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Golden Valley News
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Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
Classified Ads:
A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25
words and 10 cents per word
Deadline for Classifieds & Display
Ads: 12:00 p.m. Friday preceding
publication date.
Phone: 701-872-3755
Fax: 701-872-3756,
2009 Yamaha WaveRunner VX DeluxeLOOKING FOR THE most complete listing
with four-stroke engine. ONLY 56.5 hours, of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25!
Also offering LIKE NEW Shorelander jet Call 701-223-6397, ND Newspaper Asso-
ski trailer and jet ski lift. Buy all three and ciation.
get a package deal! Call 701-550-9249. tfn
WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one
Apartment for rent in Beach, $550 a or all 90 North Dakota newspapers. One
month All utilities paid by owner. 701-690- order, one bill, one check. We provide the
8172. No pets please, tfn 'ad design and tear sheets. Call the North
Dakota Newspaper Association, 701-223-
Western View Apartments, Beach. Two
bedrooms available, all utilities paid, laun-
dry hookups, income based. Call Barbara,
701-872-4102. Non-smoking. Profession-
ally managed by Prairie Homes Manage-
ment, 1-888-893-9501, TTY
1-800-366-6888 $200 Walmart Card (with
12 month lease).
Garden Club Annual Spring Plant Sale; Fri-
day, May 18th, 8:30am-7:00pm; Saturday,
May 19th, 8:30am-12:00pm; Blue Bldg G
olden Valley County Fairgrounds; Gift Cer-
tificates are available at the Library & Ex-
tension Ofc. 34-36
The family of Steve Kremers would like to
thank the community for the outpouring of
support and love during his untimely death.
Our family is overwhelmed with feelings of
gratitude and appreciation for your kind-
ness. We feel grateful and humbled by all
the emotional support we've been receiv-
ing from extended family, friends and
members of the community. Thank you to
all those who reached out to our family
whether it was the numerous cards, phone
calls, donations, masses, flowers, food,
visits or memorials.
Special thanks to the Golva ambulance
Getting older brings poor memory N
As is always said, old age is not
good, but it is better than the other
option. What made me think of this
is my age. I'm getting old enough
where I suppose I would be referred
to as elderly. I used to think elderly
was around 50, then I thought 60,
then 70 Now I'm figuring it is in
the early hundreds.
I remember when Lynn turned 50.
We were on th~wayto a rodeo and
maybe had a cold beer. I toasted his
birthday and Lynn said, "Just like a
spare tire that's never been out of the
trunk!" I didn't believe him. That
tire had a lot of wear and tear on it.
And he had left tracks to prove it.
But I thought he was elderly.
Now some of you other elderly
people can attest to the fact that the
memory begins to falter. Names are
harder to remember. For me, dates
have always been tough. Some peo-
ple can remember the snowstorm in
1975 or the drought in 1961. They
can remember birthdays, anniver-
saries, and Christmas. I often forget
what I had for supper last night.
We were having coffee with some
friends last week. You know how it
is. The men were sitting in one group
and the wives were off at another
table planning their gardens and talk-
ing of their grandkids.
Being cattlemen, we often talk of
weather, cows, and cow stuff. Steaks
are cow stuff.
This one old boy began telling us
that he and his wife had gone out to
supper and he had been served the
best ribeye he had ever eaten. It was
tender, flavorful, and the service was
Now this got us all interested.
There is nothing better in life than a
great ribeye and a baked potato.
Well, maybe some things.
When he was questioned about
which restaurant they had dined in,
he hit a wall. A blank spot. Try as he
might, he couldn't figure out the
name of the restaurant.
By now, we were really into this
story. We wanted to try this fabulous
restaurant out. I mean we have birth-
days, anniversaries, and other occa-
sions coming up to celebrate.
So we kept after him. Finally, he
asked, "What's the name of that
pretty flower?"
"No," he said. "That one that you
buy by the dozen and it smells good."
"Rose," I asked?
"That's it," he exclaimed! "Rose,
what was the name of that restaurant
we ate at last week?"
Later, Dean
Rent this space for only a
few dollars a week.
Call 872-3755 for more
details today/
Position open: Elementary teacher (full-
time; 9 mo.) The Lone Tree School District
in Golva, North Dakota, is accepting appli-
cations for an elementary teacher at Golva
Elementary School for the 2018 - 19
school year. Base salary is $35,500 or
DOE. Housing is available. Benefits in-
clude TFFR, full-single health, vision, den-
tal, disability and life insurance. Send
cover letter, resume, transcripts and copy
of ND Teaching Certificate to: Golva Ele-
mentary School, Janine Cleon, Principal,
PC Box 170, Golva ND 58632 OR to Ja- Call 701-872-3674
for further inquiries. The Lone Tree School
District does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, disabil-
ity, age, or other protected status in its pro-
grams and activities. For information
regarding our non-discrimination policies,
contact us. Veteran's Preference does not
apply to teaching positions (NDCC 37-
19.1-02 (4)). 33-36
Dakota, is seeking an Early Childhood
Special Education Instructor. South Dakota
licensure is required. NWAS offers com-
petitive salary, benefits, transportation and
SD Retirement. Position is open until filled.
Contact Quinn Lenk, Director, at 605-466-
2206, or email
crew for getting to the house so quickly
and for the comfort they provided. Whab.
an immeasurable service you provide to
our community.
Thank ybu to Father Dan Berg for com-
forting the family during our time of need
and helping remind us, though he may be
gone we will all be together again one day.
We appreciate the beautiful service pro-
vided by Father Dan and Deacon Don and
the music from the men's choir along with
Leon and Alicia Heick. Also thank you to
St. Mary's Alter Society for the wonderful
Thank you to Steve's neighbors, more im-
portantly, friends, that unselfishly stepped
up and helped a neighbor in need with no
questions asked. From checking cows to
stopping in to check on Marie, Steve
would have been so humbled and thank-
ful for your help. He cherished his rela-
tionships with each and everyone of you.
The outpouring of love has given us the
strength and courage to face the days
Marie Kremers
Dolores Kremers
Karly and Steve Berger
Courtney and Jeb Williams
Lindsay and Jay Dykins
Cassie and Bill Szudera
Vickie Hardy and Family
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This entity is an equal opportunity provider
Personal Care
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income level for
BISMARCK - Income eligibilityMedical services include, but are not :::
guidelines for treatment services limited to, dental services, medica- ::,
available through the North Dakota tions, therapy, and nutrition services,-"
Department of Health (NDDoH) Di- as well as laboratory tests, medical
vision of Special Health Services equipment and care coordination.
(SHS) have increased based on"Approximately one in five chil- ,
changes in the federal poverty levels, dren in North Dakota has a special :
The change increases the amount of health care need," said Tina Feig-
income a family can make and still itsch, SHS claims and eligibility ad-
qualify for services. Effective May l, ministrator with the NDDoH.
a family of four will be able to earn "Although many of these children
up to $46,435 annually (or $3,870 may be covered by some type of ':'
monthly per household) and still health insurance, programs through ,
meet income eligibility requirements, the Division of Special Health Serv-
Funded by the Maternal and Child ices act as a gap-filler for over 100 :';
Health Block Grant, SHS promotes medically eligible conditions and
services that improve the health and promote access to quality health ;:
well-being of individuals with spe- care."
cial health care needs and their ram- To qualify for SHS treatment
ilies. Treatment services through the services, families must be North ;
SHS Financial Coverage Program Dakota residents and meet medical
help families pay for medical serv- and financial guidelines. To deter- ',
ices for eligible children, youth, and mine whether a child qualifies, ram-
young adults birth to age 21 who re- ilies may conta& their local county .
quire specialty care to diagnose and social services office or the state SHS
treat their chronic health conditions, office.
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Tired of using those dull
HELP WANTED: PFEIFLE Chevrolet in telephone company Night Security III
Wishek, N.D is seeking an experienced kitchen knives? What about Serving the Beach, Activities III
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ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. " Chuck Cutforth For service please call those who (aualifv. |1|
Are you selling or renting? Pifer's Auction ~ 701-872-2423 1-800-523-5436
and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer
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Free valuation.
I Dakota Farm Equipment, since 1936
| your local John Deere 701-872-3317 305 N Merrill Ave.
J dealership, has an PllIP Glendive, MT
Licensed Contractor
J opening for an agricultural FARM E .GUIPMENT Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Guns Bought, Sold,
J sales representative at " Design, Building and Supply, Repaired, and Traded
Iour Beach, ND, location. Qualified person wil! be Concrete,RoofingStOne & Brick, FFH Licensed
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Also, do, some, small
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have used parts.
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