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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 5, 2011     Golden Valley News
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May 5, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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May 5, 2011 Golden Valley News Page 13 The Wibaux County Nursing Home is cur- FOR SALE: THRIVING Small Town rently seeking caring, dedicated Certified Grocery Store with big opportunities. Full Nursing Assistant for Full Time 8 or 12 line of groceries, meats & hardware. hour shifts. Varying day to evening shifts,. Buildings & Inventory included. Meat pro- GLENDIVE SALES Guns N Things and varying hours per shift. Wibaux cessing equipment also. Call the Food County Nursing Home offers competitive ~ CORPORATION II C salaries and excellent benefits. The oppor- tunity for per diem wages is also available. • Lease & Fleet Vehicle 305 N Merrill Ave. Applications may be picked up at the nurs- Remarketing G/endive, MT ing home, or for more information contact MOBILE OFFICES: FOR rent or lease. • Wholesale & Retail Kristie Nielsen D.O.N. Monday thru Friday Long or short term. Over 400 units avail. Guns Bought, Sold, B U S I N E S S BU D DY from 7-3 p.m. at 406-796-2429 or fax 406- Including Blast Proof modules.l-Delivery • Cars & Trucks Repaired, and Traded 796-8109. and set-up available across North ° Certified Quickbooks err(888) 636- FFH Licensed Montana Banking. Pure & Simple: We are ~3581. GARY BRENGLE Ernie Huether, Pres. ProAdvisor a Montana-born company, built on ==. , ° Bookkeeping Montana values, focused on creating long-standing relationships through w - 1021 W. BELL ST. ° Website & Social Media integrity, expertise and results. Join us in GLENDIVE, MT59330 377-3969 Development our Wibaux office as a Part-timeLAKE LOT FOR SALE:T 105i shore- PHONE:406-365-440? Firearms Gun Safes telledcustomer service representative. To linetby approximately 300[ lot located on ° Notary Public & More view job opportunities, visit us and apply the north side of Spifitwood Lake. Rural HOME: 406-365-8104 Smart Wool Ammunition cory McCaskey, Owner on-line at FOE water.t$90,000. Realtors welcome.l-(763) TOLL FREE: 1-800-726-6763 Reloading Equipment Phone: 701-290-9006 Website: www.bizbuddynd.corn 572-2062 LM. The Billings County School District is accepting applications for the following WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS (OIL & positions: GAS LEASES) - Experienced Family Technology Coordinator for our K-8 district Owned Oil Production & Exploration Co. Contact me for FELDMANN I with schools located at Fairfield and Wefll Help You Monetize Your Mineral all your Farm, I Medora. Assets. Send details to P.O. Box 8946, ONSTRUCTION Elementary Teacher- DeMores School in Denver, CO 80201. Ranch, Medora-ND Elem. Teaching Credential, (877) Residential, or since 1936 required -754.3111 Commercial 701-872-3317 Elementary Teacher-Grades 7-8 DeMores SchoOl in Medora-ND Elem. Teaching Real Estate Licensed Contractor Your local Credential required with Middle School needs! ABR,CRS,GRI Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, [ telephone company Endorsement required within 2 years. WANTED: SPRING WHEAT Seed. Bin- For further information con~ct the District run is fine if price and variety is fight. Call: 4'~1 ~ flh 'i.~ l~ i~" Design, Building and Supply, Ii Serving the Beach, office at 623-4363. (701) 390-2905. ~__OUn )~1 Concrete, Stone &, I To apply, send a letter of application and ~ Roofing I aolva, resume, including expenence,BillingsqUalifica-County Don Schmeling Furnace installation I tions and references to: i Sentinel Butte • Medora School District, Box 307, Medora, ND Continental Real Estate New or remodeling I= areas • 58645, or e-mail to dar- FOR SALE - 2008 John Deere 637 Rock Dickinson, ND Building your dreams I Flex disc. 2000 acres of use. Well main- I Applicants selected for an interview will be rained. Asking $54,000. For more inferreR- Office: 483-4400 through 4 generations! I For serviee please call Employern°tified by telephone. Equal Opportunity tion, call 701477-2203 or 701-550-9996. Beach, ND 58621 I 1-800-523-5436 I HANDICAP EQUIPMENT: DODGE 2007 " ' ' The Golden Valley News/Billings County Mini Van with ramp, low mileage, E-Z pivot Pioneer has an opening for an advertising lift, power wheelchair, bath chair, active manager/office and news assistant.Duties aid chair. (701) 642-6268 leave message include ad sales, taking ad orders, organ- or (701) 899-3193. izJng a weekly list of ads, answering cus- tomer questions and general office duties. ENOCH[S SAGA - HORSEPOWER to News-related duties may include photog- Satellites in a Single Lifetimef raphy and writing, depending upon an :rechnological/Personal History, Cattle applicant's interests and abilities. Feeding, Legislator, experiences of Great Experience Is preferred, but we're willing Depression, Successes/Failures. $12. to train. Call 872-3755 for an application, Thorsgard, (701) 587-8042. or send a resume to Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156; Beach, ND 58621. Application dead- line is 5 p.m., May 6. ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND news- papers, radio/TV stations, specialty publi- cations. Only $25. ND Newspaper Association, (701) 223-6397. Wanted: Slaths, originally made for YOUR NORTHSCAN CLASSIFIED ad windrowing for beans, bolts to 7 ft. or 9 ft. (up to 25 words) will appear in every North John Deere sickle mower, made a few Dakota newspaper for just $150. Contact years ago, would be interested in parts if I your local newspaper to place an ad. can't find complete unit. Also interested in finding 7 ft. or 9 ft. disc mower or similar FOR SALE - 2010 John Deere 637 Rock disc mower,-needs to be irr 9~::l'~oe~. -' Fle~ disc~ t~)0,-a~sJef u~,e~4NeN~m~ (New Idea is one of the brand names), rained. Asking $64,000. For more inferreR- 701-462-3933. Please leave message, tion, call 701-477-2203 or 701-550-9996. For rent, 1 bedroom, luxury loft apartment, complete renovation, freestanding fire- place, new appliances, custom cup- boards, NC, large pantry, free laundry, in downtown Beach. Available June 1st. 612- 616-8525 for details. HELP WANTED: TRACTOR, Combine & Truck Drivers with CDL License. 2-8 months work. Call - Shop: (701) 395-4311 Cell: (701) 351-1955. CITY OF TIOGA accepting applications for experienced Chief of Police. Salary DOE. Full Benefits. Applications at City Hall,t(701 ) 664-2807. Closes 4 p.m. June 6, 2011. OPENINGS IN DIVIDE County School District: Full-time high school principal; five full-time .elementary teachers, grades 1-3. For information on applying, contact dis- trict office,l"(701 ) 965-6313. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: STAFF need- ed for summer camp in south central ND. Camp counselors and other positions available, call: (701) 3274251 or email for more info. ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. Training provided. or call: (888) 304- 2847. BENSON COUNTY ROAD Our bulls are good Our prices are too We did all the testing And they're waiting for you! Offering for sale private treaty Registered Black Angus Bulls Yearlings and twos - Delivery arrangements available Trangmoe Angus Ranch Gtendive, Mont., call Jim at 406-687-3315 or 406-989-3315 MIDWEST ALTERNATIVE LIVESTOCK Auction, Saturday May 14, 2011, 10 am CT, New Salem (ND) Fairgrounds. Information call: Ben Gerving (701) 843- 7128 or Sheryl Baler (701) 426-3060. All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 1-800-784-2106 P.O. Box 157 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud and get the word out about your business today!! and get the word out about your business today!! New Construction Trenching Agricultural Residential "For all your Electrical Needs" Cliff Maychrzak 701-872-2060 5370 Van Daele Rd 701-206-0067 Sentinel Butte. ND ML 2298 and get the word out about your business today!! I Yalle Sally AbernethyI III .an0r, inc. III UcensedReal I ',lJ.S III VickiBraden, z~ministrator III Estate Agent in i II1" Flexible Meal Plans III N.D. and MT. I IllAssisted Living III !2years of experience! I "Where youIII• Night Sec ty III (701) 260-5087 or . I 1 can get all IIIActivities I! (,0, ) 872- 4674I i of your farm I ]' seedneeds.,, IIl IIlBBi701"872-4282erTTY800-366-6888.HI ~ !% ] ~ I ill The Golden W]ey Manor is a III L I III us Department of HUD facility. Ill I Andrew Smith III Rental assistance is available to Ill I Phone (701) 872-3248 Ill °*wh°qua'Y Ill I [teat Estate Professionals J Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the fol- lowing - to all for prayers, phone calls, hugs, visits, cards, food, Masses and memorials. To St. Vincent Care Center staff for their canng service over the past four years and to Colleen Ressler and Sr. Anna Rose for their pastoral care. To Bishop Zipfel, Father Kovash Father O'Leary and Father George Dukart for Vis- iting Mom during her last hours. To Father Kovash, Deacon Don Nistler, Bob Eastgate and the Eastgate Funeral Home, and SilverNale-Silha Funeral Home for their spiritual leadership and comforting words in planning the services. To St. Mary's parish and all those who assisted for all the preparation for the funeral lunch and hosting after the Vigil Service. To Michelle Hardy and MaryLee Schmitz for FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! I~E~L E~.T/~TE WITH HONESTY, fNTE(~r/Y /WD PEt~ONF4L SE~VR~! Patti Davis, Broker, ALC, GRI 701-690-7763 NDPEDE@GMAIL.COM The area's only Accredited Land ConSultant! FULL-COLOR REPRINTS OF ANY PHOTO APPEARING ON PAGES ARE AVAILABLE! CALL (701) 872-3755 Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 " Home 701-872-4815 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C TElectric@midstate. net. Licensed in N.D. and MT George's Barbershop Hours: Sun-Men Closed Tues, Wed. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thurs, Fri.: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (lunch: 1:00-2:00 p.m.) Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 18 1st St. SE Beach, ND (701) 425-8197 Superintendent. Mandatory requirements, organizing and providing the music. -;.._ ~. _ _ ~ wide variety of duties. Questions, applica- A very special thank you to Arlene tions: Benson County Auditor's Office, Box Abraham, Mom's niece, for her love and ~= ~~=~3~;a96~O i 206, Minnewaukan, ND 58351;1"(701) spiritual guidance to Morn over the past -t1¢~r ~ ~ ~r "A, "Jr ~ -~ W ~ ~ ~ ~r "A" ~ #r "Jr ~r #r ¢t ~ "A' ~1. 473-5340 Deadline: May 12. four years. There are many others we .~ ~, would like to mention but they know who Call Us Now! ., . they are and Mom loved you all dearly and ask for Wane we hold you in our hearts. ~ Words cannot describe all the love and CAr... FOR SALE in "Duck Huntingsupport we have been shown and we will Great Winter ,~ Capital"tof ND. Building and all equip- never ferget all that has been done for us. Specials! ~. Tent included. Price negotiable. Call Jeff ~l;/irfe Lhe belonged tea few, in death she B ~1~ st¢~ & t.toanr~ Pay, ~Re~bte Work S¢/~t~ (701) 485-3287 or Dee (701) 659-3303. " al ." As Morn would say, "God bless you." N" Elizabeth Finneman Family ~Co ~w~lBI ~a~~BI~~IIIIII~ ; ~1~ 4t Ic( aTOI * .328.1999orTTY1.800.3e~8888 J ~ N._o_I .~, ~ i ro~ " • "g y • Mig - Tig - Stick & Pipe Welding courses • Open 52 weeks a year m QUALITY ] ,° Blue Print Reading &40 hr. - 480 hr. coursesWelding Symbols °" Maximum of I 0 students per claSScertifications available ~|~[. Jll~ O~)0~[" 0 MONUMENTS/ L nes Welding Training Inc. Ps. B|$1 IIICK UIBLE Tablet: 36"x6 x o" ! & GRANITE Base: 48"x12"x6" [ Bismarck Campus: 1-701-751-4256 2-1/3 mi. E of Bismarck on H wy_. 10 $( / Fargo Campus: P.O. Box 2421 • Bismarck, ND 58502-2421 [ CALL 701-223-4440 J