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Page 4 Golden Valley News May 14, 2015
You are hereby summoned and re-
quired to appear and defend against the
Complaint in this action which was filed
herein on the 6th day of April, 2015, by
serving upon the undersigned an An-
swer or other proper response within
thirty-five (35) days after the date of first
publication of the Summons. If you fail
especially those who may not have re-
ceived this notice directly (for example,
people in apartments, nursing homes,
schools, and businesses). You can do 16 that is known at this time.
this by posting this notice in a public Sperry made a motion to adjourn,
place or distributing copies by hand or Larson second, motion carried unani-
mail. mously.
As our customer, you have a right to Minutes submitted by Superintend-
know what happened and what we are ent Larry Helvik.
doing to correct this situation. Kimberly Nunberg, President
The City of Beach regrets that this Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager
meeting on legislation that impacts eling for project research and confer-
schools, ences. Ueckert requested to have her
Mr. Helvik updated staffing for 2015- travel pre-paid. Commissioner Tescher
made a motion to approve the County
Auditor to pre-pay Ueckerts travel
vouchers and Commissioner Maus sec-
onded. Motion carried.
Tax Director/Zoning Director, Henry
Gerving updated the Board on the sta-
tus of equalization meetings. He also
handed out the updated Planning and
70490 ND Sheriff's'& '
Deputies Association
50.00 ~'
70491 Kim Nunbe[g 77.82
70492 Ordahl Construction 380.00
70493 Planet Headset 327.50
70494 Radisson
Hotel Bismarck 448.20
70495 Scott Steele 69.00
70496 Strobes N' More 227.53
70497 Strom Center " 1000:00
to do so, Judgment by Default wilt be error in meeting monitoring/reporting re- (May 14) Zoning brochure. Commissioner Stef- 70498 SW Multi-Co
taken against you for the relief de- quirements of the Stage 2 Disinfec- fen made a motion to approve the Correction CtF i:iii:.- t-,35~!94
minded in the Complaint. tints/Disinfection Byproducts Rule Golden Valley County County Zoning Boards recommenda- 70499 Smart Com#uters ii.
,/ NOTICE OF TEMPORARY RE- occurred. It is recognized that a com- tion on the following: to disapprove & Consulting ~ '~:' ;'.~'~ 85:83
./"-" STRAINING PROVISIONS plete monitoring program is of great Commission Judy Stenberg's request to qhange the" 70~,00 SmartSi9n :. . 477,56
COUNTY,Under Rule 8.4 of the North Dakota value in making certain that safe drink- zoning of Lots 13-1~4q5 BLK 2, Original 70501 Traffic Safety " ~
I t"/~r~ Rules of Court, upon service of this lag water is providedto all consumers. COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY Town Site, City of Sentinel Butte Warehouse 158.88
Summons, you, and your spouse, are Steps have been taken to ensure BOARD OF COUNTY (Parcels#0550700, 0550800 & 70502 Ultramax 293.00
-- ,-rv
bound by the restraints following: that adequate monitoring/reporting will COMMISSIONERS 0550900) from residential R-1 to Agri- 70503 Uniform Center 92.99
(1) Neither spouse shall dispose of, be performed in the future. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS cultural due to the City of Sentinel Butte 70504 Baranko Brothers Inc23432.40
sell, encumber, or otherwise dissipate The quarterly report was not filed by April 7, 2015 9:00 A.M. ordinances allowing Stenberg to have a 70505 Aaron Brown 3006.23
I rd~ any of the parties' assets, except: the April 10th deadline, resulting in a vi- horse there and to approve the request 70506 Rod Brown 3006.23
(a) For necessities of life or for the olation. Reports will be filed in a timely Chairman Harley Steffen called the from Mark & Rebecca Kasian for a vari- 70507 Department
Notice necessary generation of income or mannerFor furtherin the future.information, please con- meeting to order. Commissioners Don- ance to encroach to within 50' of a Sec- 70508 f TransportatiOnKadrmas, 1286.18
tact: The City of Beach at 701-872- Lee & Jackson 18455.89
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 4103. 70509 Butler
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION This notice is being sent to you by Machinery Company 870.50
Bridger Pipeline LLC the City of Beach. 70510 Colonial Research 161.58
16-inch Crude Oil Pipeline - Billings May 1st, 2015 70511 Darrel's Body Shop 386.08
& Stark (May 14) 70512 John Deere Financial 55.93
Siting Application 705t3 Northwest Tire Inc 249.61
705t4 Powerplan 7614.09,
Case No. PU-15-97 Notice 70515 Texas Refinery Corp'. 312.00
HEARING 70516 Wallwork Truck Center1673.91
April 29, 2015 NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD 70517 West Dakota
ELECTION Truck Repair, Inc. 80,50
preservation of assets; or aid Maus and Troy Tescher were pres- tion Line between section 22-23
(b) For retaining counsel to carry on ent along with States Attorney Elizabeth 140-103, parcel #8-0-01783520 Lot 2
or to contest the proceedings; Ebert. Whiskey Springs Subdivision and Com-
If a spouse disposes of, sells, en- Commissioner Maus made a motionmissioner Tescher seconded. Motion
cumbers, or otherwise dissipates as- to approve the March minutes and carried.
sets during the interim period, that Commissioner Tescherseconded. Mo- Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld and
spouse shall provide to the other tion carried. Andrew Krebs with KLJ met with the
spouse an accounting within thirty (30) Current business brought before the Board to discuss the status of the West-
days. Board: erheim Road and to review and sign the
(2) Neither spouse shall harass the ,Bankhead Jones Letter-discussion Progressive Estimate Number 1 to
other spouse, was held on how this money is formu- Baranko Brothers. Updates were also
(3) All currently available insurance lated. Golden Valley County received giving on the Streitz Bridge project,
coverage must be maintained and con- $2,097,981.76 for the calendar year things are progressing right along and
A public hearing on the applications tinued without change in coverage or
for Case No. PU-15-97 is scheduled for beneficiary designation. Notice is hereby given that on Tues- 2014. Commissioner Tescher made the hopefully will be usable by Spring's
July 9, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. Central (4) Neither spouse shall removeday, the 2nd day of June, 2015, anelec- motion to continue with the disburse- work.
Time, at Belfield City Hall, 107 2nd Ave. any of their minor children from North tion will be held for the purpose of merit formulas of 7.5% to School Dis- Discussion was also held on crush-
NE, Belfield, North Dakota 58622. Dakota without the written consent of electing one member to represent di- trict #3, 3% to School District #6, and ing additional gravel and scoria. Com-
Bridger Pipeline LLC has filed appli- the other spouse or order of the Court rector district #1 for a term of three 3% to Sentinel Township, $500 each to missioner Tescher made a motion to
cations for a certificate of corridor com- except for temporary periods, years, one member to represent direc- the unorganized townships and the re- crush 15,000 yards each at the Under-
patibility and a route permit concerning IF EITHER SPOUSE VIOLATES tor district #2 for a term of three years, maining to road reserve and Commis- wood and Davidson pits, 35,000 yards
approximately 15 miles of 16-inch di- ANY OF THESE PROVISIONS, THAT and one member to represent director sioner Maus seconded. Motion carried, at the Johnson pit, and 100,000 yards
ameter crude oil pipeline and associ- SPOUSE MAY BE IN CONTEMPT OF district #5 for a term of one year on the BLM Mineral payments-Commis- from the Richards pit and Commis-
ated facilities in Billings and Stark COURT. Billings County School Board. Candi- sioner Maus made a motion to follow sioner Mausseconded. Motion carried.
Counties, N.D as shown on the at- DATED this 6th day of April, 2015. dates must be residents of director dis- the formula for distribution as done so Chairman Steffen declared the
tached map (Case No. PU-15-97). The KEOGH LAW OFFICE trict #1, #2, or #5, but will be voted upon in the past and Commissioner Tescher meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
company has also filed an application Attorneys for Plaintiff at large in the entire school district. Di- seconded. Motion carried. The following vouchers were audited
for waivers of procedures and time Street and Post Office Address:rector district #1 is comprised of all of Ergonomic Grant-Commissioner and approved for the month of April:
schedules established under North 141 3rd St. West, P.O. Box 1202townships 137-102,138-102, 139-102, Tescher made a motion to commit to ac- 70397 Blue Cross
Dakota Century Code sections 49-22- Dickinson, ND 58602-1202 and 140-102. Director district # 2 is cepting a grant through WSI on buying Blue Shield of ND 18785.10
07.2, 49-22-08, 49-22-08.1, 49-22-13, Ph.: 701-483-9146 & Fax: 701-483- comprised of all of townships 137-100 2 ergonomic chairs, the County will be 70398 PharmChem, Inc. 100.00
and North Dakota Administrative Code 9147 and 101, 138-100 and 101, 139-100 responsible for 25% of the cost and the 70399-70429 Collections
section 69-06-01-02 and chapter 69-06- Robert A. Keogh, ND Bar ID# 03004 and 101, and 140-100 and 101. Direc- 75% is .funded through the grant and Submitted 184732.09
06, requiring separate filings, separate tor district #5 is comprised of townships Commissioner Maus seconded. Motion 70430-70455 Social
notices, and separate hearings on such(May 7, 14 and 21) 144-98, 144-99, 144-100, 144-101, carried. Services Disbursements 9967.54
applications. 144-102, 143-101, 143-102, 142-101 .NDIRFAnnual Meeting-CountyAu- 70456 Berger Electric Inc. 3474.84
142-102, 141-101 and 141-102. ' ditor, Tamra Sperry informed the Board 70457 Information
,Technology Dept 499.35
The issues to be considered in the Notice Polls will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 70458 Ag Communication2.00
application for waiver of procedures and 7:00 p.m. MT. Polling places will be 70459 BOSS Inc 888.80
time schedules are:
1. Are the proposed facilities of such Notice to Property Owners Prairie School Library building and De- 70460 Jim Groll Snow & Mow 16.25
length, design, location, or purpose that Mores School. 70461 NDSU
they will produce minimal adverse ef- Property owners are responsible for If you will not be able to go to the Extension Service 10952.00
fects and that adherence to applicable keeping their property mowed and nox- polls on Election Day, applications for 70462 Rohan Hardware58.83
ious weeds controlled. When the prop- absentee ballots will be available at the 70463 Southwest
procedures and time schedules may be erty is not mowed or weeds become a District office in Medora or by calling
waived? Business Machih~s '777.12 ~
2. Is it appropriate for the Commis- nuisance,t he city will mow and/or spray 623-4363. Please make your request 70464 Ashley Ueckert646.38
sion to waive any procedures and time the property at a cost of $150 per lot as early enough to allow time for mailing of 70465 W Dak Parent &
schedules as requested in the applica- allowed by City Ordinance 366 Section application and ballot when necessary. Fam Resource Ctr 821.03
tion? 12.0101-12.0105. Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- 70466 American
The issues to be considered in the Kimberly Nunberg ager Engineering Testing, Inc. 342.50
applications for a certificate of corridor City Auditor Billings County School District 70467 Noll Construction. LLC1560.00
compatibility and a route permit are: (May 7, 14, 21 and 28) (May 14 and 28) 70468 C.E. Brooks
1. Will the location and operation of & Associates 121.36
the proposed facilities produce minimal Hearing Notice Notice 70469 Chief / Law Enforcement
adverse effects,on the emlirq~ment and
upon the weifai'e of the citizens of North Zoning Hearing Notice
70518 Pete Wirtzfeld 32.00
70519 Henry Gerving 335.25
70520 MainStay Suites 249.00
70521-70525 Forest Service
Bankhead Jones PILT 2097981.76
70526 Productivity Plus Account59.96
70527 Donnie Feiring 474.95
70528 Susan Sarsland 334.65
70529 Jenn Steiner 58.65
70530 Dawn Ueckert 245.00
70531 Tamra Sperry 69.00
70532 Washington
National Ins Co 33.96
70533-70535 Weed
Control Disbursements 1235.86
70536 S & R Interiors, Inc. 10942.55
70537 City of Beach 281.82
70538 MDU 2949.03
70539 Midstate
Communications, Inc. 1216.81
70540 North Dakota
State Treasurer 1631.62
70541 Reservation
Telephone Coop 40.00
70542 Warne Chemical
& Equipment 3350.00
70543-70551 Library
Disbursements 2033.16
70552 Smart Computers
& Consulting 140.00
70553 -.VOID
"709543ayce F11Jffmar~ ~'-" ~ 38.00
70555 Department of Revenue 98.00
70556 ND Child
Support Division 818.00
70557 Golden Valley County 9495.39
70558 Golden Valley County 9495.39
70559 Golden Valley
County Treasurer 1014.00
70560 Golden Valley County11735.00
70561 Golden Valley
Supply 1225.27 CoLinty TreasUt-ei" ,~' 4871.49
NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF 70470 Jack Cook 25.00 70562 Golden Valley~ Ci~L~l~y'*~gs@.i~12
TRANSPORTATION 70471 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc 113.80 70563 Golden':.ValleyCouhty 5525.68
12.00 70564-70570Gelden +~:- va~
2. Are the proposed facilities corn- REQUEST FOR BIDS 70472 Dakota Insurance
patible with the environmental preser- STANDING HAY ON RIGHT OF WAY 70473 DF Lighting Company 479.69Valley County Employees 1358.89
vation and the efficient use of OF INTERSTATE 94AND 70474 Dutch Mill Florist 43.95 70571 NDACo 305.54
resources? INTERSTATE 29 70475 Electro 70572 Jordon Kohanes 90.00
3. Will the proposed facility locations Watchman Inc 144.00 70573 Nelson Auto Center 26897.00
minimize adverse human and environ- 70476 Farmers Union Oil 16614.19 70574 Cenex Fleetcard1244.11
mental im pact while ensuring continu- 70477 Golden Valley News 582.04 70575 Golden Valley
ing system reliability and integrity and 70478 Golva Repair 381.75 County Treasurer 5000.00
ensuring that energy needs are met and 70479 GV County 70576 Darin Maus 14.95
fulfilled in an orderly and timely fash- States Attorney 1816.66 70577 Troy Tescher 28.75
ion? 70480 Light and Siren13440.36 70578 Paul Schmitz 14.95
For more information contact the 70481 L-Tron Corporation 725.10 70579 Harley Steffen 591.93
Public Service Commission, State Capi- 70482 Matthew Bender & Co. 86.10 70580 Golden Valley News 57.60
tol, Bismarck, North Dakota 58505, 70483 Melbye Law Office 787.50 70581 PharmChem, Inc. 343.20
701-328-2400; or Relay North Dakota, 70484 Mid-American 70582 Verizon Wireless313.18
1-800-366-6888 TTY. If you require any Research Chemical 143.86 70583 Aflac 386.67
auxiliary aids or services, such as read- 70485 ND Association 70584 AT&T Mobility 105.56
ers, signers, or Braille materials, please of Counties 440.00 Debit Card NDSU 90.00
notify the Commission at least 24 hours 70486 ND County ATTEST:
in advance. Auditors Association 200.00 Tamra Sperry, County Auditor
PUBLIC S ERVICE COMMISSION 70487 ND County Harley Steffen. Chairman, County
Randy Christmann, Commissioner Treasurer's Association 200.00 Commissioners
Julie Fedorchak, Chairman 70488 NDEMA 30.00 (May 14)
Brian P. Kalk, Commissioner 70489 North Dakota
(May 7) Insurance Department 180.00
The Golden Valley County Zoning
Board will hold a public hearing on
Monday, May 18, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in
the Commissioner's Room at the court-
house, for the following business;
New Business The North Dakota Department of
- Farmers Union Oil Co of Beach re- Transportation (NDDOT) seeks sealed
quest to rezone the A 5.92 ACRE bids for cutting, baling, and removing
TRACT in NWl/4NW1/4 Sec 30-140- hay on designated sections of highway
106 parcel #02416600 from Agricultural right of way along 1-94 and 1-29. Bids
to Industrial, for the purpose of estab- will be for the 2015 haying season.
lishing a propane distribution facility. NDDOT will accept sealed bids in
This parcel lies in the City of Beach's five district offices. Fixed bids will not
extra territorial zone. be accepted. Interested bidders can
- Mel Bosserman requests a van- contact the respective NDDOT district
ance from the current setbacks which office listed below to obtain a bid docu-
are 150' from all section lines, and cen- ment, copy of the Risk Management
ter of county highways and secondary Appendix, and sample certificate of lia-
county and township roads, he request bility insurance. The REQUEST FOR
this variance to encroach to within 75' BID document must be completed,
of 49th ST SW in Lone tree Township, signed in ink, sealed in an envelope
to emplace 2each 36' Diameter gram marked, "Bids for Standing Hay", and
bins The request is for the following submitted to the respective NDDOTdis-
parcel: N1/2 of Sec 11-137-105 parcel trict office prior to the deadline. The
# 7-0-00657500 awarded bidder will be required to sign
- Ron and Sue Feldman request a a contract with NDDOT agreeing to the
variance from the current setbacks terms for hay harvesting.
which are 150' from all section lines, Deadlines:
and center of county highways and sec- Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, and
ondary county and township roads, he Valley City offices: 1:30 p.m. CDT
request this variance to encroach to Thursday, June 11,2015.
within 75' of old Highway 10 in the City Dickinson office: 1:30 p.m. MDT,
of Sentinel Butte to build a deck on their Thursday, June 11, 2015.
home. The request is for the following NDDOT district offices:
parcel; All NW1/4 of the BNSF, East of Bismarck: 218 South Airport Road,
TRACT in NWl/4 town of Sentinel Bismarck, ND 58504-6003 Ph: (701)
Butte, less East 600' SEC 29-140-104 328-6950
City Acreage Parcel#22-11-05634000 Fargo: 503 38th Street South,
(May 7 and 14) Fargo, ND 58103-1198 Ph: (701)239-
Grand Forks: P.O. Box 13077,
Notice 195~ North Washington, Grand Forks,
ND 58208-3077 Ph: (701)787-6500
PUBLIC HEARING Valley City: 1524 8th Avenue
Southwest, Valley City, ND 58072-4200
The Beach Zoning Board will hold a Ph: (701)-845-8800
Public Hearing on May 18, 2015 at 8:15 Dickinson: 1700 3rd Avenue West,
a.m. for comment on an Application for Suite 101, Dickinson, ND 58601-3009
Approval of Zoning Change and Appli- Ph: (701)227-6500
cation for Conditional Use submitted by (May 14)
Farmers Union Oil Company of Beach
for the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 Section
30 Township 140N Range 106W. The
request for Zoning Change is from Agri-
culture to Industrial. The Conditional
Use request is to install a 45,000 gallon
propane tank facility, store propane
tanks and park fuel transport trucks.
Kimberly Nunberg
Zoning Administrator
(May 14 and 21)
Important Information about Your
Drinking Water
The City of Beach Did Not Meet
Monitoring/Reporting Requirements
for Chlorine/Chloramine Residents
The Environmental Protection
Agency and the North Dakota Depart-
ment of Health requires that a specific
number of chlorine/chloramine residual
samples be taken and reported per
quarter. Records show that the City of
Beach did not collect/report the required
chlorine/chtoramine residual samples
that were to be taken at the same time
and location as coliform samples for
January, February, and March 2015;
and therefore cannot be sure of the
quality of our drinking water during that
Please share this information with all
the other people who drink this water.
Beach School District
Unofficial Minutes
Subject to Review and Revision of
the Board
April 30, 2015
5:15 p.m.
Room 11
on the date for the NDIRF Annual Meet-
Equipment Breakdown policy-dis-
cussion was held and the Board de-
cided not to purchase the Equipment
Breakdown policy
Propane bids-A call for bids will be
put together for the 2 propane tanks lo-
cated north of the Courthouse.
Discussion was held on a letter
from the Roosevelt-Custer Regional
Council for Development pertaining to
a 2015 Community Development Block
Grant Program, no action was taken.
Discussion was then held on closing
roads when they were not suitable to
drive on due to excess moisture. Com-
missioner Steffen informed the Board
that Golden Valley County has imple-
menlted a voluntary policy. Commis-
Sioner Maus presented the Board with a
cost estimate from Olstad Construction
on road repairs for 3 different locations
to fix blind spots and snow traps. It was
agreed that Road Foreman, Wirtzfeld
will rewew the estimate and wilt be dis-
cussed at the next meeting. Commis-
sioner Maus then presented the Board
with an agreement with Noll Construc-
tion, LLC to blade 10 miles of County
Road for $1400 per time and roads will
be designated and overseen by Com-
missioner Maus. Commissioner
Tescher made a motion to go into
agreement with Noll Construction pend-
ing proof of liability insurance and con-
tractor's license from Noll Construction
to blade 10 miles of roads designated
by the Commissioners and Road For-
man, Pete Wirtzfeld and any needed
surfacing will be approved as a case by
case situation and Commissioner Maus
seconded. Motion carried. States At-
torney, Elizabeth Ebert and County Au-
ditor, Tamra Sperry will draw up a
contract between Noll Construction and
Golden Valley County.
Sheriff, Scott Steele met with the
Board to discuss the Server Training
that was discussed at the last meeting.
Steele is in support of the training and
would like to make it available to the es-
tablishments serving alcohol. After dis-
cussion the Board is in support of
offering the Server Training.
Deb Walworth joined the meeting.
County Agent, Ashley Ueckert met
with the Board to inform them the Fair
Board is applying for a grant for camper
hookups and an updated sound system
for the blue building. Ueckert then
asked the Board to sign a letter of sup-
port for the grant and they agreed to
sign it in support. Ueckert then in-
formed the Board she will be doing tray-
Members present were Kimberly
Nunberg, Robert Sperry, Jeanne Lar-
son, Mike Van Horn, Jay Johnson and
Larry Helvik.
There were no visitors present.
President Nunberg called the meet-
ing to order at 5:15 p.m.
The board did not go into executive
session for negotiations strategies,
Nunberg and Johnson, the board's ne-
gotiation committee, reviewed portions
of the Collaborative Bargaining's third
meeting minutes between the BEA and
Beach Public School Board. Discussion
took place to clarify the board's and the
BEA positions on various components
and to give input to the negotiating com-
mittee on what direction to take.
Mr. Helvik said he would be attend-
ing a post legislative meeting in Bis-
marck on Monday, 5/4/2015 and would
update the board at the next regular
Are,you having trouble hearing,
dialing, or answering the telephone?
If phone use is difficult due to a hearing,
speech, or physical limitation you may be
eligible for a free specialized telephone. If
you are a North Dakota resident, call the
Telecommunications Equipment Distribution
Service to find the right phone for you.
I.~" Call 800-895-4728 NOW to see if you
are eligible for a FREE telephone.
The Senior Class of20l 5 from Beach High School would like to invite the Golden
Graduates of 1965 from Beach High School, Golva High School and Sentinel Butte
High School to participate in their graduation exercise as guests of honor.
There will be reserved seating for both you and your spouse. The date is May 24,
2015, at 2 p.m. at the Beach High School gymnasium. Please arrive by 1:30 p.m. so the
Golden Graduates can sign up and receive flowers in the commons area.
Please call the Beach High School office (701) 872-4161 by May 21 (or you can
email to Raynette.szudera@Kl if you are planning on attending. If you have
an address or phone number of a Golden Graduate who needs to be notified, please
call the above number and we will be glad to contact them.
The Billings County Planning & Zon-
ing Commission will hold a public hear-
ing on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 1:00
PM in the Commissioner's Room at the
county courthouse, Medora, ND to con-
sider recommending to the Board of
County Commissioners the approval or
denial of the following items:
Stuart Crismore: Application for a
conditional use permit to allow a rv as
temporary housing on a 2.76 acre par-
cel in the NWl/4NWl/4 14-142-99
(2010 Hwy 85 SW, South Fairfield).
Variance also requested to allow the
use in a commercial district. Property
is owned by Arnold Rodakowksi.
Giles Radtke: Application to con-
struct a 62'x34' garage on an 18.7 acre
tract in the SEl/4 8-139-100 (13603
38th St SW). Also requested is a vari-
ance to construct within the section line
setback requirement. Property is zoned
James & KeUi Barron: Application to
construct a 30'x36' garage on tract 3 in
the NWl/4NWl/4 26-141-99 (2812
Hwy 85 SW). Property is zoned resi-
Other Business:
The board will also address poten-
tial & pending zoning violations and rec-
ommend any action needed by the
Zoning Director. State's Attorney, or
Board of County Commissioners.
Applications are available for review
during regular office hours at the Billings
County Courthouse.
Dated at Medora this 1st day of May,
Stacey Swanson
Zoning Director
(May 7 and 14)
Case No. 17-2015-DM-0004
Philip Sievers,
Dianne Sievers,
~r #