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Beach, North Dakota
May 14, 2015     Golden Valley News
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May 14, 2015
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May 14, 2015 / Golden Valley News Page 3 Trevor Martian Martian to attend Governor's School FLORENCE, Miss. - Trevor Mar- tian has been selected to participate in the 2015 session (May 31 - June 19) of the Mississippi Governor's School. The Governor's School is a residential honors program estab- lished in 1981 by Gov. William F. Winter at Mississippi University for Women. The Governor's School is designed to provide academic, cre- ative, and leadership experiences for a limited number of rising high school juniors and seniors who have demonstrated exceptional ability and achievement in their studies and who show high intellectual, creative, and leadership potential. Trevor has just completed the 10th grade at Florence High School, where he is an active participant in cross country, soccer, and baseball, as well as JROTC. In addition, Trevor is a member of the Brandon Futbol Club, and actively serves on the Mis- sissippi Army National Guard Youth Council, Trevor has earned his Eagle Scout and has attained the rank of cadet senior airman in the Civil Air Patrol. He continues to volunteer with the local Boy Scouts of Amer- ica, and has given his time in service to the Columbus Air Force Base Youth Center and the Humane Soci- ety. Trevor is the son of David and Daniela Martian of Florence, Miss. He is the grandson of Duane and Essie Martian of Beach, and Donald Nagel of Bismarck. Mardee C!arke DSU celebrates spring commencement on May 16 DICKINSON - Dickinson State Track and Field team, working at the University will hold the 2015 spring DSU Alumni and Foundation, fulfill- commencement exercises on Satur- ing the requirements of the Theodore day, May 16, at 10 a.m. Roosevelt Honors Leadership Pro- The event will be held in DSU's gram. and serving as a volunteer at Scott Gymnasium and will be avail- the Domestic Violence and Rape Cri- able for viewing online at dickinson- sis Center in Dickinson. After grad- Candidates for degree uation, Clarke plans to enroll in include 196 students from 20 states, graduate school to earn a degree in 5 countries, and 2 two tribal nations, clinical mental health counseling. Mardee Clarke, daughter of Curt During her commencement address, and Ruth Clarke, will be the spring Clarke will recount the memories 2015 student commencement made while a student at DSU. She speaker. Clarke grew up on a ranch wilt also share how the experiences near Great Falls, Montana. She is a and opportunities at DSU have pro- psychology major with a double pared her and her fellow classmates minor in leadership and sociology, for the path that lies ahead. Living out the DSU values of excel- After the commencement exer- lence.service, and leadership, Clarke cises are declared closed, the new has excelled both in and out of the graduates along with their families classroom. She has maintained and friends are welcome to join uni- strong academic performance while versity faculty and staff tot a recep- competing as a member of DSU tion in Weinbergen Gymnasium. Cathedral bf:tbe HoIySlbirit inBis- (I0);, Paul Eberle (10); and Mantel USDAg marck. nts available for prod Silva Cely, OSB (10). ucers Bill Davis, acting USDA Rural tions wanting to participate." $62,325 gt:ant to organize a grower's Development state director, an- Grants may be used to develop cooperative in North Dakota. The nounced that funding is available to new product lines from raw agricul- cooperative members will create a farmers, ranchers and food entrepre- tural products, support further pro- food hub to facilitate multi-channel hours to develop new product lines cessing of existing goods or expand marketing of their specialty crops, through USDA's Value-Added Pro- marketing opportunities. Funding proteins, and value-added food prod- ducer Grant. may also be used for working capital ucts. "This program supports product and planningactivities, lndependent More information on how to development and marketing, which producers, agricultural producer apply can be found on page 26528 of gives producers of all sizes the op- groups, farmer- or rancher-coopera- the May 8 Federal Register. The portunity to improve their bottom tives, and majority-controlled pro- deadline to submit paper applica- line and contribute to thelocal econ- ducer-based business ventures are tions is July 7. Electronic applica- omy." said Davis. "With the increas- eligible to apply, tions submitted through ing consumer demand for local and For example in 2014, USDA are due July 2. To learn more, con- regional foods, the grant funding is awarded Morning Joy Farm, along tact the North Dakota Rural Devel- important for those smaller opera- with other local food producers, a opment office at (701) 530-2037. DSU announces outstanding graduate nominees DICKINSON - The Dickinson IngaLarson Michael Richter State University Outstanding Gradu- Department of Business and Man- Department of Natural Sciences ate Award is the highest honor be- agement Brandi Mantz stowed upon graduating seniors by Robert Morey Katelyn Walter the university. Katie Tormaschy Department of Nursing Students are nominated by the Department of Fine and Perform- Jami HmTington facuhy in their academic departments ing Arts Department of Social Science for exceptional performance in their Trisha Loney Angela Caulk fields of study. Nominees submit an Emily Gunderson Nick Yelton application packet which includes a Department of Health and Physi- Department of Teacher Education resume, documentation of leadership, cal Education Megan Zalesky letters of reference, and an essay. A Ryan Payne Marissa Stanton selection committee reviews corn- Jordan Tescher The nominees will be recognized plete applications and selects two in- Department of Language and Lit- at an award ceremony held on Friday, dividuals to receive the outstanding erature May t5, at 2:30 p.m. in the Student graduate of the year award. The 2015 Joshua Kralicek Center Ballroom at Dickinson State nominees by department are: Robert Meador University. During the award cere- Department of Agriculture and Department of Mathematics and mony, two nominees will be awarded Technical Studies Computer Science the honor of outstanding graduate of Garrett Traylor Ryan Payne the year. Residents urged to check nursery stock for Japanese beetle BISMARCK - Agriculture Com- missioner Doug Goehring is urging North Dakota residents purchasing nurser3 stock to check for Japanese beetle infestation. "If you have purchased shrubs, trees or flowers this year, please in- spect the plants carefully and remove and kill any Japanese beetles you find," Goehring said. "We do not be- of this pest are in "We do not believe large numbers of this pest are in North Dakota yet, and we don't want it to become a resident." Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring Diocese honors clergy place approximately 25 traps in every county. Volunteers are also being anniversaries on May 20 li ve large numbers sought to help place traps across the North Dakota yet, and we don't want state. More information on volunteer- BISMARCK - The Diocese of Celebrating are: Bishop David it to become a resident." ing is available at Bismarck will have a special Mass to Kagan (40); Msgr. Gerald Walsh Goehring said more information on honor clergy who are celebrating an (60): and Fathers Stephen Kranz, the Japanese beetle and methods for ese-beetle. anniversary of ordination to the holy OSB (60); John Pfeifer (50); George controlling can be found in a publica- The beetle is native to Japan and priesthood. Pruys (40); John Guthrie (25); John- tion by the North Dakota State Uni- was found in the U.S. in 1916. It is The Mass will be held on son Kufiappilly (25): Boniface Mug- versity (NDSU) Extension Service at now found in every state east of the MississippP River, as ~well ,as, :Min- Wednesd@'~ MarC'20, at 3 p.m. at gli, OSB (25); John Paul Gardner nesota, tile D0&O~ and,~ontanal [~'Sts/e 1631 .pdf. He said homeowners Japanese beetle has been found in Can also contactltheh" nurse~:dealer or their county extension agent for more" North Dakota every year since 20t 2. information. Although the Japanese beetle is not Paddlefish snagging season closes The North Dakota Department of a regulated pest, it is a serious pest of Agriculture (NDDA) is surveying for ornamental plants. The insects defoli- 2015 paddlefish harvest has con- the beetles by placing approximately sisted of mostly females, further he- 1 900 bright green and yellow Japan- cessitating an early season closure, ese beetle traps across the state in high An additional four-day snag-and- risk areas such as previously positive release season began Tuesday, May areas, nurseries, parks and golf 12. and ran through Friday, May 15. courses. It is the goal of NDDA to Gary Mintz, DDS, PC Jason Roan, DDS Van or Bus Service Billings County . Golden Valley County Distance of 160 Miles CALL 701-872-3836 Wyatt Ray d ki The North Dakota Game and Fish Twar os Department closed the state's 2015 Tabetha J. Twardoski and Adam regular paddlefish snagging season at 10 p.m. Central Daylight Time, Mon- Armbruster, Glendive, became the day, May 11, to protect the popula- proud parents of a baby born May 1, tion level of the fish. Snaggers were 2015. reminded that Monday was a snag- He was named Wyatt Ray Twar- and-release only day. doski. He was born at 8:46 p.m. and The 2014-16 fishing proclamation weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces allows for the Game and Fish dir'ec- and was 20 inches long. tor to close the snagging season early His grandparents are Jerry Twar- if it appears more than 1,000 paddle- doski of Beach, and Jody Twardoski fish will be harvested. In addition, of Miles City, Mont. according to Greg Power, Fisheries chief, a record high proportion of the HOW TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS We welcome letters to the editor concerning issues of area interest or regarding stories and editorials that have been published. Letters should be limited to 400 words. Guest columns or opinion-editorials longer in length are also welcome. Awriter can have only one letter or column regarding the same subject published in a 30-day time period, unless the writer is responding to a new aspect of an issue that has been raised. Letters and columns are a way to encourage public discussion. Thank-you letters and invitations cannot be published as letters to the editor, but can be formatted as advertisements. Please include your name, address and phone number on your letter or column so that we can contact you. Your address and phone number will not be published. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, N.D. 58621; 110 "Insurance nc. Term Life Insurance Universal Life Insurance Fixed Annuities Index Annuities IRAs Long-Term Care Ins. Bruce Ross Central Ave. South, Beach, ND(701)872-4461 (office) Across from Bank of the West) (701) 872-3075 (home) > For subscribers, your subscription's expiration date is on your , address label. It's time to send in your payment if your expiration is 3 weeks away. ate a broad range of plants, including corn, soybeans, ornamentals, trees. and shrubs, especially roses and lin- dens. W? The Bil!i gs: CounO " Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising, and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 40 ),ears. This means the coverage of your ad is n,t limited to just either count,t. Our primary coverage a :ea is western Stark CounO and 4;est to the Montana border. It pays to advertise! BEACH St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Rev. Dan Berg Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Golden Valley Manor Chapel Pastor Ron Hudson of Calvary Chapel Sundays: 6:30 p.m. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, LCMS Rev. Scott Hojnacki Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m. Sunday School: 11 : 15 a.m. First Lutheran Church - ELCA Sunday School: 8:10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Beach Evangelical Church Pastor Ben Baker Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. United Community Church Pastor Warren Maxted Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. These schedules are brought to you by.: BELFIELD St. Peter's Lutheran - Rev. Scott Hojnacki Worship Service: Sunday - 8 St. Bernard's Catholic Chu Rev. Bill Reulle Saturday: Confessions 3-3: Mass: 4 p.m. Sunday: Confessions 7:30-8: Mass: 8:30 a.m. St. John Ukrainian Rev. Divine Sundays, 10 a.m. Belfield Rev. Sunday School Sunday Daglum Rev. Robert Hlibichuk Sunday Worship: 9 a,m. ' Bible Study: 10 a.m. FAIRFIELD Ukrainian Catholic Church Rev. Taras Miles Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on and fourth Sundays, irst, third and fifth Is k iI Mary's Church Sunday 8:30 a.m. Rev. Ro (Located 25 miles southeas ,Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Belfield) ices running 3-19 - 9-13 30 p.m Wed. iional Church Maxted Sunday Worship: 11:45 a. rv's Catholic Church " I I " I Mass: saturday 4:00 p.m. SENTINEL BUTTE Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. SOUTH HEART St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Bill Reulle Confessions before Mass Saturday Mass: 4 p.m. TROTTERS Trotters Church 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month WIBA UX United Methodist Church Pastor Ruth McKenzie Sunday Worship: 9 a.m, Calvary Temple, Assembly of God Pastor Reese Stephans Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church - ELCA Sunday Worship: 11 : 15 a.m. Christian Fundamental Church Pastor Jeremy Stradley Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. i i I II I" i 221N. MeadeAve. Glendive, MT 59330 406-377-2622 or 1-800-368-2690 Silha Funeral Homes : JAMES J. WOSEPKA, P.C. : " CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Licensed In North Dakota and Montana 53 lstAvenue S.E. 41 Central Ave. South Beach, ND 58621 Ro Box 970 701-872-3232 or Beach, North Dakota 58621 1-800-892-6424 701-872-4321