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Insurance legal notices
L 71439 zation in compliance with the require- seal of this office at Bismarck, the first FOR THE YEAR 2010 Special surplus fund 0
ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT ments of insurance law aforesaid, day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). ACCIDENT & HEALTH Unassigned funds (surplus)5,494,596
FOR THE YEAR ENDING NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM ADAM HAMM Total Direct Premiums Less treasury stock, at cost: 0
DECEMBER 31, 2010 HAM M, Commissioner of Insurance of Commissioner of Insurance written 0 #. shares common 0
of the the State of North Dakota, pursuant to STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Total Direct Losses # share preferred 0
Assurity Life Insurance Company the provisions of said laws, do hereby OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Paid 0 Surplus as regards
In the state of NE certify that the above named company OF INSURANCE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA policyholders 16,157,260
Total Assets 2,326,324,504 is fully era.powered through its author- COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Total Liabilities, Capital
Total Liabilities 2,069,441,015 ized agents and representatives, to AUTHORITY OF INSURANCE and Surplus 25,395,006
Common Capital Stock 2,500,000 transact its appropriated business of WHEREAS, the above corporation I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY
Preferred Capital Stock 0 authorized insurance in the state duly organized under the laws of its Insurance of the State of North FOR THEYEAR2010
Aggregate write-ins for according'to the laws thereof, until the state or country of domicile, has filed Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- LIFE & ANNUITY
Other than special surplus 0 30th day of April, A.D., 2012. in this office a sworn statement exhibit- going ~s a true Abstract of Statement, Total Direct Premiums
Surplus Notes 20,000,000 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I ing its condition and business for the as officially filed by the Company in written 0.00
Gross paid in and have hereunto set my handand seal year ending December 31, 2010 con- this office. Total Direct Losses
Contributed surplus 0 at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., formable to the requirements of the IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have paid 0.00
Aggregate write-ins for 2011 (SEAL). laws of this State regarding the busi- hereunto set my hand and affixed the ACCIDENT & HEALTH
Special surplus fund 9,570,721 ADAM HAMM ness of insurance and seal of this office at Bismarck, the first Total Direct Premiums
Unassigned funds Commissioner of Insurance WHEREAS, the said company has day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). written 295,343.00
(surplus) 224,812,765 (May 5, 12 and 19) filed in this office a duly certified copy ADAM HAMM Total Direct Losses
Less treasury stock, at cost: 0 of its chSrter with certificate of organi- Commissioner of Insurance Paid 208,096.00
# shares common 0 L 71730 zation in compliance with the require- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA
policyholders 256.883.486 DECEMBER 31, 2010 HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance ofCOMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of
Total Liabilities, Capital of the the State of North Dakota, pursuant to AUTHORITY Insurance of the State of North
and Surplus 2,326,324,501 ContinentalAmerican Insurance the provtsions of said laws, do hereby WHEREAS, the above corporation Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore-
NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY Company certify that the above named company duly organized under the laws of its going is a true Abstract of Statement,
FOR THE YEAR 2010 In the state of SC is fully empowered through its author- state or country of domicile, has filed as officially filed by the Company in
LIFE & ANN UITY Total Assets 116,795,676 ized agents and representatives, to in this office a sworn statement exhibit- this office.
Total Direct Premiums Total Liabilities 84,164,484 transact its appropriated business of ing its condition and business for the IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have
written 867.493.00 Common Capital Stock 2,500,000 authorized insurance in the state year eading December 31, 2010 con- hereunto set my hand and affixed the
Total Direct Losses Preferred Capital Stock 300,000 according to the laws thereof, until the formable to the requirements of the seal of this office at Bismarck, the first
paid 577,494.00 Aggregate write-ins for 30th day of April, A.D., 2012. laws of this State regarding the busi- day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL).
ACCIDENT & HEALTH Other than special surplus 0 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hess of insurance and ADAM HAMM
Total Direct Premiums Surplus Notes 0 hereunto set my hand and seal atWHEREAS, the said company has Commissioner of Insurance
written 209,896.00 Gross paid in and Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., filed in this office a duly certified copy STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA
Total Direct Losses Contributed surplus 2,437,395 2011 (SEAL). of its charter with certificate of organi- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER
Paid 11,128.00 Aggregate write-ins for ADAM HAMM zation in compliance with the require- OF INSURANCE
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Special surplus fund 0 Commissioner of Insurance ments of insurance law aforesaid, COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF
OF INSURANCE (surplus) 27.393.797 HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance ofWHEREAS, the above corporation
I. Adam Hamm. Commissioner of Less treasury stock, at cost: 0 L 71870 the State of North Dakota, pursuant to duly organized under the laws of its
Insurance of the State of North # shares common 0 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT the provisions of said laws, do hereby state or country of domicile, has filed
Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- # share preferred 0 FOR THE YEAR ENDING certify that the above named company =n this office a sworn statement exhibit-
going is a true Abstract of Statement, Surplus as regards DECEMBER 31, 2010 is fully empowered through its author- ,ng its condition and business for the
as officially filed by the Company 'in policyholders 32,631,192 of the ized agents and representatives, to year ending December 31, 2010 con-
this office. Total Liabilities, Capital Fidelity Security Life Insurance transact its appropriated business of formable to the requirements of the
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have and Surplus 116,795,676 Company authorized insurance in the state laws of this State regarding tile busi-
hereunto set my hand and affixed the NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY In the state of MO according to the laws thereof, until the ness of insurance and
seal of this office at Bismarck, the first FOR THE YEAR 2010 Total Assets 664,364,827 30th day of April, A.D., 2012. WHEREAS, the said company has
day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). LIFE & ANNUITY Total Liabilities 554,945,918 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I filed in this office a duly certified copy
ADAM HAMM Total Direct Premiums Common Capital Stock 2,500,000 have hereunto set my hand and seal of its charter with certificate of organi-
Commissioner of Insurance written 1,807.00 Preferred Capital Stock 4,800,000 at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., zation in compliance with the require-
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Total Direct Losses Aggregate write-ins for 2011 (SEAL). ments of insurance law aforesaid,
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER paid 0.00 Other than special surplus 0 ADAM HAMM NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM
OF INSURANCE ACCIDENT & HEALTH Surplus Notes 0 Commissioner of Insurance HAMM Commissioner of Insurance of
COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Total Direct Premiums Gross paid in and (May 5, 12 and 19) the State of North Dakota, pursuant to
AUTHORITY written 24,266.00 Contributed surplus 1,389,020 the provisions of said laws, do hereby
WHEREAS, the above corporation Total Direct Losses Aggregate write-ins for L 73474 certify that the above named company
duly organized under the laws of its Paid 1,878.00 Special surplus fund 0 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT is fully empowered through its author-
state or country of domicile, has filed STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Unassigned funds FOR THE YEAR ENDING ized agents and representatives, to
tn this office a sworn statement exhibit- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER (surplus) 105,456,837 DECEMBER 31, 2010 transact its appropriated business of
ng its condition and business for the OF INSURANCE Less treasury stock, of the authorized insurance in the state
year ending December 31, 2010 con- I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of at cost: 4,726,948 Dentegra Insurance Company according to the laws thereof, until the
formable to the requirements of the Insurance of the State of North # shares common 65,265,000 In the state of DE 30th day of April, A.D., 2012.
laws of this State regarding the busi- Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- # share preferred 0 Total Assets 29,714,336 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I
hess of insurance and going is a true Abstract of Statement, Surplus as regards Total Liabilities 13,246,739 have hereunto set my hand and seal
WHEREAS. the said company has as officially filed by the Company in policyholders 109,418,909 Common Capital Stock2,600.000 at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D.,
filed in this office a duly certified copy this office. Total Liabilities, Capital Preferred Capital Stock 0 2011 (SEAL).
of its charter with certificate of organi- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have and Surplus 664,364,827 Aggregate write-ins for ADAM HAMM
zation in compliance with the require- hereunto set my hand and affixed the NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY Other than special surplus 0 Commissioner of Insurance
ments of insurance law aforesaid, seal of this office at Bismarck, the first FOR THE YEAR 2010 Surplus Notes 0 (May 5, 12 and 19)
NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). LIFE & ANNUITY Gross paid in and
HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance ofADAM HAMM Total Direct Premiums Contributed surplus 27,027,180 L 77828
the State of North Dakota, pursuant to Commissioner of Insurance written 21,814.00 Aggregate write-ins for ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT
the provisions of said laws, do hereby STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Total Direct Losses Special surplus fund 0 FOR THE YEAR ENDING
certify that the above named company OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER paid 14,009.00 Unassigned funds DECEMBER 31, 2010
is fully empowered through its author- OF INSURANCE ACCIDENT & HEALTH (surplus) -13,159,583 of the'
ized agents and representatives, to COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Total Direct Premiums Less treasury stock, at cost: 0 Companion Life insurance Company
transact its appropriated business of AUTHORITY written 2,370,952.00 # shares common 0 In the state of SC
authorized insurance in the state WHEREAS, the above corporation Total Direct Losses , # share preferred 0 Total Assets 160,085,492
according to the laws thereof, until the duly organized under the laws of its Paid 1,379,922.00 Surplus as regards Total Liabilities 68,266,379
30th day of April, A.D., 2012. state or country of domicile, has filed STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA policyholders 16,467,597 Common Capital Stock 2,500,000
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I in this office a sworn statement exhibit- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Total Liabilities, Capital Preferred Capital Stock 0
have hereunto set my hand and seal ing its condition and business for the OF INSURANCE and Surplus 29,714,336 Aggregate write-ins for
at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., year ending December 31, 2010 con- I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY Other than special surplus 0
2011 (SEAL). formable to the requirements of the Insurance of the State of North FOR THEYEAR2010 Surplus Notes 0
ADAM HAMM laws of this State regarding the busi- Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- ACCIDENT & HEALTH Gross paid in and
Commissioner of Insurance ness of insurance and going is a true Abstract of Statement, Total Direct Premiums Contributed surplus 11,100,767
(May 5, 12 and 19) WHEREAS, the said company has as officially filed by the Company in written 117,422.00 Aggregate write-ins for
filed in this office a duly certified copy this office. Total Direct Losses - Special surolus fund 0
L 71714 of its charter with certificate of organi- N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have Paid 78,127.00 Unassigned funds
ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT zation in compliance with the require- hereunto set my hand and affixed the STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA (surplus) 78,218,347
FOR THE YEAR ENDING ments of insurance law aforesaid, seal of this office at Bismarck, the first OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Less treasury stock, at cost: 0
DECEMBER 31, 2010 NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). OF INSURANCE # shares common 0
of the HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of ADAM HAMM I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of # share preferred 0
Berkshire Life Insurance Company of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to Commtssioner of Insurance Insurance of the State of North Surplus as regards
America the provisions of said laws, do hereby STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- policyholders 91,819,114
In the state of MA certify that the above named company OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER going is a true Abstract of Statement, Total Liabilities, Capital
Total Assets 2,814,669,327 is fully empowered through its author- OF INSURANCE as officially filed by the Company in and Surplus 160,085,493
Total Liabilities 2,320,894,330 ized agents and representatives, to COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF this office. NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY
Common Capital Stock 3,198,000 transact its appropriated business of AUTHORITY IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have FOR THE YEAR 2010
Preferred Capital Stock 0 authorized insurance in the state WHEREAS, the above corporation hereunto set my hand and affixed the LIFE & ANNUITY
Aggregate write-ins for according to the laws thereof, until the duly organized under the laws of its seal of this office at Bismarck, the first Total Direct Premiums
Other than special surplus 0 30th day of April, A.D., 2012. state or country of domicile~ has filed day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). written 41.00
Surplus Notes 0 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I in this office a sworn statement exhibit- ADAM HAMM Total Direct Losses
Gross paid in and have hereunto set my hand and seal ing its condition and business for the Commissioner of Insurance paid 0.00
Contributed surplus 305,486,486 at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., year ending December 31, 2010 con- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ACCIDENT & HEALTH
Aggregate write-ins for 2011 (SEAL). formable to the requirements of the OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Total Direct Premiums
Special surplus fund0 ADAM HAMM laws of this State regarding the busi- OF INSURANCE written 3,733,011.00
Unassigned funds Commissioner of Insurance hess of insurance and COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF Total Direct Losses
(surplus) 185,090,511 (May 5, 12 and 19) WHEREAS, the said company has AUTHORITY Paid 2,577,754.00
Less treasury stock, at cost:0 filed in this office a duly certified copy WHEREAS, the above corporation STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA
# shares common 0 L 71854 of its charter with certificate of organi- duly organized under the laws of its OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER
# share preferred 0 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT zation tn compliance with the require- state or country of domicile, has filed OF INSURANCE
Surplus as regards FOR THE YEAR ENDING ments of insurance law aforesaid, in this office a sworn statement exhibit- I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of
policyholders 493,774,997 DECEMBER 31, 2010 NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM ing its condition and business for the Insurance of the State of North
Total Liabilities, Capital of the HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of year ending December 31, 2010 con- Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore-
and Surplus 2,814,669,327 AAA Life Insurance Company the State of North Dakota, pursuant to formable to the requirements of the gomg is a true Abstract of Statement,
NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY In the state of MI the provisions of said laws, do hereby laws of this State regarding the busi- as officially filed by the Company in
FOR THE YEAR 2010 Total Assets 437,929,085 certify that the above named company ness of insurance and this office.
LIFE & ANNUITY Total Liabilities 354,208,880 is fully empowered through its author- WHEREAS. the said company has IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have
Total Direct Premiums Common Capital Stock 2,500,000 ized agents and representatives, to filed in this office a duly certified copy hereunto set my hand and affixed the
written 6.033.00 Preferred Capital Stock 0 transact its appropriated business of of its charter with certificate of organi- seal of this office at Bismarck, the first
Total Direct Losses Aggregate write-ins for authorized insurance in the state zation in compljance with the require- day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL).
paid 0.00 Other than special surplus 0 according to the laws thereol, until the ments of insurance law aforesaid, ADAM HAMM
ACCIDENT & HEALTH Surplus Notes 0 30th day of April, A.D., 2012. NOW THEREFORE, I, ADAM Commissioner of Insurance
Total Direct Premiums Gross paid in and IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA
written 479,898.00 Contributed surplus 87,258,905 hereunto set my hand and seal atthe State of North Dakota, pursuant to OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER
Total Direct Losses Aggregate write-ins for Bismarck this first day of May, A.D., the provisions of said laws, do hereby OF INSURANCE
Paid 0.00 Special surplus fund4,963,887 2011 (SEAL). certify that the above named company COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Unassigned funds ADAM HAMM is fully empowered through its author- AUTHORITY
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER (surplus) -11,002,587 Commissioner of Insurance ized agents and representatives, to WHEREAS, the above corporation
OF INSURANCE Less treasury stock, at cost: 0 (May 5, 12 end 19) transact its appropriated business of duly organized under the laws of its
I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of # shares common 0 authorized insurance in the state state or country of domicile, has filed
Insurance of the State of North # share preferred 0 L 72052 according to the laws t~ereof, until the in this office a sworn statement exhibit-
Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- Surplus as regards ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT 30th day of April, A.D., 2012. ing its condition and business for the
going is a true Abstract of Statement, policyholders 83,720,205 FOR THE YEAR ENDING IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I . year ending December 31, 2010 con-
as officially filed by the Company in Total Liabilities, Capital DECEMBER 31, 2010 have hereunto set my hand and seal formable to the requirements of the
this office, and Surplus 437,929,085 of the at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D. laws of this State regarding the busi-
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY Aetna Health Insurance Company 2011 (SEAL). ness of insurance and
hereunto set my hand and affixed the FOR THE YEAR 2010 In the state of PA ADAM HAMM WHEREAS, the said company has
seal of this office at Bismarck, the first LIFE & ANNUITY Total Assets 52,194,632 Commissioner of Insurance filed in this office a duly certified copy
clay of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL). Total Direct Premiums Total Liabilities 26,122,000 (May 5, 12 and 19) of its charter with certificate of organi-
ADAM HAMM written 420.965.00 Common Capital Stock 2,501,000 zation in compliance with the require-
Commissioner of Insurance Total Direct Losses Preferred Capital Stock 0 L 74900 ments of insurance law aforesaid,
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER ACCIDENT & HEALTH Other than specia! surplus 0 FOR THE YEAR ENDING HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of
OF INSURANCE Total Direct Premiums Surplus Notes 0 DECEMBER 31, 2010 the State of North Dakota, pursuant to
COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF written 190,736.00 Gross paid in and of the the provisions of said laws, do hereby
AUTHORITY Total Direct Losses Contributed surplus 25,216,449 Brokers NationalLifeAssurance certify that the above named company
WHEREAS, the above corporationPaid 7,328.00 Aggregate write-ins for Company is fully empowered through its author-
duly organized under the laws of its STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Special surplus fund0 In the state of AR ized agents and representatives, to
state or country of domicile, has filed OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Unassigned funds Total Assets 25,395,006 transact its appropriated business of
in this office a sworn statement exhibit- OF INSURANCE (surplus) -1,644,817 Total Liabilities 9,237,746 authorized insurance in the state
ing its condition and business for the I, Adam Harem, Commissioner of Less treasury stock, at cost: 0 Common Capital Stock 2,500,000 according to the laws thereof, until the
year ending December 31, 2010 con- Insurance of the State of North # shares common 0 Preferred Capital Stock 0 30th day of April, A.D., 2012.
formable to the requirements of the Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore- # share preferred 0 Aggregate write-ins for IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I
laws of this State regarding the busi- going is a true Abstract of Statement, Surplus as regards Other than special surplus 0 have hereunto set my hand and seal
hess of insurance and as officially filed by the Company in policyholders 26,072,632 Surplus Notes 0 at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D.,
WHEREAS, the said company has this office. Total Liabilities, Capital Gross paid in and 2011 (SEAL).
filed in this office a duly certified copy IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have and Surplus 52,194,632 Contributed surplus 8,162,664 ADAM HAMM
of its charter with certificate of organi- hereunto set my hand and affixed the NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS ONLY Aggregate write-ins for Commissioner of Insurance
(May 5, 12 and 19)
L 81973
DECEMBER 31, 2010
of the
Coventry Health and Life Insurance
In the state of DE
Total Assets 711,799,800
Total Liabilities 314,903,333
Common Capital Stock 2,500,000
Preferred Capital Stock 0
Aggregate write-ins for
Other than special surplus
Surplus Notes 0
Gross paid in and
Contributed surplus 281,728,797
Aggregate write-ins for
Special surplus fund 0
Unassigned funds
(surplus) 112,667,670
Less treasury stock, at cost:0
# shares common 0
# share preferred 0
Surplus as regards
policyholders 396,896,467
Total Liabilities, Capital
and Surplus 711,799,800
Total Direct Premiums
written 0.00
Total Direct Losses
Paid 0.00
I, Adam Hamm, Commissioner of
Insurance of the State of North
Dakota, do hereby certify that the fore-
going is a true Abstract of Statement,
as officially filed by the Company in
this office.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of this office at Bismarck, the first
day of May, A.D. 2011 (SEAL).
Commissioner of Insurance
WHEREAS, the above corporation
duly organized under the laws of its
state or country of domicile, has filed
in this office a sworn statement exhibit-
ing its condition and business for the
year ending December 31, 2010 con-
formable to the requirements of the
laws of this State regarding the busi-
ness of insurance and
WHEREAS the said company has
filed in this office a duly certified copy
of its charter with certificate of organi-
zation in compliance with the require-
ments of insurance law aforesaid,
HAMM, Commissioner of Insurance of
the State of North Dakota, pursuant to
the provisions of said laws, do hereby
certify that the above named company
is fully empowered through its author-
ized agents and representatives, to
transact its appropriated business of
authorized insurance in the state
according to the laws thereof, until the
30th day of April, A.D., 2012.
have hereunto set my hand and seal
at Bismarck this first day of May, A.D.,
2011 (SEAL).
Commissioner of Insurance
(May 5, 12 and 19)
• On May 19, 1836, during a raid.
Comanche, Kiowa and Caddo Indi-
ans in Texas kidnap 9-year-old Cyn-
thia Ann Parker and kill her family.
Adopted into the Comanche tribe, she
lived a happy life, marrying a war-
rior and having three children, until
Texas Rangers recaptured her in 1860.
They forced her to return to live again
among Anglo-Americans after killing
her husband.
• On May 16, 1849, the New York
City Board of Health finally is able to
establish a hospital to deal with achol-
era epidemic that, before it ends, kills
more tlian 5,000 people. The disease
spread when boat passengers escaped
from a mandatory quarantine.
• On May 18, 1861, an obscure Cali-
fornia newspaper relates how first
lady Mary Todd Lincoln took it upon
herself to appoint Mr. W.S. Wood as
superintendent of Public Buildings.
The article suggested that Mrs. Lin-
coln had been smitten with Mr. Wood's
handsome features, luxuriant whiskers
and graceful carriage.
• On May 20, 1873, Levi Strauss
secures the necessary patents for can-
vas pants with copper rivets to rein-
force the stress points. Unable to sell
a large supply of canvas in the Califor-
nia mining camps, Strauss had hit on
the idea of using the durable material
to make work pants for miners.
• On May 17, 1943, the crew of the
Memphis Belle, one of a group of
American bombers based in Britain,
becomes the first B-17 crew to com-
plete 25 missions over Europe. A
fictional film about the B-17, called
"Memphis Belle," was released in
• On May 21, 1955, unknown singer
Chuck Berry paid his first visit to a
recording studio and cut "Maybel-
lene." The song became a No. 1 R&B
hit and a No. 5 pop hit, It helped that
DJ Alan Freed played the record for
two hours straight during his WINS
radio show.