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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 9, 1935     Golden Valley News
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May 9, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.~,~.~, .~% v~¸ -, ~noumces that No. 476 was the lucky number drawn as the winner of the new Motorola Car Radio. the holder of that number does not appear before 2:30 p. m. Saturday, May 11, another number will be ~ra~ Starting this Friday, May 10~ there will be a cash prize drawing every day. A ticket given free with every purchase, : State To Re- ceive Applications For PWA Loans Illl I State Engineer's Office, May 9.-- structions and new forms or circu- lars will be available for distrlbuuon. ]in accordt~nce with the announcementI Obviously tlm purpose of the ACt. ";Inade by H. C. Knudsen. State En- which is to provide employment ginees, PWA, Tuesdwy, April 30th, l quicldy, cannot await the complete !935. applications for loans and {or) ' formulation of all plans and therefore 'Mr. Knudsen requests that .applica- tlons be submitted in accordance with the information at ha,rid regard- Jr~nts on noK-Federat projects will ~be received by his office. The appli- cations are to be received at once for loans and grants, loans only and graut~ only, and are on the same basis as heretofore, the terms and conditiozls to be subject to revision when now regulations are announced. Prompt actiou is essential on the part of the pepper officials of the various public bodies of this State if North Dakota is to obtain its share ~of the allotment made for loans and i ing applications. l'ublic olficials are warned not to consider the schedules prepared and submitted in l~ebruary 1935 m con- nection with tbe National Inventory of Works projects as conducted by the Slate Planning Board of North Dakota in cordunction with the State Engineer's office. PWA, as applica- tion for funds. The purpose of this National InVentory of Works projects PLENTY OF RAIN II Residents of Golden Valley county are aga4n finding that it really can rain here, once it gets started, after just passing through two of the wettest weeks the Valley has known in several years. With only one week of May gone, we have already re- ceived 1.34 inches of rain. which is tmlf the normal amount for the en- tire month of May, and according to weather observer Russell, although it may civet up for a day or so, we caal still expect considerable moisture within the next week He also in- forms us that appearauces are very entirebrightMEDICAL for season.plenty SOCIETyIIII°f moisture MEETS for the --II-- l The Southwest District Meaical Society held a business meetinz in Beach last Saturday afternoon. About 15 physicans from various towns iu gr~nts to the cities and other public was to obtain an inventory of needed the district were present. Dr W. bodies under the new $4,000,000,000 ' . and useful projects that might be[C. Bradley ef Beach is president of V*otk Relief Bill recently passed by " . . undertaken to relieve unemployment, ~the society and following the meeting Congress Mr Knuasen states toaay , , • " if funds were made available. At the~all present enjoyed a tasty dutch "lhere are Duly a few of the appli: time this inventory was being taken, !lunch prepared for them by Mrs. catmns for loans and grants files t o t • :we had 1t tie information as t wha [Bradley. with his "office under the former Con-method of financing would I)e avail-t - -- - till-- -- gressional appropriation to which ahle Many pal)lie officials did nott Mrs. Chas. Hollstein is sick this funds have not been allocated, l indicate on the schedules sUbmitted"week- The purpose of this bill is to put whether or not tim public body rep- Inert to work. Tlle need of tids is resented weuhl be willing to issue evident in this State, and due to the • hort sessm~ actual construction work can he carried on, it behooves North Dakota oflLcials to act promptly ia order to get men to work. Relative to the procedure followed in the past by applicants desiring loans and (or) grants on these non- Federal projects. Mr. Kaudsen ad- ¥is(~s that printed forms were not fl,~tiehed for sabmitting applications,[ but that there were circulars which l gave the data and information requir- c,J with these applications. The data an~ information a~; tailed for ini th(;se circuhtrs were to bP prepared and submitted in the order bY par- agraph ~nd sul)-paragraph, as pre- scribed in these circulars. These Circulars are available at his office and will he furnished up(m request to interested parties. Numerous of- ficials have now in their possession these same circulars and therefore, Mr. Knudsen requests that applicants immediately start with the prepara- tion of their applications in accord- ance with the instructions contained o submit the same to his date. He states are to be sUb. bonds or other obligations to aid in .these projects. Therefore. Mr. Knud- sen announces that only those indi- cating their willingness to issue bonds or" general obliations on fhese .qchedules will be supplied with cir- culars. Possibly there are others which are desirous of takin advan- tage of 1his method of financing, and if so. upon application to him. they will he supplied with the appropriate information ~ .till LOUIS PETERSON " MARRIED '['he Sunday Billings Gazette (:n" lried an Item telling of tim marria~ of Louis T. Peterson. son of L. K. Peterson of Beach. and Miss Nellie I Honstain. of Willard Montana. The happy event took plato at Plevna on Thursday, April 18th. - = _ • The Weather For The Past Week "H- Mrs. J. C: Rtmsell, Observer ~ll------ Max. Mtn. Precip. g substantially the In- I Wednesday, May 1 35 .34 formation as outlined under Circular Thursday 30 1~,o. 2-entitled "Information Requlr- Friday 29 .02 ed with Applications for Loans to] Saturday 31 .08 States. Counties. Mcnicipalities and Sunday 40 39 41 41 45 49 52 64 Monday 66 Tuesda~v 65 Wednesday (incomplete) .68 .22 1933. It is expected that shortly new in- Total Precipitation 1.34 i " I I I I L Big Coffee Carnival FREE BALLOON AND CLOWN HAT WITH EACH POUND RED A COFF--E"E-- LBS 55c ,c,, ,,,,,,,.,. LB 29c No.lO 41c PE8 CAN PRUNES N0,10 CAN 35c CALUMET BAKING POWDER iB 22c CLIMALEHE 32 Ol, PK, 21c i i iiiJ Se? Our Big Sale Sheets For Other Bargains It Miss Sophie Erickson is sick with the mumps. [ The Markets I WHEAT ....... :--...~...;-~ ...................... $ .9G IFLAX .................................................................. 1.44 ~BARLEY .............................................. 40 IRYZ ..................... i;;. .......................... 3~ OATS ......................................................... 34 BUTTER ........................................................... 28 EGGScREAM. ..................................... sweet ....... ";~ ............. : sore" ..... ,2519 % [W. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC Mass at Beach at 8:30 a, m. Mass Sentinel Butte 10:30 a. m. Win. Fred Hake. Pastor. [!l! United Lutheran Roy. E. T. Anderson. Pastor li-- Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Luther League at 8 P. M. OLLIE Services at 11 A. M. CARLYL~ Worship 2:30 p. m. The confirmation class will meet for instruction after the services. llIb {~HURCH OF THE UNITED BRETH, REN IN CHRIST W, IB ~e~non. Pastor 10:15 a. m. Unified servie~. Worship and Bible study. 6:30 p. m. C. E, Society 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. :tfl METHODIS l" EPISCOPAL CHURCH B. T. Osborne, Pastor Church School 10:00 a. m Worship 11:00 a m. H][. t't,.,t;t~.t~(,ATlt),\.&l~ CHURCH "The Frlendly Church" Rev. C. G. E]linger, Pastor 10 A. M. Chu', ,. iI:O0 a. m. Mother's Day Service Ladies Aid Meeting Thurs. 3 p. m. Choir practice Thursday 7:30 p. m. Thurs., May 16.M tssionary meet- ing at home of Mrs. C. E, XVinkleman SEINTINEL BIrrTE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH .il John K. Strong, Associate Pastor i0:30 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning Worshf;p Mother's Day Service 7:00 p. m. Young People's Meeting 8:00 p. m. Cantata, The Song of Triumph, sung by the Beach Chorus choir of 20 voices. The choir is robed and will sing in the Sentinel Butte Hall. A freewill offering wll be tak- en, The public is invited. Thursday 8:00 p. zn American ;E LARGE CRISP HEAD 10c istsChUrch History--The Co~'gregatto~al- Square Butte O-igES LARGE JUICi DOl, 4go }larmH )lstad w~a a cali?r -n Strawberrws, New Cabbage, Celery, Tomatoes, Sentin~i Butte "Wednesday. Carrots, Lemons, Onions, Radishes Ed Olsen was riding for cattle on Saturday. SLipS and PANTI S The Slips--Shelby! Talane! Streamline! Also Satin Gartiere- 10 Beautifat Styles Made By the Makers of rite Famous Mawr SLIPS YOU~R CHO~Z Seled" Any Color You Wi~ $1.98 Smartly Tailored OR A:LE~CON LACE TRIM ~tl~i~ or WR~out 21 In. Wide Shadow~f Panel. Slim fibting slips . . , they never ~,ide up, sag or stretch . . . due to t'be clever patented construction of alternating bi as cut sections. Seams arc double stitched and will not pull out: Fronts are paneled to make t he m shadow-proof. S~(>~lder strao~ are adjustable. V aml straight ,op model:. Full lcnFt'n and extra.eno' ~,+~h. Sill( Panties Fit Like Your Skin tinel Butte Friday. Bill Burhans was a caller in this vicinity on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Klein were shopping in Sentinel Balte ThUrsday. Otto Petersilie is stayiug at their £arm in the hills. Billy DeVries was a basiness visit. or in Sentinel Butte Friday. Lloyd Yates and Bill Barzel were callers at J. V. Klein's Saturday. Harvey Wentland visited at Sic home in Beach over the weekend. Harmon Olstad was a visiter at J. V. Klein's Monday. Alex LaSotta was along with horse buyers in this vicinity Saturday. .1111. Garner News Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz apd faro',::- family were afternoon visitors at Bill the \Vassman's Saturday. Mrs. L. Strahon was a caller at the Glen Allstot home Sunday. Paul Wehrma.n was a caller at Joe ])ietz's Friday. Mrs. Roy Harmon returned home from Beach hospital Friday. l~r. and Mrs. T. Vieland were visitors at Glen AIIstot's Sunday. T. A. ~;osepka has been attending regular meeting of the commissioners in Beach the week, Avis Adams and Delbert were callers at Roy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Le~nire, and Mrs. Paul Wehrman were visitors at Geo. S~nday. Luell~ Howard spent Sunday noon with her folks near Alpha- SAVE ON THESE-- Ladies' Purses Clopay Window Shades Curtain Rods Mop Sticks St. Denis cups, 2 for 45e l~C 10¢ 12c 3U [/ j I , [ J n ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE BUBJEC T TO BALEB TAX Esther Franzen ha~ been helping an(', A1 Diets and Luella IIow.-lrd Mrs. Clyde Polley with housework, were afternoon callers at Fred Wass- Gladys Klein was a visitor at Ed man's Sunday. Olsen's Thurstlay. It, oy Harmou ca, .~d at the Joe Mrs. Victor Johnson was a visitor Dietz home Saturday. (3.. 1 was an afternoon O ~ ., ~ha home on ranch, ~y~ Y~ Was if.~all~a, ~n. ,Glen Allstot and Sugar and Creamer, Pr. 25~ Paints, Per can All other goods at the same low prices ~ T,~ VARIETY, Beach~. V., Al~i ~ces Subject To TaX ~