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• - - - _ _
Mrs. A. E. Bcheffe~r. Reporter
l~n@ay school atte~danee l~ay 3
A Mother's Day program will be
held Friday afternoon at the Car-
~Fle school building.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe
~d daughter. Mr. and-Mrs. Ouy
~url and children. Mr.-and Mrs.1
~'~U. Hayden and sons, vernal
~heffer, Ola£1ys Willson, "Mr. and
and Mrs. A1fred Scneffer ~e~ue
the talkies at Beach Saturduyeve-
LeRoy Molme hauled a truck
"~td of lumber from Baker Satur-
day for Gene-Babcock.
Mr. J. Davis, father of Mrs.-C
R. Davis is reported quite ill. ~r.
]~,adley was called Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lurid w~'e
dinner guests of M~. and Mrs. Ge~
~abco~k Sunday e~ening.
~tuth Mary, little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph-~tark haS suf-I
feted quite an attack of tonsolitist! t
and was consulting w~t~ Dr. Bran-I
I~ last Monday. ]
A party was given a~ the GeoI
Brtt~ard home SaTIIrda~ evening]
In honor of Miss Konsak. Dancing
and cards, and a fine super were
the evenings amusements.
Carlyle Sunshine society met on
Wed1~lay afe~xnoon with Mrs.
Tom Pratt. The usual bualness =.was
eared for, foIlowed by election of
officers. Mrs. I.~nd, presiders;
Mrs. Kate Fulton, vice president;
Mrs. Myra Sandersen, secretary;
Mrs. Della Moline, treasurer. The
mext meeting will be held With Mrs.
Pete Hartse as hostess and their
annuaI report will be printed next
Mr. and Mrs. John Mazcinlak,
were callers at the Tony Efta home
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bushel of WI-
baux were callers at the Roy
O'Brien home Sunday. Mrs.
O'Brien returned to Wlbaux with
Mr, and Mrs. Gene Babcock and
son were callers at Schef~er's home
Mr. CSbb]ns our genial N. P. de-
pot agent returned from a trip to
Tacoma, Wash.. Friday. Mr. Phal-
en has gone down to Ollie to help
out there during Mr. Howard's ill-
Rev. and Mrs. Brlggs and chll-
&ten were guests at the Jerry
Smeltzer home Friday afternoon.
a~rroll Hudson and Nels Rhode
were Beach visltors Saturday.
Mrs. Tony Efta and daughter
Anna are reported on the sick flat.
Mrs. Leo Haigh returned Friday
~to her home in Seattle, Washing-
The base ball dance held at Car-
lYie Saturday evening was well at°
tended and all report a good time.
MUsic was by the Purple Derby&
Miss Verna Seheffer closed her
term at the Bowen school Friday
tr eld a little picnic for the
n at the school house on
~Am~ty. Plans were to go to the
rl~er, but on account of the par-
eats still working in the fields they
we~ unable to go. Games and
cmltests were held. each of the
children receiving prizes. Thomas
lsiaher and Marian Woodsend re~
eetved h~hest honors and prizes
for sl~lUng. Several visitors pere
~eaent and a fine dinner was serv-
, ltd. and Mrs. Clair Harp and
fairly motored to Beach Sunday
spent the day at the William
arp, home.
Dale Burlingame of Beach spent
the week end with his father J. A.
~urltngame at the Scheffer home
The Pioneer Sewing club of Car-
].vie held its 5th meeting on Satur-
day atfernoon, May 2nd. Eleven
~embers and one visitors was pres-
et. The Ollie 4-H club extended
the Carlyle club an invitation to
meet with them on May 23. The
~lext meeting of the Pioneer club
WIII be on May 28th.
The Boys 4-H calf club of South
Valley and Golva vicinity met Sat-
la~lay evening at the Geo. Ham-
mo~l home. The topic of the les-
m~n was "Care of the cow after
freshening." Mrs. Hammond served
the boys a fine lunch as usual. The,
~te and place of the next meeting
will be announced later.
Mr. and Mrs• Bert Covert of Ool-
• a were business visitors at the
~$eJaeffer home Wednesday.
Golva and Carlyle played anoth-
er ~me of ball Sunday afternoon
Iowa, like mos~ agricultural stat-
es, has a law providing for the test-
ing of cattle for tuberculosis. It is
a fair law, a just law, a common
sense law, and a law intended to
protect the health of the public.
No one has a right to sell the
product from any diseased animal
and more especially the product of
a diseaSed cow for that product is
consumed largely in its raw state
and very often by small children,
Even if the farmer received no ben-
efit himself in the testing of his
Mrs. :Hay Drier, Reporter
I'Mr~ -and- -Mx:~ Jack- -I~rdy-=and
children from California and Mr,
and Mrs. Louie Lardy and childrenI
i from Glendive are visiting at the,
home of Jack's and Louie's parents,
!Mr. and Mrs. Mike M. Lardy.
Bud Sheen from Morton" Minn t
t has been visiting at his uncle and
'aunt's home, Mr. and Mrs. Ma~
Clifford Vn Horn and Johnniel
Honnold motored to town on Mon-
Ray Brier and children and
George Lardy motored to town on
Tuedsay evening.
I Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Houck and
i children and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Adams and children were Sunday
visitors at the Clyde Myers home.Stanford scored its eighth suc.
" cessive annual victory over the Cal-
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Myers are the ltornia Bears, but a California
proud parents of a beautiful nine lrackmau set a new National Inter-
pound daughter born last Tuesday collegiate record. Kenneth Churchill
at ~he J• E. Middleton home intossed the spear 220 feet 9 inches
Beach. Mother and baby are get- - "
ting along fine. i tie set ttm former mark of 217 feet
7inches two weeks ago in a meet
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brier and,at Berkeaey a~ainst the Washing-
children and Will and Russell~ ton Huskies• ~He holds the Inter-
Bro~¢n, Miss MyrtIe Amundsen. collegiate A. A. A. A• record of 212
May and W~21iam Brown were feet 5 inches made last Year at
guests ~o dinner Sunday a~ the Joc Cambridge.
Downs home.
} Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Brown were Mishap Helped Famous
~guests to dinner Sunday at the J. Hymn Win Popularity
Brown home.
Iv the St. Nicholas church at
Mrs. Page Myers and baby have Oberndorf, near Salzburg, Austria,
been sick with the flu.
The nine months old, baby son of on Christmas eve in ]818, "Stills
,Nacht, IleH~e Nacht," was sung
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M3ers has been for fl~e first time. Ti~e curate, Jo-
real sick with the flu. Dr. Lyons seph Mohr, had composed the text
was called out to see him Thurs- nnd the teacher an,] organist, l~ranz
day. At this time of writing he is' Xaver Gruber, the melody• To the
John D. Rockefeller, before starting his game on the ]inks atmuch imporvcd. ! fact that the little organ in Obern-
Ormond Beach, Fla., reads a poem to the admiring crewel ,Whle.t~ had Mr. and. Mr.s Mat Teacher and i dorf was broken down is due the
children accompanied by Mr. andwidespread popularity of the hymn.
ga~ered to see him.
~::~.= __ -_-------:m---------------------~_ Mrs. Ray Zinsli and children at- The organ builder, Karl Manracher,
tended ti~e ball game Sunday, east! of Fugen, tn Zi]lertal, had been
IOWA'S "COW REBELLION" Indians Fear Lightning of Medora. ~ i sent for to make tl e ne(ess try "e-
. No NavaJo Indian will ever Mr. and Mrs. Joe Downs and ~ pairs, tie beard tim air, "rod huh'mwd
Walsh County Record: Mos¢ make a campfire of wood from a Shirley motored to Beach on Sat-~ it in his w~tive country, where it
Walsh county farmers,, especially tree ti~at has been struck by ligi~t, urday. They calledat the J. E became very popular in a sh,rt
those Who are really making a suc- ning or that he thinks may have time.
cess of the livestock business, will been, If such a fire is made by Middleton home.
Will, Russell andMay Brow~ There wore f, mr bro:hers,-~v
have a hard time understnding ti~e Irreverent white nmn, the In- and Misses Clara Peterson, M. name, Strafer, who went to 1h~
the ,Philosophy of those farmers dlau will retire to a distance'iAmundson motored to Beach Sun- big German markets every 3ear
d0%T~ in Cedar county, Iowa, who where lie can neither feel the heat day A.M. selling products of tim Tvrelese
started what is popularly known as nor smell the smoke, and will go
the "cow rebellion~' last sleep in his blanket, fireless and Bud Myers and Mrs. Laurence home industr.v, and at the concerts
supperless, rather than eat of food Kirkpatrick motored to Beach Fri- of Tyrolese songs they sang the
~repared on tim~ kind ~/ tree. The
avaJo beileves that he comes
within the Influence of the flame
he will absorb some of the essence
of the lightning which will sooner
air which had thus become so pop-
day to visit Mrs. Bud Myers and ular "back home." Tlms the mel-
little daughter.
Misses M. Amundsen, Clara Pc- ody was introduced to the North,
terson, Mr. and Mrs. George Vanfrom whence It started around the
Horn were guests to supper Sunday world.--Detroit News.
or later kill idm. In the mountains evening at the John Brown home.
of the NavaJo country more than Jack Myers and Pearl and Mar- Little Wh~e--He-n-'aoes
half the great pines are scarred by Jorie Myers attended the talkies in
lightning, but no wood from them Beach Saturday evening• "Hobo"and Bums Ride
is used. ~ ...... Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Harvard, Neb.--Thls is the story
.... family were visitors Wednesday at of a little white hen that tired of
Ray Brier's. the prosaic conventional chicken
Old Hi~torleal Record~ Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Honnold:yard life of Harvard and kicked
"and children were visitors last over a little gate and went *'hobo."
According to Larned's "Seventy
C~nturles," the oldest hlstorieal
t~cords that have been found are
ln~riptlons in the tombs of Egyp.
tlan kings belonging to the first dy-]z, .da~jng ~ck t_o about 4,700
year~ B.C. Other hlsto~:ian's have
cattle for tuberculosis, such test-
ing ought to be compulsory. But
the protection is as much Ior the
farmer himself as for the eventual
consumers of his products.
This Is a Good Story
Whether True or Not
Berlin.---An animal story fit to
make animal psychologists dance
with Joy and animal iove~ in gen-
eral weep with emotion, is that
which bas become the topic of con-
verasti~n of Adolf Schmldt.
Mr. Schmidt and his pet shep-
herd dog, Nora, were taking a typ-
ically German walk, leisurely and
systematically, along the shores of
the Teltow canal, and the master
was teaching Nora to retrieve.
when suddenly a pigeon wearing a
ted ring off lt~ foo~ fluttered down
at the nose of the do~.
Mr. Schmldt, thinking the bird
was Injured. rap nearer and beheld
a strange sight. Nora, instead of
snapping at the pigeon, carefully
lay down, rolled herself into a ball
so that the head of the carrier
pigeon was visible, and proceeded
:o lick and deftly nuzzled the bird
a~ost reassuringly.
Then Mr. Schmldt saw the cause
of the strange antics of the animal.
A dark shadow flitted over the
group nnd a pigeon hawk circled
low and lower• The dog growled.
The pigeon buried its head deeper
in the dog's flank, The hawk flew
away. So did the pigeon• and Nora
calmly went back to retrieving.
Closed Season Proposed
to Protect Whales
~Va shh~gt on.--Wh ol ~,~ale slaugh-
ter of whales for commercial
purposes which Is killing off this
the Ch-lyle diamond, which re-
Cited in a score of 14 to 12 in fav-
or of Golva. Thlswas a good game
close all the way thru, twice
during the game the score being a
lee. Carlyle is picking up you see
in more than one way,
The writer of these items had the hy the United States on seals, the
traced a recorded history of Baby-
Ionia to a point before 4500 B. C.
It Is believed that the sale of fro-
mph to the Egyptians occurred
while Hykos or "Shepherd kings"
were rulers of Egypt, somewhere
between 2000 and le00 B. C, though
no definite date can be given. The
period of the pharaohs extends
from the time of Menes, the first
king of united Egypt, who reigned
possibly as early as 4770 B. (L
down to the conquest of Egypt by
Alexander the Great, In 331 B. O.
w°r iL Y"d'_, wet.,
It cannot be stated exactly under
how much pressure men can work
within a caisson. Pressure within
a caisson used for subaqueoua
workers must be increased by one
atmosphere of 15 pounds per
square inch for every ,q3~,~ feet
that the caisson is submerged be-
low the surface. Hence, at a depth
of 100 feet a worker In a caisson
must be subjected to a pressure of
60 pounds per square Inch. At the
St. Louis bridge, where a pressure
was employed equal to 4~ atmos-
phereL out of 600 workmen 119
huge animal will cease if a bill pre-
sented to the League of Nations Is
passed, according to a report from
the United States Department of
State• It is hoped that by institut-
Ing a partially "closed" season on
~ Whales. similar to that instituted
lfl~s~are of meeting Mrs. Helga An-! number of the former will greatly Radiator.
derson of Hedges, Mont., Saturday increase In the next few years.
while in Beach. Mrs. Anderson ] "Robbing P~ter to Pay Paul"
m~dd they were all well. They were ) n'mg
"Fable has It," according to
residentSLauranceOf OEieHartseabOUtleft ala:stYearMon_ago. Brewer:~ Dictionary of Phrase andS
day, with a truck load of furniture Fable, that this phrase alludes to
the fact that on December 17, 1550,
fat: O. T. Davis. Donald VIrts ac- the Abbey church of St. Peter, This ~s the time of :/ear to
companied him. looking for work• Westminster, was advanced to the have your Radiator and Me-
tor Block cleaned and flush-
ed. Motor runs cooler and
don't use as much oil. Come
in and see what deposits we
have taken out of some ra-
dignity of a cathedral by letters
patent; but ten years later It was
Joined to the diocese of London
again and many of Its estates ap-
propriated to the repairs of St.
Paul's cathedral." The expression
may have been a familiar one much
earlier than that.
|, ,,
O, tIugh and Ed. ~tark and Jim
onnor left Monday for Illinois
to work on the pipe line.
Mrs. Art Moline attended the
Woman's club of Ollle at the O. C.
Keener home.
A number of Carlyletes attended
the talkies at Baker Friday night.
Mrs, Reese Owens, Mrs. LeRoy
IIarold Owens were
at em m'm .
A dance was held at the Nelson
SChool house, Saturday evening by
MI~. Lewie Larson and Mary Gor-
The Goraionoski boys fur-
and a general
had by all present.
• Nelson, Mrs. Roy
O'~-~n, Mrs. Ralph Stark and
visited Mrs. Bob
Sunday evening at the Ross John-
stone home.
Russell Brown was a visitor last
Wednesday evening at the Down's
Mr .and Mrs. Otis Wills motored
to town on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Honnold
and baby were visltors last Wed-
nesday at the Honnold home.
The hen-ran way from home,
rode the rods of a freight train and
arrived at Inland. nine miles from
Harvard, where she attached her.
self to a chicken colony of Mrs.
Robert Seley. Trainmen who had
watched her in her dash for free.
dora pointed her out to Robert
~eley, ~r.
Robert will feed her and when
she's blg enough will sell her, the
proceeds to go for the Imrchase of
s season ticket for sehool basket-
ball games.
Hot Dogs" Pedigrm~
An ancient and honorable lineage
Is claimed for the gastronomic tid-
bit known In this country as the
"hot-dog" and throughout the r~
mainder of the world as the frank-
tufter. It dates back 125 years and,~
strange to may, it did not originate
in Frankfurt at all but in Vienna.
It was first made by Johann
Lohner and his business is Still ID
exist~me~. He eal.led his product
• - __ ~Y,.--
FOPJtgER BEACH FRF.ACHF~ i l~or pasture, rapid
VISITS OLD FRIENDS culent nutritions forage
Rev. A. R. Bosworth a former The plant must be able
paStor of Congregational church rapidly from injury lnc
was guest preacher at the Congle-'turing. Oats will be
gational church last Sunday. His most dependable em
many friends were delighted with ture.
the splendid sermon he gave. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Bosworth have many
friends in Beach who were delight-
ed to see them.
Twelve years ago Rev. Bosworth WHEN IN
left Beach and has since lived
most of the time ar Unalaska. MINNEAP{
Wash. He and Mrs. Bosworth, on
their way east, arrived here Sat- STOP AT
urday morning to renew old ac-
quaintances, and were the guests
of friends until Wednesday, when
they continued their way. Mr. Boa-
worth said he noted many changes
for the better in the city, but miss-
ed many old timers of whom heI
spoke in the highest praise for
their enterprise and public spirit,
and which spirit still seems, he
said, to prevail here.
--- I
The newest
Hotel in
X rashington at
Close to all business
theatres, jobbers and
,, 250 ROC
vWith Baths or Showers
'11 *4.00
Oppos'te Post Office
)79]{ Close to alI l,eFots
i ~. . )
A Re, ore ~¢'~h a Bath
BEACH, N.D. One Dollar and a t~al["
New and Better
We Trade-In Old Batteries
I ii ,, . -
FOR all we know, some Mongolian landowner, living miserably in a
smoky felt tent. may ,be the richest man in the world . . . For standards
of living are no~ based merely on wealth. They are ba~d rather on the
way people use weaath. The reason why American standards are con-
sidered highest in the world is because the great majority of Americans
have at their command all the things necessary to a civilized and eul-
lured mode of living.
Any housewife in America, even of mo~ moderate means, can draw
u~n ~he resources of all the world for her o~m private use!
You may study and enjoy outright at very small expense, music . . .
drarrm . . . ar~ in all ~ts iorms. You may review the smartest styles
each day as ~hey appear in the pages of newspapers. You may select
household furnLshings, modern conveniences, heat-units, refrigeration,
food in luxurious and endless variety, cosmetics, dress-goods, automobiles,
anything in fact ~hat is commonly looked upon ms part of the American
~ene . - . you may select ~these things leisurely and conveniently by
merely studying the advertisements.