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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 14, 2015     Golden Valley News
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May 14, 2015
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May 14, 2015 Golden Valley News Page 15 News/Pioneer Classified Ads: A miDJm.u m ch arge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Card of Thanks: Minimum charge of $7.00 for 75 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadline for Classifieds & Display Ads: 12:00 p.m. Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: Service Manager - Beach Dakota Farm Equipment, your local John Deem dealership, is now hiring a Service Manager for the Beach location. Person will effectively manage service operations by optimizing service department processes ensuring internal and external customer sat- isfaction. Previous management experience in a related field preferred. Generous em- : p-15ybi' p~i'd benefit pacJ~age. - To apply cell John Huizinga at 701-225- 8123 or email your resume to john- huizinga@dakotafarmequip.cem EOE 33-36 The Beach Public School Dislrict is seeking applicants for one full-time paraprofessional in the Beach High School Special Ed Dept. for the 2015-16 school year. Wage depends on experience, single health insurance, and PERS. Applicants must meat "Highly Qual- flied" status, which includes 2 years of col- lege (48 credits), a college degree (Associates or higher), OR passing an ap- proved test pnor to working. Applicants sub- ject to a background check. Applications may be picked up at Beach High School. Contact Tammy Hoffer (872-4161) or Larry Helvik (872-4161 ) for any questions.35-37 ELEMENTARY TEACHER May-Port CG School is hidng a full-time elementary teacher beginning with the 2015-2016 schdol year. Send resume and ND teaching license to MPCG School, Arm: Michael Bradner, 900 Main Street West, Mayville, ND 58257; . Michael.bradner@may-; or call 701-788-2281. ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR/DRAMA & The- atre Director. Lake Region State College - Devils Lake, ND. This is a 9-month, tenure track, benefited position for an on campus English Instructor with drama and theatre production experience. Master's degree in English, Composition, Literature, or Com- parative Literature required. Go to for more information. GRAND FORKS AFB Campus of Lake Re- gion State College invites applications for part-time teaching positions in all disci- plines. Current openings in Business Ad- ministration, Information Steel buildings must go. 1-60'x101; 1- 75'x125'; 1-103'x250'. May split; call today and save thousands. 1-800-411-5866. 34- 35 i bedroom house. 30-foot travel trailer on site; also one camper spot - full hookup; 3 miles northeast of Wibaux, no pets, 706- 302--561-3 (fin) Apt. for rent - 2 bedroom, heat, furnished, available May 1. Call Terry at 872-1104 or 260-6055 tfn Garden Club, Annual Spnng Plant Sale; Fri- day, May 15th, 9:00am-7:00pm; Saturday, May 16th, 9:00am-3:00pm; Blue Bldg, GVC Fairgrounds; Gift Certificates are available for sale at the Library & Extension Ofc. 33- 35 The Golden Valley County Fair Board is looking for bids from a charitable organiza- tion to run the food booth during the fair, on July 30th- August 1st. Hours will be set in conjunction with the fair schedule and the fairboard. If interested please contact the Extension office. 701-872-4332 by May 15th. 35 Please support your local merchants! BLEYHL FARM SERVICE / Grandview WA -is seeking a qualified CEO/General Man- ager. This is a very successful retail ag sup- ply, bulk and retail energy, and agronomy cooperative with sales of $90 million with five retail locations. Financial and personal management experience is required. Apply to: http:lltinyud.comlojeqewj Questions: Email: or cell 701- 220-9775. ROARING FORK VALLEY 'Cooperative, Carbondale, CO is seeking a qualified Gen- eral Manage~ This is a successful retail / bulk and retail energy, farm retail and agron- omy cooperative with sales of $20 million. Financial and personal management expe- rience is required. Apply online: http://tinyud.cem/on354wj, Dave Lemmon, 320-219-0270 or EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Seeking school psychologist or intem in northeast- em South Dakota for 2015-2016 year. Open until filled. For morn info visit www.north- or call 605-783-3607. 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Westhope Public School is looking for a Full-time Physical Education teacher for.the upcom- ing school year. Candidate must have cur- rant ND Educator's License and proper credentials. Coaching opportunities are also available. Please sand cover letter, resume, copy of ND Educator's License, and Tran- scripts to: Westhope Public School, Attn: J'o~h-GTd~nl~rg, Sul~rihIehdent, P.O. Box 406, Westhope, ND 58793, mrgruen-, 701-500-3115. Jennec Hou Aii Risk Crop & Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Aria, MN 56510 P.O. Box 157 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinet Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2106 hougtum@|orete[, net www. John Germolus Wayne Lee Idoriso Corlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider BUSINESSIBuDDY Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor Bookkeeping Payroll & Quarterlies Notary Public & More con/McCaskey, Owner Phone: 701-290-9006 Website: New Construction Trenching Agricultural Residential "For all your Electrical Needs" Cliff Maychrzak 701-872-2060 5370 van Daele Rd 701-206-0067 Sentinel Butte, ND Licensed in ND, SD and MT American West Real Estate P.O. Box 263 112 4th St. NW, Suite 3 Beach, ND Cell # (701) 690-7847 e-mail Kim Krull Sales Associate Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C Licensed in N.D. and MT 701-690-7763 NDPEDE@GMAIL.COM The area's only Accredited Land Consultant! Golden Valley Manor, Inc. V'tcki Braden, Administrator Flexible Meal Plans Assisted Living Night Security Activities 701-872-4282 or TTY 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. MJ Plumbing Anthony Medina Master Plumber #1192 Sewer camera & location Sewer rod All new plumbing services New & old construction Residential, commercial If it has to do with plumbing, we can help (701) 301-7465 PO Box 966, Beach, ND For all your plumbing needs! We have coupons on website for service calls and new customers. Visit our website and tell us what you think! Chemistry. Bachelor's degree required, Master's preferred. Go to for morn information. SPORTING GOODS SALES, Gerrells Sports Center. Exciting b'aveling sales op- pertunity in the Minot and Devils Lake area. Salary, commission, benefits. Send resume to III ".ren, GLENDIVE SALES Guns N Things Licensed Real co.Po.ATION III ,c EstateN.D. Lease & Fleet Vehicle III 305 N Merrill Ave. Remarketing III Glendive, MT 17 years of experience! Wholesale & RetailIII Guns Bought, Sold, (701) 260-5087 or Technology, and "c~ III Repaired, and Traded (701) 872-4674 Ill FFH Licensed GARYBRENGLE III Ernie Huether, Pres. III III 377-3969 GLENDIVE, MT59330 III Firearms Gun Safes PHONE: 406-365-4407 III Smart Wool Ammunition HOME: 406-365-8104 Ill Reloading Equipment (: ~ N1 [ ?, i~ "f "" " :: ~ TOLL FREE: 1-800-726-6763 ~ -aT'F.;-'t-a'i-eliroie s-~iondi~ RAILROAD VEGETATION CONTROL: Full-time traveling opportunity, 60-80 hours/week, $11 -$15/hour, meal allowance, paid lodging & benefit package. RAW, Inc. in Cooperstown, ND - 888-700-0292 I I info@rawappli- CENTRAL N.D. DIRT and field drain tile contractor seeking dependable individual. Full time employment. Must have good op- erator and mechanical skills. No long dis- tance work. 701-341-0454/ CROSSROADS REPAIR, LLC seeks me- chanics for both our Jamestown and "13oga, ND locations please apply online at CLASS A OTR DRIVER WANTED. Reefer/drive in. Home weekly. Starting .38 to .40/mile, DOE. Benefits: Health Insur- ance, Sign-On Bonus, Paid Vacation. Bill 701-527-7215. JOHNSON FARMS TRUCKING Walhalla, ND is looking for OTR drivers and Owner operators. Drivers making $60,000+. New 2015 bucks! No Northeast runs. Call 800- 437-5349. HOFMANN TRUCKING, LLC seeks crude oil drivers and OTR ddvers based out of Jamestown, ND. Please apply online at www.hofmann or call 701-252- 7220. GRAIN BIN SEALING, hot rubber water- proofing. Licensed, insured, references. All work guaranteed. Call today: 701-830- 2305. Brown Waterproofing. NOW RENTING! SILVER Waters 55+ Re- tirement Community, Grand Forks, ND. New 1 & 2 bdrm's, elevator, community rooms, many amenities, Ht/wtrlswglgarblunderground parking in- cluded. 701-757-0926, WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS/Oil & Gas Leases - Expenenced Family Owned Oil Production & Exploration Co. We'll Help You Monetize Your Mineral Assets. Send details to P.O. Box 8946, Denver, CO 80201., 877-754-3111. NORTH DAKOTA FARMLAND values am at all-time highs[ Contact Kevin Pifer 701- 238-5810 ( for Free Farmland Valuation Land Auctions & Farm- land Management Services. 42nd ANNUAL ART OLSON Swap Meat & Car Show, Sunday, May 17th 8am-4pm. Ad- mission $5. Benanzaville USA, West Fargo. Call Rod 701-388-1572. Joe 701-238-4992. KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet andUpho tery Cleaning * Strip andWax Floors * Disaster Cleanup Residentialand Commercial Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 Rent this only a few dollars a 872-3755 for more details FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872-3317 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations? Beach, ND 58621 Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 2 YEAR OLD Black Angus Bulls. Sired by Ten X, Priority, Timeless and More. Top 25% are kept. Not leftover yearlings. Only raise 2 Year Olds. Excellent EPD's and disposi- tions. Semen tested, poured and foot rot shots prior to delivery. See www.bismanon- AD#1438373 for pictures. Lawler Angus Ranch 701-782-4280. ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND newspa- pers, radio/TV stations, specialty publica- tions. Only $25. ND Newspaper Association, 701-223-6397. NATIONWIDE NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS- ING placement made easy! You make only ONE call and get only ONE bill! Contact the North Dakota Newspaper Association for details: 701-223-6397. WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or all 89 North Dakota newspapers. One order, one bill, one check. We provide the ad de- sign and tearsheets. Call the North Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-2236397. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 218 Airport Road Bismarck, ND Thurs May 21, 2015 11:00 a.m. For a complete lis't of vehicles check out our web site at: ~-, or call (70 I) 328-1434 (Northern Auction Inc. - Lic. # 199 & #464) To reqttest accomm(xlath~tL*'for disabilities ond/or lan~,~age a~si~ttJncc, co/ltoct Civil Rights Directoc ND[90E 7 ;1-32,~ -2978 or qvilHght.~" ~: nd g ,a, or ~ ? ! ! or !:8J~) - 3 6~% ~8 Web Designer . Sfrong knowledge of HTML & CS& Y~ Yt E-mail System Administrator Exchang~ ~ Xronport Computer & Network Specialist .14rmdow~MSOffice,~. Contact us at www.nd.~lov/ITDI - 701.3211.1004 or TTY 1.800.366.6888 i HELP WANTED The Billings County Pioneer is taking applications for a correspon- dent. This would be a work-from-home position. It could involve attending meetings, track and field events or other community events on a regular basis, and writing stories or submitting photos. The types of stories for a particular correspondent would be open-ended and would depend upon the writer's interests and abilities to be discussed at an interview. Call (701) 872-3755 or e-mail for an applica- tion, or send a resume to Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621-0156. The local coverage area for the Pioneer includes Billings County and western Stark County. Have something that may be newswor- thy that you'd like to share or submit to the Golden Valley News or the Billings County Pioneer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome submitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item and a phone number, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with it. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pio- neer: P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755; Put Your Money Where Your House Xs! bcal independent ~ stmagO)en our businesses are ~ ~ community your best va~ue ~ and our economy The Billings CounO, Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising, and have been sharing the news./br some q/'their inside pages Jor about 40 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn't limited to just either count,! Our primao, coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana borde : B pays to advertise!