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Beach, North Dakota
May 5, 2011     Golden Valley News
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May 5, 2011
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Page 12 Golden Valley News May 5, 2011 nsurance legal ACROSS 1 U-- MAGIC MAZE STARTING 9 10 R U Q N J G D Z W T Q N K H D i ,onu ___ __ 1 Its I,..1 mm m~m a 12 14 story NAXURP PMJ GDAXV S L 99937 " " -- ~ ...... ABSTRACT OF STATEM~=NT 5 The Talk 15 16 network FOR THE YEAR ENDING Q O N K I L I F D A X V T Q O DECEMBERofthe31, 2010 8 Make over m mm 1-7- - Columbus Life Insurance Company 12 Demo- m mm __ -- M J I P 0 S T A L L S H F C A ,n the state of OH " graphic of 20 21 22 m m Total Assets 2,916,264,107 Total Liabilities 2,657,734,292 Common OapitalStock 10,000,000 a sort T Y W T U R C P I E A N L J H Preferred Capital Stock 0 14 Still 3O i Aggregate write-ins for mplode 2-E" ---- Otherthan specialsurplUSsurplus 0 16151' 'The- on m----m mm- - Notes 0 _ F N S D C R H N U C L N B Z X Gross paid in and the Floss" m32 33 [ 34 V I I K T I E Q R I Q D G O M Contributed surplus 81,816,437 Aggregate write-ins for SpecialunassignedSurpluSfundsfund 16,658,055 17 Away from mmm ----m -- -- i (surplus) 150,055,323 VVSVV miNi_ m _ P K I o c u D H R G F N I D Less treasurystock, atcost: 0 18 With 37 38 39 m m # shares common 0 # share preferred0 unfriendli- -- ---- __m m B Z Y W P 0 V F R P A T R A S Surplus as regards 41 i 42 43 I 44 45 policyholders 258,529,815 Bess i ,l Total Liabilities, Capital 20 Beg 4-7------- "---- -- Q O N L T K L I R O T O M H H and Surplus 2,916,264,107 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY 23 Writer ___J__. __ FOR THE YEAR 2010 4-5----- 5-7-- LIFE&ANNUITY Vonnegut F D C A Z X W B V R E V O U S writtenT°ta' Direct Premiums 99,818.00 24 ~fJaS~r~U!gn 48 !r°na~Poe°wn;!l~ IP~ ~13 ~tr~ien~t Total Direct Losses Find the listed words in the diagram. They nm in all directions - • p m " g forward, backward, up, down and diagonally. P_ra[d_ ,..ACCIDENT& HEAL~g17"00 10 er w, ri %u,rec vrem,ums 137.00 Block Lineup Pitcher Signal Total Direct Losses 28 Use a shovel ,=,="""m"*" 11 ,1,uuav'n-- no34 Airline Friction Motor " Point Stalls Paid 0.00 Gate Order Post Torq ue STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 29 Impressive 50 Zodiac sign siblingSrtner employees I OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Handle Over Price OF INSURANCE formation 51 Without (Fr.) 13 McNally 36 2009 I, Adam Harem, Commissioner of 30 Legislation Insurance of the State of North ..... n h na pa Broadway hi g Well i foregoingDak°ta' dOis a truehereby certifYAbstractthat theof ~Z Miner, DOWN 19 Paris airport musical set n ® Statement, as officially filed by the 1 Pouch 20 Third in Nigeria Company in this office. 34.,-Leaning.. 2 Past degree? 37 Abacus IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and lower city 3 Solidify 21 Nonclerical component 6 7 6 5 3 7 6 7 6 7 3 8 4 " affixed the seal of this office at G R A A B E I L N A E S F 35 Nmth Greek 4 h t 22 r Bismarck, the first day of May, A.D. " G "s e " g The efore 38 Anger 2011 (SEAL). 5 F,a ,-, 6 5 2 3 6 5 2 3 2 8 2 7 6 letter 23 " M'A* S * H " ADAM HAMM ,,,anaue 39 Incite B S L O Y U I P F P E T U Commissioner of Insurance 36 Thread somehow locale 40 Ticklish STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 4 7 4 5 3 5 2 6 4 6 7 6 7 37 Asian OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ", . 6 Ralph 25 At a turning Muppet E I A N E N C N- R S V E E OF INSURANCE sultanate Kramden' COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF S point 43 Raw rock 4 8 3 7 3 8 7 2 6 8 7 5 7 AUTHORITY 40 Conger, e.g. carrier 26 Smooth- 44 Sine -- non D R N S T E V H L A I Y S WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its 41 Ireland . 7 Mirrorlike talking 45 Coffee 2 7 5 4 6 8 6 4 8 5 6 7 4 state or country of domicile, has filed 8 Distant 27 Facility vessel A I D I F D I S L A S T A 42 Conversation in this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition and business 47 Plankton 9 Satan's 29 Burn remedy 46 Affirmative 3 8 3 6 8 6 2 4 3 6 8 3 6 for the year ending December 31, 2010 conformable to the requirements R.F.D. i -- .--- by Mike Marian( O O C H V L N P H O E A V of the laws of this State regarding the " 4 6 4 5 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 bpsiness of insurance and I-[ P.F__Nq'iN'OIJR ...ANDI-IOW'EE)UT p Y A G N a E G S S E WHEREAS, the said company has [ US-E)MAKE coOMEMONELP J$ ICOWSOOT'TOTI4E I"I-IlSONE . WI AT E E filedofitsincharter_withthisoffice acertifir.ate.of.organi_dulycertified copy ~- ~-'~ON-I- E _-..-pE'/ LOCAL DO.I_IERE .. JOL.) SEE HERE'IS' A-PLEASANT LITTLE., CAM E4hat will give you a zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance taw aforesaid, J [ message every day. It s a numerical puzzle designed to spell NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM i -,Z ;qm out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance I r- -"..lnzl='li4 number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less of the State of North Dakota, pursuant than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the up- tOherebythe certifYpr°visi°nSthat the°f saidabovelaWS,nameddO t~~ .... per left-hand comer and check one of your key numbers, left company is fully empowered through laJ //•/-II i, =' tO right. Then read the message the letters under the rd L/lllX...),_/ I | ..... its authorized agents and representa- checked figures give you. rives, to transact its appropriated bus,- ~" --- --' :~-- ~ - --- ~" ness of authorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, , I until the30thdayofApriI, A.D.,2012. m-,~m--Am-,~m m mkmm---e'~ ~D~D~[]~LV [~,~,(~[]~](~ ~[~)[~Y~ I IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I _ News, Stats & Trivia I I have hereunto set my hand and seal Racing ; at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all ad orders is 201/~JSErvAL~MM noon on Fridays. Call F " i i Standings : I i Commissioner of Insurance ~ Showtlme Southern 500 - (May 5, 12 and 19) ~ | May 7th, 7:30 pm FOX / 2011 Sprint Cup Series " 2011 Nationwide Series I / Darlington Raceway l ~ 1) Carl Edwards Driver Points I Out on a Limb by Gary Kopervas " - ,.. m = Point~:335 1) Justin Aligaier 305 I Wins 1Top 5 5 Top 10 7 / ,..r_ l m : : : 2) Elliott Sadler299 I ~~ i~m~,o,.o,~,~~.= m m 2)Jimmie Johnson 3)Aric Almirola 297 I i / ~ ~l. / ~ P(~nts: 326 4) Jason Leffier 295 I l m ~ Wins: 1 .Top 5:4 Top 10:6 5) Reed Sorenson 292 1 | m 3) Kyle Busch . 6) Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 288 m / ~ [ mPoints: 305 7) Trevor Bayne 26o m m m m wins: 2 Top 5:5 Top 10:6 8) Brian Scott 257 1 m .. m / 4)Dale Eamhardt Jr. 9) Kenny Wallace 216 1 / ,,,-, ,,, i'---'/ / Points: 301 10) Josh Wise m i _ ii ___ ,ll , , m--Wins:0 Top5:2 ToplO:5 m .... m Racing i~ews / / m 5)Kevin Harvick m Rac,ng .~__ I m Tr=rk rt,=t=im~= m ~ Points 300 ~ Austin Dillon the 21-year- m --'~" .......... Wins 2 Top 5 4 Top 10 5 Dadington S.C. / m : : : grana.on of six-time I IShaDe" Oval ' / m ,) Kurt Busch Cup championship-winning l / Die'nee 1 366 miles / ~ Points: 289 ~ owner Richard Childress I • " ~ Wins" 0 Top 5:1 Top 10:5 ' | Banking / Turns" 25 / 23 degre#s | " - will make his Spnnt Cup Series debut | 7 Chnt Bower / Qualifying Record: Ward Burton173.797 -1996 l m,sfall, thendo I / Race Record: Dale Earnhardt139.958 -1993 / ~i Wins'0 Top5"2 Top10"5 the full Nationw~oe :~enes nex~ year., w, i / / ~ " " " his 19-year-old brother, will repmce I Showtime Southern 500 Preview 8) Ryan Newman " ' i k / / ~ Austin in the Camp ng World Truc I l Har°ldBrasingt°nknewwhathewasd°inginm m :::o2;oo 3 Top104 Senes in 2012 I m ~ 1949 when he started pushing dirt around an/ ~ _.." . .. " ._ __ . m ~) Matt I~ensezn Jb ltl li * I OYZ WWW.MAMASBOYZ.COM JERRY JI AFT l "~ old peanut fietd. W, h every lap those graders| m eoints'276 m Racing Trivia I I ...... leted the Dadi~n-- " " - ~"- m ~- and DUlIQOZers comp , ng[o m rll Wins:l TopE:3 Top10:4 i/i/A,~,v,w/.~V~,.k~.m~,~p,~,.k~ | ,- - ,, ~,, =--- - -- ~MMM.~,_T ~C~._ ~'{" ---. - /~k|'T'lt~l~TI~?-- ,1 i Raceway came to life. Sixty one years later thel ....... ""~'~Y~'= :=/~'..'~ ....... ,-~ / [X)CTOR, Cq 'T SEEP1 _,, .... o ..... ;. ^ ..., ........ ,.., m lo) iony tewal'¢ for clufing nis [nree-year " • [ ~~~" ~~~'~1" " " "Toda ' " " clomlnaE)nasanl~o~,~r~ / oval with the nickname of "Too Tough To Tame. y,l ~ Wins: 0 Top 5:1 Top 10:3 ........... • | m thetrack'sspecificati°nsremaintmet°Mr'Brasingt°n's/ m 11~AJ Allmendinger " m vision, ~ the exception of a few minor adjustments. It Points" ;;3 ................................. , m ...... .,o,,=.=~ .......... p.==~,~.o, built with NASCAR raci--,,u in Wins 0" 1iop5 0 Top 1 0 2 .) ................ , .... y ............ m ..... , ,o ....... / liml : : : b) Wood Brothers d) Junior Johnson / mind There nave been over ]uu N/-~L;P~ ~pdrK L.up / • . ..... / m 12) Juan Montoya / ~1~ ~.~/~ ~ ""(~ ~li,F ~ ~ ~'-/ ~ I L Pearson leads all drivers with 10 victones. , ) -- Wins:0 Top 5:2 Top10:4 eAOJp q6no~oqJeA .uosuqor ~unr (p : ~'-~Ja~ / V / [aces ~nce the ,track opened. Retired dnver uaw/ / Points:262 "qole.qsJee~-e~q~s!t~upnpJeo ~Jeqtunueql m Last Week's Race: Matthew & Daniel Hansen 400 Results / DHver Sta~ Finish ~ Kyle Busch, who turned 26 on Monday, won Saturday Driver of the Week | Kyle Busch 20 1 48/5 night's Crown Royal Presents 400 at the .75-mile m ~~~1 Denny Hamlin 11 2 43/1 track. The victoPJ was Busch's second in the Sprint ~ Kyle Busch #18 / Kasey Kahne 4 3 42/1 Cup Series this season and the 21st of his career. / Cup Position: 3rd | David ReDan27 4 40/0 Busch beat Joe Gibbs Racing teammate Denny ~ Born: May2, 1985 m Carl Edwards 8 5 40/1 Hamlin to the finish line by 1.805 seconds as both ~ Crew Chief: Dave Rogersm fl to Car Toyota Clint Bo~.'yer 3 6 39/1 drivers conserved fuel dunng an 86-lap green ag ~ : / A.J. Allmendinger 18 7 37/0 the finish. Busch has won the past three Spring races - • • ....... , Year Wi~ Too 105 ~ / Jlmmle Johnson 30 8 36/0 at Richmond, with Hamhn wining the past two fa Th= '~ .... " = 1"~ 2 m Tony Stewart 31 9 35/0 races. Kasey Kahne fintshed third, followed by r....~., o~ ~r~a ~. m Ambe .,.nv, c,e. 37 10 34/0 ReDan and senes points leader Cad Edwards. -- ............ / m ,.SNOW IS F~NALLY MEL'r~N6., IANb PLAY. TALE AbVANTA6EI lOT WTNTER AND THE SNOW. , 'r £ ~ ~ Y ~ N?T...3 I' I I .m ,i II ,imll m II I I INAPAI • NHT 6" Combination Slip-joint Pliers, $10.99 I I II • 20-piece Air Impact & Ratchet Kit, $124.99 I I II cr, ow , II [IHow ei,=.~o, rosu II LI 5o5 6th St. SE (701) 575-4228 I J Standings Racing News Racing Trivia Last Week's Race: Matthew & Daniel Hansen 400 Results I