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Items of interest picked up
:hero and there by .°u~" New~
reporters. We are always g[laQall
to get your neW8 Items.
Dick Shepherd of Carlyle was a
Beach business visitor T~esday.
Mrs. Agnes Hogoboom of Sentinel
Butte was a Beach caller Monday.
Robert Still spent Thursday eve-
nlng visiting the Butterfleld family.
Kenneth Abraham has employ-
ment at the C. O. Carlson farm.
Miss Martha Bolten of Beach
was a Dickinson caller Monday.
Mrs. Floyd Christensen was a
Dickinson caller on Saturday.
Ward Butterfleld is putting in
crops for Ed Carney.
Miss Caroline Bare of Wibaux
was a Beach caller Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Greenup of the
Trotters country were Beach busi-
ness callers on Thursday.
Mrs. Theisen and son Eddie o~
Sel~tmel Butte ~ere Beach shoppers
on Wednesday.
Beach callers on Thursday were
Edna Larson and June Susa of
Miss AVLS LaSalle was a business
visitor in Medora last Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Con Sortan of
Miles City were Beach callers on
Friday of last week.
M. (3, Ristuben returned Satur-
day from Fargo, where he had
Sl~,nt a few days on bust, hess.
Never 2YUSt any Bull,' reads a
headline. There is more truth than
Doetry in this warning.
Art Brown of the Trotters vi-
cinity was a Beach caller on Mon-
day of this week.
:Mrs. J. C. Thou of Belfleld was
Beach caller on Monday, receiv-
ing medl~ care,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Osborn of
Wibaux were Beach business call-
ers on Monday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Carlson of
Sentinel Butte were Beach callers
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Buster Fasching
of the south country were Beach
Mrs. George Wright of Sentinel]
Butte was a Beach caller on Thurs-
day of last week.
Mrs. Jack Farts went to Dickin-
son Friday morning to visit with
her brother. Florlan Adams.
Miss Betty Marman of Glcndive
arrived Friday to spend the week-
end in Beach with friends.
Frank Tosner of the north coun-
try was a Beach shopper on Friday
of last week. Q
Mrs. C. E. Pierce of Glendive
was a Beach caller on Friday, re-
ceiving medical attention.
Mrs. C. A. Barrow was a Belfield
caller on Thursday of last week.
visiting her sister. Mrs. Henry.
Mrs. Timpe and daughter Jean
of Beach were Dickinson callers
on Monday.
Mrs. Jerry Kouba of Alptm spent
the weekend with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Knopp of Beach.
Mrs Grant Rourk~ was called r,o
Iowa by the serious illness of her
Mrs. E. Ayers and Mrs. M. J.
Stacker called on Mrs. Butterfield
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn of Sen-
tinel Butte were Beach callers on
Mrs. hnogene Adams accom-
panied her daught, er. Mrs. Jack
Farts, from Dickinson Monday.
Frank Kremers left Tuesday for
Fargo, where he will spend a few
days on business.
H. A. MaekotI of Dickinson met
with the city council at their reg-
ular meeting Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Omley of Sen-
tinel Butte were Beach shoppers
on Monday.
Mrs. Bohn of Sentinel Butte
was a Beach caller on Tuesday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Feldmann
of the north country were Beach
callers on Tuesday.
Miss Katherine Bellmont left
Wednesday for Glendlve. where she
visited with her sister. Marcella
K. J. Higgins left Friday for
Tuscalusa, Ala., where he will spend
some time visiting friends and
W, S. Stutsman was a Dickinson
business caller on Monday, in the
the interests of the crippled chil-
drens' clinic.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ueckert of
rural Beach received a May basket,
a baby girl arnving on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scheffer of
Beach are the parents of a baby
girl, born to them at their home
on Friday, April 28.
Callers from the north country
on Tuesday were Mary McCaskey,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pasha. Olaf
Abraham and son and Mr. Dobler.
Mrs. C. P. Hodden left Thursday
for her lmme in Mandan after
spending a few weeks visiting
friends and relatives in Beach.
Jean Hazel Woodard. Esther
Woodard and Kay Sletten of Wi-
baux were Saturday dinner guest.s
of Mrs. Martha Hudecek.
I Pfc. Gerald Gilman returned
Saturday LO Camp Hale. Colo.. after
spending a few days furlough with
his wife and sons.
Mrs. O. R. Niece and Mary
Schutte of Beach left Sunday for
Billings, where they will spend a
few days visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Matccjek and
family moved into the house for-
merly occupied by lh.e E M. EP.-
derle family. May 1st.
Mrs. John Garrison of Miles
City was a l~e[lch visitor on M011-
dny and Tuesday. receiving: medical
al kcnl:ion.
Miss Kaiherine Bellmollt has re-
signed her position at Gordon's
Bakery and has accepted a position
at, tbe Reynolds Ntore. beginning
her work there May 1st.
Correction: Mr. and Mrs. Bud
McNiece of Sentinel Butte are
the parenk~ of a baby boy, not
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Niece of Beach
as was stated last week.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will hold their regular meeting in
the Red Cross rooms at the court-
house on Wednesday evening, May
10th. Members please be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Vincent left
Friday for Glendive. where they
will make their new home and
where Mr. Vincent has accepted
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Timboe of
Sentinel Butte arrived home on
Thursday of last week after spend-
ing the winter months at McMinn-
villa, Ore.
Mrs. Alma Rink of Sentinel Butte
was a Beach caller on Monday.
Paper Collection
To be Made on
Saturday, May 6
Beach householders are advised,
A request for the second showing
of their class play, "His Ozark
Cousin," enabled the cast of the
Beach high school senior class to
realize tlmt their theatrical efforts
were doubly pleasing to the many
exceptionally good. To single
any individual participant
be a reflection on other
of the group, so to sum up
three acts of this comedy
was so pleasingly presented, we
truthfully say, it was very good
enjoyed from curtain to curtain.
Miss Mabel Early returned Satur-
business callers on Monday. day evening from Jamestown. where
Mrs. George Wassmann was a she had attended a telephone con-
Sentinel Butte caller on Tuesday ference.
~f this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ayers are
, Beach callers from Golva on staying out at their farm while
~r~e ~e Gertrude Boehlke, i the crops are being put in. Happy
g aria Jean ~usa. I has a nice boat and is enjoying
George Wheeler of Bismarck was lflshlng at the dam. How about a
a Beach business caller on Monday/ fish fry for some of us less for-
and Tuesday. I tunate?
Now is your chance to find your place in the Navy
At Beach, May 9th
* MEN--
All men interested in the Navy can see H. R.
Handtlnann Splc (R) for all information on the
57 different schools of the Navy, including Radio,
which will lead to television, radio and radio elec-
tronics after the war.
Be Sure and Get the Information Now
Ensign Blanche Parker ~ind Specialist Joan Rector
will be in BEACH to interview women between the
ages of Twenty and Thirty-Six and give out all
the information on the WAVES. And on Saturday
the 13th of May a Navy doctor and nurse will be
at DICKINSON at the Elks Building to give physi-
cal examinations to Wave applicants, who can be
sworn into the WAVES right at Dickinson.
who had the opportunity of wit-
that a collection of wastepaper nessing the three-act comedy which
will bx? made by the Boy Scouts on they presented Friday evening,
Saturday morning, May 6. You April 21st, and again on Saturday
are requested to have your waste-l evening, April 29.
paper, magazines and tin cans tied Every member of the cast had
and packaged so they will not been well chosen for his or her
blow away. Place them on your part and the characterizations were
front porches for removal. Because
of the present use for pickups by
~the owners, it has been difficult
the past few Saturdays to secure
transportation to cover the whole IT'S TIME !!
town. Therefore some paper th~at
has been placed for removal before
was not picked up. --To have that box of candy laid
Arrangements, however, have
been made tosecure transporta- for Mother' Day
lion to dc the job more completely, away s
According to all of the radio pub-
lieity, newspapers, etc., now, more
than ever, the government is m-
questing the full cooperation of BUTTE DRUG
pvery person to assist in the waste-
paper alid tin can collection. The
msiruc[ions have been given out
regarding the proper Inanner to
handle paper. Magazines and
newspapers are to be securely tied
separately in a neat bundle, which
will hell) our efforts ~ery much.
There is no certain paper drive
at this time. The paper collection
will be continued right straight
through until the government needs I
for the war effort have been met~
in Golden Valley county. The say-1
ing of waste paper and tin cansI
should now be each person's daily]
habit. The Boy Scouts have re-I
calved very good cooperation from
the stores in obtaining their cor-
rugated boxes. This is a product
badly needed, although it is taking
a great number of boxes to make
up sufficient weight to make a
bundle. It will be necessary for the
Boy Scouts to secure at least
another six tons of paper before a
full carload can be secured and
shipment made. They are donut- ~I~H~I~ V~,~/~
lug their time for the cause, and TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO THIS RICH,
are asking the citizens to donate
Save a bundle of paper a week
The Beach Homemakers Club
meet at the home of Mrs. Fr~
Dykins on Tuesday May 9th.
WAR BONDS are the means
preventing ruinous inflation!
While in town she also visited her to save some boy's life!
mother, Mrs. Petersilie, at the --V
hospital. " :- ........... =- : ::-t
George Elbert Putnam, living [-~lGs.~yr~a2a~Wr~"|!
18 miles north of Wlbaux, died
April 29th. Funeral services will
be held Thursday (today) at the
Wibaux Methodist Church at 2
A~sow om u ~m's ~
lb. 35¢
P. M., Rev. D. J. MacTavish offic- Mr. and Mrs. Art Underwoodand LOAF ^~o=s o~o .-~-~
luting. Interment will be made in baby were Beach visitors Tuesday. . FASHIONED (1 POINT) LB."
the Wibaux cemetery. Maurice Goldfine was a caller in
the Garner community Wednesday. i 1¢ SALE ON 8TAI[~Yt$ ~ ~
Mrs. Joe Dietz and Mrs. George CBUBuyE STARCH ~ JL~
Stull were Beach shoppers Monday. ~ .oz. PKGS. FOR 14c--3rd PKG. l~
Volney Schmeling was a caller
at the Fred Wassmann home on Pl~_ll.t~ SWEET mX t" 1~
Monday. ~t~llJ~ 6 oz ........... I
Loyde Wassmann was a PRUNES
caller at the Henry Trester home 2 lb. Cello bag l
Monday morning. GRAHDI$ ~g3~'
Mrs. John Stull and David were SUNSHINE'S SUGAR HONEY CRACKERS
callers at the Fred Wassmann
home on Wednesday.
Mrs. John Stull and David call-
ed at the Waiter Wassmann home}
on Thursday.
FlOUr .........
David were Sunday visitors at the RED OWL ENRICHED
Fred Wassmann home.
Mr and Hank Trester and CORN
children were Beach shoppers on (POINT FREE) ~CANS~
Monday. PEAS ,0.oz.23,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann ~ WIZDOM BRAND ~ CANS
attendedtheshowinBeachMon-SOUP H~'NZCR~AMO, I]}U-OZ.,I, COOKIES
day night. TOMATO (3 POINTS)~ CANS ~dJ~*
Mrs. John Stull and David call-
ed at the Joe Dietz and Oeo. Stull cut GI~EEN W~LL FILLED LB.
honms on Friday. MAZOLI SALAD OIL ~NT29,
Mrs. Fred Wassmann, Mrs. POINT FREE
Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn, and
Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry
were Golva visitors on Tuesday.
Mrs. F. Schmeling and Mr. and
Mrs. Olaf Orstad and girls were
Beach shoppers Saturday. The Or- MOTI R'$ COCOA IW
stud family attended the show in VARIETY PKG.
Beach that afternoon. EAT A BETTER BREAKFASTI
Mrs. Fred Wassmann and Mrs. POST T0 TIES If
Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn, Vlc[ O~ Irreg. PKG.
Renstrom, Adolph Johnson, VolneyI 1[1~t~cl~Ol~ RICE I[P,~qPIES~-','~ ~oz.ff
Schmeling, Matt Krause and Paul PKG. ~'
Wehrmann were Golva callers on MEKT W~ BR~ ~TWn~ z0~z.|~
c~l~ PKG. ~m
Saturday. WHEAT 16-OZ. ~
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann Gl~PF~NUTS
PKG. ~m
and Jerry, Fred Wassmann, Mrs. rLW ~X PUDDING 14.~z.l~
Loyde Wassmann, Mr. and Mrs. . m MIX PKG.
~Jolney Schmeling and girls and
Vic Renstrom were Beach visitors
on Monday.
Mrs. Fred Wassmann and Caro-
lyn Lee Wassmann spent Monday
afternoon visiting at the John ~ ~/~' 1
Fakler home. Fred Wassmann, Mrs.
Loyde Wassmann and Mr. and ~.
Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry
were also visitors there that --.-r--Aooles in" ,. ,,,. lbs
evening. ~-V.~ ~ pose Wash. Wine~l~ .... 2 •
Sweet, Tender
Cho, e fo
Aviation Cadet Harold H. - ,,...S-em---' r ."
Guckeen, husband of Mrs. Helene
Agnes Guckeen, Beach, has ar-
AAF Training Command station
for the basic flight stage of his
training to become a pilot: During
ten weeks here Cadet Guckeen will SELF-POLISHING FIX)OR WAX
learn aerial combat maneuvers and ~S0 ~]~w
instrument flying at the controls "SOAPY-RICH'* 24-OZ.I~KG.LARGE
Of a 450-horsepower trainer plane.
~V~ IM~ • ~ vn~ vm~s PKO.
Church service 12:00 noon.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at
7:30 P. M,