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May 9, 1935 |
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First Lnatal!ment of "Winter
InThis Isle of The
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. S. Circuit Court Reverses Langer Case
-- l~ll
SHOWING AT MUS- ::: ...... : ...... MENT COMMITTEE
BY COURT Students Trained-By Miss Meeting IsCalledToDiscuss
Marian Fairchild Do Very Important
Ii Very Well Questions
Case Is Remanded To North ii --if. -
Dakota U S District A large group of local high school A special meeting of the Golden
Court students, together with their instruct- Valley County Wheat Production
or, Miss Marian Fairchild. went to Control Association will be held at
l[ Dickinson last weekend to participate Beach Friday, May 10, at 8:30 a. m.
St. Paut, Minn., The United States in the annual music festiVal at that according to Frank D. Haigh, pres-
circuit court of appeals, in a decision place. Although no brizes were ideal of the association. The corn-
handed down here Tuesday, reversed awarded, it was universally conceal- mitteeemen who will attend are as
the conviction of Win. Langer, former ed by all present that Beach high follows: F. D. tlaigh, A. M. Peter-
gOVernor of North Dakota, and four made an excellent showing, one of son. IIenry Fcldhusen. Floyd Hobbs.
0Chefs charged with conspiracy ~o the very best, if not the best. E.R. Wentland. Clyde Myers, C. F.
.~als-use federal relief funds. The five Friday evening Jayne Miller, Merle Polley, E. G. Sheen, Ed Eide. Oscar
convicted in federal district Lovell, and Katherine Mor~n, ~vhth to go from Rigbury to the hotel on Clarin, O. G. Johnson. J. M. Still,
of a mile--are transported on this Harry Halstead and E. D. Nelson.
in Bismarck last J~tl~e 17: local high girls trio, ~dve with a 24 horse power engt=e
case was remanded to the that -- Mr. Haigh states that this is tl:e
most important meeting to be held
• iNSURANCE since, the association was organized
in 1933. A great deal of pressure is~
Man~a Hers . being brought about by the various
FUN[} PAYS 1500 boards of trade and commission firms
to do away with the wheat control
Committee Is Working Ha~
To Make It Big
The PLAY DAY events will be held
on Friday, May 17, on the High
School Atl~etic Field, beginning ac
10 o'clock in :the morning. As preY-
ieusly annoudced a parade of all
school children in the county will
start from the Liucoln Building a~
9 o'clock and will continue through
the streets of Beach and thence to
the Athletic Field. The parade will
be led by the Sentinel Butte schoot
band and it is hoped that all children
both rural and city will be present
to take part in this affair.
The Lions club is doing everything
possible to make the day a success.
It is fur~fishing a free movie in co-
operation with the Bijou Theatre.
This will begin at 12 o'clock a, nd will
continue throughout the afternoon,
Coffee, cream and sugar will be
furnished to all who have brought a
lunch basket with them. This will
be prepared by the Home Economics
Department. Under the direction of
Miss tludson. The coffee will be
Ribbons Will
first, sec0nd and
events of the day.
The High School Athletic FIeT~
will be put in first elMS ~ndition
by the Lions clUb, and everything
possible done to make t~ day an
enjoyable one for the children of the
county. It is hoped that a large at-
tends,nee of adults from all over the
counW and from our city will be lu
The committee of the Lions club
in charge of the Playday are I. I.
Grlndstuen, M. P. Lovgren, County
Sup't Dietz, At Gilman. J. C. Rus-
sell. and Roy Johnson,
Marvin Tobias will have general
charge of the Playday events.
Menke Drug Is Moving To
Golva This
The Menke drug
from Beach to Golva
in the building
cern. and Woodward
add a drug department to their con
feetionery store, as a result of the
sale of the Wt~Jv:ard build~ng, oc-
cupied by Menke's. to H. A. ThomP-
son of Golva.
The Woodward Brotlzers already
have started to remodel their store
and will put in a complete stock of
drugs as soon as the building can be
]011t ill readiness and fixtures secured.
The drug department will occupy the
north side of the store, ,.:the
~harmacy in the back . The
fountain will remain where
booths will be installed
the fountain. Miss I~ura
have charge of the dru
which• iris hoped by the proprietors,
will be roady by June 1.
Mr. Menke is now Temovlng his
stock and flxturos to Golva where he
Will Olm~ a drug store in the Mad-
Ison building. H. A.
remodel -hi~
vacated and expects to . to
open the care about
their courtesy in taking cars to Dick-
inson for the festival. Their servie-
.Till es were deeply appreciated.
__-- --ItII-
HIGH PRE-Mandan Lutheran Circuit
To Meet At Taylor Soon
i Tile Mandan circuit o~ the United
"oi,nu FRIOAY .springLUthera~z church will conduct its
LEON meetiltg at Taylor, N. Dak.,
May 12, 13 and 14. The Sunday ses-
--ll siDeS, Ma~y 12, will be devoted to the
Three Act Playfiftieth anniversary of the TaylOr
Pleases Large The topic for discussion, based en
Crowd [I Tim. 4:1-8, "Apostacy versUs God-
" tiness," will be presented by the
~[l i pastors of the circuit Monday morn-
(From Golva NeWs) ing and continuing thru T esda~Y.
Play "Listen To Leon", a 3- On Monday afternoon the Wpmens
presented by the Golva Missionary Federation of the Mandan
Friday night. May 3, drew a circuit will conduct its meetiz/g.
It was very well pre- Rev. Anderson and two delegates
each member of the cast per-
in excellent style. Ralph iyet to be named will represent the
local parish, and will go down on
as Leon, acted his part es- Monday morning.
well. tll[~ -- I
~Usical selections were delightful-I OR. WINTER A~ M. E. CHURCH ]
Presented between acts by the Dr. Winter, v, visiting MinneapolisI
Theodora and Irene Maanum.
of the play; pastor will bring two messages at thet
present, A Summe~ Methodist church here next Sunday,/
a Mother's Day sermon at 11 a. m.'
Summer Resort Hotel, ir and an evangelistic message at 7:30
New York. p, m. Special singing and instru-
I~A lounge in the lzotel. Morn- mental music will feature ihe
Mother's Day service.
II~The same, that night. __ .......... ;~t~-
same. the next morn- ELLINGER HONORED
At the state conference of Congre-
Darby ........ Alvin Fasching gational churches held at Fargo last
Cushman .................. Glenna Doubles week. Rev. C. G. Ellinger of this
I~rYon .............................. Ralph Sacobs city was selected as chairman of two~
Jamison . ~ ..... Ethel Ratsler important commRtees, the nominating
.............................. Hugo KreitingeL committee and the committee on ev-
................................ Schaefer
._ .......................L~na
The court in effect held that the
presented at the trial was
sufficient to demonstrate overt
which in themselves would con-
~tltute substantive offenses.
Whatever we ay think of the
ethics or propriety of the practice
tn~Ployed by appelants for political
I~tlrposes," the court said. "it is not
matter of concern to the federal
:gt)Vernment Unless som~ lawful gee*
~ramental function was ob~
In other wprds, a conspiracy
Plan to assess state employees was
an act violative of any federal
and hence, so far as the fed~
governmen~ is concerned, not
N D TEACHERS program. This would again allow
e i ! the farmers to bouild up another sur.
II plus of wheat which would drive the
price back to the 1932 base.
$90,000 Is Paid To Teachers He also said that according to th~
ti-- ~1 average
he Beach boys quartet, con-
siS~,ing of ~El'nest Schmit, Mum'ice Herman ~Vojohn who is farming "Bismarck, N. D., May 9--Fifteen years has been about 120
els. At the time the wheat eoritrol
Beckley, Tho~las Hudson and Elbert south of Beach is changing a part of hundred North Dakota teachers re- program was put into effect there
Nelson sang "When Song Is Sweet." his farming operations to strip farm- ceived their salaries for March, to a
The concluding number of the lesLie, ing to prevem wind erosion of his total of $90,000, out of the fund were 350 millions bushels surplus.
The drouth of 1934 and the wheat
al was a huge massed (:horus, with I soil• The area consists o[ 108 ltcres turned over by the State Hail Insur-
glee clubs from all towns participat-[on the south end of the farm. The ance department to the State Equal- control program together was re-
inD. soil on this area is a rich silt loam ization fund for distribution among sponsible for reducing the total aur-
as- plus by 200 million bushels. Had it
No little credit ,for tile very fay- but much inclined to driftl:~g, rural schools needing financial it would have
orable showing made by the BeachI
singers is due to the efforts of MissI Twenty acres of the area" ha~ sistance. These teachers would not not been for the drouth
drifted so badly that h~ aa*.~ usa to otherwise have received their March taken the wheat control asso"m~i~n~
Marian Fairchild, undey whose direc- abandon it for grain croppiug. It is .salaries. is the official report, whiet~ at least two more years to ]'educe the
Lion they have been the past year planned to seed the abandoned area added: "these schools had absolutely surplus to the present totaL, farmer
The school authorities also wish to in tl~e United States will be given a
to sweet clover and alfalfa. It is ex- no other way of financing teachers' Mr. Haigh said that every
thank Victor Thompson. A. J. Gil- I ~)e(qod th:~l, the Er.~)sion ('ontrol salm'ies." chance to vote yes or no as to wheth.
man. Andrew Helm, Vtatt Johnson, Service of the Department of Agri- The proposed drastic step of clos- er the program is to continue after
Glen Reichert, ReV. Ellinger, Luther lculn:re will assist with control meth- ing a large nmnber of schools was this year. The date set for the vote
Barrows and I. I. Grindstuen f°r ods for this area. averted by the action of the recent
is May 25th. There is greater fieed
On Morltlay of this week County legislature in ath)pting the suggestion for controlled acreage when the
A~ent ID2ssell measured the 1)|tlanC.e of Insurance C~mmissioner Harold
of the area off into 18 fields each of Hopton tlmt $1,038.000 of surplus, price is near $1.00 per bushel than
which are sex reds wide. Six of th,~ funds ill the State Ha,il Iusurance when it is 30 cents.
fields will be duck-foot summer-fal- fund be immediately transferred to THANK YOU
Iowed this season. Between each of the State Eqnalization Fund for the l ---~---It
the summerfallowed fiehls will be use of rural schools or the state. The Trinity Lutheran church of
two fields seeded to grain this year. Immediately a~ter the passage and]Sentinel Butte takes this means of
Next year the summerfallow fields approval of tt/e hbt. which carries the I expressing its gratitude to the bus-
will be seeded to wheat and the ad- emergency clause, Mr. ttopton issued liness men of Sentinel Butte and to
a check 1o the state treasurer for the,
fall amount of the transfer to b@t
placed to the credit of the State~
joining field will be seeded to wheat the public in general for the coopers-
in the stubble. Thus one-third of the tion and patronage shown them. Es-
fields will be in snmmefallow each pecially do they wish to thank you
year and two-thirds in grain. It is Equalization fund, which is admin'lfor the patronage in making the
planned to have two fields ol~ graiu istered by the. State Superintendent l ~upper of May 4 such a great success.
in between each field of summerfallOW of Schools. While half a million dol-] We thank you.
Twenty farmers have already ~,a.ti;' lars of this fund will not be availableI ..... i;;I .......
application for similar assistance for a('ording to the law governing the.]
the control of soil on abandoned State Equaliztion Fnnd, until afterI Auxiliary Elects New
the oponng of the school year next[ Set Otficem For Year
land. September 1500 teachers' salaries ~ ~il--
AUCTION SALE were paid out of this fund for March. The American Legion Auxiliary met
-!b on Tuesday evening at the home (ff
Dan Wicks is ilotding un auctio:~lam°uating to $90,000. according to
records in the office of the State Msa. AI Gilman. The pogples for
sale at the Vines Wicks farm four Superintendent of Schools. sale on annum Poppy Day are here
miles south of Beacit this coming /ill and Ella Gasbo is general chairman
Saturday, May 11, when a fine line Woman's Club Holds of sales. The Girl SCOUTS will help in
of farm machiuery, household goods Interesting Meeting this work again as usual•
and other ~rticles will be offered ~or After regular business was trans-
sale. It will begin at one o'clock ]~ --II-- acted, the annual election of officers
the afternoon, with J. E. Trollope a.~ Mrs. John Keohane was hostess to took place, resulting as follows:
auctioneer, the Beach "Womans ClUb Monday ev- President ...................... Mrs. B. Brunsvold
.q~ enng. After the business meeting V. Pres.. ................... Mrs AI Schroeder
The Past Matron's earl) entertained Mrs. ellis Donaldson gave an inter- 2nd V. Pres. Mrs. A H. Beckley
yesterday afternoon at a 1:30 lunch" (,.sting play revue and two musical ......
• ,~on for the present officers of tl~e numbers were rendered by Mrs. TreasSeC' ............................. ..................... Mrs.Mrs' FrankMike SchwagelDaVldS°n
local O. E. S. chapter, the affair Houck accompanied by Mrs. Elling- Historian ........................... Mrs. Ella Gasho
taking place at the home of Ms. F~. er. Plans were completed for the ChaplMn ....................... Mrs, E. D. Evans
A. Nyman. silver tea whch will be held in the Executive committee--Mrs. R. Arn-
I~]l- hu.ll of St. John's churei~ next Satu~ old, Mrs. E. Nelson.~ Mrs. AI Gilman
PROCLAMATION, day afternoon. Proceeds ,,'ill go for _,,,,
books for the library. Mrs. Pericle NO. 476 wINS
• II- --~i~-___
gave an outline of the program for
The week of May 13to the next year. Last Saturday Roy Noyes held the
18 has been designated The next meeting will he with trawing for the fine new car ra~iohe
as Clean Uu ~eek for Mrs. Nana McGee, [s giving away, and No. 476 was
-l[[;- ~r~wn as the wlbnlng n~imlier. How.
the City of Beach, and SADDLE BU~EHOMEMAKERS ev'er, the holder of:thsf, ticket has
- yet appeared and if they do
all residents are The p, m. ,this