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May 7, 2015 Golden Valley News Page 5
Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Directors of the Golva Coop-
erative Elevator Company has called a
special meeting of its members for the
purpose of its members casting ballots
regarding the sale of substantially all
the assists of the Golva Cooperative El-
evator Company. The special meeting
will be held on May 8, 2015 at the W.E
Nistler Building, Golva, North Dakota at
/s/Justin Maus
(April 23, 30 and May 7)
In the Matter of the Estate of
GERBER, deceased
James Lee Weisgerber, has filed herein
an Application for Formal Probate of
Will and Appointment of Personal Rep-
Hearing has been set upon said pe-
tition on the 28th day of May, 2015, at
8:30 o'clock A.M., Mountain Time at the
Courtroom of the above named Court in
the City of Medora, County of Billings,
State of North Dakota.
Dated this 15th day of May, 2015.
Bruce A. Selinger
Attorney for Applicant
Name, Address and Telephone No.
of Attorney
Bruce A. Selinger, # 04368
Probate 45-2015-PR-00015
117 First Street East
P. O. Box 1173
Dickinson, ND 58602-1173
(701) 225-9155
e-mail:bruceselinger@ ndsuper-
Attorneys for Applicant
(April 23, 30 and May 7)
Notice of Presentation of Petition
for Annexation
1 :, • A petiti6n has been presented
to the City Council of the City of Beach
for the annexation of certain real prop-
arty to the city limits of the City of
Beach. The property is legally - as de-
scribed as follows:
The SE 1A NW 1.4 of Section 30
Township 140 N, Range 105 W (City
Inert Landfill)
The N 1/2 of NW 1/~ of Section 30
Township 140, Range 105 (City La-
2. On May 18, 2015, at approxi-
mately 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter
as the parties may be heard, the City
Council of the City of Beach shall meet
to consider the petition for annexation
of the property described herein. The
hearing shall take place at the Beach
City Hall.
Kimberly Nunberg
City Auditor
(April 30 and May 7)
Call for Bids
Beach Civil Township #3 is looking
for bids on a used motor grader. More
information and specifications contact:
Duane Hildebrant,
3910 169th Ave. SW
Beach, ND 58621
(April 30 and May 7)
COUNTY: Two-l,000 gallon propane
tanks. AS IS. Submit bids to County Au-
ditor by 10 am, May 18, 2015. County
reserves the right to reject any bids or to
accept late bids. Transportation or de-
livery of tank shall be at the cost of pur-
(April 30 and May 7)
The Billings County Planning & Zon-
ing Commission will hold a public hear-
ing on Thursday, May 21,2015 at 1:00
PM in the Commissioner's Room at the
county courthouse, Medora, ND to con-
sider recommending to the Board of
County Commissioners the approval or
denial of the following items:
Stuart Crismore: Application for a
conditional use permit to allow a rv as
temporary housing on a 2.76 acre par-
cel in the NWl/4NWl/4 14-142-99
(2010 Hwy 85 SW, South Fairfield).
Variance also requested to allow the
use in a commercial district. Property
is owned by Arnold Rodakowksi.
Giles Radtke: Application to con-
struct a 62'x34' garage on an 18.7 acre
tract in the SE1/4 8-139-100 (13603
38th St SW). Also requested is a vari-
ance to construct within the section line
setback requirement. Property is zoned
James & Kelli Barron: Application to
construct a 30'x36' garage on tract 3 in
the NWl/4NWl/4 26-141-99 (2812
Hwy 85 SW). Property is zoned resi-
Other Business:
The board will also address poten-
tial & pending zoning violations and rec-
ommend any action needed by the
Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or
Board of County Commissioners.
Applications are available for review
during regular office hours at the Billings
County Courthouse.
Dated at Medora this 1 st day of May,
Stacey Swanson
Zoning Director
(May 7 and 14)
Case No. 17-2015-DM-0004
Philip Slavers,
Dianne Slavers,
You are hereby summoned and re-
quired to appear and defend against the
Complaint in this action which was filed
herein on the 6th day of April, 2015, by
serving upon the undersigned an An-
swer or other proper response within
thirty-five (35) days after the date of first
publication of the Summons. If you fail
to do so, Judgment by Default will be
taken against you for the relief de-
manded in the Complaint.
Under Rule 8.4 of the North Dakota
Rules of Court, upon service of this
Summons, you, and your spouse, are
bound by the restraints following:
(1) Neither spouse shall dispose of,
sell, encumber, or otherwise dissipate
any of the parties' assets, except:
(a) For necessities of life or for the
necessary generation of income or
preservation of assets; or
(b) For retaining counsel to carry on
or to contest the proceedings;
If a spouse disposes of, sells, en-
cumbers, or otherwise dissipates as-
sets during the interim period, that
spouse shall provide to the other
spouse an accounting within thirty (30)
(2) Neither spouse shall harass the
other spouse.
(3) All currently available insurance
lief as is appropriate.
Signed by,
Jack Dalrymple, Governor
man, ND Industrial
(May 7)
Hearing Notice
Zoning Hearing Notice
The Golden Valley County Zoning
Board will hold a public hearing on
Monday, May 18, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in
the Commissioner's Room at the court-
house, for the following business;
New Business
- Farmers Union Oil Co of Beach re-
quest to rezone the A 5.92 ACRE
TRACT in NWl/4NWl/4 Sac 30-140-
106 parcel # 02416600 from Agricultural
to Industrial, for the purpose of estab-
lishing a propane distribution facility.
This parcel lies in the City of Beach's
extra territorial zone.
- Mel Bosserman requests a vari-
ance from the current setbacks which
are 150' from all section lines, and cen-
ter of county highways and secondary
county and township roads, he request
this variance to encroach to within 75'
of 49th ST SW in Lone tree Township,
to emplace 2each 36' Diameter grain
bins. The request is for the following
parcel; Nl/2 of Sac 11-137-105 parcel
# 7-0-00657500
- Ron and Sue Feldman request a
variance from the current setbacks
which are 150' from all section lines,
and center of county highways and sec-
ondary county and township roads, he
request this variance to encroach to
within 75' of old Highway 10 in the City
of Sentinel Butte to build a deck on their
home. The request is for the following
parcel; All NW1/4 of the BNSF, East of
TRACT in NWl/4 town of Sentinel
Butte, less East 600' SEC 29-140-t04
City Acreage Parcel # 22-11-05634000
(May 7 and 14)
City of Beach
coverage must be maintained and con-
tinued without change in coverage or A regular meeting of the Beach City
beneficiary designation. Council was called to order by Mayor
Walter Losinski on April 20, 2015 at
(4) Neither spouse shall remove
any of their minor children from North 7:00 pm. Present when the meeting
Dakota without the written consent of was called to order was City Council
the other spouse or order of the Court Henry Gerving, Dell Beach, Tim Mar-
except for temporary periods,man, Mark Banes, Jeanne Larson, City
IF EITHER SPOUSE VIOLATES Auditor Kimberly Nunberg, Engineer
ANY OF THESE PROVISIONS, THATThomas Schmelzenbach and guests
SPOUSE MAY BE IN CONTEMPT OF Casey Rieger, Tammy Hoffer, Carol
COURT. Bartz, Tammy Wilhelmi, Natalie Muru-
DATED this 6th day of April, 2015. ato, Abby Wilhelmi, Taryn Hoffer, So-
KEOGH LAW OFFICE phie Muruato, Rebeka Padilla, Brae
Attorneys for Plaintiff Davidson, Dale & Brenda Frieze, Bailey
Street and Post Office Address: Frieze, Riley Frieze, Steve Szudera,
141 3rd St. West, P.O. Box 1202 and Jerry Tosner.
Dickinson, ND 58602-1202 Public Participation:
Ph.: 701-483-9146 & Fax: 701-483- Casey Rieger and Sofia Muruato,
9147 representing Future Business Leaders
Robert A. Keogh, ND Bar ID# 03004 of America requested $1,500 from the Community Enhancement Fund to de-
(May 7, 14 and 21) fray costs associated with a trip to com-
pete at the National FBLA Convention
in Chicago. Banes moved to approve
Notice the request, second by Marman. Dis-
cussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Notice to Property OwnersPWS Report:
PWS Braden was not available as
Property owners are responsible for he was attending wastewater training.
keeping their property mowed and nox- Mayor Losinski reported the following;
ious weeds controlled. When the prop- The first week of May has
arty is not mowed or weeds become a been designated as City Government
nuisance,t he city will mow and/or spray Week & City Clean-Up Week.
the property at a cost of $150 per lot as A proposal was reviewed from
allowed by City Ordinance 366 Section Maguire Iron, Inc. in the amount of
12.0101-12.0105. $45,680 to paint the exterior of the
Kimberly Nunberg South water tower and make it OSHA
City Auditor compliant. Marman moved to accept
(May 7, 14, 21 and 28) the proposal, second by Larson. Motion
carried unanimously.
• The check valve on the hy-
Hearing Notice drant by the North water tower needs to
be replaced. Marman moved to replace
NOTICE OF HEARING the check valve, second by Banes.
N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Gerving recommended first obtaining a
OIL AND GAS DIVISION cost. Marman - yes, Benes - yes, Lar-
son - yes, Beach - yes, Gerving - no.
The North Dakota Industrial Corn- Motion carried.
mission will hold a public hearing at The retaining wall at the inter-
9:00 a.m. Wednesday, May27, 2015, at section of Central Avenue and Third
the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Street N was damaged by a vehicle
Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the turning the corner to short. The accident
hearing the Commission will receive was reported to the driver's insurance
testimony and exhibits. Persons with company.
any interest in the cases listed below,
Marman moved to hire Lucas
take notice. Buchholz at $16/hr as a summer-time
PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Ifemployee only, second by Benes. Mar-
at the hearing you need special facili- man - yes, Benes -yes. Gerving - no,
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Beach - no, Larson- no. Motion failed.
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thurs- There was discussion regarding a full-
day, May 14, 2015. time Public Works position.
Case No. 23964: Proper spacing for Nunberg reviewed her written report.
the development of the Saddle Butte- Nunberg reviewed the financial report
Bakken Pool, Billings County, ND, re- for the month of March. Benes moved
define the field limits, and enact such to approve the financial report, second
special field rules as may be necessary, by Larson. Motion carried unanimously.
Continental Resources, Inc.; OXY USA Committee Report:
Inc. Zoning - Larson and Nunberg re-
Case No. 23965: Proper spacing for ported on the Planning & Zoning Semi-
the development of the Snow-Bakken nar held April 9th in Dickinson.
Pool, Billings County, ND, redefine the Street- Marman and Benes recom-
field limits, and enact such special field mended two methods that should be
rules as may be necessary. OXY USA considered when street repairs need to
Inc. be made due to contractors excavating
Signed by, for water~sewer~etc.
Jack Dalrymple, Governor Chair- 1. The Public Works Employees
man, ND Industrial Commissionmake the repair and bill the Contractor
(May 7) accordingly.
2. The Contractor is responsible
Hearing Notice for the repair. The City would sell the
Contractor the materials necessary to
NOTICE OF HEARING make the repairs.
N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Larson moved to make it policy the
OIL AND GAS DIVISION Contractor is responsible for any street
repairs necessary due to excavation for
The North Dakota Industrial Com- water/sewer/etc, and the Contractor
mission will hold a public hearing at can purchase materials from the City to
9:00 a.m. Thursday, May 28, 2015, at make the necessary repair, second by
the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Banes. Discussion. Gerving excused
Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the himself from the meeting at 8 p.m. Mo-
hearing the Commission will receive tion carried.
testimony and exhibits. Persons with Lagoon/Multi Use Trail - Engineer
any interest in the cases listed below, Thomas Schmalzenbach reported on
take notice, progress of the lagoon expansion proj-
PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Ifact and multi use trail projects.
at the hearing you need special facili- New Business:
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and At 7:30 there was a Public Hearing
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri- for Conditional Use at 680 5th Ave NW
day, May 15, 2015. for Date & Brenda Frieze to operate a
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTATO: business from their residence. Larson
Case No. 24043: Appiication of moved to open the Public Hearing for
Peregrine Petroleum Partners, Ltd. for comment, second by Marman. Motion
an order pursuant to NDAC § 43-02-03- carried unanimously. No public com-
88.1 pooling all interests in a spacing ment was given. Banes moved to ap-
unit described as Sections 27 and 28, prove the Conditional Use, second by
T.144N., R.102W., Buckhorn-Bakken Larson. Motion carried unanimously.
Pool, Billings County, ND as provided Larson moved to close the Public
by NDCC § 38-08-08 and such other re- Hearing, second by Banes. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
The Beach Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment requested $60,000 to be applied
to the purchase of a new 4000 gallon
water tender truck. The truck will be
used for both city and rural fire calls.
Total cost of the truck is $219,000.
Banes moved to approve the request,
second by Marman. Motion carried
An Application for Raffle submitted
by Future Business Leaders of America
was reviewed. Banes moved to ap-
prove the raffle, second by Larson. Mo-
tion carried unanimously.
An Application for Raffle submitted
by Golden Valley Manor was reviewed.
Banes moved to approve the raffle, sec-
ond by Larson. Motion carried unani-
Steve Szudera requested permis-
sion to connect to the city water line so
provide service to his shop on Second
Ave NW. Marman moved to allow the
connection and have two separate curb
stops, one for Szudera and the other for
the live stock yard, second by Benes.
Motion carried unanimously.
No other business was brought for-
ward. Beach moved to adjourn, second
by Marman. Meeting adjourned at 9:15
p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Walter Losinski, Mayor
Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor
(May 7)
Notice of Destruction of Records
The West River Student Services
Unit is providing notice to patrons in re-
gards to destruction of special educa-
tion records.
West River defines records for de-
struction as those records that have
been retained for five years after the
student exited services. Notice is
hereby given that such records will be
destroyed on July 1, 2015 and an indi-
vidual wishing to obtain a copy of their
records should request, in writing, to
West River Student Services, P.O. Box
1575, Dickinson, ND 58602 before the
date of destruction. A permanent record
containing the student's name, address,
phone number, record of grades, years
of enrollment, courses completed will
be kept by the individual school dis-
tricts. West River Student Services Unit
serves the school districts of Amidon,
Beach, Belfield, Billings County, Bow-
man County, Golva, Halliday, Hettinger,
Killdeer, Marmarth, New England,
Richardton/Taylor, Scranton, South
Heart and Twin Buttes.
(May 7)
Billings County School
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 10, 2015
The regular meeting of the Billings
County School Board Was called to
-: order at 3:35 p.m. MT, Tuesday, March
10, 2015, at DeMores School in
Medora. Present were members Lynn
Arthaud (arriving at 3:45), Brenda
Burian, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel,
and Julia Reis. Also present for all or
part of the meeting were Principal
Soehren, Tom Hutzenbiler, Dan Schaff,
KLJ, Eric Bock, Jessie Berger, Eliza-
beth Odermann, and Lynn Paterson.
M/S Burian/Stacey Kessel to ap-
prove the consent agenda, which in-
cluded the Minutes from the February
10, 2015, meeting, the attached check
list, financial statements, and the addi-
tion of three items. The motion carried
17133-17134 March
Payroll Checks $554.10
DD March Payroll Deposits$70,679.00
t7135-17t45 March
Payroll Vendors $31,637.88
EFT AFLAC $796.27
EFT March Payroll Taxes $23,145.67
EFT JP Morgan $25,328.64
PROM PARTY $100.00
BLUE SHIELD $1,096.25
17148 CITY OF MEDORA $289.39
17149 DENNIS O'BRIEN $9,618.16
17150 DICKINSON PRESS $30.00
17154 GARY MEDUNA $4,461.96
17156 JANINE OLSON $197.15
17157 JULIE A. REIS $19.47
17158 KATHY MALKOWSKI$5,772.20
17160 KERRY BITTNER $500.50
17161 KERRY BITTNER $65.13
17162 KIM ANDERSON $312.80
17163 LAURA BARNAUD $12.59
17164 LEUKEMIA &
17165 MARLA JOB $14.94
17166 MA-I-I-HEW GONZALES$95.50
17168 MKATREASURER '$199.00
GENERAL $85.50
17170 ND SPELLING BEE $156.00
17171 NDAESP $190.00
17172 NDATL $25.00
BOARDS ASS'N $190.00
17175 OLSON'S SERVICE $5,442.36
17176 PETER ODERMANN$4,424.12
17178 PRAIRIE SCHOOL $120.00
17180 SW WATER
17181 TAMMY SIMNtONIW $64.40
17182 TOM HUTZENBILER $45.00
17183 WAL-MART
Dan Schaff, KLJ, presented infor-
mation on the bid specs for the Prairie
Roof. It was the consensus of the
board to make a pre-bid meeting op-
tional for bidders. The project schedule
was set as follows:
Bid advertising the week of March
Bids due by 4:00 p.m. on April 7 at
DeMores School
Bid opening at 4:00 p.m. on April 7 at
DeMores School
Award project to successful bidder
at 3:30 p.m. on April 14 at DeMores
Discussion was held on the De-
Mores Fire Alarm installation project.
The project schedule was set as fol-
Bid advertising the week of March
Pre-bid meeting March 20 from 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (mandatory for bid-
Bids due by 4:00 p.m. on April 7 at
DeMores School
Bid opening at 4:00 p.m. on April 7 at
DeMores School
Award project to successful bidder
at 3:30 p.m. on April 14 at DeMores
Reis informed the board that she
was working on the Principal evaluation
and would have it filed by Friday, March
13. Staff and board members were sur-
veyed and results used in completing
the evaluation. Final results will be re-
ported on at April meeting.
Principal Soehren presented a
2015-16 school calendar. It very closely
aligned with Belfield's school calendar.
M/S Burian/Stacey Kessel to approve
the calendar as presented with one
change. The April 20 early out date was
changed to April 21. Roll call vote was
taken with all in favor.
Principal Soehren reported that DPI
had approved a waiver to allow two pro-
fessional development days to be
counted for the 2015-16 school year for
staff attending the RESP sponsored
Martha Tate training in June, 2015. M/S
Burian/Stacey Kessel to follow this
waiver and allow BCSD teachers to use
these days in lieu of the November and
January professional development days
listed in the school calendar. Roll call
vote was taken with all in favor.
Principal Soehren reported that
Anna Grotberg, DeMores, and Taylor
Downing, Prairie advanced to the State
Spelling Bee competition and Shadera
Burian, Prairie, and Alex Costas, De-
Mores, advanced to the State Geogra-
phy Bee.
The early release date in April was
moved from April 15 to April 2. Kat
Perkins will present a program at Prairie
School on April 15. DeMores students
will also attend ....................
Principal Soehren presented a re-
quest on Mr. Glaser's behalf. He is re-
questing permission to establish a
garden plot at Prairie School. He would
like to involve the students while school
is in session and then he and Lori Kol-
lar would maintain it during the summer
months. The board asked Principal
Soehren to work with Mr. Glaser in es-
tablishing a comprehensive plan to in-
clude size of plot, water source, which
classes would be involved and what
would be their role, how would it be
cleared and cultivated, and would it be
volunteer time to maintain it in the sum-
mer months.
Principal Soehren submitted a letter
of resignation with end date of June 3,
2015. M/S Burian/Joey Kessel to ac-
cept the resignation. Roll call vote was
taken with all in favor.
Tom Hutzenbiler updated the board
on the status of replacement of the un-
derground propane tanks. The City of
Medora zoning board gave approval for
the above ground tanks to be enclosed
by a wooden fence similar to that sur-
rounding the generator. Tom is obtain-
ing estimates from local contractors for
the removal of the underground tanks.
Jeff Iverson stated that the county could
provide the dirt and equipment for filling
in the site after the tanks are removed.
Arthaud asked Tom to request if the
county could provide equipment and
labor for the removal of the tanks as
well. If the county cannot remove the
tanks, Tom was instructed to award the
project to the contractor providing the
lowest estimate.
An open enrollment request was
submitted for a family moving to Golden
Valley County with students in second
and preschool classes at DeMores
School in the upcoming school year.
M/S Arthaud/Burian to approve the re-
quest. Roll call vote was taken with all
in favor.
The Dickinson Public Library sub-
mitted a request with four different op-
tions to make parking the bookmobile
beside DeMores School easier. It was
the consensus of the board that the only
feasible option at this time was Option
#3, paint a yellow line on the current ce-
ment pad to provide a guide.
Business Manager Simnioniw pre-
your local
Look to the region's farm tax experts for year-round tax,
recordkeeping, and payroll services. FCS provides financial
solutions all year long so you can plant, feed and harvest.
sented a letter from the ND Health De-
partment issuing recommendations for
handling students and staff who are not
immunized if a contagious disease out-
break occurs in North Dakota. She re-
ported that the NDSBA is working on a
policy template for this.
M/S Burian/Arthaud to rescind the
first reading of the iPad Policy, Proce-
dures, and Information (FFIA) acted
upon at the February 10, 2015, meeting
and to approve a first reading of a re-
vised version of the policy. Roll call vote
was taken with all in favor.
M/S Burian/Joey Kessel to rescind
previous Contracted Staff Resignations
and Request for Release From Con-
tract (DKBB) and approve the first read-
ing of a new revised policy. Past
practice will control matters covered by
former policy until a replacement policy
is adopted. Roll call vote was taken
with all in favor.
M/S Burian/Stacey Kessel to rescind
the previous Granting a Release From
Contract (DKBB-BR) and adopt a new
revised board regulation. Roll call vote
was taken with all in favor.
Simnioniw provided the board with
information on liability coverage on Dis-
trict-owned property. Per Daryl Kudrna,
Farmers Union Insurance agent, the
District's liability insurance coverage
does not extend coverage for non-
school sanctioned activities. Sports co-
ops are considered school-sanctioned
activities so would be covered. If rent-
ing our facilities out to the public, it was
advised to have "hold harmless"
clauses in our rental agreements. Also
it was advised not to give keys to non-
school personnel.
The School Board, after investiga-
tion of the petition filed by the Billings
County Education Association request-
ing that said organization be recognized
as the representative organization for
the previously recognized Appropriate
Negotiating Unit, has determined that
the Education Association does repre-
sent a majority of the persons within
that unit. M/S Burian/Stacey Kessel to
recognize the Education Association as
the exclusive representative organiza-
tion for a minimum of one year begin-
ning March 10, 2015. Roll call vote was
taken with all in favor.
Stacey Kessel reported that RESP
offered the position of Elementary Edu-
cation Professional Development Spe-
cialist to Denise Soehren. Soehren
stated that she had accepted the posi-
tion. Kessel also reported that RESP
has written and received three grants
for professional development activities.
Simnioniw provided updates on var-
ious education-related legislation.
An interview committee was estab-
lished for the Prairie Elementary teach-
ing positions with Stacey Kessel and
Brenda Burian volunteering to serve.
The rest of the board members stated
they would be available as alternates if
the need arose. Advertising is currently
taking place and interviews will begin on
March 26 at 1:30 p.m. at Prairie School.
Simnioniw was asked to contact
NDSBA to determine if they would be
able to assist the board with a needs
assessment in determining the most ef-
fective administrative structure for our
M/S Burian/Stacey Kessel to enter
into an executive session to discuss
teacher contract negotiations strategy.
The legal authority for closing this por-
tion of the meeting is NDCC 44-04-
19.1(9). Roll call vote was taken with
all in favor.
The board went into executive ses-
sion at 6:35 p.m. The executive ses-
sion ended at 9:15 p.m. and opened up
to a public session.
M/S Burian/Joey Kessel seconded,
to adjourn. All were in favor of the mo-
tion. The meeting adjourned at 9:15
(May 7)
A public notice is information
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