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May 7, 1931 |
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lqKpr~tatlve Beck, Republican of Pennsylvania, talking before the
Unkm League Chrb of Philadelphia, went~ into a tantrum over what he
he calls inequalities in the burdens borne by the states and the benefits
rec~ed by them from the Federal Government, and citing records to
that while tl% wealthier and more heavily populated states are pay-
|rig the lnaJor- portion of the taxes, the sparsely settled states of the
Middlewest and West, paying but little in comparison, get the greatest
percentage of benefit.
Mr. Beck's vision apparently does not extend beyond his nose. He is
looking at the matter through the most darkened eastern pair of glasses.
Goingto Washington and checking over the income tax receipts does
not give a true picture of where these income taxes come from. The large
~z~lustrlal centers of the East may be acting in the capacity of agents in
pa~ug them, but the thing that has made these sizable incomes possible
is sales throughout the United States. Even the smallest state in popu
~ation contributes its share. If one buys an automobile in Detroit. or
some other article from New York's great distributing center, or from
Philadelphia, he is paying a share of the Income taxes of those sections
even'though the payments do not show up on the records of the United
States Treasury.
Let us ask a question: How long would New York, or Pennsylvania, or
New Jersey, be paying such heavy income taxes if each had to depend
upon the people confined within its own borders for its sources of rev-
enue? - ~ ,i~qtt
In objecting to the larger percentage of expenditures in the smaller
states and in discussing the inequalities in political power resulting from
the fact that these smaller states have equal representation tn the Senate,
he forgets that only by proper checks and balances can the Nation move
forward as a whole and that the ~Iause, apportioned acc~)rding to popula-
tion, ~ a check upon the ~enate. In the recent past it has Proven a very
effective check.
Mr. Beck likewise forgets that the socalled inequality of political power
lm~ never stopped the East from maintaining a protective tariff which has
been one of the main contributing factors in building the great industrial
~nters and in concentrating population around them. The West has
sometlme~ prevented rates from being placed as high as the East wanted
them, but the West has contributed largely to the maintenance of a tariff.
Let us call Mr. Beck's attention to the fact that the authors of the last
two tariff measures have been Western men. The Fordney-McCumber
Miss Sophie Styler is elating at Mrs. ~a'ohmeyer were
I the home of Mrs. Andrew Grey. her guests of Mr. sJad
Those from Golva who attended
the show In Beach Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Tom
were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grey family were Sunday
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo To- ors at the M. A. t~in~
bias, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Curl and Mr. L. E. Curl and
Mrs. J. F. Crook, Reporter Lorens Hurd, Repor',er
On Thursday, John Kalkman HEALTH PROGRAM
made a trip to a place near Wibaux
to purchase a drill. He spent A child health program was gtv-
Thursday night at the John Wood en at the Oolva school Friday af-
home. and then returned to his ternoon, May 1st. The program
home on Friday, stopping for din- was given under the direction of
ner at the J. F. Crook home. the members of the High school
Ben Russell and Mr. Kidder and I~hysioIogy class and Miss Beatrice
son Roy, branded calves on Satur- Hilber:
fat steers Monday.
~rs. Tony Kreitinger is much
improved in health after a recent
Bill Hartman, Matt Waltzer and
Frank Gillom, river ranchers, were
Golva visitors Saturday.
Many young folks from Golva~
attended the dance in Carlyle on
Saturday night.
Alex LaSotta was a business
caller at Golva Saturday.
The frie~tds of Mrs. Walt Shear
were grieved to hear of her sud-
den death. Mr. and Mrs. Shear
were formerly residents of Burkey
having a homestead there, now oc-
cupied by Phillip Page.
Among those who visited Beach
Saturday were Mrs. Henritta
bill was sponsored by Senator McCumber of North Dakota and Repre- Health ru!es~ talk and exhibition
sentative FOrdney of Indiana, tTle Hawley-Smoot measure by Senator day. ] o~ ,~osters. h'Ii~s Shirl%, Schaefer.
Mrs. Dan Johnson is now assist- P~ay. written by Alberta Barthel
~moot of Utah and Representative Hawley or Oregon. True. these men I ing Mrs. Arthur Kamemrer with =:~.d Karh:een Cameron, characters:
at th~ time these bills were introduced, happened to be the heads of the her work. Mrs. Arthur Kammerer
committees in Senate and House which had charge of tariff legislation, l is busy doing chores and other out-
Go'rio. Sw~tnson, Cleone Curl. Mrz.
Swanson. Caroline Augesser; Aunt
family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schou- hoe drove to Cedar
hoe and family, Miss Ida Gearey St. Phillips to get some
and Albert Harp of Beach. trees Sunday.
M~s Rosina and IFrieda M~us
spent Sunday with home folks near The number of persons
Golva. years of age attending
The Golva High school boys play- North Dakota in 1930 was
ed a base ball game with Ollie Fri- as compared with 158259 in,
day afternoon on the home dia-
mond. The score was 10-19 in The average egg
favor of Golva. hen in 39 North Dakota
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burk and in March was 14.6 eggs.
fanuly, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph age feed cost per dozen
Lorenz and family and Mr. and 72, cents.
One Chance In A
Of the people who speculate, 96
pereen~ lose money, 3 percen~
break even, and only 1 percent
make money. Just one chance in
a hundred to make money specu-
lating !
Farmers & Merchants Bank Cer-
tificates of Deposit are for people
who ~'t care to take-long chanc-
e~feople who prefer to be sure
gett~g back every dollar they
invest, plus a fair Interest return.
/ Buy Certificates anytime, in any
L/ amount. They are always worth
the Iuli amount you pay for them.
Farmers & Merchants
Beach, . . North Dakota
but they and other Western men fought for the respective measures, side work, while the men are Ruth. Ruth Lorenz; Mary Ann, Shoen, Miss Beatrice Hilber, Mrs.
To a man like Beck it is perfectly proper that all states pay tribute to, farming.
New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, etcetera, but so far Hjalmar Johnson was a Thurs- Anna May Madison; Jack Oakie: Theodore Maanum and family,
as ,benefits are concerned, he wants the United States bounded on the day evening caller at the Omley Leo Kreitinger. Mrs. W. W. Page, Mrs. John
Schaefer and Mrs. R. R. Lorenz
Health song, Primary room. and Lorena Hurd.
home. Talk on posters, Ruth Clarin.
north by the northern tip of Maine, on the East by the Atlantic ocean, on t O.K. Omley made a trip to ! Play, "Health Habits Way," John, Ed. Fischer and Tony Krietinger
the ~k)uth and West by the Pennsylvania state line.--Bismarck Tribune. Beach on Wednesday. t Frank Kreitin~er" .~,n~,,~,~ ua went to the river fishing Thurs- I
--- ----------O I Mrs. Monroe Gaslm and daugh- hies, Patsy Lel~eres ~l~arj~o'ri'e~Funk: I day evening, bringing home a nice
ter were pleasant callers at the Dorothy Schmitz, Louise Hanson;~ mess of fish.
WHEN EVERYBODY SPIED Crook home on Wednesday after-1 Dirty Elves Andrew Lorenz Louis The friends of Mr. and Mrs. F.
' ' I Davioson are pressed to snow that
.-----o--- noon. Fess James Kreitinger, Lawrence . _.
Two letters sold in New York the other day recall the period of war Ben Russell motored to Beach on Williams" Boy Blue Bernard Ms- they expect to remain in ~lva.
Thursday. t jerus; Old King Cole, Hector Cam- I ..........
hysteria when millions of Americans suspected their neighbors of being ' ' ~The man wno was going ~o ~a~e
, e'l anita place uecmea ~o lOCate
Bert Kreeger made a trip to eron; Little White Tooth, Christine "
~]~erman spies and forthwith engaged in a great deal of amateur and Beach on Friday to haul out a load Schrom; Tooth Brush, Junior] elsewhere.. .....
ll t The ~am~iy of M~e ~'mneman
~upposedly patriotic snooping. These letters, signed by Warren G. Hard- of oats for Ben Russe . Smeltzer" Hum,,tv Dumpt- Rich l
he Geo a~e en~oy ng a new Chevrolet car
Fredwin Crook called at t • I ard Hanson; Jack and Jill Doro- ] _ " ........ •
lng, then United States senator: were intended to help a townswoman of ' ~" "~ ~' " " i
e e nesdaafter ,o enz cnul e ann lamely are at
his who was suspected as a spy becau~ she, had entertained visitors from Tasker hom on W d y "I thy Fisher Lyle Grey; Mary'-Quite- "~ _ . " ' "
noon. ~ ~.r~ '~'~..~o w~r.r.~ ~s0 ten owners ol a new car,
Europe. Zhelma Omley assisted Mrsl "~S'~gn''ro'o~h~B~'~ls'h-~'n~'' Mar-l Mrs. Leo Tobias is visiting her
The hatreds and suspicions of the war period were easily evoked but Crook with her work on Wednes- ~ ceUa l~sher Lttlian MaanuT~, ~ I mother north of Beach this week.
.hard to overcome. They tended to blight everyone of German extrac- day. I Icy Schaefer Esther Granite, Edith l. MLSS Luc lie FoGs is suffering
:lion, everyone oppo~ed ~o our entertr~g the World War, and even those Ben Russell and son Eugene! Schmitz, Margaret Kreitinger. I~rom a ~ad tooth..
were discmg for Bert Kreeger onI Exhihit ~f ~afetv Pc~t~r.~ w~.~, Little Albert Kre~tinger who has
~Who ref,~sed to believe the fictitious tales of German atrocities wihch were Thursday. i also given ............ I been suffering from ~onsilitis is
.;spread with the tacit approval of the allies' propaganda agencies. Clarence Omley went to the sheep] " ! back in school this week.
Even in Iowa, where there would be little occasion for the presence of camp on Saturday to help duringI -- i " Edward Randash had some den-
actual spies, suspicion and intolerance were rampant. The teaching of "lambing" season, i Miss Mildred and Alvera Funk ital work done in Beach Saturday.
Mrs. Bishop, children and Then spent Saturday and Sunday with j
' German immediately disappeared from Iowa public echools--and in ma Omley motored to Alexander home folks. ~ -- : : = :
most of them it is still to be replaced. German-speaking Iowans were on Tuesday. i Miss Anna Bakken of Sims, N. t [ I I
.prol'dblted from using telephones, and outside many towns there appear-noonL' Hodgincaller atWasthea GeorgeFriday Tasker !after" Mrs.D" haSFrank, benDavidsonViSiting andherthefriends'Mur-
ed signs saying "Only English Spoken Here."
In one Iowa town a man who lived in Italy ran up an Italian flag in home. dock Cameron family here in Col-
Albert Ooldsberry was a Thurs- vs. DAY MAY
front of his house to celebrate the entrance of Italy into the war. He day night caller at the Andre Mrs. Tom Wosepka and daugh-
came near being mobbed by townsmen who thought the flag was GeT~ home. ter Marian were Beach and Wibaux
man, In the same town some people wanted to tar and feather a prom- Thelma Omley was a brief caller visitors Saturday.
lnent resident whose only offense was that he had been born in Austria- at the Hodgin home on Friday af- Miss Beatrice" Hilber and John
ternoon. Tschida were callers at the Hubert
:Hu~-ary, " H.H. Burchette and Mrs. Coar Schmltz home Sunday afternoon, q[
~t~unately, most people now realiZe the folly of the attitudes theY Grunewold spent Thursday after- Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Cameron
~d0pted as war-crazed patriots in 191%18..Some still have the sPying noon at the Win. Voyen home. and family, Miss Anna Bakken,
They were quite fortunate in be- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson and
mania, but nearly everyone has regained his mental balance about such lng treated to ice cream. Mr. Adoif Lee drove to Medicine
thhl@s. When another war comes, however, most of us probably will The Joe err family were pleas- Rocks near Ekalaka Sunday and
throw reason to the winds as readily as we did fourteen years ago.° ant viistors at the Win. Reichert spent a pleasant day.
That is one of the worst aspects of war. It deprives ordinarY human home on Sunday. Mrs. Henrietta Shoen was a
beings, noncombatants most of all, c~ whatever common sense they may Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Franklin were Beach visitor Monday having den-
possess, in war time, calm reasoning is rare indeed, and when it isMooreSUndaYhome.Visett°rs at the Phfllip talMrs.workA.doneM. PetersonbY Dr. Het~a.who has •
~nd it is in danger of being crushed as treason.--Des Molnes Register. Bert Kreeger called at the Hod- been ocupylng the restaurant in
..... gin home on Sunday. Golva returned to her farm home
One reason a great many farmers do not succeed with cattle lies in Thelma Omley spent a few days Saturday and the transient are
the fact statistics for 1930 from 15 North ~)akota counties shows that of last week visiting at the Bish-theeatingpresent.With Mrs. Wallace Page for WITH ALLOWANCE
op home.
~niy 14 percent of cattle marketed graded choice or good, while 86 per~ H.H. Burchette and Roy Robert- Mr. and Mrs. Billy Moyer of FOR YOUR OLD B&TTF2~Y
cent went as common slaughter stuff. And on the other hand the gov- son were business callers tn Beach Beach spent a pleasant evening at
m~ment reports show that but one-tl~ird of the dairy cows In the United on Friday. " L ci-- the Wallace Page home Sunday.
~m. l~/chert, Leo and u ~e Hoe Snow of Ekalaka and How- A GENUINE 13-phtte, 6-volt
~tat~s pay for their feed, that the second third barely return an Income are on the sick list this week, we ard Hurd weer Oolva callers Sun- 80-ampere-hour Ford ba~.~l
~ver feed costs when prices are best, and the last third, only, are effici- are sorry to state. We wish them a dallY.m~r~ng~ shipped two cars of A remarkable value. Made
~.~nt and profitable. Yet a great many farmers say "a cow is a cow," and speedy recovery. . . _
~tinue to load themselves down with a losing proposition, not to men- Mrs. Nelson and daughter is- best materials; fine workma~
DAY M t3
,ost -
o.ther will agree that
~~/~a~.. " could be lovelier, more useful
~ stockings. Full fashioned
~/~ ~ thread silk in the very best S]
~ x~and summer shades,
',r std lieeUue t
~rhe Clear, Crystal, grsdu
beads of this choker are sl
,/ beautiful, Mother would be pl,
// with a string of th..
Striped Scarfs- . 1
Mother can wear a scarf with
suit or coat, for crepe ascot
equally smart with either.
zet~trn its keep. As coml~red to these, the farmer who constantly is
uP his stock, keeping records and doing the things that ought to
cows and beeves profitable stands out like a lighthouse
~h0wlng the channel for others to follow.
And now that we axe raising some mighty nlce flocks of chickens and
turkeys, why not give thought to a centrallz~d selling agency that will
guarantee something like a fair price next fall? Or is it best to go on
~tS before: ~A~ outsiders to come in and buy the good stuff for a song,
was the case last year? Think it over.
TO JuSt what exr~a~ are our own poor methods of doing businass in
every llne out this way contributing to the general depression? Most of
~m will have more or less of an unpleasant hour If we devote that much
time to thinking this over.
the best news for the wheat farmer we have heard in a long
experts say the skinny girl ts going out and that generous
to return. Tl~at ought to increase the consumption
the drudgery of mllking and caring for an animal which does not abelle called at the Omley home on
Wednesday. ship; rigidly tested an~
Cecil Omley visited George 1~1- -~
chert on Thursday. guaranteed. /
invente~ a pistol which shoots gas and stun~
~lthout harming him. These ought to be
when the hour a~Ive~ for the after dinner speaker.
Keep paint c, sns, brushes and ~ Drive in and ~m install
other painted objects where live- -~ag~~'~o-w PRICE one In your We'll glee
stock can not reach them, and ~2" Also ~ll-elt, ~vfeet yoll an a~e.~ on y~n" old
keep tho ~'~'~ois away from fresh x/ ---Cloqe-~, Alfalf~ .
• ...... ~_='~.~' ,. " Write "for prices today.
~y pttin~ect iOUll(IIngs, Iences, anti GOLDnERG SEED & I~ED batt4$1~/
billboards until the paint is thor- _ oo. _
oughly dry. Livestock like to lick Fargo, .o.,, ~..o. /--JOHN
'Paint and may get lead poisoning. _ - - -- --.: - : _- •
• . HA S D
Fire, Li e to, Tornado R/sks Covered
Estate and Collections
Beacb, N. D.
Kid Shoes -
Why not give her shoes: A
black kid one strap pumps
cuban heels would be a q~os~
tical gift.
Daytime Frocks -
Mother will love the new
Beautiful prints with
touches of pleats, flares and
which immeasurably enhance
beauty of these new
Ouali y StoW*