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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 4, 1944     Golden Valley News
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May 4, 1944
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Thursday, May 4, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you want to buy or sell something: if you need hqlp or wani a job, you can get results from News Want Ads. No ad accepted for less than per insertion. A service charge of 25c will be made for "bllnd" ads. POR SALE--Monarch piano. In- quire News office. 32-tf I~OR SALE--3 oil barrels. Earl Palmer, phone 64W, Beach. 32-1tp FOR SALF-r-Walsh seed flax. Wood- FOR SALE---Duckfoot and Fordson tractor and plows. Howard Wen- berg, Beach. 31-2tp FOR SALE--Kitchen table, folding bed, electric sweeper and attach- merits. Mabel Early, Beach. 32-1tc WANTED--Job by elderly man, any kind of light work. Reasonable wages. Inquire News office. 32-1tp FOR SALE---1931 Chevrolet tudor sedan. Good rubber. See Elmer Rest, Sentinel Butte. 32-lip FOR SALE---50 bu. seed corn, Fal- coner, Minn. 13, and some Flint. 95 percent germination. $5.00 per bu. T. A. Wosepka, Sentinel Butte. 32-2tp Westerhcim Halvor Olson was a caller at the Rathbun home Sunday. The Farmers Union gas truck was in the community Friday. Web Allen and Ellis Stacker were visitors at the Tom Wirtzfeld home Tuesday evening. Taylor Cook went to Sentinel Butte Friday and brought the fam- ily out to spend the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Wright, Joy, Jay, Kay and Bennie were Beach Ward Bros., Beach. 30-tic FOR SALE--Milk cows. Also year- lings. B. J. Majerus, Golva. 31-3tp I~OR SALE--Modern house. Carrie Gordon, phone 155M. 31-4tc I~R SALE---4-row cultivator, 4-row planter, fits Farmall. H. L. Wen- berg, Beach. 32-tf IPOR SALE--Royal Typewriter rib- bolas. Golden Valley News office. 5-tf WANTED---Cook for 8 hours per day, good wages. Cgll or write St. Charles care, Dickinson. 30-3tc visitors Saturday. _ Word has been received that Jim I~0R SALE--VChite blossom golden Rathbun, $2c, is now in Chicago, Seed flax. Rust resistant, clean-I Illinois. ed,°$4.75 per bushel. Frank Dy-[ Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Stacker and klns, Sentinel Butte. 29-4tptMarlyn were visitors at the Ellis --[Stacker home Sunday, April 23rd. OR SALE---An organ in pianoI Johnnie Berg and Ward Butter- ~abinet. In good condition. Rea.-Ifield are busy putting in Ed Car- son for selling is a piano is ney's crop. Wanted. Call 9F20, Beach. 31-3te ~R SALE---U. S. approved, pul- lorum tested chicks. Order early. Leading breeds. Write for folder ~ d prices. Hoffman Hatchery, ashburn, N.D. 22-1lip ~R-~ SALE---Two dark roan reg- istered yearling shorthorn bulls. Prank Dykins, Sentinel Butte N.D. 29-4tp ~ SALE~FulIy equipped hotel of 30 rooms, including apts. Ex- Cellent tourist " trade. Owner Wishes to retire. Write box 65, Ottlbertson, Mont. 30-7tp I~OR SALE--6-room house, located next to Davis Service Station; also 6-room house known as ZOok house. See Ernest Moore, ~each. 31-14tp ~OTICE--AII horses on Section 17, Township 142, Range 105 must ,be taken off by May 1 or taken Up for damages. Godfrey Pesha, l~each. 32-1tp ~I~AYED--Sn~ll brownish black ~ileh cow, branded Dover J on left hip. Anyone knowing of her whereabouts please notify or Call John Glower. 32-2tp 4~ AUCTION, Dickinson, Saturday, June 10th, 70 Hereford Bulls and l~ernales. North Dakota Hereford ASSociation. For catalog, write Chamber of Commerce, Dickin- ' ~on. 32-4tp IL~O---For 'rheumatism and neur- Iris. Most amazing and effective remedy in existence. Three weeks tceatment $1.00. Rumo Remedy Co., 5047 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, ~lllnois 28-12tp ~{)TICE--I wish the parties that took the foot throttle from the Chevrolet pickup last summer ;~ Ueld bring it back to the Sen- el Butte garage J H Chris- tensen " " ' 31-2tp &NTED--Two girls for waitress ~VOrk Experienced, pay $60 for ~st "month after that a raise. Inexperienced, $50 first month, raise second month and day off each week. St. Charles care, 151ckinson, N.D. 30-3tc Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kunick and children and Wm. Rathbun were Dickinson visitors Saturday. Math and Art Brown were Sen- tinel Butte and Beach callers on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Youells were Beach callers Saturday. Wen- dell visited the dentist. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cymbaluk and family were Beach visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker and Mrs. Mary Rathbun were Beach shoppers Saturday evening. Mrs. Mary Rathbun, Vivian, Tommy and Dennis were supper guests at the J. E. Cook home on Sunday. .Evelyn Cook and children visited at the J. E. Cook home Saturday. Taylor and Bud Cook helped Ted dehorn cattle. Lorraine Pendleton spent the weekend in Sentinel Butte to at- tend to her duties at the telephone office. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hillman and daughter spent a few days visiting at the Mrs. John Evans home the -first of the week. Betty and Mary Lou Armstrong attended the show in Beach Sat- urday evening. They were accom- panied by Alvin and Joan Tescher of Sentinel Butte. A. H. Allen had the misfortune of having his car laid up for re-i pairs. That being the case, A1 took a horseback ride to Sentinel Butte Thursday. Dick Pendleton has two nephews, both Jack Pendletons, across seas. One Jack is stationed in Europe somewhere, and the other Jack in the South Pacific. E. C. Cook and family and Mar- lyn Cook spent Sunday afternoon at the J. E. Cook home. Eddie drove out to help his mother cele- !brate her birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Mrs. Cook. Sgt. Roy Berg's address has been changed to % Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif., so we expect Roy is going to use some of the train- ing he has received the past months in glider work against the little yellow pests. Good luck and good hunting, Roy. WAVE,~59c! Do your Permanent with Charm-Kurl Complete equipment, includ- 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy do, absolutely harmless. Prals- by thousax~ds including Fay glamorous movie star. refunded if not saris- Woodward Brothers Drug, 24-10tp BUik FuelAgents ommnflat l~boleum from #~Lk -~k in farming communlflU. Lib- commission and h~ack op- allowanca. Appllcanl good physical con- draf! s~mlus, letter. Ad- Standard Oil Company, Deparhn~nt. Box Sll, Dakota. (If en- tn Agricultural sezw4ceS essential indusfA'y, do Mrs. Ed Carney visited Mrs. Ellis Stecker Friday morning. Starting about 10 P. M. Saturday the community was visited by a race gentle rain, which continued on and off until Sunday P. M. We believe and hope it was general all over the county. It was what the old timers called a "Million Dollar Rain." Pvt. Orville Petersilie, stationed on the Aleutian Islands, writes that he has had nearly two years overseas duty and thinks he is about due for the U. S. A. again. He says letters are the only morale builder they have up there--letters and the hope of getting home again some day. ---V~ FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Fargo and Rev. Andrew Burgess of Minneapolis. The L.D.R. conven- tion will open at 4 P. M. and Rev. Burgess will show moving pictures of foreign missions at 5 P. M. Carlyle: LServiees at 2:30 P. M. Confirmation class at 3:30 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Ladies Aid Thursday, May ll, with Mrs. Omley and Mrs. Kirk- patrick serving the lunch in the afternoon. Confirmation class Thursday at 4:15 P. M. ~'V'~ BEACH M]ETHODIST CHURCH Rev. D. J. MacTavlsh, pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching Service at 11 A. M. Young Peoples' meeting at 8 P.M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 8P.M. W.S.C.S. Woman's Society meets at Mrs. Woodward's Thursday at 2P.M. Mother's Day will be observed on Sunday, May 14th, instead of May 7th as was announced. You are cordially invited to at' tend these services. --.V.-- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, pastor BONNIE VIEW t Services at 11 A. M. Serm°nIson, Wayne and Richard, Mr. and theme: "The Guidance of GOd."I Mrs. Joe Pesha, Jr. and Harry Hill Speakers: Miss Paula Iverson of were visitors and supper guests at the Joe Pesha, Sr. home Sunday, helping Mr. Pesha celebrate his birthday, which occurred on Friday. -V,~ SADDLE BUTTE HOMEMAKERS Beach: Church school at 10 A. M. Morning service at 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. Sentinel Butte: Sunday school and church service combined at 2:00 P. M. C. E. Monday at 7:30 P. M. Medora Union: Sunday School at 3 P. M. Worship service at 4 P. M. ~-V~-- UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Services every night except Sat- urday at 8 o'clock, with Bey. A. V. Howland, of Great Falls, Mont. as the speaker. These meetings will continue throughout next week, and everyone is urged to attend. Sun- day morning worship service at 10;15, and Bible study classes at 11:15. --V-- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dissen, pastor Divine Service 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible class 11 A. M. Ladies Aid Wednesday, May 10th, at 2 P. M. ---V~ GRADE SCHOOL PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED HERE MAY 18 There will be a grade school pro- gram given at the High School Auditorium on Thursday evening, Reading the article in last week's May 18th. The program will de- Golden Valley News about May viate slightly from the usual nMareY Day must have revived many peG- Day program mac has veen p - ple's memories of making May bas- sented in the past, and will be a kets. I suppose it is still the cus- mixed program. Further details tom in towns to hang May baskets twill be given in a forthcoming but out in our thinly settled corn-lissue. munities I believe it is a lost art. Well do I remember how us girls would bunch up and make baskets two weeks before MaY Day, how we'd hurry home from school the last couple days so as to roam the woods for violets and other real early spring flowers to fill our with;~ &rid how, the eve- of MaY 1st, we'd steal up to the doors of friends and hang a baske~ knook and run for dear life. B01d-~as "thb girl considered who dared to hang one on a boy friend's door, especially ff she had written his name on the basket, and how she would run, for back home it was the custom for the boy to give chase and if he could catch the girl he had the right to claim a kiss. We have discontinued car greasing for the duration. BY'S SERVICE STATION Mary McCaskey, Reporter Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha and family were visitors at the Olaf Abraham home Monday evening. Several from this vicinity at- tended the Senior class play, "His Ozark Cousin," which was given in Beach Saturday evening. Pvt. Merton Still arrived Thurs- day from Camp Shelby, Miss., on a ten-day furlough, which he is spending at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Still. Several people from this com- munity attended the funeral ser- vices held for Luther Hodgin at the Trotters church Monday after- noon. Sincerest sympathy is ex- tended to his bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha and • B.M. Hogoboom BUTTE, The regular meeting of the Sad- dle Butte Homemakers Club was held at the farm home of Mrs. Lewis Odland, Jr. on April 20th, with seventeen members and three visitors attending. The meeting was culled to order by the president, Mrs. Carl Carl- son, and the members responded to roll call with a favorite quotation. Mrs. Rudy Ramstad read a very interesting paper on "Our Jap- anese Americans." Mrs. Te~l Severson furnished the game, which was in the form of a quiz contest. Mrs. Carl Carlson had high score and was presented with a War Stamp. A ,dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the Mahlon Stecker home May 18th. Club Reporter. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Trotters, North Dakota Services every first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. This Sunday, Bey. A. C. Howland, Con- ference Superintendent, will be the Sunday School and the preaching service P. M. Everyone is invited. The fool and his honey are soon parted. Even so, neither of them has lost much. NORTH DAKOTA EASY-ON-THE.EYE EASY-ON-THE.BUDGET 4.98 Good.companions for every" warm-weather hour at a tiny price that enables you to' have all. you want for a flower-fresh summer look! Lettuce-cool rayon sheers, daintily shirred and draped li Smooth spun rayon~ in el-' fectively embroidered ]:)as. 'Aels or neat monotone prints., O~q and two:piece de. ,alg~ lorjunfo,~., misaesb QUALITY FOOD a i Why P y More? I LB. PACKAGE ................................................... PUREX QUART BOTTLE SHREDDED WHEAT 15c 10c 23c 25c 41o 18c 35c ,# 55c 25c 23c PACKAGE A BRIGHT NEW FACE FOR '44 Paint Up the ~' Outside and Inside of Your Home! It will conserve your home.and build up your family's morale. Get started on a big Spring paint-up campaign. GOLVA TRADING CO. BERT COVERT, Mgr. GOLVA, N. D. I H II LONG DISTANCE BUS TICKETS All buses are now operating on" schedules after being interrupted by highway conditions. One-way tickets are good for 60 days, and round-trip tickets are good for six months. Persons in this community who are contemplating long trips, are advised to see Mrs. Ruby Doerner personally at the Beach bus depot before May 12th. After this date Mrs, Doerner will be away on a trip to New York City and absent from the Cafe until June 1st. Persons in charge will not have the author- ity to issue tickets for long and changeable routes. T DO ERNE. CAFE & B OR 2E£?;A CREAMETTE THREE PACKAGES ......................................... HAMBURGER,,cu ,-,, dahy PER POUND PIGS FEET,,sw, t, ,, 1 LB. 12 OZ. JAR SARDINES "TomatoSauce" 15 OZ. CAN PORK CHOPS "C.,.rcut,, PER POUND ORANGES "Size 288" TWO DOZEN SALAD FRUITS -- ,n heavy synlp" 16 OZ. JAR ............ CATSUP 14 OZ. BOTTLE PANCAKE FLOUR 5LB. F.. T.-ReeYnoldS Co. PHONE 75