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May 14, 2015
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May 14, 2015 Golden Valley News Page 7 Insurance al 60534 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 OF THE American Heritage Life Insurance Company In the state of Florida Total Assets 1,799,723,020 Total Liabilities 1,446,467,236 Common Capital Stock 3,311,316 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 190,658,513 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) 159,285,955 Less treasury stock, at cost: 2,488,490 shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 353,255,784 Total Liabitffli~s, ~pitat " And Surplus 1,799,723,020 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums Written 469,921 Total Direct Losses Paid 2,897 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 3.190,312 Total Direct Losses Paid 3,111.700 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of In- surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- cially filed by the Company in this of- fice. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2015 (Seal). ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 2014 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY Commissioner of Insurance AUTHORITY FOR THE YEAR 2014 (May 14, 21 and 28) WHEREAS, the ab0ve corporation LIFE & ANNUITY duly organized under the laws of its Total Direct Premiums 61301 state or country of domicile, has filed ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT in this office a sworn statement ex- Written 2,069,785 FOR THE YEAR ENDING . hibiting its condition and business for Total Direct Losses DECEMBER 31, 2014 the year ending December 31,2014 Paid 857,892 OF THE conformable to the requirements of the Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation laws of this state regarding the busi- ACCIDENT & HEALTH In the state of Nebraska ness of insurance Total Direct Premiums Total Assets 16,822,004,590 and Written 147,843 Total Liabilities 15,198,546,412 WHEREAS the said company has Total Direct Losses Common Capital Stock 2,500,000 filed in this office a duly certified copy Paid 0 Preferred Capital Stock 0 of its charter with certificate of organl- Aggregate write-ins for zation in compliance with the require- Other than special surplus ments of insurance law aforesaid, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA -102,950 NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Surplus Notes 50,000,000 Commissioner of Insurance of the OF INSURANCE Gross paid in and State of North Dakota, pursuant to the I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of In- Contributed surplus 457,438,387 provisions of said laws, do hereby car- surance of the State of North Dakota. Aggregate write-ins for tify that the above named company is do hereby certify that the foregoing is Special surplus fund 10,900,000 fully empowered through its authorized a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- Unassigned funds agents and representatives, to trans- cially filed by the Company in this of- (surplus) 1,102,722,741 act its appropriated business Of au- rice. Less treasury stock, at cost: thorized insurance in the state In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto 2,488,490 shares common 0 according to the' laws thereof, Until the set my hand and affixed the seal of # shares preferred 0 30th day o]= Aldrir,'A.:~O'. ~{~16".~'-'~ this office ~ Bism~,:~}~. the first day of Surplus as regards IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have May, A. D. 2015 (Seal). Policyholders 1,623,458,178 hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- ADAM HAMM Total Liabilities, Capital marck.this first day of May, A. D. 2015 Commissioner of Insurance And Surplus 16,822,004,590 (Seal) ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance (May 14, 21 and 28) STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of In- surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- cially filed by the Company in this of- fice. - In Testimony Whereof, f have hereunto set my handand affixed the seat Of - this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2015 (Seal). ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance 60895 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT' FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 OF THE American United Life Insurance Com- pany In the state of Indiana Total Assets 23,401,515,600 Total Liabilities 22;384,506,344 Common Capital Stock 5,000,000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate. write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 75,000,000 Gross paid in and Contributed sUrplus 550,000 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) 936,459,256 Less treasury stock, at cost: STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR THE YEAR 2014 OF INSURANCE LIFE & ANNUITY COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Total Direct Premiums AUTHORITY Written 845,345 WHEREAS. the above corporation Total Direct Losses duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed P~id 525,365 in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for ACCIDENT & HEALTH the year ending December 31, 2014 Total Direct Premiums conformable to the requirements of the Written 1,230,149 laws of this state regarding the busi- Total Direct Losses hess of insurance Paid 946,640 and WHEREAS. the said company has STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA filed in this office a duly certified copy OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER of its charter with certificate of organi- OF INSURANCE zation in compliance with the requ=re- COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF ments of insurance law aforesaid, AUTHORITY NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, WHEREAS, the above corporation Commissioner of Insurance of the duly organized under the laws of its State of North Dakota, pursuant to the state or country of domicile, has filed provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- in this office a sworn statement ex- tify that the above named company is hibiting its condition and business for fully empowered.through its authorized the year ending December 31,2014 agents and representatives, to trans- conformable to the requirements of the act its appropriated business of au- laws of this state regarding the busi- thorized, insurance :in the state ness of insurance according to the laws thereof, until the and 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. WHEREAS, the said company has IN TESTIMONYWHEREOF t have filed in this office a duly certified copy hereunto se~ my hand and seal at Bis- of its charter with certificate of organi- marck this first day of May, A D. 2015 zation in compliance with the require- (Seal) ments of insurance law aforesaid, ADAM HAMM NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Insurance of the (May 14; 21 and 28) State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said taws, do hereby cer- NORTH- DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY tify that the above named company is FOR THE YEAR 2014 fully empowered through its authorized LIFE & ANNUITY agents and representatives, to trans- Total Direct Premiums act its appropriated business of au- (Seal) ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance (May 14, 21 and 28) 61689 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 OF THE Athene Annuity & Life Company In the state of Iowa Total Assets 44,405,332,950 Total Liabilities 43,365,306,514 Common Capital Stock 10,000,000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 2,390,116,980 Aggregate write-ins for Special Surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) -1,360,090,543 Less treasury stock, at cost: 2,488,490 shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,040,026,437 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 44,405,332,951 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums Written 8,759,617 Total Direct Losses Paid 7,319,215 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 4,839 Total Direct Losses Paid 58,787 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 2014 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance taw aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the abOVe named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- ness of insurance 2,488,490 shares common 0 Written 2,522,544 thorized insurance in the stateact its appropriated business of au- and # shares preferred 0 Total Direct Losses according to the laws thereof, until the thorized insurance in the state WHEREAS, the said company has Surplus as regards Paid . -1,283,753 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. according to the laws thereof, until the filed in this offi~"~ddly~ertifl0ff:C~l~O') Policyhold~t~b~ t~ .~1~0~rfI~09,256 :, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I-have -. 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. of its chartep~vitl~(~d~fic&te=dfl~)rgani- Total Liabilities, Capital 0~ ;G~ACCIDENT & HEALTH hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- IN TESTIMONY .WHEREOF,J have zation in compliance with the require- Ar~lus, 23.401~515.600Total I~tL:~-~Pr~i~-; 7"=~' ; ~~" : : rn~k this first day of May, A. D, 2015 hereunto set m~t hand and seal at Bis- ments of insurance law aforesaid, '-. f,' " ' :. ~.' Written PI~': ~" " :16,476 (Seal) " ~ " : " marck this first day of May, A. D. 2015 NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, NORTH'DAKOi'A BUSINESS ONLY Total Direct'Losses ' " ADAM HAMM : (Seal) Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my.hand and,seal at Bis- marck this first day of May, A. D. 2015 (Seal) ADAM HAI~M Commissioner of lnsuran.ce (May 14, 21 and 28) FOR THE YEAR 2014 Paid 0 CommissiOner of Insurance ADAM HAMM LIFE & ANNUITY (May 14, 21 and 28) Commissioner of Insurance Total Direct Premiums 61190 (May 14, 21 and 28) Written 2,522.544 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT 61492 Total Direct Losses FOR THE YEAR ENDING ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT Paid -1,283,753 DECEMBER 31, 2014 FOR THE YEAR ENDING OF THE DECEMBER 31, 2014 Auto-Owners Life Insurance Company OF THE In the state of Michigan Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Total Assets 3,632,333,612 Company ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 16,476 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE surance of the State of North Dakota, " do hereby ~.J'tify,that the for, .~ a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- cially filed by the Company in this of- fice. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2015 (Seal). ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF .~ STATE,OF N(~TRi~AKOTA AUTHORITY ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ~-: WHEREAS, the above corporation OF INSURANCE ~: duly organized under the laws of its Adam Harem, Commissioner of In- ' state or country of domicile, has filed " in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition~ and business for the year ending December 31,2014 conformable to ,the requirements of the laws~of tills stffte;i'e'~arding the busF ness of insot'ance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificateof organi- zati6n in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, Total Liabilities Common Capital Stock Preferred Capital Stock Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 16,568,902 Aggregate write:ins for Special surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) 324,033,384 Less treasury stock, at cost: 2,488,490 shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 344,022,286 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 3,632,333,612 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums 3,288,311,326 In the state of Delaware " " 3,450,000 Total Assets 11,159,89t ~51 o Total Liabilities 723,618,1,74,769,227 Common Capital Stock " 2,500,000 Preferred Capital StoCk 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus933,621,495 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) 217,967,281 Less treasury stock, at cost: 2,488,490 shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,154,008,776 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 723,619,328,858,003 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 .~ -r 60739 NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Written ABSTRAQT OF StATEMENt: Commissioner of Insurance of the Total Direct Losses FOR~THE YF.~RENDING State of North Dakota, pursuant to the DECEMBER 31, 2014 provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- Paid '~:~OF, THE:- - . ,~ tify that the above named company is Amel"ican NatiOnal !nsurance ~,o~~. fully empowered through its authorized pany ~. " .~.~.~!:,~, agents ar~l'representatives, to trans- In the state of Texas '" act itSAppr0priated business.of au- Total Assets 18,112,985,349thorized insu~ance'in the state Total Liabifities 15,233,831,008according tO tl~e laws thereof, Until the Common Capital Stock 0,832,449 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed Surplus 33,761,394 Aggregate write-ins for -3,474,867 Special surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) 2,919,975,937 Less treasury stock, at cost: # shares common 3,960,507 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 2,879,154,341 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 18,112,985,349 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums Written 5,177,310 Total Direct Losses Paid 4,614,253 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 554 A83 Total Direct Losses Paid 65,009 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFIC E OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE 2,O69,785 857,892 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 147,843 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 30th day of April, A: D. 2016. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I,haVe hereunto set my 'hand and seat at Bis- marck this first day of May, A:D. 2015 - (Seal) ADAM HAMM Commissi0ner of tdsuranCe ~ WHEREAS the above corporation (May 14, 21 and 28) duly brganized under the laws of its 61190 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT FORTHEYEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 OF THE Auto-Owners Life~'lnsurance Company In the state of Michigan STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF : AUTHORITY Total ,Assets Total Liabilities 3,288,311,326 Common Capital Stock 3,450,000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 16,568,902 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus fund 0 Unassigned funds (surplus) 324,033,384 Less treasury stock, at cost: state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31,2014 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and - 3,632,333,612 ~-' WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the requ~re- merits of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance ofthe State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered 'through' its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state 2,488,490 shares common 0 according to the laws thereof, until the # shares preferred 0 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. ' Surplus as regards " " IN TESTIMONY'WHEREOF:, I have Policyholders 344,022,286 hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- Total Liabilities, Capital marck this first day of May, A. D. 2015 And Surplus 3,632,333,612(Seal) ADAM HAMM LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums Written Total Direct Losses 352,166 Paid 1,204,002 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 4,894 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 2014 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the lawsthereof; until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- marck this first day of May, A. D. 2015 61751 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 OF THE Central States Health & Life Company of Omaha In the state of Nebraska Total Assets 414,730,492 Total Liabilities 295,148,795 Common Capital Stock 0 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 0 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus fund Unassigned funds (surplus) 119,581,697 Less treasury stock, at cost: 2,488,490 shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 119,581,697 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 414,730,492 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums Written 1,103,248 Total DirectLosses Paid 333,707 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums Written 987,754 Total Direct Losses Paid 136,153 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31,2014 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company ig fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- : act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- marck this first day of May, A. D. 2015 (Seal) ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance (May 14, 21 and 28) 61875 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 OF THE Church Life Insurance Corporation In the state of New York Total Assets 287,611,444 Total Liabilities 235,781,098 Common Capital Stock 6,000,000 Preferred Capital Stock 0 Aggregate write-ins for Other than special surplus 0 Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 6,000,000 Aggregate write-ins for Special surplus fund 1,499,213 Unassigned funds (surplus) 38,198,351 Less treasury stock, at cost: 2,488,490 shares common 0 # shares preferred 0 Surplus as regards Policyholders 51,697,564 Total Liabilities, Capital And Surplus 287,478,662 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY FOR THE YEAR 2014 LIFE & ANNUITY Total Direct Premiums Written 8,154 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 ACCIDENT & HEALTH Total Direct Premiums. Written 0 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its state or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31,2014 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans- act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2016. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bis- marck this first day of May, A. D. 2015 (Seal) ADAM HAMM Commissioner of Insurance (May 14, 21 and 28) orts l. Between 2003 and 2014, only two National League pitchers tossed more than 250 innings in a season. Name them. 2. tn what year did Hank Aaron hit the first of his 755 career major- league home runs? 3: :How many seasons has New Orle- ans Saints quarterback Drew Brees thrown for 5,000 yards? 4. When was the last time that the University of Virginia men's basket- ball team reached the NCAA Tourna- ment's Elite Eight? 5. How many combined Stanley Cup titles did Montreal's Jean Beliveau win as a player and a team executive? 6. In 2014, Germany's Miroslav Klose set a World Cup record for most career goals (16). Who had held the mark of 15? 7. Two horses hold the modern North American racing record of l 6 consecutive victories. Name them. Answers 1. Montreal's Livan Hernandez (255 innings in 2004) and Philadelphia's Roy Halladay (250.2 in 2010). 2. :It was 1954. 3. Four times (2008, ' 11,' 12,' 13). 4. It was 1995. 5. Seventeen Stanley Cups. 6. Brazil's Ronaldo. 7. Citation (1948-50) and Cigar 1994-96). ~2~ 2015 King Features Synd Inc.