', ~1~ K~t/ ,]l:anininvent. The•iv gthe most hel year. Th~ cl _ of g~is|zo t~e tmserveo~ : laj:2 Dak.,H~eb°rdwnere Mr. saleKremersat Aberdeen,purchased|RoySo. | teamHouckWaS composedand Norris°fPeterson~ ',.~:Ralph may ~.- .... . ~u-mzay) so[ann one noV. THey are charles xsrocz-/ ~velpYroPr~Z~n:e~h~?dmaYos:i~ohptu~a~dli?till~[another fine bull to head his herd [ Beach had two members hi i~ ~18. "~s'~ can be Igned|~Su~. | Tomorrow Priday MaY 16th,TMtel" e~u~b~agen .to deter-|meyer, Florence. Fh~r, ~'IdGra-J ~ "~'"~' boy and girl in Beach ~of Hera~Ords. The Hereford Journal|state F. F. A. band that plgyed~;~ .__.____==__ s|~sorvices ooWfl1111b: held|andMrs. L, E. Curl prominent real • [amag e publlshed for stock breed.]three occasions during the con@en- ' [ers has this to say about the critter:it[on.Billy Stark and Clair e - "T Ross l~'muels "da h : " " Y' Y " g g " ueis, real~., ug ter of }Rev. W. C. Boyd of Beach will de-/ersary, and the many friends of thisir~]nls~lr)q- ] sA~w|]zp~I . |Pioneer°pping39ththe WHR-bred1941 sale WaSsonWHR|sp.eakof / who hasVery directedhighly all°f Dr. Putman LPmLI£1~ IJL,~ILq~ _. . ' . band work at tqoneer, ca~ved May 22, 1939, which | the N. D. A. C. or the past 50 years. the mls._"_."~ sOUth oftliver the sermon and other appro',,-|highly esteemed couple join in ex- Twelve beautifully illustrated Bible was Mr. Lucas' choice for ReserveU The quartet including Clyde Walo rt eWee~e ~ -~_r~uneoz burningWednes-I rlatethe] Commencementnumbers will beexercisesOn the program.|pressingwill beUthem on attainingSincerest thisC°ngratulati°nSunusual mile-t° lectures will be offered the general ] champion. This stylish, well-covered|dahl, John Holistein, Edward Omley, .._~Y with a curling ironlheld at 8-15 v m on the followin "stone alon lifes wa public for one week only beginninglyoungster had many admirers but it|and Norris Peterson were outstanding .-p~lng to - - -- " -• " g[ g ' Y" next Sunday night, May 18, at 7:45 t remained for William J. Kremers,|in furnishing entertainment. They immediato~.~url her hair.I Thursday, May 29th, and Prof. M. H. I Their entire family will all be • e she w~'~_, orought to|Fayer of Dickinson has been engagedlhome for the day, which will be an p" m., at the Beach Seventh DaylGolva, No. Dak., to claim him at a|WCre the only group to have the Adventist church by Pastor M. Frank I fancy figure. He goes to a good | privilege of singing over WDAY, l~r- rushed to ~ven re.llef be-ins the main speaker of the evening, unusual gathering in itself, as it has Grau. Two illustrated lectures will I herd and will assist Domino Real by|go broadcasting station. The boys en~eresh-Sh"~ remainedLne Dzckinson |until| --PRICES CUT allbeenbeenqUitetogether.S°me time since they have be presented eadh night. For the t Real Prince Domino 21st, a sire | were going to have a 15 minute pro- was brought home This week the Bi h use eir again iz~ sc~. "[ jou Theatre has Open o will be held at th program of lectures see the adver-Iwhich Mr. Kremer purchased a few|gram on ~ Sunday afternoon, very _.-~u~ and the eye|cut the prices on "Here Comes The home all afternoon tomorrow and tisement elsewhere in this news-ly~,ars ago at the Denver sale from[ but it did not materialize. zjuiT ~ce~y Without a.n.ylNavy,- the picture booked for this everyone who can is urged to come paper. All are welcome to attend! the Unlversitv of Nebraska. WHR| ~1 ne~s ~ S~enr~ ~l W~lke:l~od I~da: =L~tua~d:y. There f~i:t~d ahn~Pe~he Curls observe their these lectures. I Pmneer 39t.~ wa~ consigned to the| CORRIZCTION Wl ut prices salT. __ , |sale by the Triple U Ranch of] In an item in the Wibatt~ news __ • | Saturday afternoon. -- " ---- a_T~_ Park C~fe is getting it s J Gettysburg, SO. Dak. ,| last week telling of a number of O,~1~: - --~- : -. / -- On Saturday" last Walter N~gel of ~en~u,~t of p.~t ~h~.. I ..... -.__:_ . _ ]senior boys and their coach