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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 9, 1935     Golden Valley News
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May 9, 1935
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THE BEACH REVIEW . ablished every Thursday at Beaoh, North Dakota H. E. ENDERLE and D. A, VCALLACE, Editors and Publishers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance as second class matter September 18, 1931, at the postoffice at Beach, North Dakota, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates furnished upon request. paper of the City of Beach and of Golden Valley county WHEN SPRING IS IN THE AIR This is the time of year when, that sensational "di- spring fever, runs its course. One of its more cam- manifestations is an urge to clean up one's property, order to get rid of winter's accumulation' of r-lbbish indoors and out. These individual clean-up campaigns are usually rated for the purpose of improving a home's appearance but, whether the property owner it or not, they likewise contribute toward fatten~ his pocketbook, inasmuch as they eliminate many and unnecessary fire hazards. Tile attic is one of the places in tile home where odds ends accumulate and it is also one of the commonest Starting places for residential fires. That accumulation of ancient newspapers--those dog-eared magazines--those "0 !ld clothes which you 11 never wear again--that broken ?down furniture, all offer an invitation to fire. Start your Clean-up campaign by giving these cast-offs to the needy, either directly or through some local charitable organi- where they can give comfort and use again. Then ~rn the sheer rubbish--and be sure to accomplish that on a windless day, with the aid of an in,cinerator. Closets should be subjected to the same process. the chances are that our basement is in about the state of disorder as your attic. Due to the near- of the heating plant, basements are one of the most :Prolific sources of fire and should be kept free of papers, and improperly stored inflammables. is lil~ewise an excellent time for having the and heating equipment gone over, to prepare it fall. Another worth-while job is inspection of electric old, defective and sub-standard wiring starts a fire. Wiring conditions in Beach are known to generally bad, and for that reason a thorough check- and installation of proper wiring where needed is es- advisable new. Spring is here! Clean up--lest you burn up. 111 There are three great menaces to safe driving in today: Hic, hike and hug. Readers Digest. Ill Science is resourceful. It couldrft pry open the Pull- windOws, so it air-conditioned the train.~Montreat Gaining Recognition D. C., May 2.--Agricul. an outstanding victory as recognition and sane- of governmental administra- departments are concerned re- imports of agricultural com, For years industry has Protected against competitive by laws and high tariff bar. Section 3E of the NRA was to further protect industry imports of industrial For years organized agricul- has protested against being put with unlimited imports fOUght for protection to maintain market at an American of living. lb~ndatory bill, approved by gov- a~lministrati~ e departments supported by Chairman of the House AgricultUral Committee, providing for limiting im- ports of agricultural commodities, on which a program or stabilization op eration has been inaugurated by the AAA, fixing filexible taxiff thereon, as well as placing under regulation the importers of agricultural products, has been worked out by the North- west ~rmers Union Legistlative Committee and through Congressman Gerald Boileau of WiSCOnsin has been introduced as an amendment to the agricultural Adjustment Act. This provision together with the other pro- p o s e d amendments will greatly THE BEACH REVIEW "THAT LITTLE GAME ' "Hep" to Him OH NO. t Wont ! I see ~ -~ou~s inO) law at this session of Congress if the farmers of this nation will get behind them and demand Ihci." Con- gressmen's support. Congressman Hull of Wisconsin has introduced two bills. H, R. 7564. for the doubling of the tariff on all dairy products, and It. l~': 756~, increasing the tariff on harley from 20c to 50c barley nmlt from 40c t.o 80c, flour 2c to 4c a lb.. rye 15c to 30c bu.. malt 40c to 80(; rye meal 45c to 90t, per ewt. The bill needs the support of ev- ery farmer in the NorthWest. ~NORTHWEST PARMERS UNION I,EGISI,ATIVE COMMITTEE. HIt l#) ch.oolN On Thursday, May 9, Charlotte Cox and Helen Kippley will go to repre- sent Beach high school at the home economic contest. Charlotte will take part in the foods I and lI. child care, and art contests. Helen will take part in the clothing I and II, home maJlagement, and art contests. Mtss Hudson will accompany the girls. The atinual music festival will be held in the Beach high school gym- nasium on May 16th at 7:30. In this contest the grades will be rep- resented and also the Glee Clubs of the high school. The public is cor- dially Invited to come. The senior class chose as their class flower white lilacs and as class colors silver and blue. Work is being done on the (,lass day exercises. The tennis courts back of the high school aro slowly but surely reaching completion. till Carlyle News strengthen the AgricultUral Adjust- en Act an is a recognition o~ ~e m t , d _ _, ~ ,~..:+.~.~-~-~e~.~-.~.~÷.~.~,~÷~-~-~.~" fact that Agriculture must nave tmsI ..... protection in its fight to obtain coat ~ The lflay 'Bu.~;incss Picks Up" giv- er production. (en in Carlyle Saturday evening by There is every reason to believe[the ellis high school, was ~ery well that these amendments can be made[attended both by ellis and Carlyle folks. There was a dance following i THAT NEVER the play and all report a dandy time. The many friends of Dorothy Hammond will be sorry to hear that she is in the Glendtve hospital sub fering from pleurcsy pneumonia. We surely hope for a speedy recovery. Jack Ballard came to Carlyle. ,~ Saturday to spend the weekend with his family, leaving again MondaY. Mrs. John Pedersen had the mis- fortune to fall down the cellar steps last Thursday evening. Dr. Keller was called a~d on Friday she was taken to the Wibaux hospital. Mr. and Mrs. G. Randash and son visited Sunday evening at the Ed. Fischer home at Golva. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Joe Moen is recovering very nicely from her recent operation. Mrs. Ed. Novak was a business caller in Beach Thursday evening. Mrs. We. Swanbro returned last Saturday from the East where she attended the funeral of her sister-in- law. z Little Fay Hammond invited a fe~" of her friends in Wednesday after- noon to help her celebrate her fifth little gifts and after a delicious lunch with lots of birthday cake, all departed after having a grand time. Mrs. E, Novak, Mrs. L ttartse and Marva Hartse pleasantly surprised Mrs. G. Randash Friday evening when they arrived at her home With a big birthday cake and lots of ice cream. Bridge was played. Mrs. Melvin Land entertained the U. B. L~ies Aid at her home last Thursday afternoon. After the _~ business a lovely lunch was serve, Mr. and Mr=. L. Hartse and fa~v fly visited at the E. M. Golden ~me Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Connor and children were dinner guests at the Earl Minor home SUnday. .............. ill[ Trotters News Due to the illness of the corre- spoadenL there h~ve been no items from here the past two weeks. How- ever everyone is well again now and happy over the rain and snow. The South Side Aid met wkith Mrs. Carrie Sperry Thursday, May 2 The date of the play and social given by the Aid was set for May 25. Further particulars in this column next week. The three schools nPar Trotters closed a week ago. Miss Speigleherg left for hPr home in Beach and Miss (~allender. L. IL Callender, Lloyd Cal- lcndcr, and J. Q. Lawhead and sons dr(,ve LO Beach Easter Sunday where they were guests of Mr.-and Mrs. V¢. B. (?lark. A number o[ nclghbors met at'the chm't'h basement Saturday evening, where Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bertsch were presented with a number of arti('les they can use in the home- making. A dainty lunch was served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Treater of Sentinel Butte eanT~. "out to attend the p:~.rty for Mr. and Mrs. Bertsch. We are glad to report that Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson are much improv- ed in he~tlth, IIIF ~L~nd of MarslMm" Finland is tailed Suomenmas by ~he natives. This means land of the m:trshes Fin Is a eorr~lption of f~n Kl'egn~ss for her home in St. Phillip ,, I.:p,.l=.~, .,.,,,.d .u,.elne nmr~h at once. Miss Nelson stayed for a j week's visit before iea,viag for ber] home in Grand Forks. ] I I Thelma Omley left on Friday for Washington where she has a position waiting [or her. [ John Robertson spcn~ the latter t part of last week in Sidney wherel FURNITURE h"e Was under the doctor's care. He] spent Sunday at home. returning tel the hospital MondaY. Mrs. Reichert spent last week in Beach to be near her husband who underwent an operation there Monday. Mrs. Esther I~ee of St. Cloud, Minn., and Mrs. Laura Ware of Williston, N. Dak.. spent Easter Sunday with the Sperry and Stevens families. Bernice Sperry went to Beach on Sunday to remain a couple of weeks. Messrs. and Mesdames. C. H. OPTICkL SPECIALIST G, GILBERTSON Glasses fltted~Any broken lens duplicated; ~Frames repaired. Beach, N. D., First door east of Overstad's Hardware sto~, UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE REPAIRED, REBUILT AND U~ HOLSTERED AT VERY REA~ eNABLE RATES WHY SEND IT OUT OF TOWN? CURTIS SILL m ,t DON'T DYE , YOUR HAIR CLAi OL Dyeing the hair ~ounds like a desperate measure.. • why not Clairol it... the modern way oF treoting hair? C~airol is a scientific shampoo oil tint that cleanses as it reconditions as it tints. It does not leave the hair stiff and brittle c~s do ordinary dyes. A Clairoi treatment takes but 90 rninules. Ctairol will be a revelation to you in hair l~e~uli~olion. Make an early appointment. AS[ FOR CLAIROL AT YOUR 9flUTY SHOP OR WRITE TO CI.AIROt. INC.. 126 W. 40th-|T,, NEW YORK CITY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION :: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTI~R- IOR, U. S. LAND OFFI~ at Bis- marck, North Dakota, APril ~, 1~. NOTICE Is hereby given ~hat Ale~ La Sotta, of Alhpa, North Dakota. who, on September 15, 1929, made Homestead Entry, No. 023646. for SW~A, Section 24. Township 136 N. Range 105W., 5th Prin. MeridiaJa, h~s filed notice of intention to mak~ three year Proof, to establi~ claim to the land above demoribed, before A. E. Kmst~en, County Judge, at Beach. North Dakota~ on th 17th day of May, 1935. Clahnant names as witnesses: R. C. Boehlke, I~d. Eide. M. B. Hogoboom R. I,. Johnstone, all of Alpha, North Dakota. CHRIS BERTSCH Register APR. 11. 18. 25. May 2, 9. m DRINK WATER WITH MEAL8; GOOD FOR STOMACH Water wlth meals helps stomach juices, aids digestion. If bloated with gas add a spoonful of Adlerika. one dose cleans out poisons and washes BOTH upper and lower bowels. Butte Drug & Jewelry Co. ii The filling of your PRESCRIPTION is our most important business, YOU CAN GET IT AT KENNEDY'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sentinel Butte. N Dak. II Dr. W. C. Bradley PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Phone 13 Residence 189 BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA m Dr. O. R. Niece DENTIST Modern X-Ray Equipment BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA % . , i Dr. V. G. Morris BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA PHONES HOUSE-g6 OFFICE.40 ..... ~ ....... . ....... ??~" Kidneys glean Out Acids The only ~Ky your body ~B clean Oat Acids and Poisonoue waBtes from ~r blood le thru 9 million tiny, del~ts ~l - hey tubes or flltere, bat trows re of e~ea~ drastic, irritating drugL It 'r~cttoIM~,! Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Gott,S Up Nl~ht~ .N~voml- ne~, Leg Paine, ~sackache. Circles Un~sr ]~Yee, Dizziness. Rheamatlc Palt~s. Acid, lty. Burning. Smartins or ItchinS. don' t take chances. Get the Dootor'e guargn- teed prescription called Cyetex (~SlI- Tel). Works fast. eafe and IraTe. In 45 houre it must twins new vitality, land is ~Ltranteed to fix you up l~ O~e w~k or money back on return of empty petek84[e. Cystex costs only 90 a day at dl~lgSlste and the guarantee Protects YOU. .... ] , = i COULD NOT DO HER HOUSEWORK WEAK ANDSKINNY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN eo~d not eat or sl~ all h~ h~Ith bsck m~d th=n n month.