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R~lar Meeting, April 6t.h, 1944
City Council of Beach, North
met in regular session on
6th, 1944 with Mayor R. W.
and Aldermen T. L. Dick-
Mark Freese, H. H, Hal-
M. P. Lovgren. W. C. Schuiz
H. R. Thompson present.
minutes of the regular meet-
March 6th were read and
on motion by Dickinson
leconded by Lovgren.
following bills were read and
Keohane, Expenses to Fargo,
Minnie E. Smith, Expenses
C. O. Halvorson.
Expenses to Fa~e~,
N. W. Bell
Service, $2.50; Globe-
Printing Co. Election Sup-
$1.26; City Drug Store, Sup-
Lewis Rooms, Room
$1.00; Earl Jones.
work, $2.50; Beach Public
Contribution, $25.00; Golden
News. Supplies. Publishing
& notices, $33.33; M.
Inspector of Election,
R. E. Arnold, Judge of Elec-,
t.0 F.W. Houck, Judge ofI
a, 4.0); June R. Noyes, Clerk J
-~ti a, $4.00; Mary T. Noyes, l
of Election, $4.00; Park Cafe,]
for Election Board. $6.85; f
Cash Fund M~scellaneous I
$6.44; T. B. LaSalle, Repairs,
Dr. C. A. Bush, Salary, Health
$50.00; Occident Elevator I
Salt, $2.20; Olaus Rishvod, I
:tings, $6.74; Purvis Tire [
ire repairs, $.50; Glenn P.!
alary, $15{).00; L. J. Erick- [
try, $10{ 00; Ellen J. Arnold,[
$50.00; Neptune Meter Co.,I
repairs, $37.64; Montana-
Utilities Co.. Street Lights,
$145.B7; " Men-
Co., Power,
& Gas, $2{}4.05; City of
Water, $1.25; The Texas
& grease, $11.15; State
Sales Tax, $33.54;
A. C.
from $21.54; Col
Interpal Revenue, Victor~
Halstead that the bills
issuased read and that war-
on the various funds
thereof. Motion sec-
b~. Schuiz and carried, all
next proceeded to canvass
votes cast at
in the
Treasurer, Nlna Kirst
(ZD votes3_
Police A.E. Kas-
received (29) votes;
Justice the Peace T.
received Twelve (12)
Alderman of th~ First Ward
• ¢2. Sehulz received Six (0)
Alderman of the Second Ward
Dickinson received Twelve (12)
Alderman of the Third Ward
Halstea¢~ received Seven (7)
by Freese that the fore-
persons having received the
number of votes for the
offices be declared elect-
the offices as listed above.
seconded by Lovgren and
all voting "Yes." -- .
t-to adjourn made by J~iex-
and m.~2onded by Schulz. Car-
City Auditor.
M~Lag, ~zit 1tell, 1144
City Council of Beach, N.
its regular Organization meet-
April 18th, 1944. Those preS~
Mayor R. W. Johnson anu
T. L. Dickinson. M. E.
H. H. Halstead. M. P. Lov-
W. C. Schulz and H. R.
permit was granted to
and W, L. Hammond
an implement house
I and 2 of Block 8 of
Townsite, on motion
and seconded by Dick-
Motion carried, all voting
of Office of the officers
at the City Election on
1944 were read and order-
on file.
Freese that the above
having properly
are hereby declared en-
hold the various offices to
were elected. Motion
and carried by
T. L. Dickinson
President and H. H. Hal-
Was elected Vice President of
Johnson then presented the
the following persons for
offices for a
John Keohane
O. Halvorson;
of Police, SuPt.- of Water-
and Street Cornet
For City Engineer,
made and seconded that
aPPointments be approved.
carried alI members voting
C. Schulz,
M, P. Lovgren.
H. H. Hal~ead,
H. R. Thomt~son.
H, R, Thompson, cairn.,
M. E. Freese.
Water. T. L. Die~
Sehulz, H, I~L Halstead.
accident fll~-ated here is
occurrence and is typical
large volume of those that
in tragedlea
freight train was approaching
in a small city. Asthe
i neared the main thorough-
carrying three
the croS~-
and dashed by the
and flashing light
in an attempt to beat the
cry. They lost
Two of them lowt their
t the other was critically
They gambled and lost.
was brought to a
climbed down
, reporting to the
authorities, said: 'Tve got
of war explosives behind
put on the brakes
I was afraid I would
off:, The local police m;Uiorl-
• after investigating, said that
were powerful
to have destroyed the
' and caused a tremen-
tlum 80 per ,cent of
the eroulngs have
such as fluhtng
and belk, u was the
CJtv Hall, M. P. Lovgren, Chna.,] - .... ----- ........... =N S son'C I
EL tL Fadstead, W. C. Schulz. 'i P bl Sri
Park Board, M.P. L ovgren. Chin.,, GOMMISSI0 ' ext ca s oa
H R. ~hompson. M. E. Freese. [
Board of Health, M. E. Freese, l
Chin., H. R. Thompson, T. L. Dick-t PR0C INOS re em e ous,
inson, W. C. Schulz. Dr. C. A. Bush,
M. L. Lovell.
Moved by Lovgren and seconded C lMi Sy
by Dickinson that the Farmers &, oa nets a
Merchants Bank of Beach and the[ --=:-::--::----:::-:--:=:~
Bank of North Dakota of Blsmarck l
be named depositories of City Funds. {State of North Dakota })ss
vote.M°ti°n carried by a unanimous ICounty. of Golden Valley } That the mild winter averted in-
Moved by Freese that the admin-I May 2nd: 1944, 9:00 o'clock A. M. cenven/ence, suffering, and posslble
istrative officers be bonded in the The Boara or countT commmsion-
following amounts :-Treasurer, $10,0¢01ers met pursuant to adjournment death in many parts of the state
dollars; Auditor, $1,000; Attorney, with all commissioners present, because of shortage of coal, was
$500.00; Police Magistrate, $500.00;I The SW~%SE~A of s~ction 26-141-104
Justice of the Peace, $500.00; Chief,Was sold to Ole. Waidahl for the ap- the unanimous opinion of those
of Police, Supt. of Waterworks, and pralsea prme ot ana a coun- attending the "Buy Coal Now" con-
L Streetrr~d--] v flnu-,v~ ,,C°mmissi°ner' $500.00. Motion ltY_tax dee~ was issued. ~ ference at the capitol m Bismarck
ca~¢Ioti~n-l-to'°a'd-~Pour~l-S~de by Hal- troche fnn~ee~ayTenI~n;nalitnef cZn: last Tuesday.
stead and seconded by Schulz. Car- tion. 22:136-105 was made and @ The meeting was called by Oov.
ried. tax aeea was issuea ~o P~. t;. ana
I R.W. JOHNSON !R. P. Langdon. Moses, who also presided.
L Mayor. Payments on the centract cover-
ing the SE~.~ of section 20-I43-105 "We all realize that had it not
C. O. HALVORSON were completed and a tax deed was been for the extremely favorable
city Auditor. issued to Grant A. Hillman. winter weather, there would have
--V Lots 11 and 12 in block 5 Original
townsite of Beach were sold to Win. been real privation, suffering and
Fred Hake for the appraised price perhaps death in North Dakota
of $50.00 and a tax deed was
IN THE MATTER OF THE ) issued, d~Ill~ the past winter. We were
GIN.ESTATEalsoOF LUTHERknownHOD-as i) T~e SW~,~ of section 14-142-105 was skating on dangerously thin ice.
sold to D. L. Kukowski for the ap-
LUTHER HODGINS, De- ) praised price of $160.00 under con- We must do all in our power to
ceased. ) tract for deed.
Notice is hereby given by the un- 12:00 o'clock noon the Board ad- bring home to the people in North
dersigned, Administrator of the Es-
tate of Luther HOd~a~, also known journed and reconvened .at 1:~ P. M. Dakota that now is the time to lay
with all members presenL ~-- o s'''~]'' ~f ~a~ ~ ~'~xt -,~n
as Luther Hodg' s, e of the City Win. Franzen appeared before the ..... ~'~'~ ....... . ....... "
of Beach, in the County of Golden~ Board and asked for a release of ter," said Gov. Moses in opening
Valley and State of North Dakota, la seed lien on the W~,~ of section eh, ~n~fo~o,,a
Deceased to the creditors of, and 20-139-103 that had been placed' on ~*'c .............
all persons having claims against! the land in 1920 by a former owner. The conference was attended by
said deceased, to exhibit them with The Board acted upon the request ~ ,~,,~1~ ,¢ ~o~ ,~,,~ ove,,,qw~
the necessary vouchers, within six and the following motion for a a, ,~ .... ,., .... • ........... ~,
months after the first publication of resolution was made. representatives of municipalities,
this notice, to said Administrator RESOLUTION I " :
at the office of John Keohane, in The following resolution was pre-' coal distributors and state Offlc,als.
the City of Beach, in said Golden sented by commissioner Wosepka and) The whole question, it developed,
Valley County, or to the Judge seconded by commissioner Odland: }.,a~ ~.~,,~i~,~t ma~nnw~r ~n~
of .the County Court of Golden WHEREAS, the County of Golden ................... v .......
Valley County, at his office in the Valley. North Dakota, did on the[I transportation shortage, t However,
Court House in the City of Beach, 1st day of February, 1920 enter into te o m~t~,, ~f ~h, ~O,~,m~=¢ ,~f
Golden Valley County, North Dakota. a Seed Crain Contract with one ...... J .... ~ ................
You are hereby further notified George B. Lemire to furnish seed coal place their orders during the
that Hen. James Donaldson, Judge grain for the W~,i of section 20-139- next few weeks, the mines' will be
of the. County Court within and 103, and. whereas, the records do
for the County of Golden Valley not show that the said George B able to make delivery during the
and State of North Dakota. has fixed Lemire had any title or rights t~ next 90 days,
the 21st day of November A. l~ the above described land. either at
1944 at the hour of ten o'clock title or contract owner or tenant Railroads have plenty of cars
the forenoon of said day, at the and whereas, Wm. Franzen often now, their representatlvesexplained,
Court Rooms, in the Court House to pay Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00)
in the City of Beach in said to have the records on the above but in 90 days from now, when
County and State, as the time and described real estate property re-
place for hearing and adjusting all leased from said seed grain contract grain from the southwest start
claims against the estate of the recorded in said county in the office rolling to market, there will be an
said Luther Hodgin, also known, a~ of the register of deed March ~th. acute shortage, much more serious
Luther Hod~ms, Deceased, wmc 1290 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. in Book
have been duly and regularly pre- B, of seed Liens at page 82, as than a year ago.
sented as hereinbefore provided, document No. 18199,~ An appeal will again be made to
Dated this 10th day of May A.D. Therefore be it Resolved by the
Board of County commissioners in sChool boards, municipalities, Insti-
l944. LUTHER F. HODGIN session this 2nd day of May 1944, tutlon~, business houses and farm-
Administrator of the Es- and. that this county of Golden
fate of Luther Hodgln, Valley does hereby release the ~ era using lignite, to place their
also known as Luther seed contract lien flmt~x the above orders immediately so tl~t they
described W~ of sect/on 20-139-103
Hod~io~, Deceased.
First publica on the IIth day and order the County Treasurer to will have plenty to go on when the
of May A. D. 1944. issue a full release of the said lien rush starts next fall. It will be
JOHNKEOHANE as to the said described real estate
Attorney for Administrator only. imposslble to take care of all orders
Beach. North Dakota, Upon being put to a vote all during the fall and early winter for
(May II, 18, 25, 1944) commissioners voted "aye" and mo-
tion was declared carried. Immediate delivery, mine operators
V- The fonowlng bills were audited, and rallmen stated,
-----=~ :-:- -::~-~ approved and ordered paid by the
Board of county commissioners sub- And a much isxger compliance
R~r~WS ject to personal property taxes due will be necessary this season than
and delinquent.
Mont.-Dakota Utilities Co. Gas last year, if suffering and possible
& lights ............................................. $ 71.15 death from cold can be averted,
• C. B. Lyon & Bro. Inc. 2000
• :-- _ _ _ = _ _ _ : : _ _ __ _ _ :_ w Ibs. of sodium chlorate............ 151.00 it was held. An ordinary hard
C. J. Haljsman Hauling ashes winter will bring disaster to inany
T Mrs. Bill Neary and Mrs. Jim from O.P.A. building ................3.78
O'Connor and son were Olendlve Paul A, Thomas For prisoner's localities unless the proper pre-
board .................................................. 18.I0 caution is taken during the next
=;hoppers Thursday. Knight printing_Co, supplies .... 8.85
The ninth meeting of the home Globe-Gazette Pig. Co. Office few weeks.
supplies ............................................ ~.18 Be&ides the usual output of coal
nursing class was held Wednesday Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. lignite mines may be called upon
April telephone service ~,0~
P. M., with a good attendance. Golden Valley News i~rint"~ tO Supply about 200,000 additional
Rai~ 3S.~
Harold Fulton. Bob Marin and" gL:'~nsii"Miie'age'"::::~iiiii~i:::::: ~.I1 tons to Red River valley consum-
Herman Bargfeld, Jr. were callers State Auditor care of mrs. era, now using eastern coal, whlch
in Baker Thursday. Ernest Osterhout .......................... 29.07 will be curtailed about 25 percent
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Vartatta State Auditor care of feeble
minded patients ............................ 100.53 during the next season for that
and children moved out of toWn State Treasurer Care of Insane part of the country,
Wednesday to the Martln farm, patients .............................................. 181.03
Treas. of Golden Valley County Mlnc executives were hopeful
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lunder were Water bills, express & shrub- that many of last season's miners,
Sunday callers at the ~lammond bery
Public We~'re'"'B¢l':'"of'"N.'"'Da'k: ~.II now doing farm work, may be in-
home. Old Age Assistance .................... 71.78 duced to resume their work at the
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hammond Public Welfare Bd. of N. Dak.
Aid to dependent children ...... 2~.~ mines between seeding and haying
left Wednesday morning for Bis- Vranna Auto Supply Co. Re- azld the harvest.
marck, N. D. and Minneapolis, pairs .................................................... 5.11
Northwestern Sheet & Iron V~
Minn. on business, wks. Grader blades .................... 37.06
Mrs. Anthony entertained the Chas. Purvis Tire repairs ............ 26.00 Based on the numbers of injur-
Standard Oil Co. Fuel .................... 5.75 iOns insects they eat, the value of
U. B. Aid Thursday afternoon. A Anton Kreitinger Operating
good crowd attended and a dell- patrol .................................................. 151.00 common toads has been placed as
Ed Koshney Operating patrol .... 112.60 high as $15 to $25 per toad each
cious lunch was served. Arvid Abraham Operating pa- year. Toads are particularly hard
Miss RoMe R~st is staying with trol
Lewis "'5~iianci bomG/ssio~er% I35.~o
the Hammond girks while their' services .............................................. 8.I0 on cutworms during the spring
parents are gone, ~md assisting with M. C. Tescher Commissioner's months.
services .............................................. 7.70 ~.~
the work. T.A. Wosepka Commissioner's
MrS. Leonard Sar~ and Mrs. services .............................................. 8.10 Stands of all commonly grown
Ovide E. Grenier County varieties of flax are Improved by
James O'Connor entertained the Agent's salary & expenses .... 87.21
Red Cross Sewing Club Tuesday 5:00 o'clockP. M. the board ad- treatment with seed disinfectants.
lourned to meet June 13th, 1944. The chemical wards off fungus in-
afternoon at the "Sartz home. A Signed
nice crowd attended and a lovely MINNIE E. SMITH, fection of the young plants.
County Auditor.
lunch was served. Golden Valley County V~
Mrs. Chas, Fulton gave a seven North Dakota. CITATION HEARING PETITION TO
o'clock birthday dinner Thursday ~-- ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF
evening in honOr of her daughter's Most Important in the summer
birthday. The guests were Mrs. parasite control program is pasture STATE OF NOR--~ DAKOTA, )
Melvin lm/al"tee and Jean, ~nd tlar- rotation to clean pasture. If ewes County of GoldencV~ CO~:
old Fulton. A lovely dinner was and lambs are changed to clean IN
Before Honorable James
pasture every two weeks worms are Donaldson, Judge.
V no problem.
If pigs from sows that produce ~ DECEASED. )
good litters are marked, it will be Providing good pasture is one Louise G. McDOWep~tltloner, )
easy to identify them when ch0os- way of reducing the cost of raising carlos LeRoy MeDowell and
Lug gilts for breeding stock, hogs. all other persons unknown I
claiming any estate or in- )
terest in or lien or eneum- )
case in this instance. Yet motor-l conducting a special campaign to
, .... -~ in i~,.orl,Z these warn- { stop these accidents, which every
m. ~~ 0frt~l With dt~'lday delay 38 trains " total of 12 ....... z.~......, ~lnaUon's war ~oa ~ffor~
Natio~m~ ~u~ ~ --~ ----- ......
~ rescanee upon the property
r/bed in the petition )
or aEa/nst the estate of the )
said deceased, Respondents. )
You, and each of you, are hereby
noticed that Louise G. MeDowg.IL
of~avenport, Iowa, has filed in the
County Court of Golden va ey
County and State of North DakOta,
her duly verified pe.tltion praying
for a decree ascertaining ana es-
tablishing the right of succession
to the real estate within Golden
Valley County, No.rth Dakota, of
which George ~ MeDow,ell, late. of
Davenport, IOWa, died se_~eaL wnl~
said real estate m uescn~
Southeast Quarter (SEtA) of
Section Four (4) in Town~..Ip
One Hundred Forty-tour L~
North, of Range One Hunarea
Five (I05) West, of the Fifth
Principal Meridian in G~.12t~n. Val-
ley Coun_ty, North DaK ,
and that Monday, tl~e .29th day el
May A. D. 1944 at me hOUr
ten o'clock in the forenoon o~ ~na~
day, at the Court Rooms of this
Court, _at thee Court H ol~_ in _th_e
City ot ~eacn, t~omen yaney ~oun-
ty, North DaKota rms oeen _Set la~Ye
this Court as the time ana p e
of hearing said petition, .at which
+era and nlace any person mtereste~
~r~aev 9pp~ar and object to me
~r~r]tin~ of the said petition.
°':'-'~- -" -ach of you are
An(1 yOU, anu e ., '
hereby cited and required then and
there to be and appear before this
Court and show cause, if any there
be, why this petition should not be
Let service be made of this Cita-
tion as required by law. _ .
Dated this 5th d~Y of l~y A. ~.
:ud~e of ~ c~ty com.
Beach, N ~ ....
(May 11, 18, i$44) ~-~
By Mlke Breen
Editor's Note: The following bit
of North Dakota prose was writ-
ten several years ago by a
North Dakota newspaper man.
Editor Mike Breen, now of the
Lansford Journal. Editor Breen
has often been called the" Mark
Twain of North Dakota news-
paper men and his witty writings
and sayings are ~uoted many
times. This descriptive bit, writ-
ten at a time when almost every-
thing in North Dakota was in a
turmoil, has been reprinted many
times, even to the extent of not
giving its author his proper credit
I've done ti~ngs and I've been
)laces, now I want to go back to
the wide open spaces, to North
Dakota, where men are men, to the
land of the gopher and prairie hen.
Where women are beautiful, loving
and true and never do things they
shouldn't do. Back where gover-
nors come and go, where in
six months there were four in
a row. I want to go back where
the blizzards bliz. where the frost
king comes in all his might to drop
the mercury clear out of sight.
Where the summers are short, but
so doggone hot that unless pro-
tected even ice will rot and smell
to heaven like stale beer dregs,
where often the chickera~ lay hard-
boiled ~ggs. Where bootleg llkker is
strong and stout and a couple of
snorts will lay you out like if you"d
been hit by a hickory club, as your
head feels as blg as a wooden tub.
Where leaguers loot and democrats
dance, and a real republican hasn't
a chance of getting his snoot in the
public trongh~now, try if you can,
to laugh that off. Where taxes are
high beyond belief, and most of the
folks are on relief because crops
• were bad and living was high, so
'twas simply a case of take it or
die, for when cold and hunger stare
you in the face to go on relief is
no disgrace. Back tO the land of
waving fields, that promises full
and abundant yields, unless hit by
drouth, ~oppers or rust, and then
it's a case of "in God we trust."
Back where the farmer, may they
all be blest, Just work like the
devil and hope for the best. I want
to go back to the great wide plalrm,
where drought is severe, but when
it rains old frogs come out of their
caverns dlm. and try their darndest
tO learn to swim, and mosquitos
suddenly take on wings and fly and
buzz, and do nasty things, always
ready to make a feast upon the
bodies of man and beast. Where
politicians, small and great, go
galivant~.g~-, around the state, each
praising himself as a statesman
grand and the only savior of this
fair land. The state has drawbacks,
I admit, but the people are loyal
and full of grit, so I want to s~y~
now laugh or grin~it's a darn
good state for the shape it's in.
U. S. Senator--
Congressmen (2)--
RALPH G. BEEDE....: ..... []
ALVIN C. STRUTZ ....... []
Lieut. Governor---
OSCAR W. HAGEN ..... ~]
Secretary of State--
State Auditor--
BERTA E. BAKER ......... []
State Treasnrer--
VIC. L. GILBREATH ...... []
Attorney General~
P. n. GARBERG ..............[]
Insurance Commissloner--
Com. A~r.& Labor--
MATH DAHL ...................[]
Public'Service Com.--
ELMER W. CART ............ []
Supt. Public Instruction--
Tax Commissioner--
JOHN GRAY ............. []
(Pol. Adv.
On Mom's long list ol duties these days, you'll
see this item bobbing up, more and more:
"Have car serviced." That's not ~_rp "
it's easy now for women or men to keep a
car ruam~ tighh running longer, and runnms
far~h~" on every gallon of gasoline. Just take
it m your Standard Oil Dealer{ He's trained
for wartime car-saving service. Kemembez
--it's going to be a long, long time before ~ou
can rep1~ce your car. Don't neglect it.
Follow this 3rd-War-Year Set'Ace Guide
and keep your car at its best always,
Standard 0il Dealers
are ained for :better ear oue
Omm~m i'mmm~l~ Am~... Don't Wmm a Din# B~ morn War Bmd~