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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 11, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 11, 1944
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May 11, 1944 WANT liDS TWO CENT5 PER WORD PER ISSUE If you wanf fo buy or sell lome2hlng- if you n~ help or wanf a Job, you can gel rwul~ from News Want Ads. Mo ad accepled for less then 25¢ per Insertion. A service cha~a o| ~ ~J.U be made fOr '~llnd" ads. ~OR SALE--Monarch piano. In- quire News office. 32-tf WANTED---A dish washer. Good wages. Park Care. 33-1tc SALE---Milk cows. Also yeo.r- llngs. B. J. Majerus~.Golva. 31-3tp FOR SALE--Modern house. Carrie Gordon, phone 31-4tc FOR SALE--4-row culti~r, 4-row planter, fits Farmall. H~' L. Wen- berg, Beach, 32-tf ]FOR RENT--Furnished three room apartment. Mrs. E. C. Nelson, Beach. 32-tfc zip purse, containing War stamp book, small change,i Lorita Peplinski, Beach. 33-1tp Bush will not be in his office on the afternoon of May 14. 33-1tc very nice female Collie puppies. Anyone can have them. Ray Hathaway. 32-1tp SALE-~I6-Ft. Aultman-Taylor separator elevator. R. F. Samuels, Beach. 32-tf SA~I broke saddle horse. Gustav Tlmboe, Sentinel Butte N.D. 33-2tp SALE---Duckfoot and Fordson tractor and plows. Howard Wen- berg, Beach. 31-2tp SALE--Royal Typewriter rib- bona. Golden Valley News i 5-tf SALE---B4 bu. Falkner seed OLLIE NEWS Mrs. Joe Baker, Reporter Read the ads! It pays! Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg were supper guests at the Henning Steen home Monday evening. Mrs. Dave McCann of Wibaux visited at the home of her sister Mrs. Archie Slater, Thursday. Mrs. Josephine Conner was house guest at the June Bfllington home Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Sorenson of Beach visited her sister, Mrs. Percy Bry- son, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Bud Knutson went to Beach Thursday and returned home Fri- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Plummer and Douglas visited at the Fred Steen home Sunday. Mrs. Clinton Baker returned home Friday afternoon. Her finger is healing satisfactorily. Rev. L. G. Wetzel and Emil Fer- rel have been confined to their beds the past week with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and family of Golva spent Sunday at the Claud Schouboe home. Rev. Howland of Great Falls and Ray. Kenney of Beach visited at the L. G. Wetzel home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lutts and fam- ily spent Sunday at the Carl Rose home. Mrs. John Stromme spent the day at the Lawrence Morrison home Friday. Mrs. Lawrence Morrtson and baby daughter returned home from the Beach hospital Wednesday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rustad en- tertained Sgt. and Mrs. Victor Berg and Lorann at supper on Wednes- day evening. Rev. and Mrs. Berge of Baker, Mrs. Annie Wee, and Mrs. Wang were dinner guests of Mrs. Narum on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlect mov- ed their household possessions to Baker. Saturday, where they will live. Mr. Schlect expects to be cal- $4.50 per bushel. Phone ed to the Navy soon. Beach Leslie Zabel, WI • "1 Miss Flora Rose and her pupils Mont. . . ~'ltPlat the Wills Creek School gave a SAL~ T---c~u~-eme ~ Idance Friday evening. A good running con~lon, excep-Icr°wd was present and a neat sum good rubber. $~50. W. P. [rea~mea" Bush Ranch. 33-2tp Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and brownish black cow, branded Dover J on hip. Call the Carlson 32-2tp S~An organ in piano ~tblnet. In good condition. Rea- for selling is a piano is Call 9F20, Beach. 31-3tc large graih scoop. OWner may have same by iden- tll~ying and paying for this ad- Mrs. Clifford Bar- Beach. 33-2tp and white pinto ~t~clle mare, branded reverse E. '~ ormation leading to recovery ~be apl~r~iated. Howard Wen- rg, Beach. 32-tf SALE--1934 Master Chevrolet. excellent condition. Motor re- overhauled. $475. James % C. C. Hollstein, 33-4tp SALE--Fnily equipped hotel 30 rooms, including apts. Ex- tourist trade. Owner to retlre~ Write .box 65, Mont. 30-Ttp SALE---50 bu. seed corn, Fal- Minn. 13, and some Flint. germination. $5.00 per T. A, Wosepka, Sentinel 32-3tp SALF~--6-room house, located to Davis Service Station; 6-room house known as house. See Ernest Moore, 31-14tp brownish black cow, branded Dover J on hip. Anyone knowing of whereabouts please notify or John Glower. 32-2tp Dickinson, Saturday, lOth, 70 Hereford Bulls and North Dakota Hereford For catalog, write of Commerce, Dickln- 32-4tp rheumatism and neur- Most emazlng and effective in existence. Three weeks $1.00. RuinG Remedy 5047 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 28-12tp 8ALE.-..One purebred rogls- Dolled Shorthorn bull, 4 old. Bred by F. A. Dyklns, Butte. Priced to sell. call at once. Mrs. Rathbun, Sentinel Butte, 33-1tp WAVE, 59c! Do your Permanent with Charm-Kurt ~-mplete equipment, lnclud- curlers and shampoo. Easy harmless. Prals- thousands including Fay glamorous movie star. refunded if not saris- Woodward Brothers Drug, 24-10tP official says he's Roosevelt isn't his wife. she's glad too. family had s.s their dinner guests Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg and Lorann, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rost. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang and sons, WI.r. and Mrs. Pat Plummet and daughter were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Theomke of Beach on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsey and family and George Ferrell and Charles of Cabin Creek visited at the Lawrence Morrison home in Ollle Thursday and saw the new baby. Hans Marker of River Falls, Minn. died Thursday from compli- cations following an operation. His nephew, Eldon Rasmuason, and Mrs. Rasmusson left the following day to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Christ sherva and girls, Mrs. A. J. Jesfleld, and Mrs. Norman Rost and Alice spent Sunday at the Charles Madler home. Confirmation exercises were held a~ the Lutheran Church Sunday morning. Rev. Barge of Baker gave a splendid sermon for the confir- mation class, which included Mary Ann Sherva, Viola and Leonard Rost, and Lee Roy Wang. A dance was given Saturday eve- ning at the hall in honor of La- yarn Shepherd, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd, who will leave Tuesday for induction into the Navy. A pleasant evening was spent and he was presented with a gift of silver. P.T.A. was held at the sohool- house Thursday evening. Mrs. Nor- man and Mrs. Fulton exhibited the art and other work accomplished by their students during the term. An impromptu program was given by those present. The officers will not be elected until the SePtember meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lutts and family and Mr. and Mrs. (}rove Lutts attended baccalaureate ser- vices at Baker Sunday. Marlis Lutts is a graduate from the Baker High School. Mrs. Grove Lutts re- mained at Baker to visit her daughter, Laura, who Is attending school there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cox, and Prank Kyle were dinner guests at the Joe Baker home Sunday. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Jose- phine Conner, who went to Baker tl~t evening to visit until Wednes- day when she will leave for Fa- mona, Calif., for an indefinite visit with her sister, Mrs. Ray Granday, and family. V BEACH METHODIST CHURCH Rev. D, J. MacTavIsh, pastor SundaY, May 14, Mother's Day: Sunday SchOOl at 10 A. M. special Mother's Day sermon at 11 A. M. A family church day. Also Baptismal service, A special invitation to mothers. Young Peoples meeting at 8 P. M. ChOir rehearsal Wednesday eve- nlng at 8 P. M. Interest and num- bers increasing but we would like to see you. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Mrs. Fred ~Vassmann, Cot. Mrs. John Stull and Davie were Beach callers on Tuesday. Art Underwood hauled wheat to Golva on Friday. Mrs. John Stull visited at the Fred Wassmann home on Saturday. ~irs. Orstad attended the prom in Golva Thursday night. Loyde Wassmann hauled wheat on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to Golva. Mrs. Ole Orst~took Joan to Golva on Sunday ~ght to resume her school duties Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry visited Mrs. Wassmann's mother iWrs. Emma Beeler, on Monday. John Stull helped Fred Wass- mann brand and dehorn cattle on Monday. Loyde Weinreis hauled cattle for Maurice Goldfine on Wednesday afternoon. He was at the Fred Wassmann place on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann and granddaughter, Carolyn Wass- mann spent Sunday at the G. M. Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. John Falder and Jackie and Mrs. John Johnson spent Sunday at the Walter Wass- mann home. They also visited at the Fred Wassmann home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Orstad are enjoying a visit with Mr. Orstad's father, mother and sister, from Minnesota, who came Wednesday. They had been at Seattle, Wash. for some time, where they had been called by the illness of their son. ~-V FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor tel. 154 Honor mother by attending church next Sunday. A parish board meeting for the officers of all the congregations will be held at the parsonage Tuesday, May 16, at 7:30 P. M. Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon theme: "Mothers of Prayer." Sunday School teachers meeting this Thursday at 7:30 P. M. and choir practice at 8 P. M. Ladies Aid this Friday afternoon at Mrs. Anna Olson's with Mrs. Theo. Maanum assistant hostess. Sentinel Butte: Services at 9:30 A. M. Sunday school at 10:30 A, M. Confirmation class Tuesday after school. Garner: Services at 3 P. M. Ladies Aid at the L. M. McMant- gal home Thursda,y, May 18, at 2 P. M. ---V~ Of the total nonfood supply of fats and oils, soap manufacturers require 54 percent. Hospital Notes Last Saturday the Wibaux Boy Those hospitalized during the Scouts beat the Beach Boy Scouts past week at the Johnstone Mere- in baseball, by a score of 9 to 1. oriel Hospital include: We expect to revenge our loss next May 5: Mrs. Daisy Saturday, when we will play Wi- Sentinel Butte; Eugene McDonald ,baux again, at Wibaux. Beach, who stayed until the The meeting was ope4aed "Monday day; Emil Nothnagel, Fallon. night by repeating the Scout oath May 6, iVIarilyn, infant daughter and the Pledge of Allegiance to of Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn the Flag. Glendive, was brought to the hos- Next Monday night we will have pital. Baby Thomas Bowen, son of our court of honor. This will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen, Carlyle, the last meeting until Scout camp was in the hospital May 7-8. this summer. May 8: Frank Glower, Sentinel We have about 9 tons of paper Butte; Mrs. Louis Peterson, Beach; but we need about 3 tons and Mrs. J. E. Martin, C~trlyle. more before we can ship it. Mrs. John Pierzlna, Beach, and After taking care of the rest of Mrs. Alfred Tennant, Ollie, came the business, we went outside and into the hospital May 9. played games for u while. The Johnny Merman, son of Mr. and meeting was then adjourned. Mrs. John Marman, Beach, had a ~V~ tonsillectomy May 7. Surgery was Corn produces more feed per performed on Mrs. Ted Rink, Sen- acre than does barley, oats or other tinel Butte, May 9. feed crops. Dr. Bush will not be in the office on the afternoon of May 14. YOI~G TREES PREVENT DRIFTING IN FARMYARD Although it is only 2 years old, his farmstead windbreak prevented snow from drifting in the farmyard during the past winter, reports Al- bert Kruck of Kramer, cooperating with the Turtle Mountains soil con- servation district. In addition, he said, the sand cherry trees in the windbreak bore a fruit crop last summer only a year after they were planted. "Some of the trees," Wruck ex- plained, "are taller than I am. During the winter they piled up about 4 feet of snow." Having the trees stop the blow- mg snow, he added, made work in the yard much more pleasant an~i easy. ='V' UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH . D. E. Kenney, pastor Beach, North Dako~ SundLay, May 14: 10:15 A. M., Mother's day service. Special recognition given to the oldest mother, and to the mother with the youngest ehlld present. 11:15 A. M., Bible Study class for all • ages. 8 P. M., The evening Worship hour. Wednesday, 8 P. M., Young Peo- ple's meeting. 9 P. M., choir re- hearsal. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH ~ D.E. Kenney, pastor Trotters, North Dakota Services every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. Sunday School at 2 P. M. and the preaching service at 3 o'clock. ---V- Patronize our advertisers! PAGE FIVE, CARD OFT HANKS We wish to expre~ our deep gratitude to all of our friends for the kindness and sympathy show~ us during our recent bereavement, A special thank you to the singers, pallbearers and those who gave floral gifts. A sincere thank You to all. Mrs. Luther. Hodgin, St. Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Hodgln, Jr., Frank Hod- gin and ROy Stud~. .... V ESTRAY NOTICE Taken up--3 horses, 1 roan mare, weight about 1250 lbs., 1 chesh~ut gelding, weight 1100 lbs., 1 chestnut mare, weighs ~out 950 lbs. Ger- hardt Fischer, Golva, N. D. 33-3tc Production ~*~ sweet clover seed in 1943 was ~ smallest since 1922 and only abo~t one-half the ten- !year average. CLEARANCE SALE Starting Thursday, May llth WOMENS' SUITS These suits have been reduced for quick clearance: Many AU Wools in Tailored styles, Classic casuals and becoming cardigans. Colors for every tast~---dark, bright and pastel. Sizes 10 to 20. Regular $14.50 --Sale Price $9.67 Regular $19.85 -- Sale Price $13.23 Regular $22.50 -- Sale Price $15.00 Regular $27.50 -- Sale Price $18.33 DICKINSON'S TOP FOOD BUYS It Pays to Shop ¢'ith Us-- and We Are QUALITY Conscious, too.' WHEN IN TOWN-- Drop Down and Relax! ! In a Friendly Game of Hearts GET YOUR-- POP BY THE CASE CIGARETTES BY THE CARTON CANDY BY THE BOX BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS AND HOME A PINT, QUART OF GALLON OF CREAM. "Flavors." LEO'S RECREATION Tobaccos of All Kinds $ TAKE ICE ! I INVITATION TO BID ON CCC- OWNED WOODEN BINS This is to notify farmers interested in the purchase of Commodity Credit Corporation wooden bins that ,some of these bins are being offered for sale on a bid basis. Interested farmers should contact the County AAA Office to get the necessary forms and also for information concerning those bins being offered. All bids must be in the hands of the County Committee on or before 2:00 o'clock P. M., May 15, 1944, and awards will be made not later than 10 days thereafter. The County Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY AGRI- CULTuRAL ASSOCIATION, Beach, North Dakota. PEP 9c PER PACKAGE ............................................... 29c 1 LB. PACKAGE ........................................... CRACKERS "Waldorf" 2 LB. PACKAGE 29c GRAHAM A 'Honey' amde ~Ljll~.flk_/~by Mnehs~'. 29c 2 LB. PACKAGE ............................................ LOIN ROASTS 29c WEINERS PER POUND 31c HAMS Premium" Whole or Half PER POUND 33c POLISH SAUSAGES SOUP MIX "Jenny Lee" THREE PACKAGES VL'I One Package KN1./Limit, Please ! PACKAGE 25c 23c CORNED BEEF LOAF 34C 12 OUNCE TIN ................................................ ZING "Wheat Germ" natural source of pep vitamin PER PACKAGE 24c F, T. Reynolds Co. "Your Friendly Store" PHONE 75 BEACH, NO. DAK.